Start with Island Lord

Chapter 291 The Emperor's Marriage Certificate (33)

Half a month later, the diplomatic ambassador from the Natural Empire, Tewold Adrian, came to Metasilin.

The Glorious Temple of the Never-Night Palace.

In front of a large group of dukes, marquises, earls and other nobles, as well as the imperial ministers, he formally met with the empire's Queen Zoya.

In the magnificent Glorious Temple, after a polite greeting, Tewold first showed a document.

"Your Majesty, nine months ago, you issued three difficult math problems to test the wisdom of your future husband."

"And this document records the answers given by our Majesty."

As soon as these words came out, the ministers and nobles who were listening in the temple immediately talked about it.

The ministers and nobles who were able to attend were very smart, and they vaguely guessed Tewold's intention, so they all showed confusion and surprise on their faces.

Queen Zoya knew it well, and she immediately said: "Pass it up, let me see the answer."

The maids immediately brought the document up and handed it to the queen.

Zhuo Ya also had some attainments in mathematics. After a careful look, she knew that the answer was probably correct.

In order to convince everyone, she said, "Duke Sistine, I can't tell for sure by myself. Can you help me check it?"

Duke Sistine has now been promoted to the 9th ring of magic power. He is a die-hard fan of the Queen.

Hearing this, he took the document, looked at it carefully, and immediately said, "In my opinion, this answer is completely correct."

The discussion in the hall suddenly rose eight degrees.

Then, the Minister of Magic of the Empire, and Master Nadak, one of the three dukes of the Empire, came up and said, "Your Majesty, I want to see it too."


Nadak took the document and looked at it carefully.

He didn't expect to find any mistakes himself, because since the Emperor of the Natural Empire could take this thing out, there must be no problem.

He just wanted to see if he could find any logical omissions.

As long as there are omissions, he can raise questions.


Because his son also wants to be the Queen's husband.

However, he was obviously disappointed. After a closer look, he found that the problem-solving process was extremely rigorous and the logic was so tight that even water could not penetrate it.

Queen Zoya asked: "Are there any problems, Master Nadak?"

"No, no problem."

Queen Zoya nodded and said loudly: "Duke Sistine and Duke Nadak are both great mathematicians in the empire. Since both of them said there is no problem, then this answer should be no problem."

She looked at Tewold again: "Then, Mr. Tewold, explain your purpose."

Tewold took out another document, but it was a cover of gold, green and red, which was very gorgeous.

He held it high with both hands and said: "Your Majesty Zoya, this is the marriage certificate of our Majesty. Our Majesty hopes to marry you."

Tewold's voice was loud and trembling slightly.

He was full of panic and didn't know what the consequences would be.

He felt that this matter was very, very outrageous, and Rosen's actions were also very, very arrogant, simply. The value is blasphemy.

Because Rosen is already the husband of Mother Nature, while His Majesty Zhuoya is the mortal incarnation of the Lord of Glory.

Now, Rosen is not satisfied with marrying Mother Nature, he even wants to marry the Lord of Glory. This matter really subverts Tewold's imagination.

When he commanded the fleet to the White Pelican Island and encountered artillery attacks, it was not as shocking as this incident.

‘Hua La~~~’

There was also an uproar in the Temple of Glory.

Some of the noble ministers looked surprised, some looked angry, and some looked helpless.

The Duke of Nadak just stepped forward and questioned Tewold in a harsh voice.

“His Majesty Rosen has already married, how can he marry our Majesty? This is a humiliation to our Glorious Empire!”

Although Tewold felt unreliable, he was already a qualified diplomat.

Before this mission, he also made sufficient preparations.

He immediately refuted.

"Monogamy is a restriction made by God to mortals, but both Mother Nature and Her Majesty Zhuoya are the incarnations of the true God in the mortal world and are not bound by this mortal dogma."

Duke Nadak did not expect the other party to come up with such a perverse logic. He subconsciously wanted to refute it, but after thinking carefully, he found that he could not refute it.

So, he could only say from the side: "His Majesty Rosen is just a mortal. How can a mortal marry two true gods at the same time?"

"This is blasphemy against God!"

Tewdt immediately corrected: "No, Duke, you are wrong."

"What His Majesty married was a shadow of the true God projected in the mortal world. This is definitely not the true God himself, but only a very small part of the true God's will."

"As a mortal, His Majesty of our country certainly dare not blaspheme God."

"Not to mention marrying two true gods, even one true god is not a match."

"But if it is a projection of the true God, that's another story."

At this point, Tewdt cleared his throat, stood up straight, and a hint of arrogance and reserve appeared on his face.

"As we all know, His Majesty Rosen of our country is the most powerful mortal in the world."

"He not only manages nearly 600 million hardworking, loyal and intelligent citizens, but also manages the largest wealth in the mortal world, and controls the most powerful mortal army."

Immediately, a noble of the Glorious Empire stood up to refute: "I agree with the first two points, but in terms of the army, our army is definitely not inferior to your country."

Tewold smiled faintly and asked: "Then let me ask, how long will it take for your country to build a hundred large warships?"

"Uh, three months. No, four months."

Twowood smiled and said: "But our country only needs less than two months."

"Not only that, our country's production of tanks, aircraft, and artillery shells far exceeds that of your country. And everyone knows that when a war breaks out, these new magical weapons are the key to determining the outcome of the war."

"No, it is people who determine the outcome of the war! It is the wise mage and the brave warrior!"

Someone else retorted loudly.

Tewood immediately said: "Our country currently has 1,500 mages above the eighth ring, but your country should not have more than 600, right?"

This data is not very public, but everyone knows it, so there is no way to refute it.

"I have one more thing to add," said Twowood loudly.

"Our country also possesses the largest magical power in the world. His Majesty, the Emperor of our country, is the main creator of this magical power and the supreme commander of this magical power."

"So, of course a mortal cannot marry the wives of two true gods, but he is definitely qualified to marry the projection of the will of two true gods in the mortal world."

This makes people very angry, but they don't have the confidence to refute.

There is no way, the national power is not as strong as the other party, so naturally you can't be strong-willed when speaking.

On the other side, after experiencing the initial anxiety, Twowood suddenly discovered that the Radiant Empire seemed far less terrifying than he imagined.

The nobles of the kingdom in front of him, and even the queen sitting on the throne, did not seem to be enough to scare him.

‘Yes, what am I afraid of? ’

‘At least 40% of the weapons used by the Glorious Empire in the battle on the Dragon Islands were supported by our country. ’

‘The Blackstone Power Plant in the Glorious Empire has just begun to take off, but our country has already begun to eliminate these backward things. ’

‘My natural empire is obviously stronger than the glorious empire. The divine power of Mother Nature is also obviously stronger than that of the Lord of Radiance. ’

‘So, there seems to be no problem if the emperor wants to marry the queen. ’

At this time, the ministers and nobles in the temple were still discussing, but their voices became quieter and quieter. In the end, they all looked at the queen sitting on the throne, waiting for her to make her final statement.

Queen Zoya was filled with emotion. Although she had long expected that the power of the Natural Empire would surpass that of the Glorious Empire, when this actually happened, she felt a little disappointed.

She obviously did nothing wrong and had a very high reputation among the nobility and the people. However, step by step, she was surpassed by the Natural Empire and even gradually crushed.

It's not that she is not moving forward. In fact, the development speed of the Radiant Empire is not slow at all, but the Natural Empire next door is faster, so it seems that she is slow, and even retreats in comparison.

What to do?

There is no better way than to accept the facts.

There are many things in this world that will not change due to personal will, even if she is the empress of the empire.

But there was still a little bit of unwillingness in her heart.

So she asked: "Since His Majesty Rosen proposes to me, where is the proposal gift? Or does he just come empty-handed?"

Twowood immediately said: "Of course I didn't come empty-handed."

As he spoke, he took out a gift list: "Your Majesty's proposal is a state matter."

"So, our country brings a contract."

"The contract stipulates that if His Majesty agrees to propose, then our country will provide the people of the Glorious Empire with lightning power for daily use at a price of 0.1 Clays per sen. At the same time, it will also provide the empire's lightning factory with a price not higher than 0.2 Clays per sen. of electricity.”

"That is to say, we will supply as much as the Glorious Empire uses. As long as the marriage lasts, the contract will remain valid, the price of lightning will remain unchanged, and our Majesty will never dissolve the marriage first."

To be honest, this gift was so generous that even Twowood felt it was very outrageous, even more outrageous than the proposal itself.

But for some reason, none of the top mages in the empire raised any objections, and all of them felt that they were very profitable.

After asking why, he replied that with the large-scale spread of the ocean core, lightning power will become very cheap in the future.

He wanted to ask what the heart of the ocean was, but no one gave him the answer.

But he felt that even if the Heart of the Ocean was very strong, there were still more than 600 million people in the Radiant Empire, and the daily electricity price for 600 million residents was only 0.1 clair, which was really too generous.

Not only did he feel this way, but the glorious ministers and nobles in the hall also felt this way. Many people even thought His Majesty Rosen was crazy.

Such cheap lightning power, what's the difference between this and giving it away for free?

Duke Sistine couldn't help but said: "Mr. Twowood, you'd better read the contents of the contract carefully to avoid sending the wrong news."

Tewood shrugged his shoulders and held the contract with both hands: "May Mother Nature and the Lord of Glory jointly witness this contract."

The contract was handed to Zoya.

Zhuo Ya looked at it carefully and nodded to confirm: "The content of the contract is true, and it is stamped with His Majesty Rosen's unique magic seal."

After speaking, she looked at the ministers and nobles present: "Obviously, this is an extremely generous gift. What do you say to this?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. After talking in low voices for a while, the three Dukes headed by Duke Sistine came out.

These three are also the ministers with the highest status and reputation in the Glorious Empire.

Except for Duke Sistine, the other two were somewhat reluctant, but in the face of huge interests, they had nothing to say.

It is true that the queen can marry a noble son of the country, but she will get nothing except children.

But if the queen marries the natural emperor, her reputation may be damaged, but she will gain huge benefits every year.

According to the current lightning price of the Glorious Empire, if this contract is converted into money, it is equivalent to getting 50 million Tira gold coins from the Natural Empire every year.

This is 50 million Tira, and there is still great potential for improvement.

According to the contract, the more electricity the empire uses, the greater the benefits it gets from the Natural Empire.

In short, the benefits are so great that people can't refuse them at all.

At the same time, there is another important reason. The ancestor of Rosen, the emperor of the Natural Empire, is actually from the Glorious Empire, and he is also the blood of ancient nobles.

So from the perspective of pure blood, there is no problem.

After comprehensive consideration, the three dukes said in unison: "It all depends on your majesty's holy judgment."

But it has already been tacitly agreed.

In this case, Zhuo Ya said to Tewod: "Very good, I will accept the marriage certificate from your Majesty. Let your Majesty prepare for the wedding."

On the other hand, Tewod really didn't know how to describe his current feelings. He felt that this world completely broke his cognitive limits and it was simply not real.

Twenty years ago, who would have thought that the high and mighty Queen of Glory would become the wife of a small baron of the Natural Alliance, and not the only wife?

Who would have thought that a mortal could marry two true gods as wives?

With thousands of thoughts in his mind, he followed his body's instinct and bowed deeply to the Queen according to diplomatic etiquette.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

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