Start with Island Lord

Chapter 164: One Weilan, Two Systems (23)

Hall of Glory.

Originally the hall of the Noble Council, it was now the main venue of the Welland Citizens' Assembly.

The structure of the main hall is fan-shaped, with a high fan surface and a low center. But there is a high platform in the middle, on which a civilian magic master named Carles is making an impassioned speech.

"Every human born in Weilan is naturally a citizen of Weilan and enjoys all the rights and obligations of citizens."

"Based on this, I would like to say that the Northern Earls are also citizens of Welland. They have greatly enjoyed the rights of citizens, but they do not seem to have fulfilled the obligations corresponding to their rights."

"This is obviously unfair. I think the privileges of all noble lords in Weiland should be revoked, and only the Duke of Weiland should be retained."

As soon as the words fell, the whole venue burst into warm applause.

The common people had been oppressed by the nobles, and finally had a chance to stand up and speak out. The grievances in the past were suddenly vented, and they just wanted to knock down all the nobles.

The one who spoke immediately on the stage was one of the leaders of the northern nobles, Earl Robert of Shire County.

To be honest, facing the overwhelming majority of civilians in the audience, he felt a little guilty and even frightened.

But the situation forced us to grit our teeth in order to fight for our own interests.

"The nobles in the south are vampires. Almost all of them are pawns planted by Aaron in Weiland and should be removed."

"This is what our northern Earls have been thinking about and doing."

"You must still remember that not long ago, in order to support the Duke's landing on Weiland Island, we northern nobles tried our best to form the Northern Alliance."

"I admit that the soldiers of the Northern and Southern Alliance did not really fight against each other on the battlefield, but this is actually a good thing for Weilan. It greatly avoided the unnecessary losses of heroic warriors."

"But I want to say that the existence of our Northern Alliance itself is also due to huge contributions."

"It was us who kept the Duke from fighting alone and falling into a terrible predicament surrounded by enemies on all sides!"

This is true, and many knowledgeable people in the audience nodded secretly.

Earl Robert continued: "Like all of you, I hate the southern vampire lords very much, because these vampires not only suck the blood of southern civilians, but also suck the blood of all of us in the north."

"At the same time, I also admit that times have changed."

"It is true that many of our northern nobles do not have the outstanding abilities to match our noble titles, but our land and our titles are the legacy left by our ancestors."

"As descendants, we must do our best to defend the legacy of our ancestors. This may not be the responsibility of the citizens of Weiland, but it is a responsibility that a person must bear!"

After saying this, Earl Robert turned around and left the stage. There was sparse applause from the audience, but most of them were silent.

But there was not much anger in the silence, because the vast majority of southern civilians did not hate the northern count.

Of course, there are also those who hate it, namely some civilians in the north.

But not all hate.

Although some northern county earls are unreliable, there are also reliable earls with extremely high reputations.

For example, the Wolf family in Gaoshan County has always been the source of popularity in Gaoshan County.

The contemporary Count Wolfe of Alpine County is a powerful warrior at the top of the Fourth Ring. His character is stable, fair in dealing with things, and he lives a simple life. He has always been respected by all walks of life in Alpine County.

The issue of the nobles of the Northern County is already the last major disagreement, and there is absolutely no result that can be achieved by just relying on everyone's discussion.

If someone with ulterior motives fan the flames again, serious internal strife may arise.

So, seeing that the discussions between all parties were almost complete, the new Duke stepped onto the stage.

He is now both a Duke and a magic sage, and he also controls the highest military force on the island, so he can certainly say the same thing.

But being able to tell the truth does not mean that you can speak nonsense.

Because power does not exist naturally, but like bank deposits, it needs to be managed bit by bit.

To go against the trend is to spend money, and to go with the trend is to save money.

A qualified lord should spend less and save more, because this 'money' is difficult to save, it is spent quickly and saved slowly.

If he accidentally spends all the money, the big lord's head will probably fall to the ground as well.

After coughing a few times, and after the entire venue fell silent, Rosen spoke: "First of all, I want to announce a piece of news that I have been hiding."

Having said this, he raised his left hand, and pure mana gradually poured out from his hand, and quickly turned into the power of the sage of Order Level 10, forming a crystal clear multicolored orb.

This is the power of a sage with the strength of seven rings, and when pure mana pours out, it shows extremely amazing mana fluctuations.

The participants can be said to be the smartest people in Weilan, and most of them are practitioners.

At this moment, he felt a deep and powerful fluctuation of mana, and a look of shock gradually appeared on his face.

Rosen's voice sounded again.

"The Sistine Duke of the Glorious Empire once used the improved Rameau Sun Formula to calculate that there should be a Miracle Ring above the six rings."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had incredible expressions on their faces, because everyone had guessed an astonishing possibility.

Sure enough, the next moment, Rosen spoke.

"I have been practicing intensively for ten years with my mentor, Mrs. Anna Robert Agnet, and I have confirmed Duke Sistine's words with actual practice results."

The whole audience was shocked, and Earl Robert in the corner was shocked and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. He understood the meaning of Master Rosenti’s full name, and he also understood that even if something happened to all the Earls in the Northern Counties, his Robert family would be fine. .

‘Sister, you really have a good apprentice! ’ He was happy and grateful.

The Duke's voice came again from the stage.

"I discovered that there are at least three miraculous rings above the sixth ring. And I successfully reached the first miraculous ring, which is the seventh dharma ring."


As soon as he finished speaking, the whole audience was shocked!

This is the first time in the Nature Alliance magic world that a high-level expert has publicly stated his magic achievements.

And this achievement was so amazing that it overturned the magic formula of everyone present.

What is even more shocking is the speed of this young Duke's practice.

After ten years of practice, reaching the advanced third level is already considered outstanding, and reaching the fifth sage level is considered an unprecedented magic genius.

Now, this Duke has directly broken through the cognitive limit of the magic world and reached the seventh magic circle at once. This is simply. There are simply no words to describe his terrifying magic talent!

But everyone present had a similar idea.

No wonder this small island controlled by the Duke can develop so many powerful magic creations.

Such a powerful mage should become the Lord of Weilan.

Earl Robert was so shocked that his breathing stopped for a long time, and he had a thought in his mind: 'It turns out that I was right that day, he is indeed not a mortal! ’

But in the next sentence, Rosen said: "Everyone calls the six rings above the ring of miracles, and believes that reaching this achievement means becoming an otherworldly and immortal god."

"But I have to say, it's all false."

"Reaching the Circle of Miracles only means a higher level of magic practice, but you are still a mortal."

"I would also like to say that this is indeed a great progress for us mortals in our understanding of magic."

"As for my progress alone, it is just my personal achievement. Only the overall progress of the magic world is the progress of the entire human race!"

"So, after the conference, I will publish a "Luosen Practice Record" to share my practice experience with the mages across the island and even the All-Natural Alliance."


The venue that had just calmed down once again appeared like a tsunami.

Everyone has the same feeling: "Weilan is really lucky to have such a Duke, and it is really lucky for mortals!"

Everyone clapped as hard as they could.

On the stage, Rosen clearly felt that his 'power account balance' had soared.

Knowing that the heat was almost done, I started to talk about the main topic.

"In my opinion, whether it is the southern county or the northern county, it is Weiland's county."

"Whether we are northerners or southerners, we are all Weilan people."

"Because of Aaron's blood-sucking of me, Weilan, we eradicated the southern nobles. This is natural and a necessary step for me, Weilan, to achieve independence."

"But Count Robert is not wrong either."

"Everything of this generation of northern earls inherits the glory of their ancestors. It is also the earl's responsibility to maintain the glory of their ancestors."

"Any ordinary person also has the right to inherit the property left by his parents. This is a matter of course and does not require too much discussion."

"The differences must be resolved."

"But because we are all Weilan people, all differences should be resolved on the basis of maintaining internal peace."

"Why peace?"

"Because Aaron in the south is staring at us like a predatory beast. Once we are in civil strife, the Lion Fleet will take the opportunity to go north and make us, Weilan, their slaves again!"

Speaking of this, Rosen looked around at everyone: "Do you all agree with this?"

About 1,000 social elites present all nodded in agreement with this without hesitation.

Rosen then dished out his approach.

"No one has ever stipulated that only one system can exist in a country."

"No one has ever stipulated that a person cannot be a citizen of Weyland and a noble of Weyland at the same time."

"So, my suggestion is that the fifteen southern counties of Weiland implement complete citizen participation in politics."

"As for the ten northern counties, I have two solutions."

"First, the nobles keep most of their rights and obligations unchanged, but they are responsible for the management of the territory. The only change is that northern civilians must also become citizens of Welland."

"Second, voluntarily give up part or all of your noble title and donate part or all of your territory to the "Weilan Citizen Bank"."

"Based on the size of the territory and the amount of resources, stable returns will be obtained from the "Weilan Citizen Bank" every year. As long as the bank does not fail, the returns will continue."

Speaking of this, Rosen looked at everyone present.

"You can discuss as you like. You can move around and discuss with each other. If you have a better way to handle it, you can always propose it."

Everyone in the venue immediately started whispering to each other, and even groups gathered together to discuss.

The civilians in the south had nothing to say about this. Anyway, the situation in the northern counties did not have much impact on them.

The only thing they care about is how much returns the Welland Citizens Bank gives to the northern nobles every year.

It is reasonable to donate territory in return, but never give too much.

Moreover, the lord said that he would keep giving, which is a bit too generous. It would be better to reduce it year by year.

The common people in the north had different opinions. Some wanted to retain the noble lords, while others wanted to learn from the south.

Northern nobles also had different views.

The poorest Earl of Icefield County spread his hands and looked bachelor.

"My shabby place is worthless, the land is barren, and it's freezing. If the price the Duke offers is reasonable, I'll donate it all and use the money to live a better life in the south."

Earl Robert of the Shire also had his own ideas.

"I don't want any other places in Xiaer County. They are too big and difficult to manage, and there is not much income. I will just keep Xialin City."

The idea of ​​Earl Robert represents the ideas of most earls in northern counties. After all, many lands really do not generate benefits.

Those ghost places in the wilderness are tiring to manage and make people jealous. It is better to exchange them for stable income.

Therefore, it is best to keep only the core areas.

They all believe in the credibility of Duke Rosen. In fact, they have to believe it even if they don't believe it.

Because of the announcement of the seven rings, Rosen's status in Weilan has almost reached the level of a god on earth.

After a discussion, everyone unanimously agreed with Rosen's proposal, and the only change was that the return should be reduced in a step-by-step manner.

It was initially set at one step every forty years, until it was completely reduced to zero after 200 years.

The northern nobles also agreed with this point. After all, it was 200 years later. Who knows what the situation will be like in 200 years?

After another ten days, various details were discussed, and then a new version of "Welan Citizen Participation System" was released, divided into two versions, north and south.

The propaganda team trained on the island immediately spread the relevant information throughout Weilan.

Even the mountain dwellers living in the mountains spread it.

Of course, this is a later story.

When the news reached the ears of the envoys of various countries, it instantly caused a huge shock.

For the envoys of the Natural Alliance, the biggest shock was Rosen's announcement of the seven-ring achievement and the sharing of practice experience.

This made Rosen the incarnation of the perfect mage of the new era.

Because the core of the magic spirit of the new era is "sharing new knowledge".

But most mages hide and don't give good things, but Rosen directly made a big explosion!

Not to mention ordinary mages, even the mages of the envoys have a strong urge to join Weilan directly and worship Duke Weilan as their practice mentor!

Ms. Irene of the Glorious Empire was also shocked.

She was not shocked by Rosen's magic achievement, after all, she thought she knew Rosen's level. And in the empire, especially the Glorious Royal Family, there are many high-ring mages.

This is already an open secret.

She was shocked by Rosen's courage in sharing his cultivation experience and his political skills.

Looking at the information at hand, she sighed softly.

'Fortunately, he is only at the initial level of the eighth ring, otherwise this guy would really be a strong rival of my glorious lineage. '

While sighing, she suddenly remembered the crazy night before, and somehow she felt a little hot.

When the envoys of various countries digested the new information, the coronation ceremony of the Duke of Dawn, which Rosen had deliberately postponed, was finally put on the agenda.

In this regard, the Grand Temple of Saint Veran and the Adrian family were very concerned.

Rosen didn't think it mattered, but he felt vaguely that someone was spying on him.

He couldn't help but think: 'Which natural god is spying on me? '

After all, he was in the Natural Alliance, and the natural god was still there.

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