Start with Island Lord

Chapter 279 The Old Hunter and the Little Sheep (23)

Light night.

Queen Zoya is still handling government affairs in the study, and only two confidant maids are left by her side.

This is a habit she has developed over the years, because in the quiet night, she can think more quietly.

Normally, at this time, her mind would calm down and focus on government affairs, but tonight for some reason, her mind was wandering and she was always distracted by her thoughts.

After decades of being immersed in the high-circuit field, she knew immediately that something might happen tonight.

‘What will happen? ’

‘It’s not a heavy heart, it’s probably not a bad thing, but it’s definitely something very unique and something I’ve never encountered before. ’

Because she had never had a similar subtle reaction before.

Just because she had never met him before, she waited with some anticipation.

Sure enough, about half an hour later, a familiar voice sounded in my mind.

"Miss Zhuoya~Long time no see."

The source of the sound was from the small cubicle next to the study. It seemed to be Rosen's puppet talking, but the content of the words was very strange. After thinking about it for a moment, she understood the reason.

"Rosen, where are you now?"

"At the entrance of Evernight Palace, I want to come in and catch up with old friends, but there are too many guards in the palace."

"Wait a minute, I'll have someone pick you up right away. I'll open an opening, and then you can come in through the secret passage from last time."


The premonition in Zhuo Ya's heart became stronger, and her thoughts were running wild.

After issuing a secret order to mobilize some guards, he couldn't help but ask: "Rosen, I'm afraid it's not as simple as reminiscing about old times, right?"

"I really can't hide anything from His Majesty. I also want to give His Majesty some birthday gifts."

"Birthday gift, okay, tell me when you get to the cubicle."

"no problem."

Zhuo Ya picked up a document and started to read it, but after reading it for a long time, she couldn't read it. She knew all the words, but she couldn't understand it.

"Your Majesty, are you tired?"

Nally, the confidant maid beside her, noticed something was wrong with her.

Zhuo Ya shook her head: "There is a point. Please step back first. I will take a nap for a while and I will call you if something happens."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The two maids retreated, leaving Zhuo Ya alone in the study.

About five or six minutes later, a secret message came from the compartment: "I'm here."

Zhuo Ya was vaguely aware of something, and thought to herself: 'This guy must be thinking of something bad, but I can't let him act recklessly and break the rules of the Glory Royal Family. ’

Although I thought so, my heartbeat accelerated slightly. I took a deep breath before getting up and walking towards the cubicle.

The cubicle wasn't far and we arrived quickly.

Pushing the door open, you will find a warm hall with an area of ​​less than 10 square meters. There is a small desk in the warm hall, and a familiar yet unfamiliar figure is sitting next to the desk.

She said it was familiar because she saw the same magic puppet every day.

I say strange because the person in front of me is not a puppet, but a living person.

Next to the slightly dim light, he sat lazily on the thick leather chair, opened his arms to her, and said with a smile: "We said goodbye last time. We haven't seen each other for two years. How about a hug?"

Zhuo Ya hesitated for a moment, but still stepped forward, leaned slightly, and wanted to give the other party a ceremonial hug.

But unexpectedly, he was gently pulled by the other party. His body lost balance and he sat on the other party's lap.

She didn't struggle, and laughed: "Rosen, you are so brave, you broke into the Nightless Palace at night, aren't you afraid that I will call the guards to arrest you?"

As she spoke, she leaned against Rosen's thick chest, listened to the powerful heartbeat in her body, felt the powerful soul and rich mana, and knew that it was the real Rosen who came back this time.

Laughter came from this generous chest: "If I wasn't bold, how could I hold His Majesty in his arms?"

Following this laughter, Zoya felt the other person's hand on her lower back, which made her sweat all over her body and her heart beat even more violently.

She had fully understood the other party's intention, which was beyond her expectation, and immediately grabbed the other party's hand: "Put it away, don't look under the clothes."

This is the limit she can currently accept.

Rosen did as he was told: "Zhuoya, guess what birthday gift I brought you?"

Zhuo Ya shook her head: "I can't guess."

Rosen stretched out his hand and took out an exquisite gemstone forehead band from his pocket.

"This is it, and I want you to have it with you 24 hours a day."

Zhuo Ya was very puzzled. She reached out and took the forehead band and looked at it carefully: "Is it a magic weapon? It looks very beautiful, but what if it gets dirty when worn 24 hours a day?"

"Its material is very special and will not be stained with dirt. If you feel uncomfortable, you can use cleaning techniques to clean it frequently."

"Here, let me put it on for you."

While speaking, Rosen lifted up Zhuo Ya's thick cloud-like hair with the hands of a mage, and put the gemstone forehead band on her forehead. The moment this action was completed, Zhuo Ya's face showed a look of shock. .

"What kind of magic weapon is this? How can it be so powerful?!"

She felt that her soul suddenly became a lot stronger, and her sensitivity was many times stronger than before.

Before, she only felt that Rosen was very powerful, but now, she could vaguely feel how strong he was.

At the same time, she also felt the subtle fluctuations of the magic ring very clearly, and the range was many times larger than before, so much so that she could actually sense the soul breath of all life in the entire palace, including the rats in the sewer.

Rosen looked at Zhuo Ya's face carefully and nodded with satisfaction: "The forehead band I designed is quite good. It perfectly matches your style and looks even more beautiful."

It used to be gorgeous and exquisite, but now it has a mysterious temperament, making it look more and more alluring.

"You haven't answered my question yet~"

Zhuo Ya patted Rosen's arm in a sweet voice.

Rosen smiled and said: "This is my newly developed magic weapon. It can increase the strength of the soul and make the soul tougher and sharper."

"It's about the strength of Legend +7. Considering that you are now a Legend +2.5 soul, you will be Legend 9.5 after wearing it. The Legend mana derived from the soul will also be increased accordingly."

"In other words, you are now a mage in Legend 9.5."

Zhuo Ya was shocked: "There is such a powerful magic weapon in the world."

She experienced it carefully and gathered her magic power, and she found that her magic power had become much stronger than before.

She immediately picked up the legendary crystal staff. This staff was the latest one created by the Alchemy Department. It originally had +3 focus.

As a result, it was discovered that the intensity of the mana finally condensed reached an extremely astonishing level.

"This mana seems to exceed Legend 14."

"More than that, about 14.6."

Rosen smiled and said: "In terms of mana strength, you have surpassed the Lord of Truth."

"Using some transformation techniques, you can transform soul power of the same intensity, which will allow you to face the Lord of Truth more calmly."

Zhuo Ya fully understood the power of this soul magic weapon and knew that it must be extremely precious, but she still wanted to ask: "Isn't it difficult to make it?"

“Low quality is not difficult, but high quality is a bit difficult.”

"Forget it, I won't say anything anymore."

She wanted to say if she could share it, but she felt that she was a little greedy. No, it should be said that she was insatiable.

Of course Rosen understood what she meant, and he had already prepared a plan.

He smiled and said: "I can share the method of making the legendary +1 magic weapon, but I need to be paid this time."

The legendary archmage hat with +1 legendary level is an improved version of Rosen, which is not available in elves.

The difference is that the Elf's hat can only be worn by legendary mages, but after Rosen's improvement, the rest has not changed, but the threshold has been lowered from legendary to level 8.

In other words, as long as a mage reaches the eighth level, after wearing the hat, the soul strength can directly become a legendary mage.

This is another way to get to the legend, much simpler than using the Endless Crystal.

However, the price of this road is also very high.

With the ability of the Alchemy Department of the Radiant Empire or the Magic Department of his own Natural Empire, it is much more difficult to create a +1 legendary hat than a legendary crystal.

The cost to build one may exceed 200,000 Oggs.

And it’s very difficult to improve.

Even if various techniques are changed, it can only be improved to legendary +2.5 at most.

Therefore, allowing the two empires to possess this new technology will not only greatly increase the number of legendary powerhouses and better fight against the Elf Empire, but will also not pose any threat to Rosen.

Not only is it not strong enough, but it is also because Rosen left a very secret and special loophole in his hat that can only be discovered and cracked with super computing power.

As long as someone wears this hat to deal with him, he can use loopholes to make the traitor's life worse than death.

Back to topic.

Zhuoya now has a legendary soul strength of 9.5, and her insight is extremely sharp. As soon as she heard Rosen's words, she vaguely guessed his thoughts.

Her cheeks turned red: "Can you change the reward?"

"No, I want this."

Zhuo Ya cursed: "You bastard! Can't you wait so much?"

She had made her intentions very clear by announcing the test problem, but this guy insisted on her losing her virginity before marriage. He was really a complete bastard.

Rosen smiled slightly and pointed to his lips: "Not even a kiss?"


Zhuo Ya was startled and immediately realized that she had guessed wrong. She felt a little ashamed and said, "Of course."

She took the initiative to give Rosen a kiss.

Rosen didn't let go of the kiss. He enjoyed it for a while and finally gave up after the Glory Queen's lips were swollen.

Zhuo Ya gasped, her face red as fire, her body limply leaned into Rosen's arms, and she remained silent.

Unexpectedly, Rosen stretched out his hand and took out something else.

"I have more than one birthday present, Your Majesty."

Zhuo Ya turned her eyes to look, only to find that it was an extremely exquisite necklace, made of neither gold nor wood. With her current keenness, she could not discover the function of this thing.

"What's this?"

"Infinite phase transfer necklace, also called escape necklace."

"When encountering fatal danger, it will ignore the effects of any confinement circle, take you out of the dangerous place, and teleport directly to me."

This necklace is inspired by the moon goddess Dora, but with a few upgrades.

The necklace alone is only one part, but the other part is connected to Rosen's blessing.

About 1% of the computing power was allocated to this, not much, but enough to judge the danger, activate the magic weapon, and lead Zoya to escape at the critical moment.

While explaining, he gently put the exquisite necklace on Zhuo Ya's slender white neck, and whispered in her ear: "If you encounter a strong enemy that you cannot deal with, you must remember that I will always stand firmly behind you. "

Zhuo Ya caressed the delicate necklace with gentle texture, and felt her heart tingling, filled with an indescribable emotion.

Growing up, she had always faced difficulties and obstacles alone, and had never asked anyone for help. Only Rosen made her feel as solid as a solid city wall.

A thought emerged in my mind: 'Hey~ I actually know what he wants. But he treated me like this, why should I be so reserved? ’

‘Why not. Why not let him taste the sweetness, as long as he holds on to the last step. ’

After this thought emerged, she lowered her head and said in a voice like a mosquito: "What reward do you want this time?"

Rosen felt that the time was ripe, so he leaned into her ear and said, "I want to put my hands inside my clothes."

"Come in if you like."

Rosen touched it and suddenly felt the warm fragrance and warm jade in his hand, feeling extremely happy.

Zoya just closed her eyes, as if she was asleep.

Rosen continued:

"I won't come to the birthday dinner the day after tomorrow because I'm in a hurry to get back to the laboratory. Of course, my puppet will attend."


"At the banquet, I will give you the most advanced and safest lightning vehicle personally, and I will also give the empire 200 Apocalypse chariots."

Zhuo Ya was shocked: "200 Apocalypse chariots?"

Of course she knows about the Apocalypse Chariot, which is the great treasure of the Natural Empire Army.

Six fourth-ring mages can sit in this thing and display amazing combat effectiveness on the frontal battlefield.

The Empire of Radiance has also developed similar products, but its performance is far inferior to the Natural Empire's Apocalypse Chariot, and its production capacity is also far behind.

Before, she had always wanted to buy a few Apocalypse chariots and let the Empire's Magic Department study them carefully. She was even willing to pay a huge price, but Rosen kept evading vaguely, but she didn't expect that he would give them to her at the birthday party. I will give away 200 cars for free.

She was still a little confused: "This is not something you can decide alone, right?"

"Of course not. It was a decision I made after persuading various cabinet ministers."

"In addition to the tanks, we also cover the follow-up maintenance and will provide a batch of artillery shells for free."

The reason is very simple, that is, the power of the Holy Elf Empire is much stronger than expected. He was afraid that the Glorious Empire could not withstand it, so he gave some blood.

The performance of the tank is at least 50% better than similar tanks in the Glorious Empire, but it is worse than those used for personal use.

For example, the endless legendary crystal installed in the car has been reduced from the standard 10,000 Rosen legendary mana to 5,000 Rosen. The caliber of the main gun has also been reduced.

But this was still a huge concession, and Zhuo Ya was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

At the same time, under Rosen's manipulation, her normally calm and sober mind became a little confused. She felt her heart beating like a drum, her breathing quickening, and a stream of hot blood rushing through her limbs.

Drowsily, she felt that Rosen had reached the bottom line, her mind suddenly tightened, and she wanted to stop him, but Rosen's voice came to her ears: "Zhuo Ya, after this time, I don't know when the next time we meet will be. "

These words made Zhuo Ya's heart soften, she pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "You are really bad."

He also reminded: "Use a magic barrier to prevent others from discovering it."

Rosen immediately complied and continued.

"Be gentle!"

"As you command, Your Majesty."

I don’t know how long it took, but Zhuo Ya complained with a slightly hoarse voice.

"The skirt is torn, how can I explain it to Nali now?"

Rosen knew that Nali was her confidant maid, and now was indeed not the time to make the relationship public, so he said, "Then just take it all off and I will use magic to fix it for you."

Zhuo Ya knew that Rosen had a good skill in refining weapons, so she thought it would not be difficult to repair her skirt, so she did as she was told.

"Ah~ why are you here again!"

Rosen sighed: "My dear, just let me have more memories."

He was really reluctant to leave, especially Zhuo Ya's long and straight legs, which were so exciting.

Zhuo Ya was also reluctant to give up, because the taste just now far exceeded her imagination.

She originally thought it was no big deal, even a little scary, but after experiencing it, she discovered that it was as refreshing as ascending to heaven.

Of course she knew that this was not only because of the pleasure of the matter itself, but also because of Rosen's outstanding ability.

I couldn't help but think to myself: 'No wonder Irene would rather get divorced than stay in Weiland. It turns out that this bastard has such good skills. ’

If I can't experience this in the future, how sad it will be.

Unable to hold back, she took another step back and whispered with shame on her face: "How about you set up a phase transfer beacon in the faith chamber, and I can come directly if you want."


"Really, but a spell lock must be added. Only you can teleport, not others."

"Of course."

He had to arrange this sign carefully.

Next, naturally there was another violent storm, which blew the Queen of Glory into chaos.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the night that Rosen stopped and went to the secret room to arrange the teleportation beacon.

After Zhuo Ya dressed up carefully, she left the cubicle.

When I got to the study, I summoned my trusted maid back.

Nali was a little strange: "Your Majesty, are you feeling unwell?"

The Queen has always been diligent in her duties, but I have never seen her rest for such a long time in the past.

Zhuo Ya shook her head guiltily: "No, I accidentally overslept."

"Your Majesty, your forehead band is so beautiful. Why do you have a new necklace?"

Zhuo Ya had a straight face and stopped the curious maid: "Okay, I just changed my jewelry. Stop being curious, there are still many things to deal with."

But he was secretly worried: ‘I feel weird when I walk, and I don’t know how many days it will take to get better. Don’t let anyone notice.’

Then he couldn’t help but think of Rosen, and his face, which had just returned to normal, began to heat up again.

‘It’s all this bastard’s fault!’

Oh no, I owe him another favor.

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