Start with Island Lord

Chapter 218 How did you find such a bunch of rubbish? (13)

A huge boulder blocked the way.

There are uneven rocky slopes on both sides of the road. It is difficult to walk even on foot, let alone a black stone vehicle that has basically no off-road capabilities.

Of course the boulder can be moved.

But it will consume mana, and it will also consume time. This is a suburb. Although there are some pedestrians, there are not many. It is a good place to set up an ambush and kill people.

There is also a powerful demon staring closely at them, so there is nowhere to escape.

Because of this, Alena thought she had reached a dead end.

But when Rosen saw the boulder blocking the road, he just slowed down the car slightly, and then used a mage's hand to move the driver's body from the passenger seat to the back seat. He then said to Alena: "Sit in front, I need you to crush those rocks." ”

Of course he can do it by himself, but now that he has been cut off from his source of power, he can save as much mana as he can.

"I'm afraid they won't give us that chance."

Even so, Aliena still sat in the front immediately.

Rosen added: "Add some black stone to the combustion chamber, the power is a bit insufficient."

Aliena did as she was told.

As soon as she finished adding it, she saw a large black round cake with a diameter of more than ten centimeters scattered on the ground in front of the car, and she immediately shouted a reminder.

"Be careful, that's an engineering explosive bomb!"

This thing is very powerful and is used to dig mountains and dig roads. If it explodes under the car, it can blow them up directly into the sky.

Rosen chuckled: "It's a dumb bomb that won't explode."

The next moment, the black stone truck ran over, and the explosive bomb did not explode. It was no different from the ordinary stones piled on the road.

At the same time, a prompt came from Laifu.

‘Fate Interference is activated, consuming 2% of mana. ’

The consumption is not huge because there is no explosion.

If it has already detonated and then forcibly interferes with destiny, it will be like intercepting a flash flood head-on, and the mana consumed will be very, very huge, almost unacceptable.

Soon, the black stone truck stopped in front of the roadblock.

Alena followed the secret magic passage reserved in the car and began to use the disintegration technique on the boulders blocking the road.

She is a powerful mage with the ultimate ten rings, so this matter will naturally not be difficult for her.

One by one, the boulders were disintegrated into powder by the spell.

But of course the ambushers in the shadows wouldn't watch them lift the roadblock.

‘Bang bang bang bang~~’

Many figures emerged from the rocky slopes on both sides, shooting violently at the black stone vehicles with exorcist hand cannons.

But this black stone car was specially provided for guardian mages, and its protective power was amazing. Facing the blows of the exorcist hand cannon, the car body continued to vibrate, but it was not penetrated.

Seeing that the hand cannon was useless, someone immediately started throwing powerful explosive bombs at the black stone vehicle.


Explosive bombs were thrown on the black stone cart, making a impact sound like stones, but none of them exploded.

They were all duds.


They are powerful sniper weapons. There are two of them, and they are much more powerful than the exorcist hand cannons.


The powerful bullet hit the car body, but scraped away from the car body, leaving nothing but two long scratches on the car body.

It can be seen that the attackers on the hillside look like they have seen a ghost.

Not to mention them, Alena was also a little confused. After disintegrating the boulder, she couldn't help but said: "What's going on with this demon? Why did he find such a group of trash?"

They stopped and let them hit, they were just living targets, and the opponents had so many powerful weapons, but they couldn't penetrate them.

Of course, Alena also vaguely felt some fluctuations in the power of destiny, but these fluctuations were very obscure and very fast, making it feel like it was not like a spell that a mortal could use.

At this moment, the attacker in the distance took out a new weapon. The shape was so exaggerated that it required two very strong people to move it.

Alena caught sight of it from the corner of her eye and was immediately startled: "It's the light of destruction!"

You don't need to think about it to know that this must be something given by the two fallen guardian mages, and this is the latest super magic weapon developed by Navat, and its power is extremely amazing.

The light it excites is ten million times brighter than the sun, and its concentration is almost perfect, able to penetrate almost all defenses in the world.

Rosen took a look and immediately understood that this was a rune laser cannon. It must be very powerful, and the black stone car may not be able to block it.

But he wasn't worried at all.

Because magic weapons like this, which have sophisticated structures and contain huge power, are Laifu's favorite.

So, he comforted: "Don't worry, this is a defective product."

"Master Rosen, there can be no defective products in the Light of Destruction. This is the Republic's most cutting-edge light magic weapon!"

"Open the way quickly!"

Alena had no choice but to continue disintegrating the rocks.

While waiting in agony, a violent "boom" sound suddenly came from the distance.

The vibration was so violent that the ground shook violently.

Alena turned around and saw that the 'Light of Destruction' exploded on the spot.

The explosion was so powerful that it caused multiple fire bombs to explode, destroying the bodies of the ambushers within a thirty-meter radius.

One wave cleared out half of the ambushers.

Obviously he is the attacker, but the other party has stopped and allowed him to attack.

It is obvious that the explosive bomb will explode, but it will not explode when thrown at the opponent.

They are all sharpshooters who can always hit the mark, but they miss the fixed target continuously.

Now, the target is still doing nothing, but our own side has inexplicably lost half of its strength.

This would make everyone confused!

The violent explosion caused the morale of the ambushers to plummet, and the attack on the black stone car almost stopped completely.

Rosen laughed: "See, I said it was a defective product."


Finally, the roadblock was broken open by the huge stone, and the black stone car successfully passed the roadblock and began to accelerate again.

They drove quickly towards the Salin Province east of Anweimar Province, leaving a group of confused ambushers far behind.

Rosen felt the mana reserve. The previous wave consumed 5 tubes of mana, and there were 25 tubes left.

This was just the beginning. If they were intercepted again, or suffered a more terrible blow, their strength would be exhausted in an instant.

Therefore, they had to find a power supply.

It was difficult for him to get a new source of power because he was being closely watched by the Lord of Shadows, but Alena beside him could.

"Master Alena, as a guardian mage, you are covered with a lot of guardian faith power. I need you to find a way to lend me this power."

The power of faith is very special. There is no problem of "focusing without breaking the ring", so it can push people to legend.

The reason why Rosen said this is because he is sure that Nawat has the knowledge of the spell to absorb the power of faith.

Master Alena can naturally understand and is willing to help, but her face immediately shows embarrassment.

"Although I am a candidate for the guardian mage, I have just been selected and have not really come into contact with the power of legend."

"I am still familiar with the function of the faith conversion instrument. I am afraid I can't help you."

As she said, she took out a magic instrument she brought out before from the back seat: "Look, this is my faith conversion instrument. We call it the 'guardian wheel'."

Rosen took a look and found that this thing was about the size of two palms, similar to an elliptical disk, and made of a fusion of crystal and metal.

One side is flat, the other side has spiral lines and is slightly raised. There are also a lot of runes carved on the surface. Most of them can be understood by Rosen, but some cannot.

But as long as you are willing to help, it's fine.

Rosen secretly contacted Mother Nature in the capital city of Naidlin again through the True Name Beacon, and explained the current situation in detail.

After a while, he received a reply.

"Grand Mage Naya said that the function of the Guardian Wheel is very complicated, and there are a lot of designs to bind souls, the purpose is to prevent someone from stealing the Republic's guardian beliefs."

"Therefore, the Guardian Wheel can only be activated and used by the selected Guardian Grand Mage, but because the Guardian Wheel is extremely complicated, it usually takes 1 to 3 years to fully master it. So according to the normal method, Mage Alena can't help you."

Rosen knew as soon as he heard it that there was an abnormal way.

Sure enough, the voice of Mother Nature came again: "There is a workaround. You and Mage Alena can have a deep soul connection, and then use your legendary control power to extract the power of Guardian Faith on her behalf."

"Mage Alena knows the method of deep soul connection. Just contact her."

Rosen immediately told Alena beside him the relevant information.

Mage Alena listened and did not agree immediately: "I can have a soul connection, but I must first confirm what you plan to do with this power?"

"One is to fight against the pursuit against us. The second is to counterattack this demon at a critical moment."

After a pause, he said: "You don't think we were lucky to escape just now?"

Seeing Alena's curious look, he explained: "It's my destiny spell. In less than five minutes, I consumed more than five times your power."

Alena was shocked.

Things have come to this point. The fate of the two is one, and Rosen does not intend to hide his trump card.

He pointed to the crystal torrent staff beside him.

"This thing can store legendary mana, a lot of it. If it is full and used properly, it can pose a huge threat to our enemies, and may even..."

Rosen made a gesture of wiping his neck, and then said: "Do you understand?"

Alena nodded slowly: "I understand, but I want to tell you that deep soul connection will not only share power, but also share some of our memories."

Rosen's heart moved slightly: "Shared memory?"

"Yes, the reason is soul resonance. Similar to mind resonance, but deeper than mind resonance. It cannot be controlled and has a lot of randomness."

Rosen understood it and said simply: "If you have no problem, then connect."

He has studied soul resonance and has a deep understanding of this phenomenon. He confirmed that this will not expose Lai Fu's existence hidden in the deepest part of the soul.

"Okay. You focus on driving, and I will do a deep soul connection."

As she spoke, she began to act.

She raised her hands, her right hand gestured various hand seals, her left hand gestured back and forth between her forehead and Rosen's forehead, and she was still reciting magic mantras.

About five minutes later, Rosen clearly felt a huge force of faith near him, knowing that this was the protective faith that enveloped Alena's soul.

He immediately tried to guide this power, and after trying several times, he successfully guided it into his soul.

The power was very powerful, hundreds of times stronger than the power of faith provided by the Church of Nature. It used to take several hours to fill a tube of mana, but now it only takes less than 1 minute.

With this power replenishment, the power in the Crystal Torrent Staff began to rise rapidly.

Originally, this would be fine, but as the power surged, Rosen suddenly felt a slight shock in his brain, and then he gained more knowledge.

After a careful inspection, it was found that it was the knowledge of legendary mana focus. The focus intensity was very high, reaching +3.8, and many of the techniques used in it were unknown to Rosen.

This focus knowledge also has a name, called the latest version of "Soul Oath Sword".

Rosen understood the reason after a little thought.

'Nawat's Soul Oath Sword is constantly evolving. '

'And I have been studying legendary focus recently, and it happened that Alena had this knowledge, so soul resonance appeared. '

"It is very likely that Alena also obtained my focus knowledge because of this."

Sure enough, he felt that Alena's eyes were not right when looking at him. The next moment, he heard her say: "Master Rosen, it seems that you have a lot of unique insights on legendary focus."

Rosen also simply admitted: "But the effect is still not as good as Master Alena's knowledge."

Alena nodded: "Originally, this knowledge was a top secret of the Republic and would not be shared easily. However, the current situation is special. Let's treat it as a high-level magic exchange, but I hope Master Rosen will not easily pass it on to more people."

"Of course."

Because it is mature knowledge, Rosen immediately planned to use it.

After all, with a strong enemy at hand, the stronger it can be.

So, he handed over the two simple tasks of driving and guiding power to Lai Fu, and focused on digesting the new magic knowledge.

Probably because they moved too fast, exceeding the limit of the mortal power that the Lord of Shadow could deploy in a short time, so the next hour was very calm.

Just when the power in the Crystal Torrent Staff was almost full, the situation changed again.

Two small black dots appeared in the sky in the distance.

Rosen squinted and confirmed that they were two airships.

Judging from their flight trajectory, they were most likely to intercept him.

Alena cast a perception spell and came to more conclusions: "Seglin and Dato are chasing us personally."

These two are fallen guardian mages. They are chasing us personally, which means that it is the last resort of the Lord of Shadows.

Immediately afterwards, Alena reported a new situation: "There is not much black rock fuel left. We can only drive another 100 kilometers at most."

Rosen nodded to show that he understood.

He turned his head to look at the surrounding terrain, combined with the map in the "Nawat Travel Handbook", and roughly determined his current location.

There happened to be a fork in the road ahead, and he turned the rudder from the original east to the south.

He turned very naturally, and it seemed that he was trying to avoid the interception of the airship.

The airship in the sky immediately adjusted its direction.

Rosen looked at the airship chasing him, and through the soul connection, he told Alena in detail about the plan for the future.

This was the plan he had discussed with the Guardian Archmage through the True Name Beacon.

Aleena listened carefully, her eyes becoming brighter and brighter.

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