Start with Island Lord

Chapter 123 The Island Lord's Continental Balance Strategy (33)

The high-level mage in this world may not be able to move mountains and reclaim seas, but he can definitely turn decay into magic.

Because Master Gaohuan has a sensitivity far beyond that of ordinary people.

The sensitivity to the future destiny, the sensitivity to the surrounding environment, and the sensitivity to fine power are all things that a low-level mage cannot match.

And Rosen not only has the sensitivity of a super high-level mage, but also has the fine control ability given by Laifu.

In the Potions Laboratory at the Spell Center.

Rosen, Laertelis, and Wei Ge collaborated again, gathering all their human body healing knowledge to create a brand new healing potion.

This bottle of magic potion has a color like gold and a texture like honey. It is contained in a magic-sealed arcane bottle, with a total volume of about 100 ml.

Wei Ge commented: "This is probably the most effective healing potion I have ever seen."

She felt that even if a person died, as long as the body was not completely dead, after drinking this magic potion, he would be able to come back to life on the spot and jump around, just like a healthy person.

Lartelis chuckled and said, "What a coincidence. It's also the most powerful healing potion I've ever seen."

Rosen is not so optimistic.

"King Kaa's body must be on the verge of collapse. Kaa's palace potion master must have tried all possible treatments."

"This medicine may not be 100% effective."

Of course, the effect of the medicine is indeed very strong.

This bottle of potion combines the six-ring "Natural Gift", the six-ring "Flawless Iron Dragon Body", and Lartelis' pure water knowledge. The refining process is guided by Wei Ge's genius potion master, and Rosen This ten-ring mage's precise grasp of the overall situation was what finally allowed him to successfully refine it.

The name of the medicine: "Golden Blessing", the purpose is to extend the life of the old King Kao.

The old king cannot die. Once he dies, Kaa's domestic situation will be chaotic at best, or turbulent at worst, and the restraint on Aaron will be greatly weakened.

At this juncture, if Rosen, the little baron, jumps out to find a new route, he will definitely be hit by Aaron's iron fist.

After carefully putting away this precious bottle of golden blessing, Rosen said in a solemn voice: "I have to go to Kao quickly. I will leave the Magic Department to you, Wei Ge."

"I will be optimistic that all plans will be implemented in an orderly manner and there will be no trouble."

"It's you, be careful."

Rosen smiled: "I'm not going alone. Lily and the escort will accompany me all the way at sea. I will also bring various powerful protective weapons."

The most important thing is that he has a steel dragon body. As long as he doesn't get too hot and tough, no one can stop him if he wants to leave.

After saying that, he and Laertelis looked at each other and smiled: "Dear, let's go, let's go to the Eastern Banshee Port together."

Naturally, I went by electric carriage.

There is no need to worry about trouble in the territory, because Rosen has handed over control of Puppet No. 2 to his mentor Anna, and left behind all the plans for the following month.

During his absence, the mentor will control Puppet No. 2 and help him manage the island.

And if encountering special circumstances, he can also perform remote control through the established telegraph line.

Soon we arrived at Eastern Banshee Port.

The eastern seaport is not open to outsiders for the time being, and the operation is secret, so there is no need to worry about information leakage.

There is already a medium-sized high-speed ship loaded with clean black stones waiting at the port.

This ship is a high-speed ocean-going ship built by Master Belit and his shipbuilding team, using the latest composite tempered materials and the latest version of power results, regardless of cost, and intensively stacking materials.

This seagoing ship is named "Paddlefish". It is 50 meters long and 6 meters wide. It has a cruising speed of 20 knots, which is about 37 kilometers per hour, and can reach a maximum speed of 28 knots.

Because a large number of clean black stones are installed, the battery life reaches 9,000 kilometers.

If you take the Shenzhen Airlines route, it will not only be enough to go to Kao and back, but also take a detour to the Feiyu Islands in the East Golden Cape on your way back.

When Rosen arrived, 30 powerful battle mages had gathered in the cabin.

Among them, there are 15 banshee warriors, all with advanced magic power and above, and two of them are masters.

Another 15 human battle mages. There are 5 senior mages and 10 intermediate mages.

There are no warriors with fighting spirit.

Because naval warfare relies heavily on various spells, the role of war warriors is far less than that of battle mages.

In addition, the cabin is naturally filled with various combat and voyage supplies.

When Rosen and Lartelis arrived, everything was ready.

After getting on the boat, Rosen said: "Let's go."


The hull of the ship shook slightly, and the pointed bow cut smoothly through the waves. The ship slowly accelerated and headed southeast.

According to the plan, they would sail southeast into the deep sea to avoid encountering other navy fleets on the way and revealing Rosen's southward plan.

Once in the deep sea, Laertelis will act as the navigator, guiding the Paddlefish to take the safest and least labor-intensive path.

After a while, the Paddlefish increased its speed to about 20 knots and maintained stability.

This speed is already significantly ahead of the speed of current sail warships, which is about 10 knots.

Even if you encounter an unexpected situation, such as pirates or battleships, you can easily get rid of the opponent.

After driving for more than an hour, the Paddlefish left Paddlefish Island far behind, and the sea gradually changed from light blue to dark blue, and gradually turned to dark blue.

On the bow of the Paddlefish, Lartelis softly introduced the sea conditions to Rosen.

"According to the knowledge passed down by our ancestors, it takes about 30 hours to fly non-stop from Paddlefish Island all the way south to Kao."

Rosen made a rough estimate: "That is to say, the straight-line distance is about 3,000 kilometers."

Because Laertlis's long-distance flight speed is 100 kilometers per hour, because of the wide wings brought by the transformation, they will also greatly rely on the sea breeze to glide, and even rest on the "wind", so the endurance is very strong.

If she is lucky enough to get the help of the sea breeze, Laertlis can fly for more than ten hours in a row and cross more than a thousand kilometers in one breath.

Of course, if she uses sprint flight, the speed can reach nearly 200 kilometers per hour, and she will soon be exhausted and have to fight hard.

At the speed of the white sturgeon, it will take about four or five days to go straight all the way.

After sitting for a while, Laertlis said: "I feel that taking a boat is too slow, why don't we fly over?"

Rosen shook his head: "The old king's body should be able to last for more than half a year, so these few days are not a big deal. It's also a good opportunity to accumulate deep-sea sailing experience."


At this moment, the white sturgeon is surrounded by endless deep sea in front, behind, left and right, and there is no reference on the sea surface.

And there is no GPS positioning these days. If you want to ensure the direction, the biggest reference during the day is the sun in the sky.

Laltris is very experienced in this regard, and she carefully teaches the human battle mages.

"In different places, the height of the sun at the same time of the day is different."

"So, when referring to the sun to determine the specific time, you must pay special attention to this."

After driving for a while, she said again: "There are invisible rivers in the ocean."

"There will be a part of the sea water flowing in a unique direction. When ships enter this kind of current, they are easily led off the direction."

"The direction and position of these currents will change with the different seasons of the year, but don't worry, I remember every current in the Golden Ocean carefully."

A battle mage asked: "Madam, if there is no sun and the sky is full of dark clouds, how to distinguish the direction in the deep sea, and how to determine your position?"

Laltris clapped her hands gently: "Good question!"

"According to my recent understanding, in this case, even ships sailing close to the coast will lose their direction and fall into an extremely dangerous situation."

"But fortunately, pure water will tell us the answer."

"Two methods."

"One is pure water divination. Of course, it is not the pure water divination you use now. The method you use is somewhat useful in the near sea, but it is blind in the open sea."

"This is the pure water divination unique to our race. I dare not say about other sea areas, but it is quite accurate in the Golden Ocean area. Unless it is interfered by magic, it will not go wrong."

"The second is to use the seabed terrain for positioning."

She looked at the human warriors and mages on the ship, and indeed saw surprised expressions on their faces: "Yes, there are mountains and plains on the seabed."

"Using the Banshee Scream, you can get the detailed terrain of the seabed, and then compare it with the seabed map in your mind, you can know your exact location."

"With these two methods, it will be difficult for you to get lost in the Golden Ocean even if you want to."

Rosen was very happy watching Laltris impart knowledge of ocean navigation.

'In the future, I have to ask the banshee to open a special ocean magic class. ’

Because the ‘White Sturgeon’ was equipped with a unique underwater ultrasonic magic weapon, there was no need to worry about being disturbed by the giant beast.

The ship sailed smoothly all the way, and fortunately there was no storm on the way.

At dusk on the fifth day, the White Sturgeon successfully arrived at a desolate coast in the north of Kao.

70 kilometers to the north is the famous seaport city of Kao, Baisha City.

Following the Aolier River flowing through Baisha City, going southeast for more than 200 kilometers is the capital of Kao.

Silver Moon City, known as the ‘City of Roses’, ‘City of Middle Gold’, and ‘Hometown of Knights’.

For the last 270 kilometers, it is naturally impossible to take the Sturgeon along the river, because Rosen does not want electric power to appear so early in the Witt Continent.

Naturally, it is also impossible to transform into a steel dragon body and fly over.

Because the strong mana fluctuations will make Rosen a spotlight in the sky.

Approaching the capital of the Natural Alliance in this state is simply a dead end.

The safest way is to find a good horse and run all the way from the ground in a low-key manner.

If they kept changing horses, they would arrive soon.


Rosen jumped off the boat alone, carrying a long wooden box filled with various magic tools.

“Wait for me in a hidden bay nearby. I’m going to the capital of Kao now and will be back in a week at most.”

He looked at Laertris again: “We can contact each other by telegram at any time.”

“Okay. Be careful along the way.”

Although she wanted to go with Rosen, she was a deep-sea banshee and didn’t dare to go deep into the heart of the Natural Alliance Kingdom easily.

After everything was ready, Rosen cast a divine movement spell on himself and ran towards the nearby village.

Soon, his figure disappeared into the night.

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