Start with Island Lord

Chapter 153 Times Have Really Changed (33)


When Rosen was enjoying lunch with his family, Selena's face suddenly changed and she raised her hand to cover her stomach.

Rosen noticed immediately: "Is it coming out?"

Selena nodded silently.

Mrs. Saxon and her mentor Anna suddenly became nervous. After all, it was Selena's first time giving birth, and she was pregnant with twins, which was much more dangerous than ordinary women.

Selena's face was pale, half because of pain and half because of fear.

Mrs. Saxon screamed in panic: "Hurry up and go to the Temple of Nature to find the priestess!"

Everyone does this these days.

Rosen raised his hand to stop her: "Don't panic! I'm prepared!"

Giving birth is not a difficult thing on Earth. With his current knowledge of the human body and transformation, it is not difficult at all.

He has been preparing for it.

The Hand of the Mage took Selena to the bedroom.

The three women hurriedly followed him.

Selena groaned while holding her stomach, Anna held her hand with a worried look on her face, Mrs. Saxon was still muttering about going to find the priestess, and her sister Evelyn was already frightened and followed Rosen in a daze.

When they arrived at the bedroom, they quickly changed the sheets and all the bedding, and then used several cleaning spells on them, and said to Anna:

"Teacher, I need some warm water for cleaning. Use the water condensation spell to condense the clean water directly, and the basin must be very clean."

Anna did it immediately.

Rosen gently put Selena on the bed and drove everyone except the teacher to the door.

"Dear, use a mental barrier to block the short-term pain of the body."

"Yes, that's it, don't worry, it will be fine soon."

The knowledge about childbirth is recorded most in the materials in the Sea Cliff Laboratory, so Rosen is very confident.

After Selena was ready and posed in the correct posture, Rosen used his fine control of the human body structure to launch a transformation spell on her.

His movements were very fast and accurate. In less than three minutes, before Selena could even react, the two children were born one after another.

"Teacher, warm water."

Anna handed it over immediately.

"Mother, go get the cotton cloth in the cupboard. Yes, the white one. We have prepared it long ago."

Mrs. Saxon did as she was told.

After an orderly and lightning-fast operation, the two children were wrapped in soft cotton cloth and cried loudly.

The cry was loud and powerful, and it was obvious that they were healthy and strong children.

He gently placed the children next to Selena, and released a specially improved version of the "Natural Gift" spell on her mother to help her recover from minor injuries.

After everything was done, it took only ten minutes.

Selena felt like she was dreaming.

She thought it would last at least one or two hours, because her mother had a difficult labor and did not give birth for a day and a night. In the end, the child was born, but the child died, which greatly damaged her body.

She couldn't believe it: "Dear, is it done now?"

Anna was also shocked: "It feels too fast."

She originally wanted to encourage Selena, but before she could get her emotions ready, the child was born, and she didn't even sweat a drop.

Mrs. Saxon commented: "This is the first time in my life that I have seen a woman give birth so easily. The magic is really amazing."

Anna added in her heart: "It's not the magic that is amazing, it's Rosen's magic that is amazing."

She didn't want to give birth at first, because she couldn't explain the source of the child, and she was also afraid. Now that she saw it so easy, she suddenly wanted to.

Mother and child are safe, and Rosen is also very happy.

He sat next to Selena, kissed her cheek, and turned his head to look at the two little things who began to drink milk in their mother's arms.

Both boys and girls have sparse dark gold and black hair, and a pair of pure black eyes exactly like their father.

You can see a little natural divine blood, but it is obviously not pure.

Selena naturally noticed it, and she felt pity and worry when she saw the two little guys struggling to get milk from the snowy mountain.

"Rosen, this is a bit troublesome."

If the child showed pure natural divine blood, he would undoubtedly be the next Duke of Dawn, but now he might be questioned.

Anna suggested: "How about using Transfiguration to cover it up?"

This is indeed a method, and the little King Shira of Levender did it, but Rosen was not prepared to do so.

Because the throne of the little King Shira was stolen, and he was robbed.

He has the right to rule the country.

He laughed: "It's okay, it's just a small problem."

Next, of course, it is to protect the child with all his strength and let the child grow up smoothly.

Fortunately, Rosen has obtained many powerful high-level defensive spells in this regard.

The powerful ice amulet has been equipped for each person.

He is also developing the amulet of the 'Law Interference Shield', and once it is successfully made, it will be worn by the family immediately.

Seeing that he was as calm as ever, Selena was relieved.

After feeling his body, he found that he was not feeling any discomfort at all, so he said:

"My uncle has been in the prisoner-of-war camp for more than a month, and now the child is born. Shouldn't we have a good talk with him?"

Tewold can become the marshal of the First Storm Fleet, so he naturally has a very high prestige in the Adrian family.

If he can win his support, then Rosen will face much less resistance to becoming the Duke of Weilan.

This resistance comes not only from Weilan, but also from the natural alliance countries in the Witt continent.

Especially Aaron, he will definitely make a big fuss about this.

After all, Rosen is the first Supreme Lord of non-natural pure blood in the Natural Alliance.

But there is no need to be so anxious.

He smiled and comforted his wife: "Dear, don't be so anxious, take a good rest for a few days. The child has just been born, so you should also rest for a few days."

Since that's the case, Selena rested and recuperated.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and her body was completely recovered. Except that her figure was rounder and fuller than before, there was almost no change in her body.

At least there was no change in appearance.

On the evening of the tenth day, Rosen couldn't help but try his inner self, and felt that it had not changed, and even better.

He couldn't help but feel very satisfied with his transformation skills.

So, the next morning, the couple secretly summoned Tewold Adrian in the backyard of the lord's longhouse.

Before Tewold arrived, Selena whispered: "Let me persuade you later."

Rosen nodded: "Okay, dear."

Soon, Tewold arrived.

Compared to the miserable appearance after more than a month of being hit hard, he looked more energetic and even a little fatter.

Rosen also took care of his dignity and made him a black suit in the style of Dawn City, so he looked like a famous old gentleman.

As soon as the old gentleman arrived in the backyard, he saw a happy family of three next to the round table in the garden.

He knew the baron, but his niece looked a little strange.

Because in his impression, even in the impression of more than a month ago, she looked like an unmarried girl, but now, she has become a mother.

Plump, round, full of maternal radiance, and even two babies in her arms.

Wait, babies?

Where did the babies come from? !

Tewold stopped in shock, his green eyes turning around the baron and his wife.

Look at the baron first, it's normal.

Then look at Serena carefully, dark golden curly hair and flawless emerald eyes, revealing a strong natural force, it is indeed his niece without a doubt.

Look at the child again.

With extremely dark blond hair and black pearl-like eyes, his appearance has basically nothing to do with the blood of the natural gods, but he also exudes a strong natural force.

It is quite strong, and according to Tewold's insensitive perception, it is not even weaker than his mother.

He was confused.

Of course he had to be confused, because Rosen deliberately infused a lot of natural force into the child.

"Can anyone explain what's going on?"

Rosen waved to him: "Come and sit down, Mr. Tewold."

Tewold did as he was told, and he sat across from the small round table, his eyes still on the little guy's face.

As he looked at it, he was sure that this must be the child of the baron and his niece.

"You have a child so soon?"

Calculating the time, it shouldn't be!

Selena said: "It's the favor of Mother Nature, uncle."

Tewold looked suspicious. He felt that it was more likely that the baron and his niece had an affair in advance, but of course he couldn't say it, after all, he was still on the baron's island.

Of course, now that it's like this, there's no point in getting hung up on these details.

Selena got straight to the point and said what she thought: "Uncle, you've seen it too, the Baron and I have children, a boy and a girl."

"There will be more children in the future, and the children can't be without a mother to take care of them, so I'm afraid I don't have time to manage Weilan."

Tewold frowned and guessed a possibility: "What do you mean?"

Selena pouted at her husband: "My husband and I have discussed it. After defeating Reid, my husband will succeed the Duke of Dawn and I will be the Duchess."

"And the next Duke of Dawn will be born from one of my children."

Tewold stood up in shock: "No! This is absolutely not possible!"

Selena certainly knew the reason, because the natural blood in her father's body was not pure enough, but she pretended not to know.

"Uncle, this is completely in line with the tradition of Weilan!"

Tewold snorted coldly: "Your Highness, there is no need for you to pretend to be confused!"

"You can become a duchess, but the next duke must be your cousin or niece, in short, it must be a member of the Adrian family with pure natural divine blood."

"Of course, you can also let your child become a duke, but this child must not be a baron, but must be a southern county earl, or a child of an ancient noble on the Wit continent."

At this point, he turned his head and looked at Rosen with a serious face.

"Baron, the blood of the northern county lord is not allowed to be contaminated with the blood of the duke. This is a sacred tradition set by Saint Weilan herself. No one can violate it, otherwise Weilan is not Weilan, but the restored ancient Set Kingdom!"

His tone was very firm and completely unquestionable.

Selena frowned: "Uncle, is there no hope?"

Tewold took a deep breath.

"The baron can become the regent of Veran. No matter what he wants to do, as long as it does not violate the tradition of Saint Veran, we will listen to him."

"But if he becomes a duke, it will violate the tradition of Saint Veran, so it is absolutely impossible!"

After saying this, he gritted his teeth and added: "Unless I die!"

Selena frowned when she heard it. She didn't expect her uncle to insist so much.

The other party had already said the word death, and she didn't know how to persuade him for a while, so she looked at her husband.

Rosen said: "Marshal Tewold, if this is the case, then I can only use force to clear the obstacles."

Tewold was shocked. After a long silence, he said, "The strength of the Northern County is not as good as that of the Southern County, and Aaron is also supporting you. We may not win if we really fight you."

Rosen smiled, "What if the Southern County is seriously ill and in its twilight years?"

Seeing Tewold's puzzled expression, he added, "Aaron did not send troops to support, but only supported the magic weapon. But our Northern County also has the support of Levender."

"Levender's support? What's going on?!"

He has been locked up for a month and doesn't know much about the outside world.

"We opened a deep-sea route to Levender and received a huge amount of assistance from Levender."

Tewold felt his legs go weak, and he sat back in his chair, muttering, "The two kingdoms are actually fighting in Weilan, Weilan is finished!"

At first, he was a little lost, but gradually, his face became firm.

"No, even so, the baron cannot be the Duke of Veran!"

"This matter is not negotiable."

The situation seems to have reached a deadlock, and Selena is very worried. She does not want her husband to wipe out the Adrian family by force.

At this time, Rosen suddenly smiled faintly: "Marshal, do you think life is boring?"

Tewold was stunned: "What does the baron mean?"

Rosen raised his hand and pointed at Tewold's chest: "The marshal often feels uncomfortable in his chest and abdomen, often has symptoms of chest tightness, and even feels suffocated in severe cases, right?"

Tewold was shocked, but then he thought about it and realized that this was not a big secret: "That's right."

This illness has lasted for several years, tormenting him and making his life boring. Many times, he wanted to die.

Rosen took out a bottle of 20 ml of golden blessing potion and put it on the table, slowly pushing it to Tewold:

"The healing magic medicine from Levender can completely cure the marshal's illness and extend his life by at least 20 years."

Tewold was skeptical, but he was very tempted.

Anyone who has the disease knows that it is a torture worse than death.

Rosen continued: "After we defeat the Southern County, you support me to succeed the Duke at the Adrian clan meeting."

"This medicine is yours."

Tewold was moved and alert: "Is this medicine poisonous?"

Selena looked dissatisfied: "Uncle, who do you think we are? Are you a despicable villain like Reid?"

After that, she drank five milliliters herself: "Okay, you can only extend your life by 15 years now."

Tewold believed it immediately, because his niece had just given birth to a child, she would not take the initiative to drink poison.

"Can it really cure my disease?"

"Why not try it." Rosen pointed at the potion.

Tewold swallowed the potion in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a strong warm current rising in his chest and abdomen, and he almost moaned in comfort.

Rosen was not idle either, and immediately raised his hand and pressed it on his chest, guiding the medicine to repair his damaged heart.

A few minutes later, he withdrew his hand, and Tewold let out a long breath, feeling unusually relaxed all over his body, and full of endless energy.

It was like regaining youth.

He was reluctant to die, and was also very shocked by the Baron's methods.

After a long silence, he asked: "How long can I live at most?"

"With the strength of the Marshal's soul, I can probably live to 95."

"Then I want to live to 95 in good health."

Rosen poured him another 20 ml of golden blessing.

"After drinking it, before 95, you won't die unless you actively seek death."

The latter drank it without hesitation.

"There are 15 elders in the clan meeting, all of whom are old men in their twilight years. I can only convince five seats at most, which is not enough. But if the Baron can get some more magic medicine, I guarantee that at least 10 elders will support you."

Selena couldn't help but say: "Uncle, are the words you just said bullshit?!"

Tewold's cheeks flushed slightly, but he found a reason immediately.

"Times have changed, Your Highness. I didn't know Levender would join, and Saint Veran would never have expected this."

Selena sighed: "Uncle, you are such a hypocrite."

Tewold was embarrassed and turned to look at Rosen: "Baron, is it okay?"

Rosen pointed a finger: "As long as the majority of seats are guaranteed, so I will only give 50 milliliters, you can take it and do it yourself."

This medicine is difficult to refine, and he doesn't want to waste it on a group of termites.

Tewold breathed a sigh of relief: "That's no problem."

50 milliliters is still too much, maybe he should keep 10 milliliters for his wife or just use it himself.

Just as he thought so, the baron's voice came out of his ear:

"I can do whatever you want, but if you ruin my business, the entire Adrian clan will pay the price."

Tewold was shocked: "I dare not! I dare not! I promise to complete the baron's task!"

Selena couldn't help but cover her forehead, not wanting to see the flattery on her uncle's face.

Tewold still has some principles.

"Baron, is the next duke really your child with His Highness?"


"We need to sign a contract, a sacred contract!"

After that, he explained: "This is very important. I have to convince the clan elders with the contract."

Rosen laughed in his heart, but since this so-called sacred contract can make people feel at ease, it doesn't matter if he signs one.

"Then sign it."

Tewdt felt relieved.

Although doing so violates the ancestral precepts of Saint Weilan, it is still the bloodline of the Adrian family.

Besides, times have really changed.

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