Start with Island Lord

Chapter 150: In front is man, behind is God! (33)

Having been on the White Sturgeon Island for more than half a year, Cavendish has always been under pressure, and the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

Although the Baron has never asked him to produce results, and even often comforted and enlightened him during daily discussions on magic, he knows in his heart that he must make achievements!

One huge investment after another, unrewarded human and material support, in less than half a year, the total investment has exceeded the total income of his former employer, Marquis Henry, in two years!

The support is so great that even his father, who has always supported him, feels ashamed of the Baron and is embarrassed to ask the Baron for money again.

But he has to ask.

Because the experimental equipment is not perfect yet and needs to be improved.

It's like climbing halfway, if you don't grit your teeth and continue to persevere, then the previous effort will be wasted.

Every time he applies for funds, he musters up the courage, but the Baron never says a word more, just takes a look at the content of the experiment and immediately approves it.

Sometimes he doesn't even need to apply, and there will be additional funds allocated.

As a wizard who pursues the truth of the world, it is really a blessing from the Creator to meet such a lord.

If possible, he even felt that he could dedicate everything to the Baron.

But he knew what the Baron wanted, and he also knew what he wanted.

He also knew very well that only by presenting the Creator's truth to the Baron would he be best rewarded.

So he studied day after day, forgot to eat and sleep, and even fainted several times from exhaustion.

If the Baron had not sent the healing potion in time, his body might have collapsed long ago.

And because of the effect of the magical potion, he was always in the best physical condition to face the challenge.

Now, after half a year of hard work, he finally pulled open a corner of the Creator's veil and saw a little bit of the true face under the veil.

This made him excited!

In the huge laboratory, after Cavendish sent the communication, he paced back and forth again and again, organizing what he wanted to say, the experimental content to show, and the outlook for the future.

The assistants and apprentices next to him were silent, and everyone's face showed a suppressed excitement and uneasiness.

The excitement was because of the discovery of the truth, and the uneasiness was because he was worried that the truth was too small to satisfy the lord.

Everyone in the Cavendish Lab knew about the lord's huge investment.

The bad thing was that the lab enjoyed the biggest investment but the smallest output, so it was often ridiculed by other lab colleagues.

This made everyone hold their breath.

After a wait that seemed very long to everyone, but in fact it was less than half an hour, the lord finally arrived.

As usual, his clothes were simple and even a little plain, but his tall figure and unique temperament made people recognize him in the crowd at a glance.

Unlike usual, in addition to the routine guards, there was also a young female mage with an unfamiliar face.

This female mage made people feel very unusual at first glance, and they could vaguely feel that she had extremely strong magic power.

But no one paid too much attention to strangers, the mages only paid attention to the lord.

As usual, the lord said in a gentle tone: "Young men, show me your wisdom."

Cavendi was waiting for this sentence, and he waved his hand vigorously: "Young men, let's start!"

With this sentence, more than 200 young and smart research mages quickly came to the back of a huge rune ring with a diameter of more than 120 meters and a height of more than 10 meters.

This is the core of Cavendish Laboratory, called the 'Ring of Truth'.

It cost 320,000 Oggs to build, and this is because the transformation alchemy of the White Sturgeon Island can provide many cheap materials.

If it is placed in other places in the Natural Alliance, it may not cost 1 million Oggs!

It is undoubtedly the most expensive man-made object in the history of the Natural Alliance, which is purely used for magic research rather than war and power display.

Seeing this giant, the accompanying Queen Kao was greatly surprised and couldn't help asking: "This should cost a lot of money, right?"

Just the part that she saw with her naked eyes, she saw countless copper wires, estimated to be more than 100 tons in total.

Other magic alloys such as arcane, krypton, and mithril are everywhere, as if they are free.

Alia heard it and whispered: "Madam, this cost more than 300,000 Oggs."

"300,000 Oggs, not enough? I think it will take at least 800,000 Oggs."

Queen Kao has seen everything in the world and has a very sharp vision.

After a careful observation and a slight estimate, she felt that it would be impossible to make such a big thing with 300,000.

Rosen chuckled and said: "In Kao, it should cost 1.1 million. However, our White Sturgeon Island has some material advantages, and many raw materials are cheap, so it is indeed about 300,000."

Queen Kao was more and more surprised: "1.1 million? At this juncture, you throw so much money here, shouldn't you focus on building warships?"

This can build two 3,000-ton Silver Moon giant ships.

She always thought that Rosen was a very rational lord who only had interests and power in his eyes and was ambitious to dominate the world, but now she felt that she seemed to have seen it wrong.

She couldn't help but ask: "What is the function of this thing?"

"To explore the truth of the world."

The queen shook her head repeatedly: "That's too much. I mean, what can it do specifically?"

Rosen shook his head: "It is a research direction related to the transformation of nobility and inferiority, but it is not clear what it can do specifically."

"Not clear?"

The queen was slightly startled, then turned around to look at the magic master who was walking back and forth on the field with an excited face:

"This man seems familiar to me, what's his name?"

"Cavendi, a master of magic who happens to be a khal and once served Count Henry."

The queen recalled carefully, and then suddenly remembered something: "I remember, he seems to be working on a pure energy conversion circle, right?"

"That's right."

"I have also seen this magic circle. I thought it was good at the time, but the initial investment was very huge. The initial estimate was at least seven to eight million yuan. I tried to persuade the cabinet to invest, but it was unanimously rejected."

Kaa's annual financial income is about just over 60 million Oggs, and the annual research funding invested in the Magic Department is about 2 million Oggs.

This is already a quite high proportion.

If 700,000 to 800,000 yuan are squeezed out to support a magic master with a civilian background, other magic research will be greatly affected.

The key point is that the research of this magic master may not be fruitful yet. Seven or eight hundred thousand is just a starting point. No one knows how much is really needed.

So the queen could only do nothing to help.

She once believed that there was absolutely no lord in the world who would be enthusiastic enough to support such a research plan.

As a result, she was wrong.

On a remote island in Weilan, a desert of magic, there was a little baron who lived in a simple little castle. The dining table for a family of five only had no more than ten dishes.

But he is willing to spend such a huge sum of money that even the kingdom is reluctant to part with, almost like a moth to a flame to support the research of magic.

This is simply stupid!

So stupid!

But for some reason, there was a voice deep in the queen's heart saying: 'Looking up at the stars is not stupidity, but the flash of divinity in the hearts of mortals. ’

It was said by the Kao sage Gilad two hundred years ago, and it was this sage who created the new era of magic.

The queen couldn't help but ask: "Baron, in your eyes, is truth more important than royal power?"

Rosen looked at the young mages who were about to get ready, looking at the eyes full of fanatical light, and nodded slightly.

"Kingdom does not last forever, but truth does."

After a person fills his stomach, there is always something to pursue.

In Rosen's eyes, power is a means to achieve goals rather than the goal itself.

Exploring the truth and changing the world are his goals.

The queen said nothing, but the hand hidden in her sleeve squeezed tightly.

This sentence reminded her of herself more than forty years ago, when she was still young. At that time, she was like the Baron at this moment, doing everything she could to pursue higher magical achievements.

Unfortunately, her king husband collapsed on the bed and ruined it all!

At this time, the young mages were all in place and began to charge the key parts of the Ring of Truth with spells.

Cavendi stood on the side, holding a newly developed lightning walkie-talkie in his hand, constantly coordinating the work of the mages in various parts.

This is an extremely tedious job, but this mage does it in an orderly manner, and it is obvious that he is familiar with all the details of the Ring of Truth.

Amidst the calm words that suppressed passion, the queen's turbulent soul gradually returned to calm.

"I now know why the first Blackstone Battleship appeared on Paddlefish Island."

"Obviously, the Blackstone Battleship is just the starting point."

Having said this, the queen turned to look at the island lord who was paying close attention to the magic ring: "After conquering Weilan, will you continue to move forward?"

She had no doubt that the Baron could conquer Weiland. With Ryder's two moves, he would be able to jump up and down in no time.

Rosen turned to look at the queen: "This question is a bit far-fetched. Who knows what will happen in the future?"

The queen was startled and then laughed: "That's right."

After a while, the Ring of Truth was fully charged, and Cavendi ran to Rosen with excitement on his face: "Lord, look at the test bench in the middle. That is the gathering point of pure power."

Rosen nodded: "I have already seen the big bucket on the test bench. That is the weight to be lifted, right?"

"The bucket is not, but the water inside is. It contains thirty tons of water."

Cavendi nodded excitedly and continued: "Thanks to the soul meteorite found by the lord, I gained a new inspiration and found an auxiliary material with amazing effects."

As he spoke, he raised the walkie-talkie and said: "Now start connecting to the lightning and enter the final warm-up!"

Following these words, there was a sound of 'buzz~ziz~zila~', every rune on the Ring of Truth lit up, and a blue arc appeared faintly.

"It takes about five minutes to warm up. The purpose is to warm up the new material, and its function is to get the material into an excited state."

Rosen asked: "What is the final conversion efficiency?"

"0.5% was mentioned immediately!"

Rosen was shocked: "This is a qualitative leap!"

It was originally below 0.01%, but now it has increased by 50 times.

Cavendi is also very proud: "I have found a new direction. The magic formula tells me that if I continue in this direction, there is still a lot of potential for improvement."

The queen was horrified. She looked at the lightning surrounding the ring and asked, "How much lightning power has been poured into it this time?"

She felt that the lightning power injected into the ring reached an incredible level.

She had never thought in her life that a mortal could control such magnificent lightning power at the same time.

In comparison, the lightning she had injected into the Soul Meteor before was child's play.

Cavendi didn't know the queen, but since it was brought by the lord, he patiently explained: "It's about 300,000 degrees of lightning."

After speaking, he explained: "This is the measurement scale defined by the lord. One degree of lightning can probably raise the temperature of 700 kilograms of water by two tyres."

Water temperature has a unit of measurement in this world, called tyre, which is about two tyres per degree.

The queen estimated for a moment, and her heart was shaken violently: "This power is really amazing!"

Rosen secretly thought: 'Of course it's amazing. We even built a rune thermal power plant as a supporting facility. ’

Five minutes passed and the warm-up was completed. Cavendi issued the final command: "Activate the magic circle."


The 120-meter-diameter dharma ring sent out a dull but magnificent tremor.

Immediately afterwards, at the center of the Dharma Ring, 30 tons of clear water slowly floated up, automatically converged into an almost perfect ball in the air, and then stopped stably at a height of about 20 meters.

There is no support underneath the water ball, and there is no lightning, wind, or any other force that can be felt attached to the water ball itself.

It was suspended out of thin air, motionless, as if it were the most perfect crystal in the world.

There happened to be a ray of golden sunlight that penetrated the clouds in the sky and hit the crystal water polo, which immediately reflected the bright colorful brilliance.

At this moment, it is as if the Creator is crowning mortal wisdom.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and looked solemnly.

Rosen was secretly shocked: 'This time is completely beyond the previous life. ’

Based on this technology, countless incredible magical creations will emerge.

About ten minutes later, the power of the Ring of Truth was exhausted, and the perfect water polo fell back into the bucket with a crash, waking everyone up immediately.

Rosen smiled and said: "Master Cavendi, if one day, mortals on earth can be promoted to gods in heaven, then one of the raised hands will belong to you."

Cavendi had tears in his eyes: "Lord, I am standing on your hand."

Rosen patted him on the shoulder and said loudly: "Young people, I can clearly see the results of your hard work."

"What I'm saying is, what you've done is pretty amazing."

"Today may be a very important time point in the history of the human race."

"Millions of years from now, our descendants may mark today as a dividing line."

"Looking back from today, we are mortals, but looking back from today, it is the beginning of mortals becoming gods!"

"So, focus on moving forward on the road of magic, young lads. Leave other matters to me!"


All the young mages suddenly cheered enthusiastically.

Everyone's heart was filled with hot fire, so the applause lasted for a long time.

After some more gentle words of encouragement, Rosen took the queen and left the Cavendi Laboratory.

On the way back, after a long silence, the queen, who was lying on the leather chair in the back seat of the car, suddenly said:

"Even if the pure force energy conversion efficiency is 0.5%, it is still of little use."

"Besides, this thing is too complicated and too big."

Rosen smiled lightly: "There is no such thing now, but there will definitely be one in the future."

"Moreover, on the way to achieving each goal, our mortal understanding of the world will gradually approach the essence step by step."

In fact, it can already have a practical effect now.

As long as he publicizes the Ring of Truth, he will surely attract a large number of idealistic research mages to join Paddlefish Island.

Most people in this world will put interests first, but there is another kind of person who is a romantic idealist.

The former allows the human race to survive, but the latter will make the human race extraordinary!

The queen was silent again.

After a long time, she suddenly turned to look at Rosen, whispered in her heart, and said something astonishingly seriously.

"If the Baron can conquer Kaa, with Kaa's manpower and material resources, he may be able to expand the Ring of Truth tenfold."

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