Start with Island Lord

Chapter 290 Project Shield (23)

Meda Xilin, the Nightless Palace.

Queen Zoya is concentrating on reading the important documents submitted by the Central Secretariat.

‘The strength of the elves on the Dragon Islands has increased significantly, and they are constantly conducting probing attacks. The difficulty of defense has been greatly increased, and we are requesting assistance. ’

What follows is the details of the battle in the archipelago.

In the past three months, there have been 2 large-scale naval battles, 13 small and medium-sized naval battles, and 6 elves landing on the island for sneak attacks.

The Glorious Legion had 2,282 dead soldiers, including one major general, two colonels, and 18 middle and low-level officers.

2 large warships, 8 medium warships, and 25 small warships were damaged, and the number of downed aircraft reached 67.

In comparison, the Elf Legion killed 54 sea dragons, 56 flying dragons, and 6521 warriors, and lost a large black stone mine island.

At first glance, it was clear that the Glorious Legion had the upper hand, and the gains seemed to be considerable, but the losses had greatly increased.

'The secret agent said that the elves have the tree of life. As long as their souls are immortal, fallen soldiers can be reincarnated through the tree of life, so the number of deaths in battle must be far less than the battle report. ’

The soldiers of the Glorious Empire are truly dead when they die, and the various damaged aircraft and warships are also treasures of real money.

And judging from the current trend, the Elf Legion will definitely continue to increase its troops.

‘The losses are too great. If this continues, the risk of ruling Dragon Island will increase significantly, and the cost of mining will also increase significantly. ’

‘I also have to increase my troops and increase my firepower to try to destroy the souls of the elf warriors. ’

As long as the elf's body, especially the head, is smashed, the elf's soul will naturally be broken, and there will be no reincarnation.

After reading the battle report, Zoya looked at the domestic situation.

‘The main road of the Lightning Network has been completed, and the twentieth large-scale Blackstone power plant has been successfully connected to the network. ’

‘At present, it can generate 500,000 sen electricity every day, and the cost of each sen electricity is 10 delas. ’

10 delas is equivalent to 15 klei in the natural empire. The cost is really high.

Because as far as Zhuo Ya knows, the natural empire's lightning market price is 4 klei sen, which means that the other party's power generation cost is less than one-fifth of hers.

"It will always be difficult at the beginning. Once the number of Blackstone power plants increases and the technology matures, the cost of power generation will naturally gradually decrease."

Zhuoya thought to herself and continued to look down.

‘Natural Empire expressed its willingness to sell lightning at a price of 1 dera per cent with unlimited supply’

Zhuoya looked a little confused: "The domestic electricity price is 4 clai, but selling it to me only costs 1.5 clai. Is this going to start a trade war and crowd out my Blackstone power plant?" ’

The price given by the other party was so cheap, it was almost like giving it away for free.

And because of the existence of various transformation circles, if there is enough lightning power, it means that there is enough power of various magic spells.

For example, the most important arcane energy at present can be converted on a large scale through lightning.

Therefore, as electricity prices decrease, the production costs of large-scale deformation manufacturing plants and large-scale flour mills will be significantly reduced.

Since the other party is willing to give away the electricity for free, Zhuo Ya is naturally willing to accept it.

"Humph, I will take whatever you give me. Who would think that there is too much power?"

She felt that Rosen must have provided subsidies to domestic power plants, otherwise electricity prices would not be so cheap.

In a sense, the essence of what the other party did was to give her money.

"Since lightning power is so cheap, then I will develop various factories that use electricity. I want to see how long you can keep delivering it."

Zhuo Ya thought so and did the same.

She made a decisive decision to build three large shipyards specifically for building warships.

Thinking about it, I feel it is not enough.

Large-scale flour mills, large-scale tank manufacturing factories, large-scale weapons manufacturing factories, etc. were built. More than fifty factories of various types that could enhance war power were opened.

The purpose is to take advantage of the natural empire.

Of course, we must also build our own Blackstone power plants, and we must build as many as possible.

Otherwise, if so much lightning power is provided by the Natural Empire, then the Radiant Empire will really have no autonomy at all.

Then she continued down the file.

‘Natural Empire announced the success of the Heart of the Ocean Project, which will see large-scale ocean power plants built across the country to gradually replace the current Blackstone power plants. ’

"Ocean Power Plant"

Zhuo Ya couldn't help but frown, because she still didn't understand what this 'Heart of the Ocean' was.

The mages in the Magic Department have been studying how to 'heat water'.

I have been researching for more than a year and have made some discoveries, but I have never found a way to use seawater to generate electricity on a large scale.

"What the hell did this guy do?"

She was extremely curious and wanted to ask Rosen, but the government affairs at hand had not yet been dealt with, so she could only endure it.

Waiting until night, when she had some free time, she immediately said to the Rosen puppet in the cubicle: "Sleep with me tonight."

After a while, I got a reply: "Not tonight, I've made an agreement with someone tonight, how about the day after tomorrow?"

As soon as Zhuo Ya heard this, she knew that this guy's appointment had been scheduled for two days later, and she suddenly felt resentful in her heart: 'You are such a busy man. ’

Rosen immediately said, "How about I come over in the middle of the night?"

Zhuo Ya thought about it for a moment. She had a lot of government affairs to deal with in the first half of the night. The second half of the night was just right, so she agreed: "Okay, but you have to take a good bath and don't bring the smell of other girls' perfume."

"Don't worry, absolutely not."

After waiting patiently until midnight, Rosen arrived on time.

After making out as usual, Zhuo Ya asked: "Can we tell you now, what exactly is the Heart of the Ocean?"

Rosen chuckled and changed the subject: "How about I ask the Foreign Secretary to present you with the marriage certificate?"

Zhuo Ya was a little dissatisfied: "Can't you tell me yet?"

This time, Rosen's mouth was tight: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's that this matter is very sensitive."

"You are too close to the elves. There are many elf spies in the territory. I am worried that the matter will be leaked."

Seeing that Zhuo Ya's mouth was still pouting subconsciously, Rosen considered it for a moment and gave some sweeteners: "My dear, I will provide you with unlimited crystals with a capacity of 10,000 Rosen, okay?"

The fighting on the Dragon Islands has been fierce recently, and many soldiers of the Glorious Empire have died, so he naturally wanted to express his condolences.

In fact, this is called "Project Shield", which is to try our best to strengthen the shield and delay the development of the natural empire.

Zhuo Ya was startled when she heard this: "You are even willing to give such a good thing. Is the Heart of the Ocean really so important?"

Rosen shrugged: "It's not entirely because the Heart of the Ocean is important. After all, we are allies."

Then he said: "By the way, if you need it, our country can also help you build battleships, tanks, aircraft, and rapid-fire artillery. All at cost price. You can get whatever you want."

"If you don't have enough food and various small commodities in your country, tell me and I will supply them all to you at the lowest cost price."

"Anyway, don't worry about anything, just focus on fighting against the elves."

Zhuo Ya was even more surprised when she heard this: "Why are you so generous all of a sudden?"

Even if she knew that Rosen used the Radiant Empire as a shield against the elves, the support was too great. Wasn't he afraid of draining his own wealth?

Rosen smiled and said: "Facing the returning Lord of Truth, the destiny of our two countries is one."

"The Glorious Empire is fighting against the elves on the front line. Of course, our Natural Empire cannot just watch."

"If it really comes to a critical point, the battleships, aircraft and cannons of our Natural Empire will definitely come to our aid."

"Well, your words really comfort me. Although I know I shouldn't ask, I still want to know the secret of the heart of the ocean, even if it's just a superficial secret."

She clearly felt that there must be something extremely amazing hidden in the heart of the ocean, and it must be something good enough to change the world.

She was very curious and wanted to know what this thing was.

Seeing her persistence, Rosen couldn't help but shrugged: "She is such a curious girl."

He thought for a moment and then said: "I will immediately send someone to Meda Xilin to submit the marriage certificate. If the marriage contract is established, then I will give you a little reminder."

It's just a little reminder. Zoya has to guess the real secret herself.


Zhuo Ya has long wanted to make this relationship public, so as not to be secretive all day long.

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