Start with Island Lord

Chapter 124 The terrifying tide of the times (13)

early morning.

In Silver Moon City, on the banks of the Aurel River, the morning mist curls up.

"Rose~~freshly picked rose~~rose with dewdrops~~~St. Lundin's Day is here~~buy one for the girl you love~"

"Sir, would you like a bottle of fresh goat's milk? Or today's newspaper."

"Hi~ Sir, do you need me to help you carry the box?"

Rosen walked alone on the riverside road paved with gravel and cinders.

He wears a wide-brimmed round hat on his head, a brown leather vest on his upper body, a white shirt with vertical stripes on his upper body, and a combination of wide-leg pants and brown boots on his lower body.

Not a single hand was idle.

There was a leather trench coat draped over his left forearm, and he was carrying a large wooden box in his right hand. His expression was full of excitement, and he looked exactly like a young mage who came from a small city and went to a big city to make a living.

As he walked forward, various vendors kept coming up to sell their goods enthusiastically, but Rosen dodged them all.

It’s a new arrival and I’m not familiar with the place.

The news about Silver Moon City came entirely from various previous rumors and information sent back by intelligence agents, so he felt really uneasy.

But after walking for a while, Rosen relaxed.

Because he found that no one was watching him specifically.

In Silver Moon City, no one knows each other, and everyone looks in a hurry, busy with their own little lives.

It feels a lot like a super city from a previous life.

After walking along the riverside avenue for a while, Rosen turned right and entered an alley. He had breakfast in a small shop in the alley that looked relatively clean. Before leaving, he took extra food in a greased paper bag. One serving.

‘This takeaway packaging is actually a unified standard. In other words, even this small field has formed a separate industry. ’

This is a bit scary. It feels like Weilan is a different era from here.

He continued walking a few dozen meters into the alley, and saw a stone staircase going up on the side of the road.

Judging from the material of the stone ladder, it is very similar to cement.

Upon closer inspection, I realized it was cement.

In fact, Rosen also wanted to develop cement, but there was not much limestone on his island, so he had to choose tempered yellow clay.

There is a house sign next to the stone staircase that reads 'No. 271 Sparrow Street, Writer Margaret's House'.

The writer Margaret has a foreign identity, but her actual identity is a foreign intelligence officer developed by the Island Intelligence Agency.

According to the news, Margaret is a native of Northern Weiland who came to the Witte Continent to seek a living. Her daily job is to collect important news from the neighbors in Silver Moon City, especially news related to big shots.

This is exactly the help Rosen needs most right now.

He carried the box and walked up the narrow corridor less than one meter wide with some difficulty.

Soon I reached the second floor, raised my hand and pulled the spring doorbell next to the door, and it suddenly made a sound of 'ding bell~ding bell~'.

"Come on~Come on~~"

An impatient female voice came from the door.

After a while, the door opened, and behind the door stood a young woman wearing a nightgown, with disheveled hair, sleepy eyes, and an average appearance.

She looked Rosen up and down: "Are you Special Operator Robin?"

"Yes, Miss Margaret."

Rosen did not use any transformation techniques on himself, but he changed his hairstyle and clothes, and also slightly adjusted his expression. The other party had never seen him before, so naturally he did not know his true identity.

"Well, Mr. Robin, you came very early. I haven't gotten up yet."

Margaret scratched her hair nonchalantly and welcomed Rosen into her cabin.

The house is very small, about forty square meters, but it is divided into a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom.

There is a large square table in the narrow living room. On the table are messy newspapers, ink bottles, new ink pens, and a new style women's bra scattered around.

Rosen glanced at the newspaper and found that there were not only words but also illustrations on it.

The paper quality is good, the fonts are standard, and the illustrations are vivid, showing that a fairly high standard of journalism has been developed.

I looked at the bra again, it was black, with shaping wires and decorative padding.

Margaret noticed the bra from Rosen's eyes, and immediately let out a low breath, rushed over, and hid the bra.

"Sorry, sorry~~ I threw it away in the shower yesterday. I didn't expect to drop it."

Rosen shrugged, sat down on a small leather chair in the corner, and handed over the paper bag containing breakfast.

"I came here in a hurry. I didn't know what the lady likes to eat, so I just bought some on the roadside."

Margaret was very happy. She took the paper bag and looked at it, slightly surprised: "The strawberry pie from Greer's Breakfast Shop is not cheap. But it is very delicious. Thank you."

She ate the food without any image, and while chewing, she asked vaguely: "It said you want to go to the palace to see the king?"

Rosen nodded: "Yes, go to the palace to meet some big shots and discuss some business."

Margaret understood: "This is not difficult. People come to the palace to see the king every day. All they have to do is pay. It doesn't need to be more. A few Oggs are enough."

Rosen immediately said: "This kind of audience can only be seen from a distance. I hope to have a few words with the king face to face."

Margaret shrugged: "This is a bit troublesome. Money alone is not enough, you must also be recommended by a big shot. And everyone wants connections with big shots, so the competition is very fierce."

After a pause, she continued: "In addition, the king has been in poor health in the past two years and has to be supported when walking. He usually only chats with close ministers and rarely receives foreign guests."

Rosen nodded to express his understanding: "The funds provided by the above are sufficient. Do you have any connections with important people?"

"Of course, after all, that's what I do. Wait for me."

After finishing her breakfast, Margaret turned and went into the bathroom.

All kinds of private noises were heard in the bathroom. The house was too small, so all the noises were heard everywhere.

After about half an hour, a frustrated voice was heard from inside: "Robin, hand me the bra I just hid, thank you."

Rosen had the illusion of returning to modern society on Earth, and he did as he was told.

Then he casually said: "This house is really a bit small."

"It is indeed small, but for such a small house, the monthly rent is 3 Ogg, and there are so many people competing for it. If you are slow, it will be gone."

After that, he sighed: "Silver Moon City is not like our Weilan. The daily expenses here are ridiculously high. It is very difficult for ordinary people to support themselves."

"Maybe you think this place is narrow, but it is already a very good residence. At least there is a bathroom with a separate water supply. This is a good place that countless girls dream of."

Margaret chattered for half an hour and finally dressed herself up.


The bathroom door opened, and a well-decorated urban beauty walked out. In order to look better, some deformation was even used.

At first glance, it is indeed very beautiful, but it cannot be examined in detail because there are many flaws.

This made Rosen feel like returning to his previous life and meeting a smart and capable urban beauty.

"Well~ Really beautiful." He praised politely.

"Thank you, but my family knows our own business, and it's basically all fake."

"But there's nothing I can do. Men just like to look at beautiful women. For the convenience of work, I can only cater to their preferences."

It can be seen that Margaret is a very professional and capable intelligence officer.

She didn't have any extra emotions, picked up a lady's handbag, and waved to Rosen.

"Do you need to prepare?"

"Wait a minute."

Rosen put on his windbreaker, opened the wooden box, quickly stuffed some magic tools into the inner pocket of the windbreaker, and then used some magic to carefully hide it.

"I'm ready."

"Very good, come with me."

Margaret walked to the door first and explained: "You came by chance, today is St. Lundin's Day."

"Go to the Great Temple of St. Valette now, and you can see many big figures watching the ceremony."

"I can only take you to the place and then give you the basic information of the big figures, but whether you can grasp it depends on your own ability."

Rosen nodded to show that he understood: "That's enough."

After going out, Margaret said again: "By the way, this is an additional action, so all the funds have to be paid by you."

"I understand."

"So straightforward, it seems that the funds for the operation are really sufficient."

After leaving the alley and arriving at a brand new avenue, Margaret waited patiently on the side of the road.

About five minutes later, a big guy with black smoke drove on the road.

"The big carriage made of black stone is a new thing. There are only thirty of them in the whole city. One ride costs 2 kren. Do you want to try it?"

"Of course."

Rosen took out thirty kren and handed them all to Margaret: "This is our action fund for today. You can use it. If there is any surplus, you don't have to give it back to me."

"Very good~~"

Margaret smiled and took Rosen to sit on the black stone carriage.

Rosen sat for a while and completely understood the principle of this car.

'The rune steam engine drives the gears and then drives the wheels. The output power is more than 40 horsepower. The utilization efficiency of black stone heat energy is about 10% to 20%. '

He had heard that Kao had a senior mage named 'Vakri' who was studying this thing. He didn't expect that the finished product has been produced and even used.

'Civilian use is available, and military use must be stronger. "

"From this point of view, Kao is most likely developing black stone battleships. ’

Kao is working on it, and Aaron and Levender can’t help but work on it, so his news about the warships has begun to fall behind.

It is estimated that in the near future, a large number of big guys with black smoke and rumbling sounds will appear on the sea.

“Development is really fast.”

Rosen has a feeling that the tide of the times is rolling forward.

The speed of the Black Stone Carriage is not fast, about 20 kilometers, running happily on the roads paved with gravel, coal slag, or stone slabs.

Even so, it took more than an hour to reach the end of the land.

It can be seen that this should be the upper city of Silver Moon City.

Because the streets are wide and flat, the roadside buildings are tall and exquisite, and the pedestrians on both sides of the road are well-dressed, the number of carriages running on the road has increased significantly, and occasionally one or two private Black Stone carriages can be seen.

Rosen smelled the faint stench in the air and asked, "Why don't they deal with the black stone and burn it directly?"

Margaret shrugged.

"It costs money to process black stone. These days, everyone is trying to save money and wants to make the most of every penny."

"Of course, the smell is really bad. As more and more black stone is burned, Silver Moon City is becoming more and more smelly."

These words made Rosen's heart move slightly.

'Extreme cost saving is a huge driving force for promoting technological progress. '

Because many technological developments are not derived from theoretical breakthroughs, but simply from the details.

Your steam engine efficiency is 20%, and mine is 25%. The same coal runs a little farther than yours, so the cost is lower than yours.

Whether it is market competition or battlefield competition, there are some advantages.

Countless small advantages accumulated together become a huge advantage that cannot be ignored, thus causing the opponent to collapse bit by bit.

The bad thing is that the current Weilan society does not have such a competitive soil.

At this time, Margaret took Rosen to a very spacious square, behind which was an extremely exquisite and magnificent temple.

"The Temple Square is in front, and the end of the square is the Grand Temple of Saint Varet. Walk on the side and be careful not to block the way of the big man."

Rosen followed the advice.

Soon, the two entered the Temple Square. There were no carriages on the square, and carriages were prohibited from entering. Everyone walked.

The square was also very lively, crowded with all kinds of people.

Hawkers who were hawking in a low voice, male and female tourists who were participating in the sacrament, temple priests who were preaching, and so on.

There were crowds of people.

Margaret introduced softly.

"Saint Lundin is the natural saint of Kao. He preached free love and said that in love, both commoners and nobles have equal personality."

"At first he was considered a heretic, but this statement is especially appealing to young people."

"When the young people at that time came to power, heretics became saints."

"Now, every year's Saint Lundin Festival is very lively and getting more and more lively."

"Today in the Temple Square, whether commoners and nobles, rich and poor, enjoy basically the same treatment, as long as they are well-dressed and behave decently."

"Because of this, you may meet the most destitute commoners here, or you may meet the most noble nobles."

Rosen listened to these words and took advantage of his height to look at the entire Temple Square. He did find that many people were dressed beautifully and had a reserved demeanor, and they were accustomed to living a life of luxury.

Although these big men still looked down on the little men, Rosen could clearly feel that the gap between the two sides was disappearing rapidly.

And the purpose of his trip was to enter the palace reasonably, meet King Kao reasonably, and have a secret talk with him.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a big enough person to introduce.

But it can also be felt that Silver Moon City is really too big.

It is said that there are more than 4 million people living in this city, which is a super city of this era.

In such a big city, there are hundreds of magic masters, thousands of combat masters, and three five-ring sages sitting in the palace. There is even natural power guarding the natural blood in the dark.

Any mortal, even Rosen, who has the peak magic power of ten rings and has inherited the iron dragon body, feels a sense of insignificance.

‘In such a magnificent city, everyone is an ant. ’

While sighing, Rosen's heart suddenly moved slightly, sensing the presence of a very strong natural force nearby, and his heart moved.

“Such a strong natural blood, I’m afraid it’s a member of the royal family of Kao.”

Immediately wanted to chase it, but immediately felt more than a dozen powerful mana auras.

Three of them reached the fourth ring, and the footsteps that had just taken a few steps stopped suddenly.

‘The royal family travels, although they wear white dragon fish clothes, but they have many guards, and there must be a lot of people paying attention to their whereabouts. ’

So, even if you find a member of the royal family, you can’t approach them easily.

When I was thinking about how to approach them reasonably, Miss Margaret’s voice came from my side.

“Robin, look over there, it’s the famous Lady Blue Rose.”

Rosen looked in the direction of the voice and saw a beautiful woman wearing a dark blue dress and a lace lady’s hat.

She was chatting intently with several women who were also dressed beautifully.

And this group of women of extraordinary status were surrounded by a group of guards.

“I saw it, and then what?”

“She is a widow, the widow of the late Earl of Dotley.”

“The Earl left her a very generous inheritance, at least 200,000 Oggs!” Margaret was full of envy.

"Then what?"

"Then you are not bad looking, you can go up to her, compliment her a few words, please her, and find a way to get her to take you into the palace!"

Miss Margaret had a look on her face that said 'Why are you so stupid?'

"Can she enter and leave the palace freely?"

"Of course. Otherwise, how do you think she can get so much inheritance, because she is the cousin of the current queen."

Rosen understood, this is really a good opportunity.

"I'll try."

He moved his feet and slowly moved closer to observe.

Soon, he found that there were many potential competitors, and everyone was looking for a suitable opportunity to chat up, and he sighed in his heart.

'There are many troubles in front of a widow! '

Then he sighed again: 'Kao is really competitive, and he is competitive in all walks of life. No wonder the masters of magic can't stand it and run to Weilan to make a living. '

Finally, he sighed again: 'In such a competitive place, those who can still win are definitely super monsters. '

'I have to go all out and can't be contemptuous. '

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