Start with Island Lord

Chapter 262 His Majesty the Emperor's Grand Plan (33)


Morning City.

The former Victory Chess Room of Blue Whale Mansion was temporarily converted into a huge conference hall.

Natural Emperor Rosen and Chigrillana, who looked exactly like Mother Nature, sat side by side at the top of the conference hall.

At the bottom of the hall were representatives from various countries in the Natural Alliance.

After experiencing the military parade in the morning, the deputies looked much calmer.

Emotions such as dissatisfaction, resistance, and unwillingness are basically invisible.

What's strange is that there is a round table in the center of the hall. The round table is covered with black cloth, but you can see many things on the table.

After everyone was seated, the host of the meeting, Weilan's minister of magic, Wei Ge, spoke loudly.

"Now I would like to invite the Emperor of the Natural Empire, the strongest legendary mage in the Alliance, and the husband of Mother Nature, His Majesty Rosen Saxon to speak."

The representatives were very considerate, and they all stood up and saluted, calling themselves Your Majesty.

Rosen nodded in return and then spoke.

"Let me first introduce the distinguished lady beside me."

"This is my wife in heaven, who is the incarnation of Mother Nature in the mortal world. She is also called Chigurilana. She will also be the Queen of the Empire of Nature."

Chigurilana had a kind and maternal smile on her face, and her whole body seemed to be emitting a faint, very sacred soft light, which was impressive at first glance.

Part of this sacred aura comes from herself, and the other part is created by Rosen using magic.

It is indeed very bluffing.

The representatives from various countries who had just sat down stood up again, respectfully saluted Zigrillana, and called her "Your Majesty."

Chigurilana raised her hand, and immediately golden and green light fell from the sky and fell on everyone present.

In the light, everyone felt that their magic power had been greatly improved, and their bodies had become healthier and more energetic.

This wonderful method that ordinary people did not have immediately made everyone more and more in awe.

So, everyone stood up and saluted Qigruilana again.

After a while, the venue regained its calm.

Rosen began to speak formally.

"I know that many of you are worried that after the alliance is unified, your life will change drastically compared to before."

"Here, I promise that, except for Aaron, the Lion King who abdicated his throne on his own initiative, I will not make any major adjustments to the national systems of Kaa, Levend and the five principalities for the time being."

"The kingdom will still be a kingdom, the principality will still be a principality, the royal family will still be the royal family, and the nobles will still be nobles. There will be no major changes from before."

"I will not rudely place the citizenship system currently applied to Weyland and Aaron on your heads."

As soon as this was said, the king and nobles were satisfied, but the civilian representatives were not.

Levend Prime Minister Muladi immediately stood up, saluted Rosen first, and then said:

"Your Majesty, nearly 99% of the civilians who occupy Levind very much hope to enjoy the same civil rights as Weilan, and we are also ready to fulfill our imperial obligations."

As soon as he finished speaking, noble Levand stood up.

"No, Your Majesty, not all Levand civilians think so. Not all Levander civilians have the ability to fulfill their obligations."

After the words fell, Wei Ge, the host of the meeting, said loudly: "Quiet, listen to His Majesty first, don't interrupt His Majesty!"

The two Levanders bowed immediately and apologized, then sat down.

Rosen continued: "In a unified natural empire, I, the emperor, must do three things."

"Everything has no room for negotiation and must be implemented with the utmost thoroughness!"

Rosen's words were very serious, revealing an unquestionable determination that made everyone present feel nervous and prick up their ears to listen.

Rosen confirmed that everyone was attentive and spoke about the specific content.

"First, unified military power!"

"Whether it is a major kingdom or a major principality, they must hand over the command of the army and form a unified imperial army."

Everyone immediately started talking.

The common people originally had no military power and hated the military power of the nobles.

Now that all military power is handed over to His Majesty the Emperor, they feel very good, and at the same time they are a little gloating.

The nobles were very frightened.

Because military power is their most important power, once it is handed over, they will really become lambs to be slaughtered.

Under normal circumstances, these nobles would have stood up and cursed, slapped their butts and left.

But now I can't, and I don't dare.

Because the true god, Mother Nature, was sitting there, and the imperial army had just demonstrated terrifying force, they could only sit there and vent their dissatisfaction with their expressions, gestures, and movements.

Rosen saw everything in his eyes and continued:

"Second, unified civil rights. All members of the alliance, from the gray-haired old man to the newborn baby, have civil rights."

Now the common people were happier and the nobles were even more dissatisfied.

He was so bad-tempered that his face was ashen and he was almost ready to curse.

Rosen's face remained calm as he said the third point.

"Third, unified writing, unified language, unified measurement standards, and unified currency."

Both commoners and nobles recognized this, so most people had nothing to say.

But that doesn't mean there won't be disputes.

Deciding which country's spoken and written language should be the universal spoken and written language involves national self-esteem.

Whose weights, measures and currency should be used as the standard is also directly related to interests.

Therefore, when doing specific work, there must be some noise.

Rosen continued: "The above three things are basic principles, which cannot be changed or questioned."

"If you don't like to hear me say it with my mouth, then listen to me say it with my sword."

The atmosphere on the field suddenly suffocated, and the anger that the nobles almost couldn't suppress was dimmed.

The emperor's sword was too sharp, and the emperor's reputation was too high. The king and the nobles felt that they couldn't bear it.

So the anger was reduced to resentment.

Rosen gave a little sweet date at the right time: "On this basis, everything else remains unchanged for the time being."

"Kao is still managed by the Silge royal family, and the county governors at all levels remain unchanged."

"The administrators of Levender are still Queen Molly and the Cabinet Council, and the governors of major cities are also unchanged."

"The same applies to other principalities."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere eased a lot.

"Okay, now you can speak freely for half an hour. After half an hour, I will start answering questions."

The conference hall was suddenly noisy, and everyone was expressing their own ideas.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the meeting host Wei Ge said loudly:

"Now let's start asking questions. Those who have questions, please raise your hands, and stand up to answer when you are called."

The crowd immediately raised their arms.

Wei Ge called Marquis Nobundo of Levender.

The gray-haired marquis stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I must say that without the help of the army, we really can't manage the country."

Rosen said calmly: "It's not that we can't manage it, because the situation of Weilan and Aaron has proved that it is completely manageable."

"I also want to ask you, if you have an army and civilians have the right to be protected as citizens, when you use the army to force civilians to work, how is the right to be protected as citizens reflected?"

Marquis Nobundo grinned and had nothing to say.

Rosen said loudly: "Management is possible, but simple and crude management like in the past is not possible."

"In the Natural Empire, it is required to take care of the basic human dignity of every citizen, so a more gentle and limited management method is required."

"How to better manage the people and the country is a big challenge for all managers."

"Okay, next question."

The next one to stand up was the civilian representative of Kao: "Your Majesty, why don't you abolish the king and the nobles? Let Kao completely realize the citizenship system like Aaron and Veran?"

"Because the nobles are also citizens and have citizenship rights."

"Also because , the nobles did not choose to confront the empire, but chose to surrender voluntarily. "

"This wise move saved countless people from the war, which is a great contribution to the empire."

"Of course, the reward for such a contribution is by no means eternal."

The third person stood up, a poor noble from the principality:

"Your Majesty, if I choose to withdraw from the territory like the nobles of the north of Weilan, can I get the same compensation as them?"

"Yes, the choice of the nobles of the north of Weilan has proved to be an excellent method, and I will promote it throughout the empire. Of course, I will not force it to do so."

Next, many people stood up and asked many questions.

Rosen also answered them one by one seriously.

It can be seen that most of the answers are satisfactory, but a small part of them are unsatisfactory.

This is also unavoidable. A huge country with nearly 600 million people cannot satisfy everyone.

After the conference hall gradually calmed down, Rosen said: "In the next Natural Empire, I will strongly promote a plan."

"I call it the Empire Integration Plan, or to be more specific, it is the integration of communications across the empire, the ocean, the land, and the sky!"

As he spoke, Wei Ge used magic to gently pull open the curtain covering the round table.

There were many objects under the curtain.

Rosen pointed to one of them, and it floated up and floated in the air.

"This is the latest lightning messenger, which can directly hear the other party's voice, omitting the trouble of encoding, thus greatly reducing the threshold for use."

"Next, I will spend a huge amount of money to build a large number of lightning communication lines throughout the empire, connecting every city, every town, and even every village, so that everyone in any area thousands of miles apart can have real-time conversations with each other as long as they pick up the lightning messenger."

This sounds like a myth.

But many people present have used the lightning messenger, so they know that this is possible, but it will cost a lot of money.

But it must be said that if this can be achieved, the world will definitely change dramatically.

Rosen pointed to a model of a black stone cargo ship.

"This is the largest deep-sea cargo ship that Weilan can currently build, with a cargo capacity of 30,000 tons and a stable speed of 40 kilometers per hour."

"I will develop a large number of deep-sea routes, connect ports of various countries through the Golden Ocean, and achieve the most efficient maritime transportation."

"Preliminary estimates show that transportation costs will be reduced by 80% compared to now, but efficiency will be increased by three times."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present felt extremely excited.

The Natural Alliance attaches great importance to maritime trade because maritime trade can bring huge wealth.

Now that Rosen said this, everyone was ecstatic.

Immediately afterwards, Rosen pointed to a long land transportation tool.

"This is a rail-mounted black stone car, which uses a large black stone rune steam engine as power and steel tracks to guide the direction. After connecting a large number of carriages together, it can have a very amazing and very fast land transportation capacity."

"I will build tracks between every city in the empire, so that a large number of black stone cars can run between cities and transport all kinds of materials quickly between cities."

Everyone was surprised and amazed, and was also shocked by the generosity of His Majesty the Emperor.

If this is really realized, the empire's land transportation capacity will be increased by an order of magnitude.

Transportation means communication, and communication means all kinds of business opportunities.

Rosen finally said: "Finally, it is sky integration."

"Look, this is a large civilian transport aircraft that can transport people and goods."

"At present, this thing is still a bit expensive and difficult to promote, but if more are made, it will gradually become cheaper."

"Using it, you can cross 4,000 kilometers within 12 hours and transport people or goods from the southernmost tip of Levender to the northernmost tip of Veran."

This is really incredibly fast, and everyone present has begun to dream after hearing it.

It feels that if these things are really realized, the Natural Alliance will definitely undergo earth-shaking and even incredible changes.

Whether commoners or nobles, everyone present had a strong vision of the future world.

At this moment, the Emperor's voice sounded again.

"I believe that when the Empire Integration Plan is truly realized, the wealth of our Natural Empire will surely explode violently, and it will be easy for the Glorious Empire to look up to it!"

"The power of our Natural Empire will also increase to a height that no one can imagine, but it is absolutely incredible."

"A height that makes the whole world tremble, and even bows down and uses honorifics when the name is mentioned!"

'Hua La Hua La~'

The venue was filled with stormy and enthusiastic applause.

The future described by Rosen was so specific and beautiful that it was just like the Kingdom of God.

As long as they thought that the Kingdom of God might be realized in the mortal world, the representatives forgot all the unsatisfactory things in the current time.

At this moment, everyone had similar thoughts in their hearts.

'Let this husband of the true God lead us forward. '

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