Start with Island Lord

Chapter 278 Conversation between two sisters (13)


The Never-Night Palace.

Queen Zhuoya rarely stole a moment of leisure, "hiding" in a small royal restaurant, quietly enjoying dinner.

Her dinner was simple, a medium-sized white bread, a bowl of vegetable soup, and three crystal shrimp balls.

Of course, she didn't enjoy it alone, her cousin Jiadiya was sitting opposite her.

As a shadow guard general, Jiadiya had a lot of daily activities and a very large appetite. In front of her were big fish and meat, more than five times the amount of Zhuoya.

In private occasions, she didn't have so many particulars, and directly picked up a greasy fried chicken leg with her hands and bit off half of it in one bite.

"Sister, my cats can eat more than you."

Zhuoya was concentrating on tasting the crystal shrimp balls, which were her favorite snacks and a unique dish in the Never-Night Palace.

Don't look at the small three, but from the selection of ingredients to the cooking, the process is very cumbersome, and it takes the royal chefs three days to make it.

Its texture is elastic, crispy and smooth, and its flavor is fresh and full, which is very unforgettable.

After eating one, she chuckled: "It's not the quantity of food that matters, but the quality."

Then she said: "So, he is really helping you deal with troubles?"

Jia Diya nodded: "Yes."

"These days, many strange faces suddenly poured into the city. Some are tourists from other places, but some are potentially dangerous people."

"We have been keeping an eye on these guys."

"As a result, when he came, several of these dangerous people we were keeping an eye on disappeared."

After saying this, Jia Diya looked relieved.

"Cousin, you don't know that the missing ones are guys whose strength we can't figure out at all, but they are definitely very dangerous."

"Especially the group of people suspected to be golden warriors. If they really fight in the city, the noise must be very loud, and it may not end well."

"As a result, he tricked those golden warriors to the suburbs to deal with them, and the noise of the fight between the two sides was indeed very scary."

"When I rushed to the battle scene in the suburbs, I found amazing traces of battle, as well as a lot of blood and clothing fragments."

Zhuoya was drinking vegetable soup, and she paused when she heard this: "Blood, is he injured?!"

"No, we analyzed it carefully and confirmed that it was all the blood of golden warriors. As for him, he left some footprints and some amazingly large-scale Transfiguration relics."

Speaking of this, Jiadiya chuckled and said, "Sister, your reaction is wrong, you don't really like him, do you?"

Zhuoya's loss of composure lasted less than 2 seconds, and now she has regained her composure.

She smiled and said, "Whether I personally like it or not is not important. What really matters is whether it is beneficial to the country."

Jia Diya is not an ordinary person. She is a general who has fought on the battlefield.

With the help of the legendary wizard Zhuoya, her magic power has been improved to the middle and late stages of the 9th ring. It will only take one or two years to reach the tenth ring and even become a legend.

She knows Zhuoya's character very well.

In governing the country, she is naturally a decisive and resolute queen, but in personal feelings, she is not much better than a blank piece of paper.

Perhaps she has seen the love, hatred and hatred of many mortals, but some things, seeing others' experiences and experiencing them yourself are completely different.

Jia Diya saw at a glance that her cousin had fallen in love with that guy.

She wiped the greasy corners of her mouth with a napkin and laughed: "Sister, don't use clichés to perfunctory me. You are the queen, but you are also a mortal. Mortals have feelings."

"If you ask me, in terms of magic and intelligence, he is certainly the best figure in the Wit Continent, but he is also the emperor of the Natural Empire."

"As an emperor, he has a very deep character, much deeper than you, even surpassing your great-grandfather. No one knows what he is thinking."

"Also, he is very dissolute and has married several wives. He is really not suitable to be your husband."

Zhuo Ya listened quietly, then smiled: "I just want to inherit the glorious bloodline, and I don't think about relying on him to support me. Why should I care about his past?"

"Besides, you think he has a deep character, that's because you don't understand."

"In fact, it's not hard to guess what he's thinking. His goal can be easily seen from the way he governs the country."

Jadiya was dissatisfied: "Oh~ Then tell me, what is his goal?"

Zhuoya became serious and said in a concentrated voice: "To establish an extremely powerful mortal kingdom that has the power to resist or even crush all alien races, including demons and gods."

"He has always insisted on this point and has been working hard for it. He has never compromised, even if he will pay the price of his life for it."

"You may not believe it, but in Levender, in Nawat, and even in the palace to deal with his grandfather who colluded with demons, he did this, didn't he?"

Speaking of Levender, Jiadiya immediately recalled the past, the redemption on the verge of despair, and the thrilling battle in the Platinum Palace.

The deep memory of the past told her that her cousin was right.

She shrugged: "Well, you're right, and I owe him my life for that."

"At least he is a reliable comrade in the fight against demons."

"If he wasn't the emperor of the Natural Empire, I wouldn't say anything, and I would even support him. But he is the emperor."

Zhuoya asked: "What are you worried about?"

Jadiya no longer concealed it and said directly: "I'm worried that the Glorious Empire has become your dowry."

After finishing speaking, sister, you looked at me and I looked at you, without speaking for a long time.


Zhuo Ya laughed first, but then her expression turned serious.

"Jadeya, first of all, the country is not mine, it belongs to everyone, and it cannot become my personal dowry. I will never betray the interests of the country because of my personal feelings."

"Secondly, if gods and demons really covet our mortal kingdom, and the Radiant Empire really cannot withstand the invasion of gods and demons and faces the danger of annihilation, then it is natural for the two mortal countries to merge into one and advance and retreat together. ”

"But if we can resist the pressure of gods and demons, then with the characteristics of mortals, I am afraid that even if I want to do this, it will be impossible for the two kingdoms to merge."

"After all, there are more than 600 million people in the Radiant Empire. Everyone has their own will, and even if I am the Queen, I cannot do whatever I want."

Gadiya understood and felt relieved.

She asked softly: "Sister, do you think we can fight against gods and demons, especially the Lord of Truth who is about to return?"

Zoya took a sip of the vegetable soup, and then said: "Judging from the terrifying fighting power displayed by the elves on the Storm Continent, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"We have so many legendary crystals and so many powerful legendary weapons. You are also constantly improving the power of domestic genius mages. In two years at most, more than thirty legendary warriors will appear."

"Isn't this okay?"

Zhuoya, this cousin, is completely different from her grandfather. My grandfather wished he could attribute all his power to himself, but my cousin tried her best to increase the overall power of the Glorious Empire.

This is also the biggest reason why Gadiya wholeheartedly supports her becoming the queen.

Zhuo Ya said softly: "This is not my conclusion, it is the conclusion of the War Deduction Department."

"The conclusion is that based on the current balance of power between the two sides, even if we can win, it will be a miserable victory."

"Many, many people will die, maybe fifty or sixty million, and even you and I may die from assassinations. Many, many prosperous cities will also be reduced to ruins during the war."

Speaking of this, seeing Jiadiya's serious face, Zoya smiled and comforted: "Okay, no matter what, this is a matter for the future."

"The strength of the elves comes from the accumulation of 7,000 years. The strength of us mortals comes from the explosion of modern magic power. Therefore, the longer time goes by, the higher our winning rate will be."

"Besides, isn't he still here?"

"As long as he's here, we always have a way out."

This is true, Gadiya felt much more relaxed, and took a bite of the steak fiercely: "Sister, at the dance in the Glory Hall the day after tomorrow, there will be many young people proposing to you."

Zhuo Ya's face suddenly showed a trace of distress: "This is really a troublesome matter."

Those young people were all from the country's big aristocrats and big interest groups, and it was indeed time for her to have children, so according to tradition, she should choose one of them to become her husband.

If she refuses their proposal at this time, she must find a justifiable reason, but the problem is that she hasn't thought of the reason yet.

But Gadiya smiled: "Sister, what are you worried about?"

"If he cares about you, he will naturally find a way. If he doesn't care about you, then you don't have to think about him all the time, right?"

This is true, but it doesn't fit Zhuo Ya's character.

"This is a matter between the two of us. How can we let him figure it out?"

After a pause, her eyes suddenly lit up: "I thought of a good idea."

. . . . . . . .

Natural Empire Embassy.

Emperor Rosen was naturally handling government affairs diligently, while Rosen himself was in the underground secret room, playing with the three golden warriors with the branches of life.

These three guys are also very energetic. Even though their spines were broken, they can still recover a little bit.

In order to prevent them from breaking out of the 'stone chrysalis' and causing trouble, Rosen had to loosen their bones frequently.

While he was concentrating on fiddling with it, he suddenly received some news from Emperor Rosen.

"Hey~ Someone actually covets my girl."

According to the news, all the forces in the Glorious Empire have launched ten young and promising talents to propose to the Queen at the birthday dinner the day after tomorrow.

Behind the ten young talents stood five forces, with each force sending two representatives.

These young people are really outstanding. They all have at least the sixth level of magic power cultivation. The highest one has even broken through to the eighth level.

It really requires background, ability, and appearance.

Rosen looked at the information collected by the foreign intelligence agents and the photos of the young people, and kept sighing in his heart: "Not bad~~ He looks really good~"

Rosen originally thought he was pretty good-looking, but compared with these truly handsome men, he was really far behind.

He wasn't worried that Zoya would agree to the proposal, but it would definitely bring her a lot of trouble.

'I have to think of a way to delay it. ’

The current relationship between the two countries is still immature and has not yet reached the point where a public proposal of marriage can be made.

While I was thinking about it, I received another message.

Sources say the Queen issued a proclamation.

The announcement was that she planned to find a husband, but this husband must have a sufficiently intelligent mind.

In order to identify this, she published three major mathematical puzzles. Only those who solved the answers were qualified to become candidates for the queen's husband.

Of course, in order to prevent the problem from being unsolvable, the time limit for this test is two years. If no one solves it after two years, the test will be re-released.

Rosen saw the contents of the three questions.

I smiled knowingly: "Not bad~ Really good~~ Really my good girl."

After a few glances, he knew that these three questions were prepared for him.

Because these are currently recognized mathematical problems, two of them may have solutions, but the third one is far beyond this era.

With the brain of a mortal, it is simply impossible to solve it.

With this problem as a delay, at least in the next two years, there is no need to worry about someone's intention.

Considering that he has a lot of things on hand at the moment, the main body is in a hurry to return to Weilan Laboratory and can't wait for the banquet the day after tomorrow.

Rosen decided to sneak into the Never Night Palace tonight.

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