Start with Island Lord

Chapter 240 It turns out I’m just a clown (23)


A beautiful crystal wine glass was thrown to the ground. Under the huge force, the wine glass instantly exploded into a ball of white powder that spattered everywhere.

"Damn it Sanchester, I knew this guy was a traitor!"

In the restaurant, Aaron King Salint Danger's face was darker than Black Stone's, and his whole person was wrapped in a violent emotion.

The waiters in the restaurant huddled in the corner tremblingly, not to mention gasping for air, but even their buttocks were clamped tightly, for fear that a fatal fart would pop out at the inopportune moment.


Dange was breathing heavily, but there was still a deep sense of loneliness hidden in his rage.

There is no one left.

There is no one in the world who can plan wholeheartedly for him in times of crisis.

He knew in his heart that Sanchester was forced to leave by him.

He originally thought that the mage was already very old and that even if he left, he would not cause much trouble to him.

Unexpectedly, not only did this old guy's magic power increase a lot, but he was also alive and kicking again.

After a moment's thought, he knew that this must be Duke Weilan's ability, and this made him feel extremely powerless.

‘Mortals really can’t fight against gods. ’

He finally understood, but it was too late.

Because the most elite First Legion of Lions had publicly called for him to step down, waves of public opposition to him came one after another. Even the nobles who had not been killed by him also jumped out and chanted slogans of revenge.

At this moment, almost all of Aaron was against him.

The only ones still standing by his side were a group of jackals who did his dirty work.

The reputation of these jackals was completely ruined and they had no choice but to continue to follow him.

But since he is a jackal, there is no moral compassion to speak of.

Since they can attack anyone, in order to protect themselves, they will also attack him, the king.

As a result, Dange vaguely saw his own ending.

‘Haha~~ Sanchester was right after all. ’

‘The right path is full of thorns. I gave up after taking a few steps, and now, as expected, I have slipped all the way to the abyss. ’

Subconsciously, he raised his hand and touched his neck.

‘I don’t know how many more days I can keep my head on my shoulders. ’

Just when Dange was filled with frustration, a smooth and soft voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Your Majesty, it seems you are in big trouble."

Dange had never heard such a gentle voice. At first, he thought it was an auditory hallucination, so he ignored it at all.

Soon, the voice sounded again: "Your Majesty, the end is right in front of you, but it hasn't come yet. Are you planning to surrender?"

Dange finally came to his senses, but he did not respond immediately.

After all, he is not an ordinary person. He knows many secrets that ordinary people don't know.

After thinking for a moment, he realized that the strange voice that appeared in his mind probably belonged to some kind of inhuman thing.

"Devil, get out of my head!"

"No, I'm not a monster, my name is Otlovison."

"It is true that some people call me the devil, but more people call me the 'savior'."

"I like to save people who are in trouble the most. When someone regains their past glory because of my help, I will feel a strong sense of accomplishment in my heart."

Dange listened silently and chewed the steak in his mouth.

He is not easy to fool.

"Let's be honest, how are you going to help me, and what are you going to take from me?"

"Aha~ Your Majesty, I like the way you talk."

"To put it simply, I hope your majesty can find me a group of believers. The larger the number, the better, at least a thousand people."

"As a reward, I will give these believers great power and let them be driven by His Majesty. Even if Your Majesty asks them to sacrifice their lives, they will not hesitate."

Dange wanted to laugh when he heard this: "Ha~ you are a demon in the void. Once you have enough believers, you can do whatever you want, but I don't have any means to restrain you."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid the first one to die in your hands will be me."

"So, if you can't come up with a more sincere exchange condition, then our conversation will end here."

The demon was silent for a moment, then soon spoke again.

"Your Majesty, if you are willing to become my disciple."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dange.

"I would rather die than become anyone's believer."

"Well, Your Majesty, you definitely need strength. I can give you strength. You can control it by yourself without losing the power of free will."

Dange nodded slowly: "This is interesting."

"So, how much power can you give me?"

"I can make a sword for you, an extremely sharp sword designed to kill legendary mages."

"When you hold a sword in both hands."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted again by Dange.

"Does it have to be a sword? I prefer a spear to a long sword."

"Okay, then I will give you a magic gun. When you hold the magic gun, your strength, speed, and even the speed of thinking will be greatly improved."

"Your enemies will become slower than a snail, and you can easily stab them to death with this magic gun!"

Dange is not very interested, because not many people play with cold weapons these days.

When it comes to fighting, the mages like to shoot each other with fire blunderbuss, and they also carry explosive bombs with them.

Facing such a fire gun mage, it would be like a fool to fight with a cold weapon.

He said calmly: "It sounds good, but it's actually useless. Demon, you'd better bring out something real."

The demon was a little confused: "Isn't this magic gun strong enough?"

"Not enough, far from enough, and even a little stupid. If you have ever understood the world I live in, you should know that swords, guns, and other weapons are outdated."

"We are all playing with muskets now, understand, demon?"

Danger's tone was full of contempt, as if he was talking to a country bumpkin.

The demon understood.

Of course he knew that new weapons had appeared in the mortal world, but he hadn't had time to study them carefully, so he couldn't come up with any exciting new weapons for the time being.

So, the demon Otlovison was speechless for a while.

Danger was a little disappointed: "Okay, demon, it seems that you are also incompetent. Don't waste my time, get out."

Otlovison wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he felt that he was losing face the more he spoke.

In the end, he left without saying a word.

Danger still had some expectations in his heart, but after a long time, there was no response. Knowing that the demon was really gone, he couldn't help but sigh.

"The times are developing too fast, even the demons are lagging behind, let alone me, a mortal?"

Strangely, his mood was much better because of this.

But the Creator seemed reluctant to let him die like this.

After a while, another voice sounded in Danger's mind.

"Your Majesty, it seems that you are in trouble."

This is the voice of a middle-aged man, with the warmth of a mortal, most likely a person.

And the one who can penetrate the heavy defense of the palace and pass the news to his ears silently is definitely not a simple person.

Danger suddenly felt hopeful: "Who are you?"

"Legendary wizard Yasdin, from the Glorious Empire. I heard that your majesty was in trouble, so I came here to help you through it."

Danger was immediately happy: "Oh~ This is a bit reliable now."

"Oh? Has anyone seen your majesty before?"

"Yes. It was a demon named Otlovison. He said he would help me and give me a magic weapon, but he took out a spear and almost made me laugh to death."

"It turned out to be him."

Master Yasdin's voice suddenly became much more serious.

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate this demon. He is a legendary demon of level 4. His nickname is 'Blood Baron'. He likes to perform evil and bloody sacrificial ceremonies in the mortal world."

"Maybe he can't seduce your Majesty, but he can seduce your subordinates and cause great trouble."

Danger was shocked when he heard the seriousness of the situation: "What should we do now?"

"No need to do anything for the time being. Recently, this Blood Baron dares not make too much noise in the mortal world."


Mage Yasdin smiled: "Because during this period, there are at least six legendary mages in Rhine City. If he dares to make trouble, he may die."

This scared Danger: "Why are there so many legendary mages suddenly?"

"The specific reason is unclear for the time being. You just need to know that these six legendary mages all support your Majesty."

"Finally, the Lord of Light asked me to tell your Majesty that he will greatly increase the number of legendary mages in the Giant Fortress. Soldiers, to ensure that the Lion First Legion is unable to take care of Rhine City. "

"In the Storm Ocean, the Glorious First Fleet is also rushing to the Gilded Strait, and will cut off the connection between Weilan and Aaron when necessary. "

"What Your Majesty has to do is to issue a suppression order and publicly execute the leaders of all the resistance forces in Rhine City!"

"I know this is not easy, but don't worry, we will help you find these resistance leaders."

Danger's mind suddenly became much more stable, and he asked, "What's next?"

"Without the trouble of the resistance leaders, we will leave two legendary wizards to help you, you can firmly control Rhine City, and then cut off the military supply of Lion Fang City, and use this as a threat to remove the current commander of the Lion First Legion, and find a way to open the Giant Fortress!"

"As long as the Glorious Legion successfully enters the Aarons Plain, the rest will be left to us."

Danger listened carefully, his mind trembling slightly.

He knew in his heart that this road was not much better than the road proposed by the devil.

Once the Glorious Legion floods into the Aarons Plain, there will be no need for him as the king to exist.

At that time, it will be his real death, and even the entire Danger family will have to be buried with him.

Danger suddenly came to his senses and couldn't help thinking: "What on earth did I do!"

He was going to die anyway.

Why did he die with such a huge infamy?

So he fell into silence.

Perhaps because he was silent for too long, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Your Majesty, do you regret it?"

Danger let out a long breath: "No, I don't regret it, because I never really planned to let the Glorious Legion enter Aaron."

At the beginning, he did have this idea because of impulse, and even took many practical actions.

But now, he saw the consequences of this idea.

The fire of impulse cooled down, and his mind was sober.

"You just regret it."

"Okay, I regret it, but what can you do?"

"Humph~ I just want to tell you that it's too late to regret now. Because things are no longer up to you."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the restaurant was kicked open.

A team of 20 Aaron Night Guards rushed into the restaurant, led by Blood Flame Sarath.

He held the musket horizontally in his hand, with a strong flame jumping in his eyes: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I have no other way out except to obey."

Danger looked at the group of jackals, sighed, and slowly put down the knife and fork in his hand: "Then you can do it."

'Bang! Bang! Bang! '

Aaron's night guards fired without hesitation.


A thick frost shield suddenly appeared in front of Danger, blocking all the musket bullets.

You know, the attack strength of this musket is as high as eight rings, and it is still continuous, and twenty people fired together.

It was unable to break through this frost shield that appeared out of thin air, leaving only a bunch of white spots on the ice shield.

Danger was shocked: "What's going on?"

Following that, two people came out from the shivering servants hiding in the corner.

Both of them held exquisite crystal staffs in their hands.

One of them stood in front of Danger and blocked the fatal attack of the betrayer for him.

The other one pointed at the group of Aaron Night Guards who were trying to kill the king and released a very powerful group sleeping spell.

As soon as the spell was cast, the bodies of 20 well-equipped Aaron Night Guards shook together and fell down limply.

Danger could see at a glance that the two mages were incredibly powerful, beyond common sense.

He asked in surprise: "Who are you?"

One of the mages stepped forward: "I am the Mage Kassadin, and this one is the Mage Lambros."

"We are legendary mages from Veran."

"Duke Veran has ordered that if His Majesty is willing to surrender, we will do our best to protect your safety. When the situation is stable, you can also return to the Danger family fiefdom safely."

Danger suddenly felt a sense of absurdity as if he was dreaming, but he grabbed the rope hanging from the cliff without hesitation.

"I am willing to surrender!"

After the words fell, the voice of the legendary wizard rang in the air of the restaurant.

"Danger, don't surrender in a hurry, the battle has just begun."

As soon as the words fell, Kassadin roared at the air.

"Master Yasdin, as a Nawat wizard, I advise you to stop in time, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable."

A voice came from the air: "Master Kassadin, Master Lambros, this is what I was just about to say to you."

"We have three people, and you have two."

"We also have three legendary elves on our side."

"In this battle, our legendary power has an absolute advantage, and Duke Weilan will definitely lose. As his helpers, you will not have a good end."

As soon as the words fell, a young man's voice came out in the air.

"Master Yasdin, stop talking nonsense. I'm in the eastern suburbs of Rhine City."

"Don't you just want to deal with me? If you have the ability, just come to me directly."

"Hey~~Master Rosen, I didn't expect you to come in person!"

Yasdin's words were full of surprise.

"Sasmar must spare your life, so our Nawat wizard will naturally not kill you, but it's hard to say about the three legendary wizards of the elves~"

"So, I advise you to return to Weilan as soon as possible and don't take risks here."

The young man's voice sounded immediately.

"Legendary power is not about numbers, but about the wisdom of the mage."

"I alone am enough to defeat the six of you."

"Hmph~Mage Rosen, don't be too confident."

"Our Nawat's legendary fighting skills are beyond your imagination. We all carry powerful legendary crystal staffs, and the staffs are also filled with mana."

"Not to mention you alone, even if Kassadin and Lambros come together, there is no chance of winning."

The two of them actually quarreled in Danger's restaurant, and Danger, who was at the center of the storm, seemed to have become invisible.

This attitude of ignoring made him completely realize his status.

"So~~I am an insignificant clown?"

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