In the police station, Li Yanran said to Wang Qi:

"Wang Bureau, this matter is obviously beyond the scope of ordinary cases, and it is too difficult to handle, I still recommend that it be better to report it."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Wang Qi's whole person said helplessly:

"Oh, my eldest niece Li, you can add less chaos to me, the two people in the Dragon Guarding Pavilion last time have already made Sanxing City a miasma, if the influence of this matter is expanded, I can't keep this son."

"By the way, if you have the energy, take someone to stare at Lei Yihong, Lei Rong is dead, according to Lei Yihong's character, he will definitely not be indifferent."

Li Yanran had no choice but to walk out of the office.

Kaiyin Hotel is the highest grade hotel in Sanxing City and the base camp of Wenlong, the underground emperor of Sanxing City.

At the door of the hotel, Lei Yihong was haggard and his hair was gray, but the whole person was murderous.

Followed by more than a dozen men carrying bags, this combination can be said to attract everyone's attention in an instant.

"Boss Lei, welcome to Kaiyin Hotel, what can serve you?"

As soon as the flattering man's words fell, Lei Yihong directly took out a pistol and aimed it at the man's head.


As the gunshots rang out, the man fell to the ground and blood began to spread from under his head.

This sudden scene startled everyone in the hall, and the woman kept screaming.

"Leave a few people to lock the hotel gate, no one can enter or leave, dare to go against your will, directly kill."

After speaking, Lei Yihong led the rest of the people straight to the top floor of the hotel.

In Wen Long's room, Zhang Tianqi sat opposite Wen Long, holding a cigarette in his hand.

"Tianqi, I really admire you, there is not the slightest clue about that Lei Rong's death, just like the death of that Fan Hu, if anyone offends you, I really don't know how to die!"

Facing Wen Long's words, Zhang Tianqi just smiled slightly:

"Let's not talk about this, then Lei Yihong will really come to you desperately?" Could it be that he will do something else against you?

Wen Long said with a smile:

"Tianqi, you don't know that old fox, that old fox originally wanted Lei Rong to leave Sanxing City and leave a root for the Lei family, but unfortunately now Lei Rong was killed by you, the Lei family is completely extinct, and the talent without any concern is the most terrible, that old fox is definitely not willing to wait for a moment, come to me to take revenge!"

As soon as Wenlong's words fell, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Picking up the phone, not knowing what was said on the phone, Wen Long said directly:

"Don't block everything, let them go straight to me."

After speaking, Wen Long put down the phone and smiled at Zhang Tianqi and said:

"Lei Yihong is coming here now, it is estimated that he will come in in less than a minute."

"Tianqi, do you say that I should call the police first or should I subdue these terrorists and then call the police?"

Zhang Tianqi shook his head and said

, "You haven't called the police so far, isn't there already an answer?"

"Hahahahaha, okay, today we will see, who can win, how ruthless he can be."

Just then, a burst of gunfire came.

"Bang bang bang...!"

The door of the room where Wen Long and Zhang Tianqi were had turned into a hornet's nest.

Walking into the room, Lei Yihong raised a gun and pointed at Wen Long and said: "Wen Long

, you want to move my Lei family, I Lei Yihong who plays yin recognizes, you actually move my son, let my Lei family die, today you will accompany my son to the funeral!"

As Lei Yihong's words fell, more than ten people behind him raised their guns one after another.

Facing this scene, Wen Long and Zhang Tianqi had already tensed their muscles, and they flashed out, extremely fast.

Lei Yihong knew the details of Wen Long, and immediately felt it, and roared:

"Shoot, damn it, shoot quickly!"

"Bang... Bang bang bang...! Countless

bullets came out obliquely, knocking the items in the room to pieces, if it weren't for Zhang Tianqi and Wen Long's powerful skills, it is estimated that they would have turned into a sieve.

Although the gunshots rang out, it was too late, Zhang Tianqi and Wen Long's figures had already disappeared, and they appeared again behind Lei Yihong and the others.

The two of them shot extremely quickly, and in just a moment, all the people brought by Lei Yihong were lying on the ground.

Faced with this scene, Lei Yihong's face was hideous, and the whole person turned around madly and shot at Wen Long.

"Hmm... Duh...! After

several shots, there was an empty gun, and Lei Yihong angrily threw away the gun in his hand and took out a grenade from his pocket.

This sudden scene frightened Zhang Tianqi, and without thinking about anything else, the whole person turned into a streamer and flashed around Lei Yihong.

Lei Yihong, who was originally hideous, felt a lightness in his hand, and then found that the grenade in his hand had disappeared.

Looking back at Zhang Tianqi, who was standing not far away, Lei Yihong said with bloodshot eyes in his eyes:

"Stinky boy, no matter who you are, none of you two will die well today!"

As the words fell, Lei Yihong threw himself into a backpack not far away.

It's a pity that Lei Yihong is always an ordinary person, and he is not young, and such an operation is like a snail in front of Wen Long and Zhang Tianqi, slow to the extreme.


Wen Long moved, Lei Yihong's arm was completely broken, and the miserable cry made the roots of people's teeth itch.

"Wen Long, you have to die well, you let my Lei family die, I Lei Yihong cursed you...!"

It's a pity that no matter how miserable Lei Yihong is, for a person like Wen Long who has made a piece of the sky with his strength, he is just a louder prey.

Zhang Tianqi held a grenade in his hand and after observing it for a long time, he said:

"Wen Long, is this thing real?"

"Hahahahaha, Tianqi, you don't think Lei Yihong came up to me with a toy to fight hard, right?"

Hearing Wen Long's words, Zhang Tianqi directly received the grenade into the storage space.

"This thing is good, keep one, maybe you can use it later."

Zhang Tianqi operated casually, but he dumbfounded Wen Long.

Last time, Wenlong saw something disappear out of Zhang Tianqi's hands, but it was always a piece of paper, but today this is a solid grenade, Zhang Tianqi can't hide it on his body, because it is obvious that a grenade is installed in summer clothes, and it can definitely be seen at a glance!

It was obvious that Zhang Tianqi was not hiding in his clothes.

At this moment, Wen Long knew that Zhang Tianqi had a big secret.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced in his heart that he did not become an enemy with Zhang Tianqi, otherwise he might really be killed quietly!

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