Start with Island Lord

Chapter 256: As fast as the wind, as fierce as thunder! (33)


Amid the extremely slight sound of water, Rosen passed through the underground waterway and slowly floated to the surface of the well.

Looking up, it was the wellhead of the well. The faint starlight shone through the wellhead, illuminating the well with a frosty white.

At the same time, there was a faint breathing sound coming into the well.


The sound was thick and heavy, not like a human voice, but like the breathing of some huge creature. Judging from the frequency of air resonance, the size was not small.

Immediately let Lai Fu analyze it.

The conclusion was quickly drawn: ‘The target chest cavity volume is expected to exceed 10,000 liters, about 80 meters away from the well. ’

“Good guy~~Such a large chest cavity, it must be a behemoth!”

This must be a non-human species. Thinking of the various intelligence of the Holy Elf Empire, he deduced that this thing should be a dragon.

It must be a flying dragon.

Because the earth dragons and sea dragons could not escape Zhuoya's perception, it was difficult to enter the palace quietly, even with cover.

"The dragon race is a fighting race of elves, especially good at fighting, with extremely strong magic power, and amazingly high magic resistance and physical defense. Using ordinary spells to fight against them head-on will definitely make a lot of noise."

Such a huge noise, after the fight, the whole of Metasilin will know about it.

After thinking for a while, combined with the known intelligence about flying dragons, Rosen had a countermeasure.

He raised his hand and gently patted the water surface.

'Ding Dong~~~Ding Dong~~Ding Dong~~~'

The crisp sound of water echoed in the well.

After a while, the flying dragon's breathing became heavy, and heavy footsteps were heard.

The footsteps continued to extend towards the direction of the well.

Rosen was delighted: 'The intelligence of the Godly Father is really accurate. '

He said: 'The flying dragon's body is extremely powerful in all directions, which makes them very confident. When encountering an opponent, the first thing they think of is not to ask for help, but to rely on their own strength to solve the problem. ’

Seeing the flying dragon approaching, Rosen tensed up his mind and allocated the maximum computing power to his clone's "Heart of the God of War", staring at the mouth of the well.

After a while, a small part of a ferocious giant dragon head appeared above the well, and a huge golden eye looked curiously at the crystal.

This detail shows that the dragon race is very confident in its defense and is not very vigilant about unknown things.

If it were a mortal magician, he would definitely not easily put his head up to check.

Rosen was waiting for this moment.

"Heart of the God of War" instantly operated to the extreme, three lines were operated together, and mana rushed into the magic weapon "Life and Death Ring".

In an instant, in less than one tenth of a second, three life and death judgment rays were triggered.

Almost in no particular order, they shot at the giant dragon's head.

After three, there were three more, and then three more.

In less than half a second, Rosen used three things at once and created nine life and death judgment rays.

In Rosen's perception, the dragon's strength is Legend 4, so the probability of a single ray of death is about 34%.

Therefore, as long as it is judged 9 times in a row, the opponent's survival probability can be reduced to a small probability event.

Of course, if the opponent is unlucky, the soul may collapse in the first shot, after all, the probability of 34% is not low.

The life and death judgment ray does not consume much mana, and the light of the ray itself is very dim, just a faint white light that is not much stronger than starlight.

Because the movement is too weak and the power is too weak, it did not even alert the dragon.

The dragon did not even dodge, and let these pale white lines hit its face.

One is because the ray shoots fast, and the other is because this spell is too weak.

'Puff puff puff~dang! '

The first four rays hit his face, and it didn't hurt, but the fifth ray took effect and successfully sentenced the dragon to death.

The dragon shook violently, its eyes instantly dispersed, and its huge body collapsed to the ground.

The powerful soul in its body shattered, turning into wisps of light mist, steaming out from the pores of its body.

The uncontrolled power after the soul shattered also directly suffocated its brain.

The body lost its brain and quickly lost its vitality.

In short, this extremely powerful legendary 4 dragon died inexplicably.

The whole battle lasted less than 1 second, with very little movement, but it still alarmed the defense of the Shadowless Palace.


The shrill alarm sounded immediately, and a large number of solar light balls were shot into the sky, illuminating the Shadowless Palace into bright daylight.

Anyway, he was exposed, so Rosen no longer hid.

‘Hua La~’

While still in the well, Rosen consumed 1,500 tubes of mana to trigger a huge phase turbulence.

This spell will trigger huge chaos in the magic circle, enough to block the phase transfer array within a radius of 50 miles for the next hour.

This is to prevent the Lord of Light from using phase shift to escape.

Because the casting speed was too fast and the mana surge was too strong, the ghost resonance staff in his hand exploded into pieces.

But it doesn't matter, he still has two.

Then, he cast the shadow secret spell on himself.

This spell may not be able to escape detection, but it can allow him to avoid the visual detection of most shadow guards, greatly reducing the probability of being attacked by shadow guards.

At the same time, he quickly flew out of the well, using the clone as a relay to connect the magic ring to open the void vision.

From a bird's-eye view, observe the reaction of the Shadowless Palace.

At this moment, he found three legendary power fluctuations.

One of them retreated underground, while the other two quickly rushed to where he was.

At the same time, there were a large number of ordinary mana fluctuations rushing towards the garden, with a number of more than 1,000.

It was obviously the shadow guards guarding the Shadowless Palace.

This situation was like poking a hornet's nest.

But the tiny fighting noise of the life and death judgment ray was still useful. It could be felt that although the opponent was fully alert, he did not use his full strength.

Obviously, neither the legendary powerhouse nor the shadow guards had figured out the current situation.

This was Rosen's chance!

Outside the well was the garden, where a large number of starlight roses were planted. The scale was three times that of the Queen's Starlight Rose Garden. A large area of ​​starlight roses was trampled into flower mud by the dragon.

Rosen's figure flashed, and he used a high-ring floating spell to chase the retreating legendary powerhouse.

Three legendary powerhouses, two attacked, and one retreated.

The retreating one must be the Lord of Light.

Rosen's goal was to kill the Lord of Light, so he chased after him as soon as possible.

The two legendary masters also discovered Rosen and changed direction to rush towards him.

In less than five seconds, Rosen met the first legendary master.

At this moment, Rosen hadn't seen the opponent's appearance clearly, and the "Heart of the God of War" had already been activated.

Three-line operation.

Two lines activated the life and death judgment ray, and one line maintained the immortal fate.

'Puff puff puff~~Dang! '

The fourth successfully triggered the death judgment.


It was a subconscious counterattack by the opponent, which seemed to be a curse, but it stopped halfway because the soul was shattered.

Rosen saw the opponent's appearance clearly.

It turned out to be an elf.

To be precise, it was an upper-level golden-eyed elf, a male, whose status was much nobler than the three legendary elf mages he had captured before, and his power was also stronger.

But unfortunately, he met the fighting Rosen blessed by the Heart of the God of War.

Two legendary masters were killed in succession, and the Shadowless Palace was completely alarmed.

A large number of shadow guards were activated, at least three thousand in number!

The retreating legendary warrior retreated faster, and another legendary warrior also rushed towards Rosen at full speed.

Because of the battle, at least 100 nearby shadow guards discovered Rosen and rushed towards him.

The remaining 2,000 shadow guards had not discovered Rosen yet, and were carrying legendary magic weapons, searching the Shadowless Palace like headless flies.

Faced with such a battle, Rosen did not dare to be careless.

He had a flash of thought, activated the flying technique, and escaped from the encirclement of a hundred shadow guards at the fastest speed, and continued to rush towards the fleeing legendary warrior.

The Shadowless Palace is very large, but it is very small for the flying technique.

The flying technique blessed by the Shadow Secret Technique is also extremely secretive, and for a while, few people found Rosen's trace.

In less than 5 seconds, Rosen saw another legendary warrior.

It was a demon apostle, with a strange blood shadow covering his body, and his specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

He also discovered Rosen, and his reaction was as fast as lightning.

Several pieces of blood shadows rolled towards Rosen like a rolling flag.

Wherever the blood shadow passed, trees broke, flowers shattered, and stones were cut, with the broken ends as smooth as mirrors.

This speed was really fast, and the attack was really fierce, with a strength of at least Legend 6.

With Rosen's own reaction speed, he was simply too late, and he could only use spells to resist.

But the reaction of "Heart of the God of War" was faster than that of the Demon Apostle.

Quickly landing on the ground, the Immortal Fate Domain was activated to the extreme, and at the moment when he dodged the blood shadow attack by a millimeter, he returned a wave of focused arcane rays to the Demon Apostle.


The Demon Apostle's body flashed, and he actually dodged the arcane ray by a millimeter.

'Puff! '

But what followed was the life and death judgment ray.

This Demon Apostle's luck was really bad, or maybe it was because his soul was too fragile, and he was sentenced to death by the second ray.

At this time, the first batch of shadow guards arrived!

'Bang bang bang bang! ’

A large number of combo muskets fired at Rosen, and at least thirty people were firing at the same time.

But because of the interference of the immortal fate spell, these attacks all became human outlines.

The price was that Rosen's mana flowed like a flood, evaporating at a rate of 30 tubes per second, and as the number of shadow guards increased, the evaporation rate also increased significantly.

If the opponent continued to attack, even the most powerful mana would be finished.

He continued to chase the Lord of Light with all his strength and started to fight back.

Mass Mind Terror, 8th ring spell, legendary 7.5 mana activation, mana capacity 2 Rosen.

This is a very common high-ring spell, but because the activation of mana is extremely strong, the impact range is quite large, reaching a diameter of 40 meters.

A dark purple light ball was thrown at the most densely populated place of the shadow guards and exploded.

The shadow guards within a range of 40 meters ran away with their heads in their hands, and their feces and urine were incontinent.

Rosen, who was surrounded, suddenly felt the pressure relieved.

At this time, he rushed to the gate of a palace and clearly felt a legendary wave in the depths of the palace, with a straight-line distance of less than 100 meters!

Obviously, this is the Lord of Light, Misai.

At this moment, it was less than 20 seconds since Rosen killed the legendary flying dragon!

In the void vision, Rosen could see that the Lord of Light rushed into an underground passage.

It can be imagined that there is a high probability that there is an underground palace with amazing defense in front of the passage.

If he ran in, the decapitation plan would probably fail.

Rosen accelerated violently.


Amid the howling wind, Rosen broke through the last wave of shadow guards and rushed to the entrance passage of the underground palace.

About fifty meters ahead, a thick rune gate was falling rapidly, leaving only a gap of less than 40 centimeters from the ground.

Rosen immediately wanted to use something to block the falling door, but found that there was nothing in the passage.

He also tried to use magic to block the falling door.

The result failed.

The gate of the underground palace is extremely heavy, weighing more than ten tons. No matter the gate or the door frame, it has extremely high resistance to magic. It cannot exert even one hundred percent of its strength and cannot stop it at all.

And judging by the speed at which the gate closed, there was no time to rush through.

Through the gap, one could feel the back of the Lord of Glory disappearing quickly, and behind Rosen were the shadow guards swarming up like ants.

The gate of the underground palace is also extremely strong. Rosen really couldn't break it for a while. Maybe he would have to blast it with a cannon for a while.

If the shadow guard blocked the passage, the assassination would be a complete failure.

There was no other way, Rosen could only use Immortal Destiny to bear the Shadow Guard's attack, and directly use the Life and Death Determining Ray on the back of the Lord of Glory.

‘Puff puff puff~’

After three marks, the Lord of Glory turned around and hid in a blind spot.

Rosen grinned: 'This old boy is lucky! ’

Just as the door was about to close, a rock sculpture suddenly flew past Rosen at high speed and got stuck in the crack of the door that was about to close.

‘Boom ~ click’

The underground palace gate stopped falling.

Rosen saw it clearly. It was a decorative granite sculpture at the entrance of the hall.

"Hurry~ hurry in!"

It’s Zoya!

Because of the spell, she came out of invisibility.

She simply used the floating technique, rushed past Rosen at high speed, and rushed towards the gap in the underground palace door.

‘Bang bang bang bang~’

Some of the shadow guards opened fire on Zoya without hesitation.

Those who can guard the palace of the Lord of Glory are the best among the best, and are equipped with the best weapons.

Each attack of the fire gun was up to ten levels, and at least thirty rounds were erupted at the same time.

If this hits, it can instantly kill any legendary mage.

That's not all.

At least dozens of fourth-level curse spells fell towards the two of them from across the air. It was the curse mage among the Shadow Guards!

There were also a large number of explosive bombs thrown over, the number was estimated to be fifty or sixty.

This is simply a killer!

If another legendary mage were in the passage, his body would definitely be wiped out.

But Rosen reacted faster.

He did not hesitate to pour mana into the Immortal Destiny Spell, half of it on himself and the other half on Zoya.

In an instant, Rosen felt his mana drain away wildly, consuming a full 200 tubes of mana in half a second.

The flow rate of this mana was too high. The Ghost Resonance Staff made a cracking sound, and several cracks appeared inside.

This is the price of facing the fate of death.

Without the Ghost Resonance Staff, just relying on the first-generation legendary crystal staff, both he and Zoya would have been beaten to death in the underground palace passage by the Lord of Radiance's loyal hounds, and their bodies could not be found.

But with such a delay in immortal destiny, Rosen got a chance to breathe.

He threw a mass terror technique towards the rear passage with his backhand.

There was chaos in the passage.

Rosen took the opportunity to enter the underground palace through the crack in the door, and quickly moved Carmen's boulder away.


The 1-meter-thick rune-krypton gold gate of the underground palace closed, blocking out all the shadow guards, while Rosen, Zoya, and the Lord of Glory were inside the underground palace.


"I thought I was going to die."

Zhuo Ya took a long breath. At that moment, she clearly smelled a strong breath of death.

Rosen smiled slightly: "Even if I die, I will not let the flowers wither in front of my eyes."

Zhuo Ya didn't know whether to cry or laugh. She could only sigh: "Hey~ Rosen~~ I really admire you."

Rosen pursed his lips toward the depths of the underground palace: "Let's catch up quickly and don't let him get away."

He was worried that this old guy was setting a powerful trap in the underground palace.


The two immediately caught up at full speed.

The distance between the two sides was not large, and Rosen's speed was much faster than the Lord of Glory.

The distance between the two sides quickly shortened.

Soon, Rosen saw the back of the Lord of Glory again.

He is tall and straight, with slightly white hair in his hair. He is casually draped in a thin pajamas, with bare feet and a legendary crystal staff in his hand.

He looked very embarrassed.

Apparently, he was awakened from his sleep and started running for his life.

Unfortunately, he didn't escape after all.

Rosen shouted: "Messiah, don't run away, or you will die immediately."

At this point, it was just about a minute and a half since Rosen broke out.

He spent a total of about 5,600 mana and broke two ghostly resonance staffs.

His words had an effect.

The Lord of Glory stopped, turned around, and looked at the two people behind him.

His eyes moved around Rosen, and finally fixed on Zhuo Ya, who was following him. There was deep shock and despair in his brown and black eyes.

"Zhuo Ya, I really didn't expect that you would betray me and join forces with this little bastard!"

Zhuo Ya sighed softly: "Grandpa, I didn't expect that you, who claims to be the destined savior of the human race, would actually join forces with the devil."

The Lord of Glory showed a trace of anger on his face: "I was forced!"

Zhuo Ya sighed again: "Me too."

The Lord of Light was even more furious, his beard trembling: "You don't know the seriousness of the matter at all!"

"I know, you are afraid of the Lord of Truth, right?"

The Lord of Light's face froze: "Since you know, you should choose the same path as me."

"Facing the former master of this world, the only way for us mortals to survive is to surrender."

Zhuoya shook her head: "Grandfather, you can't represent the human race. Just because you choose to surrender doesn't mean that others will choose the same!"

"I and Rosen of Weilan both choose to fight!"

"Stupid! Arrogant!"

The Lord of Light cursed.

At this point, Rosen didn't want to talk nonsense, and turned to look at Zhuoya.

"Is it over now?"

Zhuoya took a last look at Misai, turned around and faced him: "Let's end it."

As soon as the voice fell, the Lord of Light knelt on the ground with a "thump".

"Wait! I surrender! Spare my life!"

"Ka la la~~"

He threw the legendary crystal staff in his hand directly.

Facing Rosen, he didn't even have the courage to resist.

He had lived for so many years and thought that being promoted to a legend was the ultimate power in the mortal world, but he didn't expect that there was someone who treated legendary masters like dogs.

Three legendary masters couldn't even delay for two minutes.

How could he resist?

This unusual movement made Zhuo Ya turn around again. Looking at her grandfather who used to be high above and dominated everything, but now knelt on his knees and begged for his life, her face showed a strong sense of disillusionment.

"Grandfather, you once had a great image in my heart, but now, you destroyed it all with your own hands."

The Lord of Glory's face twitched, but he knelt forward a few steps: "The shadow guards of the Never Night Palace need someone to restrain them, and the faith of the Glory Sect also needs someone to carry it."

"If you kill me, the Never Night Palace will fall into chaos, and the faith of the Glory Sect will completely lose its support."

"Why not spare my life and let me hand over all this peacefully to you or Rosen. As long as you discuss it, I can do whatever I want."

This makes sense.

Zhuo Ya turned her head to look at Rosen and whispered in her mind: "Why not."

Rosen whispered in his mind: "I will help you build a true god puppet later, and the name of this puppet is the Lord of Glory, which can take over the believers seamlessly."

"As for the shadow guards of the Never Night Palace, as long as they see the body of the Lord of Glory, then their only way to survive is to choose to follow you."

He doesn't like to drag things out, and he never shows mercy to the dead.

Zhuoya looked at her grandfather again, feeling a little reluctant, but in the end, she hardened her heart: "Then send him to his death."

Turning around again and facing the Lord of Light.

The Lord of Light immediately knew that he had no chance, and immediately cursed.

"You two dogs and bitches, you will never have a good end!"

"Once the Lord of Truth returns, what awaits you is the most terrible torture in the world!"

"Rosen~Zoya, your souls will definitely be put into the most humble and dirty bodies by the Lord of Truth, and endure for a thousand years or ten thousand years"

Rosen didn't say anything, but just stimulated the life and death judgment ray to Misai again and again.

'Puff puff puff puff puff! '

The Lord of Light's body shook, and thick light mist evaporated from the pores all over his body. His body fell to the ground with a plop, dead.

Zhuoya heard it, her body shook slightly, and she asked in a trembling voice: "Is he dead?"

"Dead. He died very happily, without any pain."

"That's good."

Zhuoya turned slowly and looked at the corpse of her grandfather surrounded by strange light mist. She immediately felt that the pressure on her mind had completely disappeared, and she felt unusually light from the inside out.

But this lightness only lasted for a while, and a new pressure came.

"Lord of Truth."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Lord of Truth is indeed very strong, but not invincible. There are ways to fight him."

This smile infected Zhuoya, and she also smiled: "So, Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Natural Empire, what are you going to do next?"

"Of course, unify the Natural Alliance. In addition, help your majesty to create a Glorious Divine Religion managed by the True God."

"Very good."

After a pause, Zhuoya said: "Please help me subdue the First Shadow Guard."

Rosen took a step back, gave Zhuoya a glorious salute, and said with a smile:

"As you wish, Your Majesty, the Queen of the Glorious Empire."

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