The road to Konoha in the Land of Water.

“Hey, you guy, where the hell are you going to take us, I tell you, our master is Jiraiya, one of the three Shinobi of Konoha, you better return Nagato’s eyes to him.”

“Otherwise, if Teacher Zilaiye knows, he will definitely want you to look good, you strange uncle!”

Yahiko, who has orange hair, is lifted up by a doppelganger of Uchiha.

That’s like a chicken, and it’s very funny.

The other two little ones are much more honest.

Nagato, who lost the eye of reincarnation, was supported by Xiao Nan and slowly followed behind.

Uchiha’s brows frowned slightly, if it weren’t for the fact that these three people were asked by Night Rain, he would have shot them to death long ago.

Being noisy like this along the way is really annoying than a hash lama.

“Hmph, little ghost shut up for me, noisy to death, you are making noise like this, be careful that I cut off your tongue!”

Being choked by him like this, Yahiko was a little frightened.

Uchiha stopped caring about them and continued to look at the information in his hand.

Seeing the end, he was already a little impatient and casually threw the paper on the ground.

“Hmph, just you little fish and shrimp, I also want to cause trouble for him, I really don’t know the sky, but just right, I hope you act as soon as possible, so that I can also have something to do.”


Although this information spread throughout the ninja world, not a single village acted rashly.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, and what else to play and chat.

Not to mention the authenticity of these materials, the villages that want others to take the lead are everywhere, and wars are not so easy to start.

Within the kingdom of God, the night rain slowly opened his eyes.

I saw that his original brown eyes suddenly changed.

First it turns red, and inside it goes from a hook jade to two, three.

Then, Gouyu began to rotate suddenly, and the eyeball in the middle was connected together, forming a beautiful windmill.

It didn’t take long for the shape inside the eyeballs to change again.

That beautiful windmill has a few more subtle lines.

“Eternal kaleidoscope, it’s achieved like this, it’s not that difficult, but this pupil power, it seems to be quite a lot, the left eye space moves, and the right eye time manipulation?”

After carefully feeling the pupil technique in his eyes, Night Rain was still very satisfied.

Although the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, in the heavens and realms, it is not a particularly powerful thing.

But that was for ordinary people, and for Night Rain, he could completely train these eyes into magical powers at some point in the future.

At that time, it will not be so simple

To be able to be called a magical power, at least it is also a very powerful move.

The left eye space moves, as long as it is within range, it can move at will, and it can also freeze the space around the target.

It is to have two moves, space movement and space blockade.

Right eye time control, can control the time within a kilometer, up to one minute forward or backward.

However, this is also very powerful, time is a very mysterious thing, can control time, either the biggest guy, or there is some kind of magic weapon.

Even if it is not a special cow batch now, one day, it will be more powerful.

“Now, let me try, the eye of reincarnation!”

Saying that, Night Rain’s mind moved, and the simulated Indra and Asura Chakra in his body instantly fused together, regardless of each other.

Soon, his originally scarlet eyes turned into purple eyes in circles.

Since then, the eye of reincarnation that belongs to him has been completely opened.

As for what is said, what comprehension of life and death, the fusion of yin and yang, is simply a pit daddy’s thing, open and hanging night rain, do you need these things?

Obviously, he doesn’t need it, as long as the material is enough, he can have anything.

Feeling the power of the eye of reincarnation, that is, it was like that, and it didn’t improve him much.

The reason why he engaged in this thing is that he needs the inner outer path and reincarnation innate art.

This technique is said to cost his life, but for Night Rain, it’s just sprinkling water, this ninja world, who can take his life.

In fact, through the kingdom of God, he was able to resurrect many people.

But who knows, people who are reborn in filthy soil, sign their names on the list of conferred gods, what kind of changes will happen, it is better to fight steadily.

“I don’t know how the big snake pill has studied the rebirth of the dirt, I have done it here, I hope he will also give some strength!”

After scanning the kingdom of God, he found that Tsunade was still studying.

She was really dedicated, except for eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom, all the other time in her own room.

And Jiu Xinnai, on top of the Gongfa Stone.

After finding two moves that suit me, I found a place to start cultivating.

Yeyu was a little curious and looked at what she was looking for.

After seeing the names of those exercises, the corners of his eyes couldn’t help but twitch.

It is clear that there is a cheater of the Liuku Immortal Thief, she does not choose, but she wants to choose an armed color domineering and a domineering color, which is really damaged by Tsunade.

After thinking about it in my mind, I will become a muscle girl in the future.

That picture is simply terrible.

However, as long as she is happy, she will go with her, she is a big man, can’t she even suppress a little girl?

Without disturbing the two, Night Rain quietly withdrew from the Kingdom of God.

Who knows, Uzumaki Mito happened to be standing in this place, looking at him stunned.

“Xiao Yeyu, you just came out of the Kingdom of God, right, Jiu Xinnai should also be there.”

Night Rain nodded casually, and then said: “Grandma Mito, the candidate of the Hokage, have you discussed it, I don’t know who will take the role.” ”

Speaking of which, Uzumaki Mito’s expression was a little unnatural.

She just got the news that there was some commotion in the Uchiha family, because the Uchiha Madara, who should have died early, had returned.

And still young, returned in its heyday.

Thinking of this, she came to be angry, no, come to the night rain Xingshi to ask about the crime.

“Xiao Yeyu, you tell grandma, Madara, did you resurrect it, didn’t you promise grandma that you would resurrect the pillar first.”

Night Rain then understood what Uzumaki Mito was here for.

Afraid that his man will be snatched away by another man, trouble will come to find himself.

But what can he do, Madala is not dead, and he is not resurrected.

There is no way, Night Rain can only tell the cause and effect to Uzumaki Mito again, although the latter is a little unhappy, but there is no way. _

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