Start with Island Lord

Chapter 295 The Three Messengers of the Lord of Truth (22)

Deep in the incomplete ring of the moon, inside the chaotic energy like nebulae and dust, there is a temple made of pure white spirit.

The so-called spirit is a relatively stable soul power precipitated from the chaotic energy, and there are many types.

Spirit is somewhat similar to the elements outside, which can form various complex existences and will also be affected by the distortion of time and space, but the restrictions are far less than the elements.

In fact, almost all existences in the void are made of spirit.

Including void life.

Let's look at the temple again.

Its appearance is very simple, similar to the sloped roof long house in the mortal world, but the four sides of the sloped roof extend out and are supported by thick columns.

At the main entrance of the temple, there is a tall and long staircase, and on both sides of the staircase stand a row of exquisite sword-holding sculptures.

The sculptures seem motionless, but they exude a breathtaking breath of power, as if they can come alive at any time.

At this moment, at the entrance of the temple, on the top platform of the steps, stood a tall man wearing a simple dark blue robe and with a gaunt face. He was the Lord of Truth, Dritan.

On the ground in front of him, there were three short, ugly monsters with very distorted bodies and faces.

If you just look at the three monsters, you can find that they are quite big and strong, but compared with the tall Dritan, who has a lot of power runes looming around his body, they suddenly become three insignificant ghosts.

Dritan put one hand on his waist and held a dark green branch in the other hand, and nodded at the head of the "little ghost" on the far left, who was covered with black smoke.

A ray of emerald green light sank into the ghost's head, and the little ghost trembled, not daring to resist.

"Plague Messenger Doroth, I order you to go to the Glorious Empire in the mortal world, spread the plague everywhere in the mortal world, and let the mortals of the Glorious Empire die in pain and wail."

"Yes, great Lord of Truth."

The little ghost with black smoke knocked his head hard on the ground, and then turned into a ball of extremely dense black gas light, quickly left the temple, and rushed to the distant plane world.

Because of this action, the little ghost showed his true power, which was a legendary 3 void demon.

In the mortal world, such a demon could easily plunge a country into chaos.

But now the times have changed.

Dritan did not ask this guy to cause much actual damage to the Glorious Empire, but only asked the other party to spread more plague in the mortal world to make the situation more chaotic, so as to facilitate his work.

Of course, a legendary 3 demon alone is not enough. Once caught, it will be easily killed by the current mortal empire.

So, Druitan tapped the dark green branch on the second little devil, who was taller and stronger, and whose strength reached Legend 4.

"Asarai, the messenger of famine, I order you to go to the Glorious Empire in the mortal world, and make the crops and weeds growing in its fields and the trees on the mountains. In short, as long as it is a plant, let it wither."

This Legend 4 demon Asarai was the nightmare of the ancient times on Druitan's plane. Later, he lost interest in the mortal world and lived in the Moon Ring.

Originally, he lived a good life, but met Druitan, so he became his captive.

In fact, all three demons present were in this situation.

Asarai had not paid attention to the situation in the mortal world for a long time, so he didn't quite understand Druitan's order.

"Master, large-scale withering magic requires a lot of power. Why waste power on trees and weeds when you only use it on crops?"

Druitan wanted to explain, but he was too lazy to say more after thinking about it, because these demons were just consumables.

"Do as I say, Asarai!"

"Yes, Master."

Asarai obeyed, then turned into a ball of deep purple light and left the temple.

Finally, there was another demon, the strongest one, reaching Legend 5. The human form he transformed into was a small giant with curled horns on his head, dim red eyes, and a lion's tail.

"Sagakar, the doom spreader, I order you to go to Metasilin, the capital of the Glorious Empire on earth, to find those mortals who are alone and let them die miserably in doom."

"Remember, it doesn't matter how many people die, but they must die tragically and let as many mortals as possible see this scene to make them feel fear and despair."

"Yes, Master."

The power of the Legend 5 demon has begun to take shape, and the scale of its soul has reached more than 500 times that of a mortal of the same legendary power.

The surface of its body is also wrapped with a layer of dim red flames composed of countless soul runes, which looks quite terrifying.

In the past, such a powerful demon could easily cause a terrible catastrophe. If the brain was good enough, it could even easily destroy a plane world without the protection of legendary wizards.

But times have changed.

Druitan watched the great demon go away, and silently said in his heart: 'I hope you can live longer. '

Although this demon is the most powerful, the place he goes to is also the most dangerous.

He is not sure how long he can live.

After standing in front of the temple for a long time, Druitan turned around and returned to the temple hall.

The hall is very empty, only at the top, there is a tree with emerald green light.

The tree is a little pocket-sized, very simple in shape, without leaves, but two strange fruits with runes hanging on the branches, the size of an adult's head.

Dretan walked to the tree, raised his hand and carefully picked a fruit, put it to his mouth, but did not eat it, but chanted some vague mantras softly.

The chanting time was very long, lasting about half an hour.

At the same time, the strange fruit was constantly changing, and finally turned into a person who looked exactly like Dretan.

At first glance, it was hard to tell the real from the fake, even the power and aura were exactly the same.

The only difference was the expressions of the two people, one was dull and stiff like a sculpture, and the other was a living person.

When this Dretan appeared, the real Dretan sat on the floor of the hall, feeling a little proud.

‘This soul fruit is really a good thing, but it’s a pity that there are only two. ’

This was not made by him, but by Adela for him. There are only two, and they will be gone after they are used up.

He immediately closed his eyes.

After a while, the face of 'Dretan' showed an expression that was no different from that of a living person, and the rune light around his body became agile, becoming exactly the same as the real Dretan.

Then, this 'Dretan' strode out of the temple, turned into a ball of dark blue light, and quickly rushed towards the azure dark blue magic ring in front.


The wedding date is getting closer and closer. As the bride and the host, Queen Zoya naturally has to take on the security of the wedding.

The most important opponent is Dretan. In order to guard against his assassination, the soul fog covering Metasirin has become three times thicker.

After entering the fog, the void vision of any legendary strongman will fail, and all soul-related detection techniques will also fail.

Then there is the security of the mortal world.

The huge capital city is divided into a large number of areas with streets as the dividing line, and each area is directly responsible for the corresponding shadow guard officer.

All areas are patrolled 24 hours a day, and the latest lightning communicator is used for real-time communication.

If any abnormal situation occurs in the capital, even if it is just a small matter such as a drunkard making trouble or a shrew swearing in the street, the security team will definitely arrive in three minutes at most.

If the security team cannot solve the problem, then the capital garrison will be sent. If it still cannot be solved, it will be upgraded to an elite shadow guard immediately.

Try to nip all unstable factors in the bud.

Tourists from other places are also subject to huge restrictions.

It is best not to come.

If you have to come, you will be subject to a lot of identity verification, and all the bed-wetting incidents of your ancestors will be found out.

As for tourists from other planes, they are simply completely banned.

The entire Metasilin and the 100-kilometer area around the capital are all arranged with phase confinement arrays, and any phase transmission is strictly prohibited.

Of course, due to the lack of magic power, the confinement array is difficult to confine high-level phase transmission.

For example, the infinite phase transfer technique within the plane that Rosen currently masters can basically ignore it.

These security tasks are very tedious. After being busy for more than a month, Zhuoya felt annoyed and couldn't help but complain secretly in her heart.

'It sounds so nice to say that you should take care of the national self-esteem, but in the end I am doing all the work, but I am very cool. '

I have never heard that a woman has to take care of the wedding by herself, decorate the wedding room by herself, and even complete the wedding at home.

She couldn't help but contact her fiancé who was wandering around in Medaxilin.

"Rosen, I'm tired and annoyed, I want to go out and play too!"

Rosen immediately responded: "Aha~~ Dear, you have persisted for a lot longer than I expected."

"Then come on, I'm just bored shopping alone."

Zhuoya just vented her anger, and after venting, she immediately regained her sanity.

"Forget it, I just said it casually. Someone has to do the work."

"That's right, someone has to do the work. Let my puppet do it."

The first half of the sentence was said by Rosen, but the second half was replaced by a female voice that was exactly the same as Zhuoya's, and it came from the small compartment of the study.

"What's going on?"

"One of the benefits of a strong soul is that the thinking speed is very fast and you can do many things at the same time."

"I have been watching you for so many days, and I probably know your style of handling government affairs. As long as nothing serious happens, my puppet can handle it completely, and no one will notice anything unusual."

"Oh~~ I am a little envious of what I heard."

Zhuoya was of course not envious of the puppet, but the benefits brought by the huge soul.

Rosen could naturally understand.

"If you want, I will make you a similar magic weapon, but it won't be as effective as mine."

"Because this is a soul magic weapon, it needs to be matched with the soul at a very deep level. But you know, it is difficult for one person to understand another person's soul."

Zhuo Ya doesn't have the obsessive-compulsive disorder of pursuing perfection, and immediately said: "It's better than nothing."

She immediately began to look forward to it: "How long will it take?"

"About three months, this thing is more difficult to make."

"How many times larger can it make the soul?"

"I estimate it to be one or two thousand times. If it is larger, it must be matched with the soul deeply, otherwise you will not be able to control it."

"After all, this thing is still a magic weapon in essence."

The one made for Zhuo Ya can't be called the Supreme Crown, it should be called "Glorious Crown" or "Queen's Crown".

Zhuo Ya is already satisfied: "Then I will start counting the days and waiting."

Since there are puppets to help with government affairs, Zhuo Ya is also happy to be idle.

After confirming that the puppet did have enough power, she put on ordinary casual clothes, quietly slipped out of the palace, and followed Rosen to go shopping in the capital.

While walking on the street, Zhuoya stretched her body with great effort, looking excited.

"Ah~~~ I've lived so long, and this is the first time I've been shopping without any worries."

Rosen smiled and said, "Coincidentally, I just found a relatively powerful void demon in the city. Should we go and play with it?"

"Ah~~~ Relatively powerful, how strong is it?"

"It's a legendary 5 demon."

Zhuoya suddenly felt guilty: "Will this work?"

The legendary level of the void demon is different from that of mortals.

Maybe the legendary 5 is not high, but it can't stand the opponent's huge size.

Although Zhuoya's soul is now legendary 9.5, she feels that facing such a big demon, she can only protect herself.

She knew Rosen could definitely deal with it, but the demon was in the void, and Rosen was a mortal after all. Although he had improved his soul through magic tools, his soul could not leave the magic circle, and his actions were definitely not as flexible as the void demon.

So, she felt that it should not be a problem to drive it away or even kill it, but "teasing it for fun" would be too casual and easy to cause trouble.

Rosen was extremely sensitive now, and he knew what Zhuoya was thinking as soon as he heard what she said.

He smiled and comforted: "Of course it can be done."

Zhuoya was still worried: "Will Dritan notice it?"

She was worried that Dritan would be alarmed and scared away.

Rosen laughed again: "The soul fog in the capital is so heavy that he can't see anything. How can he detect it with his asshole?"

Zhuoya thought about it and couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle: "Well~ dear, you are so rude."

"Why don't you try to say a few swear words, such as the most commonly used folk swear words in the Glorious Empire, 'Limo Ruita'."

The meaning of this word is probably similar to 'x your ancestors' on Earth.

Very rude, usually if one person curses, the other person will either fight back on the spot or defend the chastity of their ancestors with fists.

Just listening to it, Zhuoya felt very embarrassed, her cheeks flushed and she shook her head repeatedly: "I won't say it."

Then she had another worry: "The soul fog is so thick, how can we find this void demon? Don't let him run away."

If this demon runs away, there will definitely be citizens who will suffer.

Rosen was prepared.

He took out a hat and handed it to Zhuoya: "Put it on."

"What is it?"

"The insight hat, the function is to penetrate the soul fog."

Zhuoya put on the hat as he said, and found that the hat was quite good-looking, and it was similar in style to the hat on Rosen's head, just a pair, which made her like the hat at once.

But she still couldn't stop the surprise in her heart.

"Ah? Can the soul fog be penetrated?"

Rosen patted the hat on his head and explained half-truthfully.

"The way to generate soul fog is to release soul fluctuations of multiple frequencies and then let them continue to spread in space."

"Then, as long as you find these soul fluctuations of specific frequencies and use some mathematical methods to eliminate them, you can see the existence behind the fog."

Seeing that Zhuoya was still full of curiosity, Rosen immediately made a patch.

"The principle is very simple, but it is very difficult to implement. It requires an extremely large soul."

In fact, this is Lai Fu's ability, which requires extremely huge computing power as support.

So, only Rosen can see through the fog.

"Strictly speaking, I share my vision with you through the insight hat. Do you see it?"

Zhuoya nodded: "I see it, it's quite clear, I can feel about 2 kilometers in radius, but it's worse than when there is no fog."

"The fog must still have an impact. Do you see the void demon now?"

When everyone is "blind" who can only see 50 meters around, a radius of 2 kilometers is enough, but Lai Fu's limit can reach about 10 kilometers.

"I saw it. It's in the void in the alley ahead, less than 500 meters away from us."

"Well, this is really a big demon, it's really big."

Zhuoya felt both excited and scared when she faced the void demon for the first time.

Her body trembled subconsciously, and one hand couldn't help but tightly grasp the corner of Rosen's clothes.

Her cautious character made her worry again.

"Dear, if we just stare at him, will it alarm him?"

She knew that demons are very sensitive. If this big guy rushed towards them, it would be terrible!

Rosen felt that Zhuoya at this moment was like a little girl watching a horror movie for the first time, which was very interesting.

He didn't have the habit of teasing little girls. He immediately grabbed Zhuoya's hand and comforted her in a warm voice: "Of course not."

"The soul fog completely blocked its perception. It can't see us at all. We are very safe."

Zhuoya was relieved immediately, and at the same time felt that this matter was very interesting.

"Let's go play with it."


Zhuoya no longer had any worries and followed Rosen with great interest.

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