Start with Island Lord

Chapter 154 The Godlike Baron, the Godlike Sturgeon Island (13)


A country market in a southern coastal county.

In an inconspicuous corner of the market, a large group of farmers formed a circle, and whispers of suppressed passion were constantly coming from the center of the circle.

"You know, I have a relative who went to Paddlefish Island. He told me that the pearls on Paddlefish Island are cheaper than stones, and people soak them in water to drink!"

The speaker was a middle-aged man dressed as a tourist businessman.


The crowd was amazed.

"He also said that the farmers on Paddlefish Island have endless amounts of cheap fertilizer, and the potatoes they grow can grow very well, nearly 2,000 kilograms per acre of land!"

"Ah~ How can we finish eating here?" someone exclaimed.

"Of course I can't finish it."

"So not only do I not have to worry about food, I can also sell them for money. One kilogram of potatoes can be exchanged for 10 copper coins, and 1,000 kilograms is 6 gold coins. As long as an island farmer reaches adulthood, he can get two acres of land!"

The farmers immediately began to make plans.

Those who had the calculation quickly came up with the result: "If a family has three adult workers and crops potatoes twice a year, then one crop is 18 Oggs, and two crops is not almost 40 Oggs?"

Someone immediately said: "Your calculation is wrong. One crop is enough for the whole family. The second crop can be sold entirely, so it is far more than 40 Oggs, at least 50 Oggs."

"Whose family only has three workers? Aren't there usually five or six workers?"

"Can we sell so many potatoes?"

"Of course. Even if the market doesn't want it, the lord will charge it according to the market price, as much as it is available."

"How can the lord be so good? It's great that they don't charge taxes!"

"We are still collecting taxes. Our lord won't let us grow potatoes at all. He is forced to grow damn tobacco. My boy is so hungry every day!"

The traveling merchant immediately said: "The Lord of Paddlefish Island is different."

"People say that nothing is more important than filling the stomach, so the land must first grow food."

"Only when you have enough food, and you won't even be able to eat it in the next two or three years, can you plant something else. If it's the other way around, that's an evil heresy!"

"That's a good thing to say~ Anyone who can say such things must be a good lord!"

"Yes, yes, it would be great if our lord did the same."

"Bah~ It's just that vampire, I can't wait"

The farmer who spoke looked around and immediately said, "dig him to death with a hoe!"

Another southern location.

late at night.

A large tobacco-producing factory in Nannan County provides a large dormitory for workers to sleep in.

After a tiring day of work, a group of workers didn't sleep.

In a narrow, dark, low room full of sweat, foot odor and all kinds of inexplicable smells, a group of people listened attentively to a young worker.

"Did you know that the factory on Paddlefish Island only needs to work 12 hours a day, which is 3 hours less than us!"

"Then they must make a lot less money than us."

One worker said, thinking he understood.

The young worker glared at him with contempt: "You know nothing!"

"A distant cousin of mine works on Paddlefish Island. He asked someone to write back and said that the lowest-paid job on the island is 1 kron a day, and he is responsible for breakfast, lunch and three meals, and he also pays for every meal. A full half hour of meal time!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked shocked.

"I work 12 hours a day and have an hour and a half to eat. This is too luxurious!"

"Can the factory owner be willing?"

The young workers looked like you really didn’t know anything about this.

"Of course the lord wants to let us work 24 hours a day, but the lord of Paddlefish Island won't let us."

"There are clear laws on the island. Workers must not work more than 12 hours a day, they must be well fed, have adequate rest, injuries and illnesses must be treated, and whips are never allowed!"

"Once a factory owner violates the law, he will be severely fined immediately!"


The clothes were dirty and smelly, and the workers, who were skinny and thin, had their eyes bright when they heard it.

"Is there really such a good lord in the world?"

"Even if the lord is good, but the factory owner has no money to make, won't the factory have to close down?"

"Yes, yes, if the factory closes, no one will make a penny."

The young worker spread his hands.

"I don't know this, but our Sir Fulan just bought a new carriage. I heard that it cost more than three thousand Oggs. And his original carriage was only bought a year ago, and it is still brand new."

As soon as these words came out, the workers fell silent.

The young worker added: "My cousin said that the factory owners on the island are far less impressive."

"Of course their lives are better than those of us workers, but they all come from civilian backgrounds and know that life is not easy."

"Don't talk about buying new carriages one after another. You have to be careful when buying new clothes. It hurts to spend an extra copper."

I am afraid of comparison in everything. One worker gritted his teeth and said:

"So, our factory owners in the south are vampires!"

"Not only a vampire, but a demon!"

"My father died years ago, and I wanted to take leave to attend the funeral. But Sir Fulan said that my father's death had nothing to do with me. I wanted to punch his father to death, and then ask him if it had anything to do with it?!"

The workers began to verbally attack the factory owners.

Dawn City, Harbor District.

The sun has set, the sky is dimming quickly, and the nightlife in the harbor area has officially begun.

In the calm storm bay, beautiful phoenix ships were lit up with lights.

The piano girl played the lyre, and the beautiful dancers with charming figures and provocative clothes danced hard on the spacious deck.

Dissolute and generous gentlemen boarded the ship.

Once the number of people is full, the Phoenix Boat will sail slightly away from the dock and float in the bay, allowing gentlemen to enjoy the taste of paradise on earth safely and comfortably.

"Weigh anchor~leave port~~"

As the sailors shouted, another beautiful phoenix boat carried the guests away from the dock.

On the upper deck, singers and dancers performed hard, and the spectators were also immersed in it, but it was a completely different scene in the cabin below the deck.

Men and women were sitting on neatly arranged chairs.

It can be seen from their clothes and manners that everyone has a good education and social status.

Everyone also wears one or two magic weapons, which shows that they should all be mages.

But almost everyone has a look of depression on their face, which shows that everyone is dissatisfied with their current life.

At this moment, everyone was holding a beautifully bound atlas in their hands, and there was a small stage at the innermost side of the cabin, and a well-dressed man was giving a speech on the stage.

"Gentlemen and ladies~ I want to tell you that this is a war concerning the fate of Weilan!"

"If the North wins, Weilan will be completely free from Aaron's control, and the status of civilian mages like us will rise significantly."

"Baron Rosen of Northern Paddlefish Island is a kind and generous lord, a wise and enlightened mage, and a brave and powerful fighter!"

"He is implementing a new island citizen participation system on the island!"

"As long as you are a resident of the island, no matter what your origin, no matter whether you are poor or rich, no matter whether you are a noble or a commoner, as long as you have enough ability, you can participate in all affairs of the island. Blood is no longer an obstacle!

"Let me tell you, the island's political manager is an ordinary mercenary from Dawn City!"

"The Chief of the Island Admiralty, he is just an honorary knight of Shire County. Everyone knows what an honorary knight is, but it is just a bone awarded to a watchdog by a noble lord!"

"Master Alonso of the Magic Department was once framed and even imprisoned in the Jia Lai Mine Prison. Everyone thought that he would be in ruins for the rest of his life, but now his laboratory has obtained as much as 100,000 Austrian coins. A great investment!”

"On the island, there is also the great Ring of Truth. It is a purely experimental creation with an investment of up to one million Oggs. It can turn lightning into pure power."

"If you think about it, you will know how much the Baron of Paddlefish Island attaches great importance to magic skills, and how little he ignores his bloodline!"

Following these passionate words, the male and female mages carefully looked at the albums in their hands.

Various creations of Paddlefish Island are printed on the album.

There are black stone battleships that cut through the waves, there are magnificent rings of truth, and there are even details about the "Island Citizen Participation System".

All these factors made the civilian mages present feel greatly moved and even shocked.

Someone in the crowd asked loudly: "Would the Baron really do this in the whole of Welland?"

The person asking was wearing a black gentleman's dress and holding a pretty good crystal staff. He looked like a very capable mage.

The man speaking on the stage answered decisively.


Someone else asked: "Why is he willing to do this? This matter will not be of any benefit to the lord."

"Because the Baron not only wants to take Weilan away from Aaron, but also wants to make Weilan stronger!"

"So powerful that it arrogates the entire alliance, so powerful that it can ride the seas, oceans, and even the skies of the world!"

"The Baron said that Weilan is not the Weilan of the nobles, let alone Aaron's Weilan, but the Weilan of all Weilan citizens!"


Some arrogant words made the audience feel excited.

The speakers on the stage were also full of passion.

"Masters, Paddlefish Island has the best battleships in the world!"

"Only five ships destroyed the First Storm Fleet consisting of 20 warships, but our own side was not damaged at all!"

"Paddlefish Island also has the largest fishing ground in Weiland. It produces countless pearls and countless seafood every year, which can greatly enrich the dining tables of Weiland people."

"Paddlefish Island also stores countless fertilizers, which is enough to at least double the yield of Weilan's farmland, so that we Weilan don't have to rely on the food supply of the Wit Continent!"

Someone shouted: "It's impossible, the farmland is all owned by the count, and they don't let anyone grow food at all!"

The speaker on the stage immediately raised his arm, clenched his fist and waved it, like an angry man wielding an iron hammer.

"Then let those greedy and stupid counts disappear!"

"And this is the greatness of this war, because it will truly change the fate of every Weilan person!"

"Everyone, whether we continue to be enslaved by this group of greedy people called counts, who are actually vampires, or whether we stand up and sweep them into the remnants of history, it all depends on our own choice!"

Someone shouted again: "But we have no weapons! We can't defeat the counts!"

"The Earl is a noble, but most of the Earl's soldiers are civilians!"

"Their parents and brothers are basically civilians. They worked hard for the earl just because they couldn't find a better way out."

"Let them see a better way, then they will not be the Count's lackeys, but Willan's warriors!"

"Maybe you think this is impossible, and it is indeed unrealistic now, but when the Island Baron's army moves south and the Blackstone Battleship comes, all of this will become a reality!"

"Brothers and sisters of Weilan, it all depends on your choice whether you seize the opportunity in advance and contribute to the establishment of New Weilan, or you wait passively and reluctantly accept the ordinary path of destiny."

When the decent men and women listened to these words, some looked thoughtful, some had eager eyes, and some were excited.

But no matter what, the mind of every civilian mage was greatly affected.

Secret speeches like this are happening everywhere in Weiland.

Not only in Dawn City, but also in all major southern counties.

A large number of voices can be heard not only in respectable venues in cities, but also in factories, and even in the vast rural areas where people are most looked down upon.

A bottom-up trend of thought is gradually rising in the south of Weilan, like water flowing at the bottom of a pond. It looks calm on the surface, but the bottom is almost boiling.

The center of the trend of thought is: 'The Baron is the best lord. If you want a better future, you must support the Baron! ’

But the trend of thought is just a trend of thought. In addition to triggering various discussions, there has not been much practical action yet.

After all, the south is rich and everyone can barely have enough to eat.

If you can eat enough, you won't have much motivation to change.

First, human nature is like this, and second, we are worried that things will get worse if they change.

Against this background, a diplomatic ship from Kaa slowly sailed into the Storm Bay of Dawn City.

This official ship is very large, more than 80 meters long and more than 20 meters wide. It looks like it was modified from a warship.

The black rose flag representing the royal family of Kaa is hung on the ship, and gun windows with a total of 60 cannons on two levels are installed below the deck.

Above the deck was stationed a group of warriors wearing dark red uniforms and gorgeous feathered cylinder top hats.

Anyone with knowledge can tell at a glance that this is clearly the Knights of the Blood Moon who protect the royal family of Kaa.

In other words, a member of the Kaor royal family came aboard this diplomatic ship.

As one of the three kingdoms of the Natural Alliance, although Kaa is not very powerful at sea, it is a first-class land power.

In the most glorious time, he once pushed Aaron and Levander to the ground together and beat them hard, forcing both parties to cede the land at the same time.

Even twenty years ago, the Kingdom's most elite Knights of the Red Moon had united with Aaron's Ninth Legion of Lions to defeat the Glorious Empire in the Giant Fortress, making the Glorious Empire dare not take it lightly for twenty years. The war begins.

For such a powerful kingdom on land, members of the royal family actually came to visit Dawn City in person. The news naturally spread like a whirlwind throughout the entire seaport area in an instant.

Everyone in the harbor area was curious, wondering what the royal family of Kaa was doing here?

And just as the diplomatic ship slowly docked, in the luxurious cabin at the top, Prince Kaa, nearly 40 years old, Ryan, was standing in front of the porthole, silently watching the bustling Dawn City harbor.

He has a loyal face, a medium build, and wears a gorgeous but restrained black velvet dress. Anyone who sees his appearance will think that he is a gentle and good man.

In fact, everyone who had contact with him, from the Duke and Marquis to the personal attendants, all thought so.

But at this moment, in a foreign port, Prince Ryan stood alone in the cabin, with a hint of gloom on his gentle face.

He was almost 40, and his father was obviously going to die, but somehow he got significantly better and could even get off the ground and walk on his own.

He knew at a glance that his old father might not be able to breathe in less than ten years.

His dream of inheriting the throne came to nothing, and the prince could only sigh silently at his aging face in the mirror.

‘The third brother and the sixth sister are also very depressed, right? ’

This thought made Ryan feel better.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and the voice of his close confidant, the fourth-ring peak arcane master Luo Famir, came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, the ship has docked."

Ryan nodded: "According to the plan, spread the news and make sure to let as many people as possible know about it."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Luofamir took the order and left.

Prince Ryan shook his head to get rid of the unpleasant thoughts, and thought about this plan in his mind.

Looking at the morning harbor again, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"My mother's plan is really cruel. Aaron will lose Weilan completely now, haha~~"

Without Weilan, Aaron is like a lion who has lost more than half of its territory, only one step away from falling into despair.

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