Start with Island Lord

Chapter 263 Artifact? (13)

Anyone with eyes can see that the unification of the Natural Alliance has become an undoubted outcome.

Next, there are all kinds of earthly affairs.

These affairs are not difficult, but they are very tedious and trivial, as vast as the vast sea of ​​stars.

If Rosen is left to do everything by himself, he will be directly turned into a prisoner of power.

Then he would rather quit.

Fortunately, he can exploit Duke Rosen unscrupulously. Oh no, now he should be called Emperor Rosen.

Therefore, Rosen's freedom is basically not affected.

His main energy is still on the research of the elf fruit.

He is obsessed with this thing and doesn't believe that he can't figure it out.

When focusing on research, time flies.

About three months later, Zhuoya sent news that the Holy Elf Empire has been unusually calm recently and has stopped most of the harassment of the empire's borders.

The reason is not clear for the time being, but the shadow guard is investigating.

For the entire mortal world, this is good news, just in time to quietly accumulate strength.

But it is a little bad for the Natural Empire.

Because the Glorious Empire has the energy to make trouble in the Natural Empire again.

This is certainly not Zhuoya's wish, but the small actions of various interest groups within the empire.

In this regard, Emperor Zhuoya can't control it.

Because for the empire, the emperor is like the head of a big family.

There must be many "naughty children" who are not very obedient in a big family.

If you want to manage everything, you will not only be exhausted, but also be scolded.

Therefore, the wisest way is to firmly grasp the general direction of the family's development and maintain the surface harmony of the family.

As long as this "naughty child" is not too naughty and ruins the big things, the head will pretend not to see it.

The two empires have generations of hatred, so all kinds of small frictions on the border have increased again.

Although annoying, it is not a big deal.

In addition, although the conflict with the Glorious Empire has increased, the economic exchanges between the Natural Empire and other Glorious Kingdoms are becoming increasingly close.

It is worth mentioning that most of the trades seem to be conducted with the Glorious Principalities, but in fact these small principalities are only secondary agents, and the final goods are shipped to the Glorious Empire.

For example, the luxury lightning car.

The nobles of the Glorious Empire like it very much, and they are crazy about buying it even if the price is doubled.

A typical case of "political coldness and economic heat".

Three months later, the weather entered winter and the temperature began to cool down.

Some news came from Nahuat.

The news was good and bad.

The good news was that with the help of the legendary crystal, the legendary power of the Nahuat Republic exploded.

The Republic began to counterattack the demons and successfully recovered a large area of ​​lost land, and even killed two demons.

One of them has a power level of Legend 7!

There are two bad news.

The first is about the demon.

There is only one demon invader left in the Nahuat plane.

With the power of Legend 9, nicknamed "Mistress of Joy".

The death of her companion made her very cautious. She completely gave up the direct confrontation with Nawat and hid in the dark. She used people's desires to stir up trouble everywhere and became very difficult to deal with.

The second one was from the mortal world.

As the threat of demons was greatly reduced, the differences between the major interest factions of the Republic became more and more obvious.

The Republic, which was originally a solid block, began to show a very obvious trend of division.

There are currently three factions.

They are the Sky Faction where Naya is, advocating win-win cooperation.

And the National Faction where Sassmar is, advocating national interests first, and for the sake of national interests, no means can be used.

Finally, there is a faction called the Holy Faction, which is composed of the remaining members of the royal family and the nobility, and is full of thoughts of restoration.

The last piece of news made Rosen full of emotion, but not pessimistic.

'Without external enemies, it's also good to create enemies yourself. Only by competing with each other can we make progress. '

After all, it is a matter of another plane. Whether it is through the magic ring or across the universe and the stars, it is very difficult, so Rosen does not intend to, and is temporarily unable to interfere excessively.

It is worth mentioning that the data obtained by the Star Observation Bureau and the knowledge obtained from Nawat have confirmed that all the planes known to have life are planets of a star.

It is very wonderful and really lively.

According to Rosen's calculation, the reason why it is so wide is mostly due to the influence of the Creation Ring.

Back to the topic.

Rosen continued to maintain exchanges and cooperation in the field of magic with the Sky Sect where Naya was based on past friendship.

But his main focus is still on studying the elf fruit.

In a blink of an eye, another three months have passed, and it is spring again.

There is still no breakthrough in the research of the elf fruit.

Calculating the time, it has been nine months.

Rosen was a little discouraged, so he connected to the puppet and found Queen Zhuoya, intending to exchange the results.

While Zhuoya was free, Rosen sent her a natural secret message: 'Your Majesty, come to me, let's talk? '

'Why do you have time to find me today? '

Although she asked this, Zhuoya immediately came to the secret compartment.


The door opened and then ‘clicked’ shut.

Zhuoya walked in.

It was late spring, the weather was warm, even a little hot, and she was wearing a light golden dress similar to the silk cheongsam on Earth.

It was particularly figure-flattering, and a pair of long, straight, and plump legs could be clearly seen.

Rosen admired it unscrupulously and asked: "I heard that many people have proposed to you recently?"

Zhuoya sat down on the chair beside Rosen, crossed her legs and sat sideways, so that Rosen could appreciate it better, because she knew that Rosen liked to watch this the most.

"Why, are you jealous?"

Rosen said half-truthfully: "Zhuoya, don't seduce me like this, I can't help it, I will come to you tonight."

Zhuoya giggled, then shook her head seriously: "No, unless I get married, I will maintain my virginity. This is the tradition of the glorious royal family."

Rosen certainly knew this, and he also knew that the fundamental reason for this tradition was to maintain the complete purity of the "spiritual blood veins" of future generations.

This is very important, because the children born by the promiscuous royal women are far less talented in magic than those who keep their chastity.

In this regard, Zigrellana and the banshee are the same.

The principle is unclear, just like the elf fruit, but it is a practical fact.

Rosen also retracted his fantasy and put his achievements on the desk.

"I just made this little thing. Show me your results."

Zhuoya was well prepared and quickly brought all the results obtained by the Imperial Magic Department.

Rosen looked through it and was immediately disappointed.

"The data is much more than mine, and there are some new ideas, but the results are not much, not even half of mine."

"I lost money."

Zhuoya squinted and smiled, but also sighed: "Your suspicion at the beginning seems to be correct. The elf fruit seems to really exceed the limit of mortal wisdom."

For more than half a year, she invested a lot of resources in it, and even intercepted a batch of elf fruits on the market as research samples.

As a result, countless geniuses spent a lot of brainpower, but still couldn't find any clues.

Rosen was not convinced: "Then continue."

Zhuoya immediately reminded: "I say, don't put all your energy on this matter and forget to develop the Natural Empire."

"I heard that you have been borrowing money everywhere recently, and you have borrowed until 20 years later. Don't be unable to pay it back by then."

Rosen knew that she was talking about the issue of national debt by the Imperial Citizens Bank, and smiled: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

The Imperial Integration Plan must be on the right track, and 2 trillion klai must be invested in the early stage alone.

Such a large amount of money, if it is all taken out from the current imperial treasury, will directly bankrupt the country.

Therefore, he asked the Imperial Citizens Bank, which was renamed from the former Weilan Citizens Bank, to issue medium- and long-term national debts and borrow money from the private sector.

In one go, a total of 1.5 trillion klai was borrowed.

Zhuoya still felt that Rosen's move was too risky.

"Such a large national plan, if something unexpected happens in the middle, it will take decades to recover, and it may even cause the country to fall into chaos."

Once the Natural Empire is in chaos, their engagement will be hopeless.

Seeing that Zhuo Ya's worry was genuine, Rosen consoled her earnestly: "National debt is the citizens' confidence in me, and the source of confidence is the ever-changing achievements in magic, so nothing will go wrong."

Zhuo Ya immediately said: "The development of magic will also encounter bottlenecks. If it cannot be broken through, the confidence of the people will not be sustained."

"You are right. But I still have a lot of magic achievements that have not been invested in the private sector. If I invest them, it will be enough for me to borrow another 3 trillion."

Zhuo Ya was slightly comforted by these words: "Okay, I hope everything goes well."

Afterwards, Rosen took the detailed research data obtained by the Empire's Magic Department and returned to his laboratory to continue his research.

This drill lasted another three months, and it was autumn again.

Rosen used all the methods he could think of, and the number of mages in the Empire's medical laboratory also increased to 5,000.

With the joint efforts of all parties, there were some new achievements, but they were all peripheral achievements, and the core problem remained unchanged.

His mind was already like paste, so he simply put everything aside and went to the Swan Lake outside the Swan Castle alone, walking along the quiet lakeside path.

The lakeside path in early spring was full of vitality and the scenery was pleasant.

After walking for a while, Rosen felt relaxed and refreshed, and the accumulated fatigue in his heart was instantly dissipated.

As he walked, he came to the green grass by the lake and sat down, thinking to himself: "It's been seven months, and I have built a nuclear bomb, but I can't handle this elf fruit. It's really strange."

The nuclear bomb was really built, or more accurately, about 300 kilograms of weapons-grade enriched uranium had been extracted.

For safety, these "goodies" were stored by him separately, and all the auxiliary equipment needed for the nuclear bomb was also built.

When needed, the nuclear bomb can be assembled in less than half an hour.

While daydreaming, he suddenly felt footsteps coming from his side.

Then, someone sat down next to him.

This person is very strange. He appeared after a breakthrough, and the power fluctuation when he appeared was very slight, almost imperceptible.

Rosen was surprised, but he did not feel any hostility, so he did not move, and did not even turn his head, but he felt that this unidentified person was coming for him.

After waiting for a while, a slightly teasing female voice came to his ears.

"Rosen Saxon, an apostle I have never met before, you look so sad, are you in trouble?"

The voice was mellow and soft, with a sense of inhuman indifference, and a lot of agility of a living person.

For a moment, Rosen could not tell who this person was.

The content of the words made him tremble slightly in his heart, and he immediately turned his head to look, and he saw a white-haired, old and frail old woman, the wrinkles on her face could even kill a gadfly.

"You are disappointed with my appearance. Do you think I should look younger and more beautiful?"

Rosen ignored the other party's teasing: "The great Palomenas?"

"Yes, it's me."

Rosen connected the magic ring at a millisecond speed and then disconnected it quickly. As a result, he did not find any extraordinary void creatures in the void, nor did he find any power connection channels.

"Are you lying to me?"

The old woman smiled slightly, and suddenly raised a finger, and a little aqua-blue light condensed on the fingertip.

Before Rosen could react, the aqua-blue light spread out in all directions, and then Rosen himself arrived at a strange place wrapped in thick fog.

Here, except for the existence of the clone that can be felt through ghost resonance, everything else is imperceptible.

So, he sat motionless and asked the strange witch who was still sitting next to him.

"What does this mean?"

The witch smiled: "This is the Chaos Barrier to prevent prying eyes."

Then she said: "You solved a problem by borrowing my name, so you also have to do me a favor. Do you agree with this?"

Rosen nodded: "Fair enough."

The witch continued: "I know the trouble you have encountered recently. It just so happens that the trouble you encounter happens to be the thing I yearn for most."

After a pause, she said: "To be more precise, the thing I yearn for is called the 'Twig of Life'. It has a very ordinary name, but it is one of the most wonderful things in the world and a real artifact!"

Rosen was shocked when he heard this: "Sacred weapon?"

"That's right, an artifact."

"It is something that mortals cannot understand, destroy, or copy."

"No one knows where it came from, and no one knows how long it will last."

"Dritan accidentally got the branch of life, and therefore called himself the Lord of Truth, and he was proud of it for thousands of years."

"I just want to see what's so good about this thing? I also really want to see what kind of expression Druitan will show after losing the branch of life, haha~~"

Speaking of this, the old woman couldn't help but smile.

Then he said: "I want you to disguise yourself as an elf, sneak into the Holy Elf Empire, and find an opportunity to steal the branch of life to me."

This news surprised Rosen: "This is a big favor. I have to take a huge risk, but you only helped me a small favor."

"So it's not fair."

The old woman smiled slightly, raised her hand and took out a spell book with a black cover. There was no title on it, just a naked, very delicate human brain.

She pointed to her forehead: "Guess, am I a void life or a mortal?"

Rosen looked at the other person carefully and then recalled his observation: "Are you a mortal?"


The witch snapped her fingers: "Yes, I am a mortal, a remnant of a lost advanced civilization."

"And this book is a weapon refining book and a precious relic of my civilization. It's called "The Hat of the Legendary Archmage"."

"I'm giving it to you now as payment, do you think it's fair?"

Rosen didn't believe what the witch said, and felt that she was most likely lying to him.

But because the other party has more knowledge and stronger power, he is currently unable to expose it.

But no matter what, this book really attracted him.

At the same time, he and Dritan were indeed rivals.

I am also extremely interested in the so-called artifact ‘Twig of Life’.

"Fair enough, but I'm afraid I can't steal it by myself."

"Don't worry, I will help you at the critical moment."

"Okay, take this book and go back and study it, improve your legendary level as much as possible, and deal with everything in the Natural Empire, and then set off for the Holy Elf Empire."

Quite humane.

Rosen nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll get ready right now."

"Finally, I want to remind you that the Lord of Truth is very keen. It is best for you to go to the Holy Elf Empire in person instead of using a puppet as a substitute."

After the words fell, the endless aqua mist and the decrepit old woman disappeared, leaving only a string of mellow and melodious chuckles in the air.

There is also a black-covered spell book in Rosen's arms.

Rosen flipped through the spell book and chuckled in his heart: "I went there in person because I was stupid."

Not to mention that he was not sure whether the other party was a real witch, even if it was true, he would not take such a huge risk.

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