There is no way, Night Rain can only tell the cause and effect to Uzumaki Mito again, although the latter is a little unhappy, but there is no way.

“Then what should I do now, after the resurrection of the pillars, I will definitely go to him.”

Uzumaki Mito showed a distressed look, if it was good to say before, since she was young again, the whole person looked a lot more playful.

Yeyu touched the tip of his nose and felt a little helpless.

He had spoken to Madala and knew how obsessed he was with Lama Hahashi.

I felt that in the end, Uzumaki Mito was bound to be put on a hat.

“Na, Grandma Mito, in fact, you don’t have to worry so much, you have to believe in your charm, the first Hokage, will definitely not abandon you.”

Ye Yu forcibly said, at this time, he must not expose his words to fool Madara.

It’s good not to say this, as soon as I say this, Uzumaki Mito’s expression is even more resentful.

“I have the charm of a fart, if I really have that kind of thing, Juma won’t stop sleeping with me after I gave birth to Tsunade’s father.”

Hearing this, Ye Yu’s eyes widened suddenly.

He heard something, and the Thousand Hand Pillar was too much.

You said that you don’t like family marriage, but you agreed to marry, you have to be responsible to the end, really treat others as a tool for inheritance.

The most important thing is that the other person is actually a man.

It’s such an exaggeration that I can’t imagine that kind of scene at all.

“Grandma Mito, it’s okay, I’ll go talk to Uchiha and see if I can let him get a wife, in this case, the original Hokage should give up.”


Uzumaki Mito sighed and shook his head helplessly.

“Forget it, Xiao Yeyu, you don’t have to do these useless work, it seems that it is all fate, and you should run away with Uchiha between the pillars.”

“I remember when Konoha was first established, many girls expressed their affection for Uchiha Madara .”

“But it didn’t take long for them all to die, dead in the middle of the mission, so the idea simply didn’t work.”

“Anyway, I’ve been lonely for so long, it’s not bad in the future, it’s better to accompany Kozunshou and Kojou Shinnai.”

To be honest, today’s shock is really too much.

He originally just thought that Madara, Hashi Lama, were just spiritual companions.

But now it seems that it may also be a physical partner.

It’s really terrifying, if he encounters such a situation himself, he will definitely go crazy, and he will definitely unload the man who is hungry for his body.

Uzumaki Mito walked away silently, her back incomparably lonely.

Yeyu opened her mouth, and didn’t know how to comfort her, she could only let herself figure it out.

“Forget it, since Madara has returned to Konoha, find him and arrange a little task for him, it doesn’t seem good to be so idle.”

Making up his mind, Night Rain walked out of the clan’s station slowly.

Walking on the streets of Konoha Village, there were people with smiles on their faces.

The buildings destroyed by the battle have been repaired, and the village has returned to its former peace.

Night Rain strolled through the streets, and no one looked at him.

The ninja guard on his forehead has been removed by him, and that thing is no longer suitable for him now.

I used to look good, but now I wear that thing, and it feels like a han.

“Huh, Night Rain-kun, is that you?”

Suddenly, this questionable sentence came from behind Night Rain.

The latter turned to look and found a dignified and beautiful girl.

No, to be precise, a woman with long black lengths.

And also the woman who passed his baptism and became a woman, Mikoto Uchiha.

“Mikoto, what a coincidence, I didn’t expect to meet you here, I was just about to go to the Uchiha clan’s station to find you!”

As the saying goes, as long as I react fast enough, the other person won’t know I’m lying.

Sure enough, Mikoto showed a skeptical look.

“Will you come to me on your own initiative? You are a scumbag, you have fun with Jiu Xinnai every day, maybe you have forgotten about me. ”

“I really regret that I actually gave myself to you, he

Mikoto began to fake cry non-stop, her eyes glancing this way from time to time.

Yeyu understood what she meant, it was that he had not accompanied her for a long time, and the other party wanted to be coquettish, find a sense of existence, and let himself comfort and comfort her.

See through and don’t say through, this is a compulsory course for scumbags.

Yehu decisively stepped forward and took Mikoto into his arms.

“Mikoto don’t cry, it’s not that I didn’t come to see you, it’s that I’ve been really busy lately, not only busy with cultivation, but also busy fighting for peace in the ninja world.”

Mikoto, who was leaning on his arms, couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

And for the peace of the ninja world, do you really think that the Uchiha clan was forced to the corner of the village, and they don’t know what is going on outside?

First, he beat three generations of Hokage and Shimura Danzo to death, and also fought off countless ninjas alone.

This is also called peace-loving, and I really believe in your evil.

Although he thought so in his heart, Mikoto, who is a model of a good wife and mother, did not refute him.

The two stood on the street like this, hugging each other, constantly warming.

However, there are always some people who like to interrupt the happiness of others.

Suddenly, a gloomy aura rushed from afar, and soon came in front of the two.

“You guy, let go of your hand for me, don’t put your arms around Mikoto!”


Before anyone arrives, the sound comes.

Several ninjas with the Uchiha clan emblem appeared in an instant.

At the head is a ninja who looks too anxious, and his face still has a trace of anger.

“Hey, if you hear no, quickly let go of Mikoto, otherwise, I’ll let you know, the Uchiha clan, why is the number one clan in Konoha!”

Before Yeyu could speak, Mikoto in his arms spoke first.

“Young Patriarch Uchiha, please don’t be vexatious, who am I with and what I am doing, it seems that it has little to do with you, please leave.”

The young man showed an expression of difficulty in confidence, and even his eyes began to shake.

“Mikoto, what are you talking about, didn’t we grow up together? And we also said that we will always be together. ”

Mikoto’s expression remained unchanged, still so cold.

“Don’t joke, it was when I was a child, I didn’t understand things, do you know what it means to be fairy? The young patriarch wouldn’t really think that it was my promise. ”

“Nope… No, it’s not true, it’s all this man, I’m going to kill him! ”

Saying that, the young man’s black eyes suddenly changed, and three goujade appeared in his eyes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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