Start with Island Lord

Chapter 217 Hunter and Prey (33)

The moving black stone car.

Faced with Alena's quick reaction, Rosen was not surprised at all.

He saw at a glance that the reason why the other party was not infiltrated by the Lord of Darkness was not good luck, but because she was a powerful person.

With the ultimate mana of ten rings, a soul life of less than 200 years, and a pair of deep and incomparable crystal blue eyes, it seems that he can see through all the secrets in the world at a glance.

This person is the most talented group of people in the Republic of Nahuat.

If Rosen had not been promoted to legend, he would have no psychological advantage in facing such a top person, and he would even be suppressed by him.

When the car drove onto the avenue, Alena immediately turned on the communication magic tool in the car and started to contact the Blood Soul Army.


The result was that they could not connect.

Alena was surprised and immediately gave up the communication magic tool and used telepathy instead. After trying for a few seconds, it still failed.

She immediately changed to other means of communication, but none of them worked.

Seeing that she was still trying, Rosen immediately reminded her: "We are locked by this powerful demon. The narrow area we are in is blocked by it, and the usual means of communication are ineffective."

Alena took a deep breath to calm her mind: "Master Rosen, how strong is the demon?"

"Legendary 6 or above."

Alena's crystal blue eyes widened a lot, and her face turned slightly pale.

"It's much stronger than I thought, no wonder it can make Seglin and Dato fall!"

She immediately explained: "Seglin and Dato are my colleagues. They have fallen, right?"

Because of her lack of strength sensitivity, she didn't feel the abnormality of the two colleagues in strength, but she had noticed the subtle changes in their behavior.

Rosen nodded, and at the same time felt strange: "Madam, you seem to have noticed their abnormality a long time ago, why don't you investigate them secretly?"

Alena spread her hands: "Because the abnormality is too slight, I was not sure at first, but today their abnormality is too obvious."

After that, she looked at Rosen again: "Rosen Mage from the Drittan plane, I am very curious, how did you get the legendary power?"

Rosen did not answer: "Now is obviously not the time to talk about this. The question now is how can we get to the Blood Soul Camp safely."

Alena's face condensed: "You are right!"

She immediately said to the driver: "Speed ​​up~Rush to the camp at full speed!"

After that, she quickly said to Rosen: "The Blood Soul Camp is in the northern suburbs of Weimar City, about ten kilometers away, as long as you get to the camp."

Rosen suddenly said: "Slow down, turn right, immediately!"

The driver was stunned for a moment and did not execute.

Rosen immediately used the mage's hand to directly control the rudder and turned the black stone car violently to the right.

Almost at the moment of turning right, a Black Stone car on the road ahead suddenly turned sharply, stuck to their body, rushed past, and then crashed hard into the building on the roadside.

It seemed to be just an accidental traffic accident.

Seeing Alena's shock, Rosen explained: "At present, only the two of us know the information of the devil, and external communications are blocked. If the two of us die, the secrets of Anweimar Province will be concealed by it."

As soon as the voice fell, the second wave of attack arrived, but it was directly aimed at the driver of the Black Stone car.

A condensed curse power directly penetrated the magic defense on the Black Stone car and hit the driver's soul.

The magic defense on the car was very strong, and the curse power that finally penetrated was not much.

But this was a curse driven by the legendary mana of the void, and the driver only had four rings of mana.

The driver rolled his eyes and fell directly on the rudder.

His soul was shattered on the spot by the curse power, and he died directly.

Rosen immediately took over the control of the black stone car, and at the same time used the mage's hand to push the driver's body to the side seat.

He came to the driver's seat and began to control this vehicle with amazing defense and very good power.

"Madam, it seems that the devil already has a large number of believers in Anweimar Province."

Alena's face was both shocked and guilty: "This is my serious dereliction of duty!"

But this emotion only lasted for a while and then restrained: "Mage Rosen, you must spread the news, especially to the Blood Soul Camp!"

Rosen nodded: "Understood."

While speaking, he used the mage's hand to shovel out a large ball of refined black stone from the bottom of the passenger seat, put it into the combustion chamber and burned violently, and then increased the speed of the car to the extreme speed of 70 hours per hour.

This speed is already quite fast, far exceeding the reaction speed of the Shadow Lord, so there are no accidents on the road ahead.

It can also be expected that this calm is definitely only temporary, and the Shadow Lord must have prepared a more fierce lore in the farther encirclement.

But there is always a chance to breathe.

Rosen asked, "Will the Blood Soul Army be infiltrated by the Lord of Darkness?"

Alena shook her head firmly, "Don't worry, the Blood Soul Army will never be infiltrated by the devil."

After a pause, she explained, "The Blood Soul Army is the center of guarding faith. A large part of Nawat's faith power is concentrated on the Blood Soul Army."

Rosen could naturally understand this. The power of faith, or the power of belief, has the function of protecting the soul and can greatly increase the toughness of the soul.

The army lives in groups and almost never lives alone. When everyone's faith is gathered together, the power is naturally even more powerful, and it can even be said to be the strongest in the world.

It can indeed resist the penetration of demons to a great extent.

Then proceed directly to the next step.

Rosen asked: "If the Blood Soul Army is dispatched, is there a way to kill the Lord of Darkness?"

Alena showed a trace of hesitation: "We can easily eradicate the demon's apostles in the mortal world. We also have ways to attack the demons in the void. However, we cannot guarantee that they will be killed, but we can guarantee that they will be driven away."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to feel overconfident and added: "Of course, the strength of this demon cannot be higher than Legend 8. If it is higher, it will not be able to fight against the strength of a province."

Seeing that she was so specific, Rosen simply asked directly: "I heard that there is a demon in Legend 19. What should I do if I encounter it?"

Alena suddenly showed a trace of bitterness on her face: "You should know that the higher the legendary level, the higher the demon's strength, the scale of its power, its recovery ability, and even its wisdom will increase significantly."

"When it comes to Legend 19, it is simply an incredible existence. The only thing we mortals can do is to try our best and fight to the end!"

"As for what the final outcome will be, it can only be decided by the Creator."

Thus, the guardian mage successfully conveyed her anxiety to Rosen.

But Rosen soon regained his bachelor mentality: "After I go back, I will use Earth's methods to develop nuclear weapons, ready to kill everyone at any time." "

According to the calculations of Cavendi's Unified Power Formula, the power of a nuclear bomb explosion is absolutely enough to cause an extremely violent mana storm of destruction to the magic ring. Any nearby creature, even a creature hiding in the void, will not be spared.

If we meet, and normal means cannot defeat this level 19 super devil, then everyone will die together.

Thinking this way, the anxiety in his heart immediately disappeared.

At this moment, Rosen discovered another problem: "Mage Alena, I am isolated from power."

"Isolated power? What's going on?"

Rosen shrugged slightly: "To put it simply, this demon who calls himself the Lord of Shadows built a barrier near the connection point between me and the magic ring to prevent me from obtaining mana from the magic ring."

This is bad news.

The good news is that 30 tubes of mana have been stored in his Crystal Torrent Staff.

And although the power of faith has been affected to some extent, it has not been isolated, and it still continues to replenish his strength.

Using the supplement of stored mana and the power of faith, even if Rosen cannot obtain power from the magic ring, he can still maintain a soul of legendary strength.

As for the Lord of Shadows, it will naturally take a lot of effort to block the magic circle. It depends on how long his strength can sustain the blockade.

Alena understood immediately when she heard it: "This move is called Void Confinement. It is a unique ability of powerful demons. It can cut off the source of power of the legendary mage of Burning Soul."

"But this move consumes a lot of energy. Even a demon won't be able to hold on for long."

Rosen immediately asked: "How long can it last?"

"Judging from past experience, it can be as short as two or three days and as long as a week."

Rosen was secretly shocked by the demon's power: "Oh~ we'll have to endure it then."

Alena looked pessimistic, and sighed softly.

"Such a powerful demon cannot be dealt with by one or two mortals. The entire country must be mobilized to expel it."

"Judging from past experience, we are almost certain to die."

Rosen chuckled: "Don't be desperate, I still have a trick up my sleeve."

As he spoke, he borrowed the true name beacon on his finger, used the power of faith to build an information channel inside the ring, and then called for assistance.

‘Ziegrillana~can you hear me? ’

This information is transmitted inside the magic ring, and the carrier is the power of mortal faith. Rosen's newly developed phase faith communication spell is used, and Laifu carries out precise encryption control.

Now, since the Lord of Shadows cannot completely block the faith channel between Nature Believers and Rosen, he cannot block the connection between Rosen and Mother Nature.

After shouting three times in his heart, Rosen heard Mother Nature's response.


The sound was a bit noisy, with a lot of noise, indicating that it was still disturbed by the Lord of Shadows, but it could be heard clearly.

"Where are you?" Rosen asked immediately.

"I'm in Nedlin, the manor of Archmage Naya."

This news made Rosen very happy, and he immediately explained his situation. After finishing speaking, he said: "It all depends on you."

Chigrelana quickly replied: "Hold on! I'll go find Archmage Naya right away!"

He had just finished delivering the news. Within a few seconds, a muffled and low voice sounded in the air inside the black car.

"Rosen, Alena, I'm sorry that things have come to this."

"But I must regretfully inform you that you must die."

"Especially you, Duke Willan, you really piss me off."

"I will not kill you easily, I will teach you a lesson and let you know what a true god is!"

Upon hearing this, Alena explained: "It is the "Whisper of the Magic Ring" mastered by powerful demons. By vibrating the magic ring, it affects specific areas of the mortal world and produces low-pitched spiritual words."

Rosen understood: "It's almost like talking through the door."

"That's right. The good news is, he can only speak, but he can't hear us."

This is indeed good news.

Rosen asked again: "Legend 6 demons can vibrate the magic ring, so can't legend 19 demons directly vibrate the magic ring and kill the magician who is practicing with the magic ring?"

Aleena nodded: "More than that."

"It can even penetrate the magic ring and directly appear in the mortal world with a virtual power body. We have seen such a demon once in history."

"That time, relying on our power, we almost failed. It was the gods of light with Atumen, the Lord of the Sun, who came to help in time, and successfully expelled it."

"In short, not all void creatures are demons."

Before he finished speaking, Rosen had driven the Black Stone Car through the eastern gate of Weimar City and drove into the suburbs.

After driving for a while in the suburbs, he saw several large stones weighing several tons blocking the middle of the suburban road.

The huge stones blocked the way of the Black Stone Car, and on the side of the road, many hidden power auras could be sensed.

Apparently, the Shadow Lord estimated the Black Stone Cart's path through the Void Vision, so he set up roadblocks at all possible intersections in advance.

"It's over." Alena sighed.

Rosen grinned: "No, it's just the beginning."

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