Start with Island Lord

Chapter 149 A Nearly Perfect Solution (23)

In the blink of an eye.

Queen Kao stayed on the White Sturgeon Island for half a month.

During this half month, she basically did not leave the VIP reception area of ​​Crescent Castle, and lived a life similar to being under house arrest.

Fortunately, she did not have much freedom in Kao's palace, so she did not accumulate much negative emotions.

That afternoon, the island baron, who could only see her once or twice a day, suddenly found her and said mysteriously:

"Your Majesty, follow me, I will show you something good."

The queen was annoyed because of the high delay of the transmission command. Hearing this, she waved her hand to the assistant mage assigned by Rosen, indicating that the other party should send a pause command to Kao.

She complained with a bad face: "Baron, if this goes on, I will be the Queen Mother of Kao in less than half a year."

"I understand~I understand~So I found a perfect solution for you."

"I hope the 'perfect' you said is really perfect."

Although she said so, she still followed Rosen honestly and followed him into the underground magic laboratory in the backyard of the castle.

Rosen took the queen to a secret laboratory at the innermost part. When they opened the door, a spacious, bright and tidy room appeared inside.

A large number of strange magic runes were painted on the walls around the room, isolating all kinds of noise from the outside world.

The layout of the room was full of life.

There was a living room, bedroom, bathroom, and a special room with the word "remote control room" written on it.

The queen found that the room was fully equipped with all kinds of furniture, and the quality was very high, just like a luxurious guest room in a luxury hotel.

Out of a woman's sensitivity, she stopped at the door: "Baron, what does this room mean?"

Rosen pointed to the remote control room.

"I spent a lot of effort to build a puppet control room specifically for you."

"As for these living facilities, they are to facilitate your daily rest, and the real focus is here."

"By the way, there is a secret door in the secret room, which connects to your residence on the ground. Look, it's right here. In this way, you can enter the control room at any time."

Seeing that the queen was still standing at the door, he urged: "Come in, my schedule is very tight, I have to leave after introducing the situation."

The queen finally walked in, came to Rosen's side, and looked at the so-called remote control room.

The room is not big or small, with a strange leather chair inside, and various strange things are installed around the chair.

The most eye-catching thing is a weird rune helmet.

Rosen showed a hint of pride on his face: "I call this a telekinetic hat. Come, sit on the chair."

"To ensure comfort, this chair is specially made for your body shape. It has a leg rest and a footrest, and you can adjust your sitting posture at will."

"I have also installed various magic arrays in this room to ensure that the room is cool and fresh, so you won't feel uncomfortable no matter how long you sit."

The queen did it hesitantly.

After she sat down, she saw Rosen move the strange rune helmet to her head, covering her forehead and the back of her head.

"Now, do you feel calm?"

"Yeah. But what's the use?"

"Lean on the backrest and close your eyes."

While talking, Rosen found that the queen was wearing a low-cut summer dress. Because she was lying on her back, she showed a large view.

He was stunned.

'This is really big, much bigger than Neferniloya, just like Longmian Snow Peak. '

But business is important.

After a glance, Rosen retracted his gaze and continued: "There is a rune of 'spiritual vision' on the hat. Use your magic power to sense it and activate it."

The queen did as she was told.

When she did so, her eyes suddenly lit up, and then she found herself sitting on a strange ship that was speeding on the sea.

The ship was very fast, and the waves were a bit high, so the ship split the waves all the way and moved forward like a sword.

"It's the Black Stone Battleship of the White Sturgeon Island!"

The queen understood it at once, but soon she was greatly confused because she found herself sitting on a bed in the cabin.

She looked down and found her body in a black long skirt. She subconsciously raised her hand to observe and found that the hand was exactly the same as hers.

At this moment, she heard a woman's voice beside her: "Madam, wake up~"

She immediately looked in the direction of the voice and saw a blue-haired woman walking towards her: "Madam, you finally woke up, I thought you would sleep all the time."

The queen felt very strange: "Where am I now?"

"In the Golden Ocean, about 500 kilometers away from the coast of Kao."

The queen then found that she was wearing a very simple bracelet on her wrist, and when she paid attention to the bracelet, she clearly felt that there was a majestic pure mana in the bracelet.

This discovery surprised her: "Pure mana lattice?!"

"No, it's the Philosopher's Stone, Your Majesty."

Rosen's voice came to her ears: "Don't open your eyes, otherwise it may interrupt telepathy."

The queen did as she was told, but asked: "Philosopher's Stone, what does it mean?"

"A strange lattice that can store the 'Philosopher's Power', a very, very precious thing."

This Philosopher's Stone is one of the highest achievements of Rosen's Transfiguration Alchemy and is extremely difficult to create. It would take him a lot of effort to make one.

"Your Majesty, if you sense it carefully, you will find that it is not pure mana, but a kind of quasi-pure mana. They are indeed very similar, but there are still differences."

The queen sensed it carefully: "Is there a difference? Why can't I find it?"

"Because your level of mana practice is too low and not sensitive enough."

"When you really use it, you will find that the power of the sage can only be used to transform the power of order level 10 and below."

"Order level 10? What does that mean?"

"It is the level I set for various forms of energy, a total of 40 levels. Below 20 is noble energy, and above 20 is cheap energy."

"For example, mental energy is level 13, puppet psychic energy is level 12, pure force energy is level 11, and arcane is the lowest, which is level 15."

"Among the cheap energy, lightning is the highest level 21, and hurricane is the lowest level 39."

The queen understood a little: "Then pure mana is level 1?"

"No, it's level 3."

"Level 2 is soul power, and level 1 is the power of the ring. And the power of fate is level 8."

"In other words, Your Majesty can use the power of the sage in the philosopher's stone to release the mana of all magic systems except the power of fate."

There are some things Rosen didn't say.

For example, the warrior's battle spirit is level 14, which is higher than arcane power and lower than anima, so the burst of battle spirit has a good defense against spells below arcane power, but the defense against anima is useless.

For another example, the power of steel is level 7 and the power of nature is level 8.

So the power of steel actually slightly suppresses the power of nature. Unfortunately, the talent of the Iron Dragon is relatively withered.

Back to the topic.

"So, I can't tell fortunes?"

"To be precise, you can't tell fortunes with puppets. But you can tell fortunes yourself and then pass the results over."


The queen immediately lowered her head to check her body, and the check was very careful, but the more she checked, the more surprised she was.

"Is this a puppet? Isn't this a flesh and blood body?"

As the queen heard the baron's whisper in her ear: "It is a flesh and blood body, but it is also a puppet."


The queen was shocked: "You actually practiced necromancy?!"

"Your Majesty, when you carefully examined the body, didn't you find that the body was warm?"

The queen was startled and found that it was indeed warm. She could feel the 'thumping' heartbeat, and she needed to breathe all the time. The skin also had the same touch as a living person.

The blue-haired woman next to her also looked at her with a very normal look, not like she saw a corpse at all.

"I don't understand."

The queen was really shocked. She really had no clue at all.

This was beyond her common sense of magic.

The baron's voice came into the ears again: "Your Majesty, have you heard of the 'living dead'? That is, the body is still alive, but the soul has dissipated."

The queen nodded slowly: "I have heard of it, but this kind of 'living dead' usually does not live long."

"Generally, they don't live long because no one takes care of them, and because the care methods are not correct, but I know how to take care of the 'living dead' so that they can stay alive for a long time."

After a pause, the baron's voice continued to come into the ears:

"I found a woman whose soul had just dissipated, but whose body was not yet dead."

"I used the golden blessing to revive her body, and then used the transformation technique to turn her into the queen's appearance, and finally used some special secret methods to turn her into the queen's telepathic puppet."

"In other words, this puppet is the extension of your soul, the queen."

"You can control her directly through telepathy, and no one can find out that you are a fake. Even the three sages who protect the royal family will not find any abnormalities unless they get close to you."

This flesh and blood puppet remote control technology can naturally be used by Rosen, and it is more convenient to use because of Lai Fu.

But there is a price to pay, that is, Lai Fu's three-line extreme operation will lose one line.

On the other side, the queen's heart was pounding, and she felt that the baron's magic was like a miracle and incomprehensible.

She wanted to ask the other party how he did it, but she also felt that even if the other party told her, she might not understand it.

"I want to ask, why can telepathy sense such a long distance?"

Rosen chuckled: "This is thanks to the spiritual meteorite brought by your majesty."

After a pause, he explained the basic principle.

"The decay rate of spiritual energy is very fast, and it weakens rapidly with the increase of distance, but the decay of lightning power is much slower."

"With the help of your majesty's spiritual meteorite, I added a conversion tool in the middle to realize the transformation of mind-lightning-mind."

Although it is just a sentence, it took a lot of effort to build a delay-free transmission path for lightning signals.

Of course, these are all confidential, so there is no need to tell the queen.

Although the queen only got the superficial principles, she was already extremely shocked.

She couldn't help but sigh: "Baron, you are such an incredible magic genius!"

The magician of Kao could only use the Mind Meteorite to perform large-scale sleeping magic, but this island baron actually created something that was almost like a miracle.

After a while, the shock in her heart subsided a little: "Do I need to keep the puppet alive?"

"Of course you need to control her to complete everything a living person needs to do, but don't worry about forgetting. If there is no remote control, the communicator will remind you in time if something special happens."

"Don't let your puppet faint from hunger, or wet the bed in the middle of the night and lose the queen's dignity."

"By the way, it should take some time to get to Kao. Your Majesty, solve the puppet's personal problems and let her continue to sleep?"

The queen did as she was told.

When solving the puppet's personal problems, although she knew that no one was around the puppet, she felt a little uncomfortable and felt shy about taking off her clothes in front of the baron.

After finally solving the problem, she controlled the puppet again and took a rest. She took off her telekinesis hat and saw the Baron standing beside her, looking at her with a smile.

"Your Majesty, now you don't have to worry about losing control of Kao's political situation, right?"

This indeed solved her worries almost perfectly, but there was still a small flaw.

"What should I do if the sage's power in the bracelet runs out?"

Rosen spread his hands and said, "This is a difficult problem that I haven't solved yet. Fortunately, Your Majesty is Queen Kaa, so you shouldn't need to cast spells yourself on weekdays."

"If it is really exhausted, I will rush over and recharge it for you personally. Once fully charged, it can last for about half a year."

"Rush over to recharge my bracelet? That takes so much time."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, this is what I should consider."

Seeing his smile, the queen vaguely felt that this baron must have mastered some kind of high-speed magic weapon, which was just like her airship, maybe even faster than the airship.

Next, Rosen carefully explained various precautions for the use of puppets to the queen, and finally gave her a special instruction manual for puppet use.

"Okay, Your Majesty, let's talk about follow-up cooperation now."

Arriving at the living room outside the control room, Rosen sat down on a chair and handed a list to the queen.

"We have established a new route with Levend, and I hope Kaa will join the trade."

"This list records the items our island needs, and the price we are willing to pay is marked at the back."

It was a good thing to start a new trade, and the queen nodded in agreement.

She took the list and looked at it carefully: "The price is quite good, but I heard that the Nobundo family of Levend plans to jointly open a large shipyard with you to build Blackstone cargo ships?"


The queen entered the negotiation state and tapped the list with her fingers, showing the savvy of a strong woman.

"So, how can the Baron be willing to transfer the Lightning Messenger's magic weapon technology?"

Naturally, Rosen had already thought about it:

"Normally, I only sell finished products."

"But if Kaa can give me enough support in the civil war in Weilan, I can sell a spell book on the basic principles of lightning."

Rosen also brought this book, called "The Mystery of the Creator: A Preliminary Exploration into the Nature of Lightning". It explains some simple electromagnetic principles and the basic methods of realizing electromagnetic waves, but it doesn't mention the specific technology at all.

"Can I take a look?"

"I can only read the first three pages for now."

The queen took the spell book and read it.

After reading the first page, her eyes were shocked.

After reading the second page, she subconsciously clasped the pages with both hands.

After reading the third page, she felt a little lost and reluctantly returned the spell book to Rosen.

"What kind of support does the Baron want? As long as it is not excessive, I will be satisfied."

She is not worried about domestic opposition. If there are any opponents, as long as she gives this spell book to the other party, the other party will be speechless.

In her eyes, this is another strategic spell book that can change the destiny of the country, and it is a priceless treasure!

Rosen smiled slightly, took out six Chenxi bank deposit certificates from his arms, and gently pushed them in front of the queen.

"Your Majesty, please look at this, especially the magic seal."

As he said this, he thoughtfully handed over a magnifying glass.

The queen was puzzled and observed carefully.

As she looked at it, her expression changed and she took out one of the bills: "Isn't this a fake bill?"

Rosen nodded: "Obviously."

The queen was startled: "What did you do?"

Forging bank deposit receipts is not easy.

Rosen shook his head: "It's not me, it's the Levand royal family."

“My idea is to ask His Majesty to point this out publicly when necessary so that Chenxi Bank loses its credibility.”

The most important thing for a bank is, of course, credit.

A bank without credit will go bankrupt in an instant!

However, if Rosen exposes this matter, it will make him angry and attract hatred and suspicion among the people of Weiland.

But if Kaa does it, there won't be any trouble, and the power is much stronger than if he did it himself.

The queen's eyes lit up: "Oh~ Baron, you are so bad!"

If Kao does this, the credit of Chenxi Bank will be lost.

The main users of large bank deposit certificates are the earls of southern counties, major ancient aristocratic families, and emerging wealthy businessmen.

This group of people has huge energy in the south, but now, their money in the bank is no longer safe!

Why are people fighting life and death?

Isn’t it just for money?

Therefore, one wave can cause serious internal strife in Nanfang County.

The Duke might even die suddenly from this!

Rosen smiled: "Your Majesty, I would like to thank you for your help in advance."

As he spoke, he simply pushed the lightning spell book forward on the table: "Your Majesty, it belongs to you."

The queen was very happy, but also a little troubled: "How should I bring this book back to Kaa? Copy it?"

Rosen was about to say, "I'll send it to you in a few days," but a communication from the spell center interrupted his thoughts.

The messenger was Cavendi, and the message contained ecstasy.

‘Lord~ There is a huge breakthrough! ’

Rosen was immediately overjoyed, with a sincere smile on his face: "Ah ha, after investing so much money, I finally see splashes of water!" ’

For Cavendi Laboratory, he has already invested 350,000 Oggs.

This is 350,000 in real money, accounting for 40% of the total budget of the magic center.

Without seeing much return, he invested it.

He immediately stood up and said goodbye: "Your Majesty~ I have something urgent, please do as you please."

The queen was very curious, because she rarely saw Rosen smile in the past half month.

He usually looked calm, and occasionally frowned in thought.

And what made him so happy must be great good news.

Although she knew it was inappropriate, she couldn't help asking: "Can I know?"

Rosen was stunned and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he looked down at the queen and saw her looking up at him with an expression of a primary school student thirsting for knowledge.

After a few seconds of silence, he considered: "Knowing secrets requires a price."

The queen hesitated for a moment, and said: "Let me see it first, and then we can discuss the price, okay?"

She was obviously not someone who couldn't afford the price, so Rosen nodded: "Okay."

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