Start with Island Lord

Chapter 151 The world is big, the alliance is small (13)

Electric carriage carriage.

When Queen Kaa suddenly said such words, Rosen was secretly surprised.

'This queen actually still retains the soul of a mage. I thought she had been completely overwhelmed by the royal power. ’

Being able to say such a sentence shows that she is not a pure slave of profit.

But whether her words were a momentary emotional impulse or an ideal settled after careful consideration needs to be carefully discerned.

If it was the former, Rosen would treat it as a fart.

If it is the latter, then it is a motto that can affect the fate of countless people.

So, Rosen whispered in his heart and replied: "Your Majesty, I am just a little baron on the island. The population of the territory is only more than 200,000. How can I dare to covet Kaa?"

"I'm not kidding."

The queen's expression was serious, and her eyes showed a kind of indifference after seeing through the world. It didn't look like she was impulsive.

After a pause, she looked at Aaliya who was driving the vehicle and the intelligence assistant in the passenger seat. She said softly: "It's not convenient to talk about it here. Let's talk about it in detail when we get back."

Saying this, she closed her eyes and said nothing.

Soon we returned to Crescent Castle.

The queen lives in the VIP area of ​​the castle, in a separate small building on the back left side of the lord's longhouse.

It used to be a wooden building, but later it was rebuilt with tempered yellow clay and turned into a three-story small bungalow with a courtyard similar to a townhouse.

The car drove all the way to the entrance of the small courtyard and stopped.

The guard guard at the entrance of the courtyard opened the car door. Rosen got out of the car, then turned to the other side and opened the car door for the queen.

The queen went straight into the living room of the small building. After Rosen followed, she said: "I want to talk privately alone and set up a high-ring barrier."

She now believes that Rosen's magic power is definitely more than six rings, because Duke Sistine, the Protector of the Glorious Empire, is far less powerful than Rosen.

Rosen nodded, and with a thought, the breathless crystal wall unfolded, covering the inner wall of this bright and spacious living room with a light blue water film.

Because of the special nature of the enchantment, outside light can freely enter the room.

Sitting in the living room, you can clearly see the situation outside the house through the large and beautiful windows, and you can even see the guard soldiers standing under the shaded pavilion in the small courtyard.

But if you look in from the outside, you can only see an opaque layer of blue light through the window.

In the living room, the lightning-driven constant temperature array is also running 24 hours a day, so the indoor temperature is fresh and cool, without the heat of summer.

On a thick cashmere carpet that feels great on your feet, there is a golden square wooden table and three single thick leather chairs.

The queen took one seat, and Rosen took another seat opposite her.


The queen opened a bottle of emerald green forest spirit specialty fruit wine, poured it into a crystal wine glass that was square on the outside and round on the inside. When the glass was half full, she handed it to Rosen.

"Baron, you are right."

"Kingdom is a delusion."

"The Sirge royal family has been in the royal family for 1,200 years. Dozens of kings have ascended the throne and fallen. In the end, only the surname 'Silge' will be remembered by future generations."

"And I am just a queen of Kaa. Even if I get lucky and gain control of the kingship, my glory will only last for more than ten years at most."

"When the time comes, I have to let go, otherwise the end will be miserable."

"However, if I pursue the truth, if I am lucky enough to have my name engraved on this path, then even if thousands of years pass, my name will still be mentioned constantly, as if I have always been alive."

"For me personally, this is the greatest meaning of life."

Rosen took the glass and took a sip, feeling the unique richness and smoothness of the Linjing fruit wine. He raised the glass to pay tribute to the queen.

"Her Majesty the Queen's insight is truly admirable."

A hint of emotion appeared on the queen's gorgeous face: "They are just superficial ideas, nothing worth showing off. There are many mages who have the same ideas as me."

Rosen immediately said: "But after becoming a queen and holding the power of the king, the only mage who still does not forget his original intention is your majesty."

This was a great compliment. Everyone loves to be praised, and the Queen was no exception. She couldn't help but smile.

"The Baron does have a sweet mouth, but don't compliment me and let's talk business."

She coughed slightly and her expression became solemn: "Next, the Baron will control Weilan, right?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this, and Rosen did not hide it: "Yes, I want to use Weilan's power to realize my dream."

"Oh~ this sounds really scary."

"Because of the small Paddlefish Island, the Baron is already so powerful. If the entire territory of Weilan falls into the hands of the Baron, if the Baron is given some more time, I am afraid that the entire Nature Alliance together will not be able to match Weilan."

"If I were a simple Queen Kaa, then I would try my best to stop you, but as a natural alliance mage, I would like to say that you can't focus on the little Weilan, you have to change your vision. Zoom in a little bit and put it on the whole natural alliance.”

Rosen raised his brows slightly: "Your Majesty, I haven't gotten Weilan yet."

"It's just a matter of time."

The queen gently placed the wine glass on the golden wood table, making a soft 'click' sound, and then placed the wine bottle next to the wine glass.

"Kaa is the wine glass, and the Empire of Radiance is the wine bottle."

He also used the mage's hand to bring over some new wine glasses.

"The capacity of a wine glass alone is in no way comparable to that of a wine bottle. Only by gathering the strength of the alliance countries can we hold the bottle of wine of the Glorious Empire."

She moved the wine glass and displayed the positions of the three kingdoms of the alliance and the Glorious Empire:

"Aaron is the main force against the empire, and His Majesty Danger is under the greatest pressure."

"Of course I will contain him to prevent him from interfering in the Weilan civil war, but I will not do too much. I will even help Aaron when necessary."

"Because once the Giant Fortress is lost, the army of the Glorious Empire will rush into the Aarons Plain like a flood, and this will greatly compress the living space of the Natural Alliance."

She gently tapped the table behind the wine glass: "After all, the rear of the alliance is already the sea, and we have nowhere to retreat."

Rosen naturally knows the current world situation, and he also knows that the Glorious Empire is also running wildly on the road to becoming a powerful country in magic.

Because of its large population, vast and rich territory, its running speed is obviously faster than the countries of the Natural Alliance.

"Your Majesty, I understand this, so even if I rule Weilan, I will not cut off trade with Aaron."

"I just hope that both sides can trade fairly, instead of the slave-master relationship like now."

The queen nodded: "I am very pleased to hear the baron say this, and your request is very reasonable, so I will do my best to support you."

"But, if we continue like this, it will not be enough to compete with the Glorious Empire. The Natural Alliance must really unite!"

"But this is very difficult."

The queen pointed to one of the wine glasses and said: "This is Levender on the East Golden Cape, a merchant country hiding in the back, with no overall situation, and only knows how to make money."

She used the magician's hand to control the wine and drew a simple map of the East Golden Cape on the table.

"In the southeast of the East Golden Cape, Levender's trade fleet is having very frequent trade with the Glorious Kingdoms. It is initially estimated that the annual trade volume exceeds 30 million Ogg."

The Glorious Kingdoms refer to the Glorious Empire as the main one, as well as a group of kingdoms and duchies bordering the Empire and controlled by the Empire.

Apart from the Empire, there are eight small countries with a total population of over 200 million, which is a force that cannot be ignored on the Witt Continent.

Rosen leaned over slightly and looked at the traces of wine slowly drying on the table:

"It seems that Levender's interests are deeply bound to the Glorious Nations. In the continental competition that may break out in the future, his best performance is passive resistance, and at worst he may even be a traitor."

"That's right."

The queen whispered: "In the eyes of the royal family, national competition is just to maintain the royal power of their own family."

"But in my opinion, national competition is a fight for the survival rights of the people."

"If the Natural Alliance is conquered by the Glorious Empire, the people of the Alliance may not be extinct, but they will be very miserable and may not be able to turn over for hundreds or thousands of years."

"So, even if there is no common belief, the countries of the Alliance must fight against the Glorious Empire with all their strength."

"So, in order for the Alliance to approach the survival rights of 500 million people, the Alliance must change from scattered wine glasses to a single wine bottle!"

The queen carefully stacked the three wine glasses together, making them almost as high as the wine bottle.

Then, her blue eyes stared at Rosen:

"Danger also saw this. He wants to unify, but I know he can't do it. I want to, but I can only be in power for a dozen years at most, and there is no hope."

"Levinder doesn't need to be mentioned. The absurd queen mother, the king of questionable bloodline, and the sage who is the mastermind behind the scenes have a lot of troubles, not to mention external expansion."

"I thought the alliance had no hope of unification until you, the baron, showed up."

"You are young enough. Although you said you are in your seventies, I know you are only in your twenties, so you have enough time."

"If you can conquer Veran, you will be the first unique existence in the alliance to rise from the bottom up and unify a grand duchy."

"You will have amazing control over Veran."

"And this kind of control is completely lacking in the kings of the three countries in the alliance."

"Based on Veran, expanding outward, there is a great possibility of conquering the entire natural alliance and truly integrating the alliance."

Rosen listened quietly to the strategy described by the queen, and an idea came to his mind: 'It's almost exactly what I thought. ’

But at this time, the queen changed her tone: "But this kind of conquest may not be fast enough."

After a pause, she said: "The baron may not know that the Black Stone warship of the Glorious Empire has also been launched, and is still working hard to develop flying magic tools."

"Queen Zhuoya is an ambitious woman, and the rich Glorious Blood in her body has also been fully demonstrated."

After a pause, the queen said an astonishing news: "Many signs indicate that Queen Zhuoya is a high-ring mage. I mean, it is very likely that she is a miracle mage higher than the six rings."

Rosen was not surprised by this: "The queen dared to reuse the six-ring mage, but she was not worried about the backlash, and even still had a huge suppressive force on the Duke of Sistine, which is enough to illustrate this point."

From all the signs, he inferred that Queen Zhuoya should be an eight-ring mage, or even higher, and nine rings are also possible.

Think about it, a person who is a nine-ring mage in the new era and controls the most powerful empire in the Wit Continent is simply the son of heaven.

For a high-level mage who was born a commoner or a minor noble, it would be like taking a super hell scenario if he wanted to fight against her.

Even the kings of the alliance were oppressed by her and had difficulty breathing.

However, Rosen did not completely empathize with the queen's anxiety.

"Although the empire is powerful, it is not without opponents."

"The Holy Elf Empire in the westernmost part of the continent is also a huge behemoth."

"Five years ago, the expeditionary forces of the two countries' external expansion met in the Gombe Valley and fought a great battle. It is said that the Glorious Empire suffered a little."

"In addition, I also heard that there may be a very powerful alien country on the other side of the Storm Ocean."

The queen was surprised: "Are you sure?"

Rosen shook his head: "Not sure, but there must be someone, and the magic achievement is not low."

"About three years ago, a ship carrying a group of weirdos drifted to the Ironland Province on the western coast of the Glorious Empire, but because of their strange appearance and poor communication, they were killed by local fishermen as demons."

The queen was stunned: "I have heard of the Battle of Gombe, but I don't know about this."

Rosen took another sip of the wine: "It happened several years ago, and it was a trivial matter. The queen was not in power at that time, so it was normal that she didn't know."

He knew it because he paid attention to it deliberately. After all, he once had the idea of ​​​​competing for hegemony on the continent.

And if you want to compete for hegemony, how can you not know the world situation?

Second, it was because of the frequent information exchange in Dawn City.

Third, it was a coincidence because he happened to meet a businessman from the Glorious Empire.

After a pause and drinking all the fruit wine, Rosen also stacked the fourth wine glass on the cup rack and condensed it together with Transfiguration.

"But the queen is right. If the weak do not join forces, they will become slaves of the strong."

"My Natural Alliance has no way to retreat, so we can only strive forward."

He lay back in the thick leather chair: "So, Your Majesty is going to help me unify the alliance?"


The queen nodded very straightforwardly:

"I have no interest in maintaining the royal power of the Silger family. I also have no respect for the natural divine power, and I don't have much affection for the children that Silger forced me to give birth to."

"I didn't even raise them myself, because the royal family thought I was born a commoner and was afraid that my commoner habits would lead the children astray."

"Of course, they are my children after all. As long as the baron can ensure that they can live decently, I will be satisfied."

"My idea is that after you conquer Weilan and consolidate your position, I will start to help you plan for continental hegemony."

Rosen was of course very moved by the queen's full help.

But there were also concerns.

"This is a big matter. It not only involves me, but also the fate of countless of my supporters. It is difficult for me to believe your Majesty's sincerity based on a few words."

Queen Kao took a deep breath and seemed to have made some kind of decision.

She stood up and walked to Rosen's side.

"We are the Kingdom of Roses in Kao. Aaron calls us gardeners, and Levender calls us the Kingdom of Profligate."

"But no matter what others say, it cannot change the tradition of Kao."

"In our Kao, if a woman sets her eyes on a man, she will offer him a rose to prove her love."

"If the baron needs it, I can offer him my rose."

After a pause, she said a little embarrassedly: "Of course, my rose has been picked by someone else. If the baron dislikes it, then forget it."

Rosen smiled: "Isn't my golden blessing potion enough to restore the vitality of your majesty's rose?"

The queen blushed for a moment, her cheeks flushed: "That's why I have the courage to offer it."

Rosen has always been a promiscuous person. He naturally has a very high pursuit of magic, but he doesn't have high requirements for himself in terms of personal morality.

If you don't pick the famous flowers, what's the use of the magic gun?

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can completely trust her after picking her, it just increases the trust.

Moreover, it is not to say that it will play a big role immediately, but it can only be said that it will lay a very important chess piece in the future strategy.

So, he opened the exquisite outer packaging of the flowers, took a closer look, and smiled: "Your Majesty presented a wine-red rose."

The queen was a little unsteady and said shyly: "Baron, in our Kao, you can't flip the flowers with your hands when you appreciate them, so as not to hurt the petals."

Rosen laughed: "Your Majesty is right, I am rude, but please be prepared, because my flower arrangement skills may be unique."

The queen was a little strange, looked down, and was shocked, and then showed a hint of realization:

"Baron, I heard that many nobles in Levender asked you to order the Transfiguration Gun, it turned out to be true!"

Rosen explained seriously: "They are the product of Transfiguration, but I was born like this."

This matter must be made clear.

The queen immediately showed awe: "Well, I hope your flower arrangement skills are exquisite enough."

After that, she resolutely presented her rose.

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