Start with Island Lord

Chapter 165 Young Mage, there is an end to your practice (33)

Preparations for the Duke's coronation ceremony are in full swing.

The Great Temple of St. Weilan is very considerate and wants to tell the world that no matter how hard you try, Weilan is a part of the natural alliance.

Adrian was interested because he wanted to tell the world that Duke Weilan was given to him by his Adrian family, and he would have to pass it on to the Adrian family bloodline in the future.

Anyway, no matter whether the next generation of Duke's surname is Adrian or not, he must have half of the blood of the Adrian family in his body.

Rosen intends to follow tradition.

The belief in Mother Nature still has a huge influence among the people of Weilan.

Although this influence will definitely become less and less in the foreseeable future, it cannot be ignored at present.

Following tradition will allow him to sit more securely in his seat.

On the evening before the coronation, the spy appeared.

Rosen was walking in Dawn Garden when a strange female voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Rosen Saxon, the descendant of the Steel Dragon, find a quiet place and I want to have a good talk with you."

The voice sounded like he was in his early thirties, very soft, with a faint sense of exhaustion, as if he was just waking up from a big dream.

Rosen was walking next to a large clump of wave rose trees, and there happened to be a flower viewing hall here, so he walked towards the small hall.

When he arrived at the hall, he put down the windshield curtain beside the flower viewing hall, and then sent his guard Aaliya around as she pleased.

Aaliya didn't suspect anything. After all, Dawn Garden was heavily defended and couldn't be safer. She just thought Rosen wanted to be alone.

Rosen waited patiently in a flower-viewing armchair.

About five or six minutes later, a person appeared out of thin air in the flower hall.

She has light golden curly hair that is as bright as the sun, emerald eyes that are so pure that they seem to be shining. She is probably in her early thirties, with soft features full of maternal tenderness, and a simple blue-white priest dress.

As soon as he saw this woman, Rosen immediately stood up and saluted, calling her 'Mother of Nature'.

Then immediately set up a chair for him.

The woman glanced at Rosen, nodded to him, and then sat down on the chair. Her back was straight, her slender legs were slanted to one side, and her posture was like that of a young girl who had not left the palace.

Rosen also sat down and said, "Mother Nature, I didn't expect you to come in person."

He expected that he would be dealing with Mother Nature soon, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

I also find it strange that Mother Nature is so brave, daring to break into his Dawn Castle alone.

Because the tenth-ring mage's sensitivity told Rosen that the woman's magic power in front of him was probably at the peak of the eighth-ring, much stronger than the Banshee King Nefilonia, but she still had not broken through the ninth ring.

Such an achievement would naturally be overwhelming against ordinary people, but Dawn Castle was heavily guarded.

The woman seemed to understand Rosen's thoughts and smiled lightly: "Do you think, if I show my appearance in front of everyone, will the soldiers help me or you?"

Rosen thought about it carefully and said, "Probably half of them help me and most of them hesitate."

"But if I really attack you, or even succeed in killing you, I will have to bear the reputation of killing gods. Then I will immediately become a public enemy of the Nature Alliance, and even countless Weilan believers will turn their backs on me."

One is because this is a natural alliance after all.

The second reason is that there is more than one natural god, Mother Nature.

As far as he knew, there were several high-level mages, and even the mighty Heavenly Father with nine-level power might not be dead, but might just be in an extremely deep sleep.

After killing the contemporary mother of nature, the major temples in the alliance immediately issued oracles. The countries in the alliance were worried that there was no place to rob money. With such a good reason, they must form a united front to rob Weilan.

That would be great fun.

Mother Nature nodded: "It's good that you are awake."

While speaking, she asked: "The next generation of Duke of Dawn must be Selena's child, right?"

"Without a doubt, but I can't guarantee which child it will be because Selena and I have more than two children."

Mother Nature nodded with satisfaction: "It doesn't matter which one, as long as it is."

He added: "Tomorrow's duke's coronation, I will still show natural miracles to confirm the legitimacy of your duke's position."

After a pause, she said: "But I still have some conditions."

Rosen immediately said: "Your Majesty, please speak."

Mother Nature did not say directly. She asked instead: "You have ten-ring magic power, right?"

After saying that, seeing Rosen's expression of surprise, she said, "This is a natural alliance after all. We started paying attention to you as early as when you forcibly married Selena."

"As you progress step by step, we gradually increase the importance we attach to you."

"The news about the ten-ring magic power was told to me by my grandfather. He once quietly observed you."

"To do this, he completely used up the few waking hours he had."

Speaking of this, Mother Nature Chigurilana looked a little sad.

If what she said is true, there is reason to be so, because he is the highest-ranking existence of the nature god, and the only nine-ring mage whose identity has been revealed in history.

Rosen became more and more surprised, and was secretly glad that he had been implementing the strategy of 'respecting ghosts and gods and staying away'.

If he had been showing atheism, even if he would not die suddenly for no reason, there would definitely be a lot of inexplicable obstacles on the way forward.

Mother Nature continued: "In terms of magic power cultivation, you can indeed be said to be one of the most outstanding geniuses in the Witte Continent."

Rosen's heart moved: "Are there other ten-ring mages?"

Mother Nature nodded: "Of course there is. The Lord of Light is the Ten Rings. He is still alive. Although he is sleeping now, he should have at least 50 years of wakefulness."

"And you have seen his achievements. He created such a huge Glorious Empire."

Rosen's heart bulged slightly: 'Sure enough, there are countless geniuses in the world. '

"There are two in the Holy Elf Empire, known as the Elf Twin Masters."

"The situation across the sea is a bit complicated. Judging from the current situation, it is not optimistic, because someone has taken the wrong path on the path of magic and introduced a very terrible force."

After a pause, Mother Nature looked at Rosen: "My second request is that you can study magic, but never study summoning spells in depth, and it is best not to do any research."

Rosen was shocked: "Why?"

Of course he knew about summoning, which is the spell of using spells to summon life in other planes.

But for some reason, summoning was declared a forbidden spell in both the Glorious Empire and the Natural Alliance. Not only was research not allowed, but even the relevant spell knowledge was destroyed.

It was destroyed so completely that only the name remained, but no specific knowledge could be found.

Mother Nature showed a hint of worry on her face. She raised her hand and a rainbow-like halo suddenly appeared in the air.

"The Creation Ring, from bottom to top, from inside to outside, has eleven rings in total."

"Inside the ring is our mortal world, the ring constantly precipitates matter, and gradually condenses into our world."

"Outside the ring is the endless void, but the void is not completely empty, there are other rings, precipitating other worlds."

"Through the resonance of the ring and the soul beacon, we can summon the existence of other worlds to our world, and vice versa."

"The above is the basic technique of summoning spells."

Rosen suddenly understood: "The continent across the sea will not summon demons, right?"

"You guessed right."

Mother Nature showed a trace of pity in her eyes: "Great Demon King Buck, a top ten-ring peak power, masters a large number of terrible ten-ring spells, and his power is at least 50% stronger than that of the Lord of Light."

"Fortunately, there is the endless sea blocking it, but looking at the current situation, I don't know how long it can stop it."

After sighing, Mother Nature's expression relaxed again.

"But times have changed. No matter how strong the cultivators are, they can hardly stop the attacks of the latest thunder weapons."

Rosen immediately said: "In that case, perhaps we should release some knowledge of summoning spells to build a magic circle barrier and completely prohibit the strong from the outside world from entering."

Mother of Nature smiled: "Maybe, but it's not the right time now, and the destruction spell was completely destroyed back then, there is really nothing left."

At this point, she raised her third finger.

"The Temple of Nature will not easily intervene in the power disputes within the kingdom. With your ability, it should be very likely that you will unify the Natural Alliance."

"So my third condition is to treat the descendants of the gods of nature well, just like you treat the Adrian family."

This is not difficult.

Rosen immediately promised: "I will."

Mother of Nature raised another finger, with a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"The fourth condition, I know there are a lot of conditions. With the current situation of the Natural God System, I don't have the capital to discuss so many conditions with you, but I have to say it."

"As for whether you agree or not, it's up to you."

Considering the huge influence of the Natural Church among the civilians of the Natural Alliance, Rosen nodded very simply:

"Your Majesty, just say it, let alone four, as long as you can support me, ten are no problem."

Mother of Nature nodded with satisfaction, but she didn't speak immediately, but stared at the sea wave rose bush outside the flower hall, as if she had something to hide.

After hesitating for more than ten seconds, she finally spoke: "Natural God System. Oh, forget it, let's talk about it after you have completely secured the position of Duke Weilan."

"This is for you."

While speaking, Mother of Nature kept looking at the sea wave rose, and even when she handed the item to Rosen, she didn't turn her eyes away.

The item she gave was a book titled "The Mystery of Natural Divine Power".

In addition, a talisman.

It is a necklace amulet. The amulet itself is a round plate made of jadeite. There are a lot of silver filaments carved inside the plate. The lines are very complicated and look like a burning flame.

"This is called the Boiling Moonfire Amulet. It is a reward my grandfather got from one of the two best wizards in the Holy Elf Empire, Moon Goddess Dora, in exchange for high-level knowledge."

"When you wear it, it can not only perfectly hide your mana, but also protect you from a fatal blow at the peak of the tenth ring."

Rosen was delighted, because he was in need of high-level knowledge.

He also liked this powerful ten-ring amulet.

He didn't like the amulet itself, but the high-level magic knowledge in it.

After taking the spell book and the amulet, he asked: "Why don't you just tell me, what should I do specifically?"

Mother Nature still didn't look at Rosen: "No hurry, I will come to you after you have completely secured the position of Duke Weilan."

She got up and was about to leave.

Rosen still had many doubts. He asked: "Your Majesty, how can you be sure of your position?"

"Solve the crisis of Aaron's fleet heading north."

Rosen asked again: "Has anyone been promoted to the eleventh ring?"

Mother of Nature shook her head without hesitation: "No."

"No one?"

"No one, I am very sure of this."

Rosen was a little disappointed. He had always wanted to see the scenery of the eleventh ring, but he didn't expect that he was already at the top.

Mother Nature finally turned to look at her. She was very similar to Selena, but her cheeks were gentler and more maternal, and her eyes showed a gentle light.

"Young mage, all roads in the world have an end, including the road of spiritual practice."


"As far as I know, it's because the properties of the magic rings below the tenth ring are introverted, but the properties of the eleventh ring are divergent. Mortal souls cannot withstand its power."

"Of course, I only heard what others said, so I can't guarantee its authenticity."

After saying that, the air around her twisted, and less than half a second later, she disappeared into the air.

Rosen concentrated his energy and faintly sensed the opponent's departure trajectory, but after the distance exceeded 20 meters, he completely lost the opponent's information.

‘As expected of his family background, this invisibility technique is really powerful. ’

But I was still very unwilling.

‘How is it possible that there are no eleven rings? It is entirely possible to achieve a breakthrough in calculation. But I keep getting stuck. Which link is causing the problem? ’

'However, if the mortal soul cannot bear it, then the breakthrough will be suicide, which is really sad. ’

I want to know more, but the answers are nowhere to be found.

Fortunately, he got a new spell book and a powerful talisman, which was enough for him to study for a while.

As for the coronation, since Mother Nature has promised it, there is no problem.

It was just a routine ritual, and Rosen no longer cared about it.

The most urgent thing next is to face Aaron.

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