Start with Island Lord

Chapter 257: The old master leaves, the new master is established (13)


Shadowless Palace.

Countless shadow guards surrounded the bedroom of the Lord of Glory.

No one spoke, and no one attacked, but almost every shadow guard knew the current situation.

Their master fled into the underground palace in a hurry, and at the last moment when the door closed, Queen Zhuoya and the unidentified powerful assassin chased in.

That assassin was really too powerful.

From the appearance to the pursuit into the underground palace, it took less than two minutes, and the three legendary strongmen who were usually high above and had eyes on their heads became corpses.

It is also completely conceivable that the master would have no chance of escaping in the same place with such a powerful warrior.

There are 30,000 first shadow guards, and they are basically gathered in the Shadowless Palace at this time, and the three generals of the shadow guards are all present.

These three generals, two women and one man.

Two have seven rings of magic power, and the strongest one has eight rings. All of them are direct descendants of the Glory family.

The three of them stood at the gate of the underground palace, you looked at me, I looked at you, with faces full of shock and confusion.

"It is obvious that Zhuoya betrayed her father."

The woman who spoke was called Lamiel, an eight-ring mage.

In terms of blood relationship, she is Zhuoya's aunt and the youngest daughter of the Lord of Light.

She is also the highest-ranking general of the First Shadow Guard, the most trusted by the Lord of Light, and leads the most elite legion of the Shadow Guard.

"Now it is not a question of betrayal. The biggest problem now is, if grandfather dies, what should we do?"

The male mage spoke. His name is Serakar, a seven-ring mage, and he is Zhuoya's cousin.

He is the second-ranked general, and his status is much lower than Lamiel.

The last female mage sighed lightly: "Wait, see what Zhuoya says."

Also a seven-ring mage, named Zelaya, is Zhuoya's cousin.

She leads the third legion, which is a newly organized legion recently.

Lamil was very dissatisfied with their attitude: "Zhuoya is a rebel. What we should do now is to attack the underground palace!"

"Either save people or take revenge!"

Serakar spread his hands and said nothing.

Zelaya objected: "Aunt, if grandfather is dead, there will be no rebellion. There will only be a new Lord of Glory, because the empire must have a master."

"You and I both know this."

"Besides, I think grandfather must be dead, after all, that assassin is so powerful."

Lamil was extremely dissatisfied with this, and when he was about to scold, the door of the underground palace made a "clicking" sound and slowly cracked a 20-centimeter gap.

"Hua La~~~"

A nearly naked corpse slid out of the gap, dragged a long bloodstain on the ground, and then lay prone on the ground in an extremely undignified posture.

It was the Lord of Glory, Misai.

Fortunately, the three shadow guard generals had already dismissed everyone, so no one outside the Glory Family saw this embarrassing scene.

Zhuoya's indifferent voice came from the gap of the underground palace door.

"Grandfather is dead, I killed him. The reason is that he fell, became a puppet of demons and elves, and tried to destroy the mortal world!"

As the most trusted youngest daughter of Misai, Lamier immediately ran forward, took off her cloak and wrapped her father's body.

She shouted at the underground palace door: "Even so, you are not qualified to judge him!"

Everyone saw the demons and elves, and the full-scale war against the Natural Alliance was also being prepared, so she did not doubt Zhuoya's words.

But even so, she was still extremely angry.

In the underground palace, Zhuoya asked back: "Then who will judge? You?"

Lamil was speechless.

Zhuoya said again: "From today on, I will completely control this empire. If you support me as much as you support grandfather, then I will also use you as much as grandfather."

"If you insist on opposing me, then I can only apologize."

The three generals looked at each other.

Lamier's face was full of anger: "Don't even think about it!"

But there was not much hostility on the faces of Serakar and Zelaya.

Because they are the second and third generals.

Especially Zelaya, who was promoted not long ago, is not very loyal to the Lord of Light, but recognizes the ability of her cousin.

As for Serakar.

He has been suppressed by his aunt Lamiel and is her deputy. He is far less loyal to his grandfather than his aunt, and naturally far less angry than her.

Zhuoya immediately noticed the division among the three generals, so she aimed her firepower at Lamiel.

She sneered: "Aunt, even if grandfather leads the entire empire to the abyss, will you follow him without hesitation?"

Lamil hugged her father's body tightly, her face was ashen, and she looked at the gate of the underground palace with extremely hateful eyes: "Zhuoya, you who killed your ancestors, how can you still have the face to enjoy the glory bestowed by your ancestors?"

Zhuoya immediately retorted: "My glory is created by myself."

"Forty years ago, the Glorious Empire's national strength was not one-tenth of what it is now, and the number of citizens was less than 60% of what it is now."

"At that time, the Glorious Kingdoms were still fighting each other, and the empire's economy was on the verge of collapse!"

"It was me who changed all this, and it was me who made the Glorious Empire rise to the great country it is now!"

Lamil was speechless again because of the facts that Zhuoya said.

Forty years ago, no one thought that the Glorious Empire could have such great glory as it is now.

But her soul was shrouded in anger and unwillingness, so she retorted: "But no matter what, everything comes from the Lord of Gloriousness!"

Zhuoya sneered:

"Very good, since you like to promote the origin so much, then the magic weapon you are using now and the equipment you are wearing are all derived from the efforts of the citizens of the empire. Shouldn't you think about their fate?"

Lamil said again: "Humph, this is what they should do!"

"There is nothing that should be done in the world. There is no eternal loyalty in the world, only eternal contracts."

"Protect the citizens, and the citizens will serve you. If you regard them as dust, they will spit on you and abandon you."

"Absurdity! Ridiculous! Evil!"

Lamil screamed hysterically, and then turned to look at the other two generals.

"Seracar, Zelaya, look, this is Zhuoya, she is completely crazy!"

Seracar hesitated and said nothing.

Zelaya frowned and refuted.

"Aunt, if Grandfather really wants to join forces with the elves and demons as my cousin said, then he is wrong, and very wrong!"

Lamil was stunned, and an incomprehensible light appeared on her face: "Are you going to judge your ancestors too?"

Zelaya lowered her eyes and did not respond, but did not deny it.

Obviously, she acquiesced to Lamil's words.

Lamil became more and more angry: "You are all a group of unfilial descendants, and the glorious bloodline has completely fallen."

After saying this, she shouted at the gate of the underground palace again.

"Zoya, I will never be loyal to a regicide! The legion I lead will never serve you!"

"As long as you dare to take a step out of the underground palace, my people will tear you to pieces!"

As she spoke, she picked up the body of the Lord of Glory and was about to leave the underground palace passage.

Zoya sighed lightly and was about to speak. Serakar, who had been silent all the time, came behind Lamil without knowing when.

He suddenly raised the musket in his hand, aimed at the back of Lamil's head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two dull noises appeared in succession.

The first one broke the defensive magic weapon carried by Lamier, and the second one directly smashed Lamier's head.

The head was smashed, leaving only a headless body and half of the neck that was constantly bleeding.

This change was so sudden that both Zhuoya and Zelaya were shocked.

Zelaya was horrified: "Seracar, what on earth did you do?"

Seracar took out a handkerchief to wipe the white tofu pudding splashed on his face, and put away the one-handed musket that was still smoking.

"Since my aunt said this, it means that she is willing to follow my grandfather, so I will fulfill her wish."

After saying this, Seracar secretly glanced at the gate of the underground palace.

He originally wanted to pretend to be confused and watch the fun, but a voice in his mind told him that if he wanted to continue to serve the Glorious Empire instead of retiring to be an insignificant little role, he had to do something for the new Lord of Gloriousness that she was not convenient to do, or even unable to say.

He was still young and didn't want to retire. Deep down, he didn't agree with his grandfather's approach.

Because he saw the empire rise step by step under Zhuoya's governance, and the various equipment they used was also quickly updated because of the rise of the empire.

According to his grandfather's approach, the empire would definitely return to its past state of neither death nor life.

So he followed the advice of the strange voice.

After finishing, he knelt on one knee on the ground.

"Cousin, I am far inferior to you in terms of the ability to govern the country. I am also far inferior to you in terms of mana practice, but in terms of combat skills, even if I am not as good as you, the gap is not big."

"Now, I am willing to follow you and serve you as the new Lord of Glory."

In the underground palace, Zhuoya came back to her senses.

Although she felt a little reluctant, Serakar's actions did help her solve the biggest problem, but then again, this guy was really a bit sinister.

I can still use him in the future, but I can't use him as a confidant.

So, she took a deep breath to calm the waves in her heart, nodded and said: "Seracar, very good, I am willing to accept your following."

"Then, Zelaya, what about you?"

Zelaya immediately knelt on one knee: "Cousin, I am willing to follow you too!"

"Very good, then you help me gather the First Shadow Guard, especially to control Aunt Lamil's First Legion."

"Yes, Lord of Light."

The two Shadow Guard generals turned and walked out of the underground palace.

After a while, some fighting sounds began to appear outside the underground palace.

There were "bang bang bang" sounds of muskets, and various exploding mana fluctuations.

After the chaos lasted for more than two hours, Seracar and Zelaya came back, followed by a large group of Shadow Guard warriors.

These warriors also escorted a large number of bloody officers, about thirty in number, but they were loyal members of Lamil.

"Lord of Glory, all the followers of the Fallen have been purged."

"Very good."


The heavy door of the underground palace slowly opened.

Zhuo Ya, wearing black leather armor, appeared behind the door, and behind him stood a tall male mage with an indifferent expression and mediocre facial features.

Obviously, this male mage was the powerful assassin before.

This man withstood the attacks of a large number of shadow guards and killed the three legendary strongmen head-on with thunderous means. In the end, he turned the attacks of a large number of shadow guards into invisible and protected Zhuo Ya.

The richness of his magic power and the power of his magic are simply incredible.

Seeing him standing behind Zhuoya, whether it was Serakar or Zelaya, or other shadow guards, they all subconsciously tensed their nerves and dared not turn any extra thoughts in their minds.

Zhuoya clearly felt this, and secretly sighed at Rosen's powerful deterrence, but she was also secretly worried, and couldn't help thinking:

'This guy is so powerful, and new methods are emerging one after another. How can my Glorious Empire compete with the Natural Empire? '

She was not worried about the other party's assassination, after all, the other party had countless opportunities to kill her and plunge the empire into turmoil.

But he did not do it, which showed that his words about putting the overall interests of mortals first came from the heart.

However, this melancholy turned in Zhuoya's mind for a while and then dissipated, because she figured it out.

"The Glorious Empire has not always been strong. It is just a mortal country. The relative status between countries has always been up and down."

"If you can't win, then don't win. It's useless to fight like grandfather."

"It's not all bad for the Natural Empire to be stronger."

If the Natural Empire is too weak, then in the future when facing the returning Lord of Truth, the Glorious Empire will lose a powerful ally, and the situation will be even worse.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Ya was completely relieved.

Then, she gathered her mind and issued an order.

"From now on, the former First Shadow Guard First Corps will be disbanded on the spot, all officers will be dismissed, and all soldiers will be imprisoned in the barracks, waiting for follow-up processing."

"Seracar, your Second Corps will be promoted to the First Corps, and you will replace Lamil as the general of the First Corps."

Seracar was delighted: "Yes, Lord of Glory."

"Now, you will embalm the bodies of Master Misai and Master Lamil, and then thoroughly reorganize the original First Corps and be responsible for the security and defense of the entire palace."

"Your First Corps will receive the best magic weapons and treatment."

"Yes, Lord of Glory."

"Zelaya, your Third Corps will be promoted to the Second Corps, and your main task is to be responsible for my safety."

"Yes, Lord of Glory."

Zelaya was also very happy.

"Now, take your people and escort me back to the Glorious Garden."

The Glorious Garden is divided into two parts, with her bedroom in the back and the empire's political center in the front.

The old generation of the Lord of Glory died, and the new generation of the Lord of Glory took the throne, so naturally there were a lot of affairs to deal with.

And it must be handled overnight to get through this turbulent period as quickly as possible.

Zelaya immediately waved her hand, and a large number of elite shadow guards followed Zhuoya and protected her firmly behind her.

During the whole process, Rosen stood behind Zhuoya without saying a word, acting as a silent ballast.

At the same time, Weilan, who was more than 3,000 kilometers away.

Rosen's main body, who had been responsible for controlling the battle, also sighed:

"This trip was finally not in vain, but my work was only half successful."

The queen has basically taken control of the situation and has become the supreme ruler of the Glorious Empire.

When she has completely established her foothold and lost the constraint of the Lord of Gloriousness, Rosen will completely lose the ability to restrain her.

Obviously, in terms of the ability to govern the country, Zhuoya is much stronger than the Lord of Gloriousness!

So, although a crazy tiger was killed tonight, a more terrifying tiger was also released.

So, he has to do the second step, which is to put a new shackle on this tiger.

A pair of shackles that belong to him.

You don’t have to use this thing, but you must have it!

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