Start with Island Lord

Chapter 239 The center of the vortex: Aaron (13)


With a gentle exhalation, Rosen slowly opened his eyes.

In the secret practice room, the brilliance of the spells gradually dimmed on the runes that assisted the practice, which meant the end of a journey of focused practice.

"My soul strength has finally been promoted to Legend 3."

It’s not that high, but it’s a further improvement.

Just like an athlete who runs 100 meters in 10 seconds and improves his time by 0.1 seconds, it is simply a qualitative leap.

"But it feels like it's close to the limit of what my body can handle."

It is recorded in Nahuatl's book "Exploration of the Limits of the Human Body" that among all planes, the strongest mortal legendary mage in history is called Lobida, and his soul strength is legendary 6.8.

After reaching 6.8, the legendary mage only lasted three days before having to return to Legend 4.

The description is: 'When I got to this point, I felt tremendous pressure every moment, my head hurt and I felt dizzy, as if I had exploded a fireball. ’

Everyone's ultimate talent is different.

Rosen, who has reached Legend 3, has already felt this pressure.

"I have reached the limit of my cultivation, and I don't think I can reach Legend 6."

Therefore, you can go a little further, but it will be very dangerous.

However, the benefits brought by the improvement of the basic legendary level are extremely huge.

First of all, Laifu's computing power has skyrocketed by 50%. If there is no other drag on computing power, he can now perform extreme combat operations on four lines at the same time.

Secondly, his perception ability is much stronger.

In the past, the field of vision in the void was about a circle with a radius of 60 kilometers. Now, it has directly increased to 80 kilometers.

Finally, various external focusing techniques can also amplify basic improvements.

In Legend 2, the focus strength of the Legend Crystal was Legend +4.1, but now it has become Legend +4.5.

In other words, when combined with crystal, he can stably stimulate the legendary 7.5 mana.

With sufficient preparation, if he had another fight with the Lord of Shadows, he would win without the help of outsiders.

When he thought of the Lord of Shadows, Rosen couldn't help but think of the soul-burning Alena, and subconsciously clenched his fist hard.

‘Don’t let this happen again! ’

For another example, the upper limit of his current strongest wave focusing technique has been increased from legendary 12 to legendary 13.2.

According to estimates, as long as his basic soul strength reaches Legend 8, Laifu's computing power will skyrocket by more than 10 times, and he will be able to focus on the ultimate mana of Legend 19 in waves.

"It's a pity that human power has its limits."

"However, the wisdom of mortals is infinite, and the world of magic is also full of infinite possibilities. If you can't achieve it now, it doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in the future."

Of course, for a mage, magic practice is the foundation, but it is far from the whole story.

After resting for a while, Rosen left the practice chamber and followed a secret passage leading deep into the ground. Soon he reached a deeper underground chamber.

But it is the area where the faith management puppet is located.

This underground secret room is hidden about 100 meters underground. It is very wide, with a length and width of more than 80 meters and a height of more than 10 meters.

A large number of magic circles of legendary strength are drawn on the surrounding walls, responsible for shielding, confinement, defense, etc.

In the center of the secret chamber is a huge spiral runic ring.

The outermost spiral is about 50 meters in diameter and 6 meters high. Its surface is covered with runes, and its interior is filled with a huge amount of fine magic structures.

This is Rosen’s new faith puppet body.

The entire Dharma Ring was filled with brilliance, and many crystal clear light strands extended out. After the light strands spread all the way out, they gradually disappeared into the void.

At a glance, you can see countless trembling light filaments throughout the secret room.

After countless light filaments are connected to the void at one end and the spiral ring at the other end, they converge all the way to the center of the spiral, and finally converge at the starting point of the spiral.

There are four endless legendary crystals condensed mana arrays at the starting point, which are used to power the faith puppet.

When all four blocks are full, the puppet can run stably for about four months, so Rosen only needs to recharge the array once every month, which is enough to ensure the normal operation of the puppet.

At this moment, the mana is still full and does not need to be recharged.

Rosen's purpose is to upgrade the puppet.

He created this puppet for two purposes.

The first is to hide Laifu's existence in response to Chigrillana's investigation. The second is to liberate Laifu’s computing power.

It was a little clumsy at first, but as it was upgraded again and again, the effect became better and better, and it can almost replace 70% of the management work of believers.

During the upgrade, light footsteps came from behind.

After a while, Chigrillana's voice came over.

"Rosen, this faith puppet is getting more and more complicated, and I gradually can't figure it out."

It's the puppet manager Zigrillana.

When she first made the puppet, Rosen carefully explained the principle of the puppet to her. The principle was not difficult, so she easily understood it.

But Lawson upgrades and renovates from time to time, one liter every three days, and one liter every five days.

Although the basic principles have not changed, the structure has gradually become incredibly complex.

Chigurilana felt that if it were her place, let alone changing it, whether she could remember the fine structure would be a problem.

Rosen completely handed over the upgrade task to Laifu and said with a smile: "Dear, it looks complicated, but in fact many of them are repetitive structures."

Many upgrades are just a matter of stacking hardware.

In fact, due to problems with the manufacturing process, the most accurate description of this faith puppet should be 'silly, big, black and thick'.

It's similar to stacking a CPU with macro tubes.

If he had the same nano-chip manufacturing process as Earth, he could greatly reduce the size of this thing and greatly improve its functionality.

Unfortunately, this matter can only be thought about for the time being, and it will take at least another twenty years for the level of social science and technology to develop.

Of course, Chigurilana didn't know what Rosen was thinking. She just felt that this big guy was very, very cool and very powerful. He was simply a creation of God.

She asked: "After this upgrade, how many believers can it respond to at the same time?"

"It can probably answer the prayers of two million believers at the same time."

These two million believers are the head believers of the Natural God Religion, and their beliefs are very devout.

Most of them are managed by faith puppets, while a small number of very important believers are managed one-on-one by Laifu.

If encountering some special circumstances, Rosen will connect directly.

The effect is also extremely extraordinary.

The power of faith currently harvested is about 100 times higher than when Rosen first took over, and it is still growing at a rapid pace. Even if Rosen doesn't use the soul-burning secret method, it's enough to maintain his legendary soul.

Zigrillana asked again: "Has the oracle that Mother Nature gave birth to the holy son of God Hegelena been passed down?"

Rosen nodded: "It has been passed on."

"I say in my oracle that Hegelena is Mother Nature's favorite child."

"She is powerful, beautiful, intelligent, and kind. She possesses extremely powerful power and profound wisdom since she was born."

"Hegelena is the god of magic, wisdom, mercy, and guardianship."

"Soon, Mother Nature will return to the Kingdom of God and hand over the task of protecting the mortal world to the noble Goddess of Nature."

"I have passed on Hegelena's image, character traits, and power characteristics to the chief priests of various natural temples."

"Just like we discussed earlier."

The reason why the image of the goddess was chosen is that the new natural empire will be mainly secular and supplemented by theocratic.

Deism is a auxiliary rather than a leader in society, so it needs to reduce its initiative and aggression.

In this regard, women’s first impressions are more consistent.

Chigurilana still felt that this matter sounded a bit mysterious.

"There is only a fictional image and a real name, but no real soul to support it. Is it really possible?"

Rosen smiled: "Of course."

Nahuat's belief in guardianship is essentially a belief in guardianship, but if we really dig into it, 'protection' is actually a fictitious concept.

"Gods are actually made up by mortals. They always have been, haven't they?"

Chigurilana thought carefully, then nodded slightly: "You are right."

The real Mother Nature and the Mother Nature in the spiritual world of believers are never the same thing.

She asked again: "The power of faith is increasing. Have you figured out how to use it?"

Of course Rosen had thought about it: "Just like Navat, it is mainly used to protect the soul and resist the void demon."

The order level of the power of faith is 1.5, which is second only to the power of the ring and higher than the power of the soul. The only way to obtain it is through the faith of believers.

When there are more believers, this power will become very huge, far beyond the endurance limit of a single mortal, and even Rosen cannot bear it.

Therefore, we can only go back and forth from there.

Rosen's role was to obtain the distribution rights of this force.

When needed, you can also use this power to save yourself.

About half an hour later, the Faith Puppet was upgraded.

Rosen took Chigurilana's hand and left the secret room: "Nana~ let's go, we have to receive two important guests later."


"The legendary mage from Nahuat came to help us."

"Legendary mage? Help? Where do you need help?"

Chigurilana felt like she couldn't keep up with Rosen's train of thought.

"Of course Aaron."

Rosen said as he walked: "Aaron is very lively now."

"The Glorious Empire, the Holy Elf Empire, Nahuat, and even some unidentified guys are hiding there."

Chigurilana became more and more confused as she listened, and couldn't help but said: "Rosen, I feel completely out of touch with the outside world."

"This faith puppet is really annoying. Why don't you find someone else to manage it?"

Rosen had anticipated this situation early on, because Chigurilana's character was not suitable for such boring work. He smiled and said: "As you wish."

Zigrillana was very happy and continued the previous topic.

"You just said that the unidentified guy, who might it be?"

"There are many demons and their apostles, visitors from the divine world, and traveling mages watching the fun."

Zigrillana was startled: "There is such a big movement? Does King Dange have such great ability?"

"If it were just King Dange, of course he would not be able to cause such a big disturbance, but now Aaron is a arena for all forces to compete."

"If Aaron belongs to me, then there will be no doubt about the unity of the natural alliance."

"So the Radiant Empire will try its best to stop it, and the Holy Elf Empire and the Radiant Empire have reached a private cooperation and are preparing to work with the Lord of Radiance to kill me."

"As for the Nahuatl Master, it was the Lord of Glory who started it. He felt that his legendary power was not enough, so he went to Nahuatl and called for help."

"Master Naya thought that I might be in danger, so he also sent us some helpers."

"The frequent plane transfer alarmed the demons in the Nahuat plane, so some demon apostles from the Nahuat plane also came."

"In the end, it was probably because I had some reputation in the major planes. This matter also spread in other planes, and then many people came to watch the fun."


Zigerelana suddenly felt like she was facing a vortex storm.

"Are you sure you can take back Aaron?"

Rosen shrugged: "I don't know, do your best. The rest will be decided by the God of Destiny."

After a pause, he said: "Don't worry too much. Although there are more strong people coming, the strongest force in the mortal world is still the army."

"At present, I have mastered most of Aaron's military power, and the general situation is in our hands."

"Will you go to Aaron in person?" Zigerelana was a little worried.

Rosen smiled lightly: "Of course I will go."

Seeing Zigerelana's worried face, he thought about it, stepped aside, and directly "disappeared".

After a few seconds, he walked out of the 'air' again.

During the whole process, there was no fluctuation of mana, at least Zigrellana did not notice anything.

"The secret art of shadow, a nearly perfect invisibility art. Not only can I use it myself, but also can use it on magic tools. I learned it from the Lord of Shadow."

Zigrellana was relieved: "I'll ask my grandfather to go with you?"

Rosen shook his head: "No, my grandfather will stay in Weilan to prevent the Lord of Glory from attacking from behind. Believe me, if I'm not in Weilan, the Lord of Glory will definitely come to cause trouble."

The mighty father has returned from the Glorious Empire.

He is now living in seclusion by the Swan Lake, learning new knowledge every day, studying various new legendary combat skills, and learning to drive electric cars and new aircraft.

His life is very fulfilling.

Seeing that she was still worried, Rosen comforted her with a secret message: "Have you forgotten my flesh and blood puppet in the Duke's Mansion? I made another one, so it's not me who will fight, but the puppet."

"If the situation is not right, I will give up the puppet and run away immediately."

Zigrelana was relieved. After thinking for a while, she made a promise in a shy voice: "When you come back from Aaron, we will follow the wishes of our grandfather, right?"

After saying this, her face was already full of blush.

Grandfather's wishes?

Rosen understood it as soon as he heard it, and his heart was slightly warmed: "As you wish, ma'am."

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