Start with Island Lord

Chapter 296: General Void (12)

‘What the hell is this place? ! ’

After three days of wandering in the eleven circles corresponding to Medasilin, Sagakar finally couldn't help it and cursed.

The situation here is even more complicated than in the Moon Circle, almost like a maze.

It doesn’t matter if there is no one in the maze, but there are people everywhere in the maze.

In the thick mist, someone appeared and disappeared, a big guy with great speed rushed out, and a spell suddenly broke out around him.

Compared with the mortal world three thousand years ago, there is almost no similarity between the world in front of us.

Even though he has been here for three days, he still feels very confused.

It is precisely because of this that he has been slow to carry out his master's orders.

The master wanted him to spread fear and despair in the world, but he had no idea at all. He was often startled by strange things that suddenly appeared, and he had no intention of doing anything serious.

He also thought about getting further away from the mortal world and looking down at the mortal world from a higher angle, but the damn fog was too thick. If he was slightly away from the ring, he would not be able to see anything clearly.

Only by getting close to the tenth magic circle can we barely get a sense of the situation.

At this time, Sagakar was walking slowly in a narrow and remote alley.

He likes it here because there won't be a strange thing that runs very fast, exudes an inanimate aura, and runs rampant like a bull out of nowhere.

Although this strange thing is difficult to cause harm to him, it always makes him feel very uncomfortable when it rushes towards him and passes through his body.

There were very few living people in the alley, and it would take a long time to see one, and sometimes not even a soul could be seen for more than half an hour.

‘A place like this is quite suitable for causing misfortune. ’

As long as you find a living person, control his soul, and then let him end his life in a weird way, it will be enough to trigger a huge wave of panic in the mortal world.

More than three thousand years ago, when he was young and strong and full of curiosity about everything, he loved to do this kind of thing.

He once asked a man to cut off his legs and then swallow them bit by bit into his stomach.

He also once asked a mortal to scratch his belly with his hands, pull out his intestines and tie them around his neck, causing him to suffocate to death.

Or, let two living people bite each other and eat each other's body bit by bit into their stomachs until their stomachs burst and they die.

But these are not his masterpieces.

His most satisfying experience was to let a group of men and women get lost in the mountains, let them vent to each other, and then suffocate to death in extreme pleasure.

After these people died, their expressions were very strange, showing both joy and pain. In addition, the various inhuman actions they performed before death could scare the weak souls of living people to collapse on the spot.

While wandering around, Sagakar recalled his past games in the mortal world, and his interest in teasing the mortal world gradually arose in his heart.

"When I meet the next living person, I'll think of new tricks and try hard."

With this thought, he had hope in his heart, hoping to meet the next living person as soon as possible.

The surrounding fog was very thick, and Sagakar could only perceive the situation within a radius of less than 3 meters. Because he was close to the tenth ring, he could vaguely see the situation in the alley.

There are high brick walls on both sides. Occasionally, you can see a round pole whose purpose is unknown. If you float up along the round pole, you will always encounter a huge lightning force.

Occasionally, you can see forked roads on both sides of the alley, but the forked roads are wrapped in thick fog and it is completely unclear where they lead.

It was floating like this without seeing a single living person.

"Strange, where are the people?"

"Shouldn't I be in the capital of an empire? Why are there so few people alive?"

He has been floating for more than an hour and has not seen anyone.

It was even quieter than the cemetery, not even as quiet as the Moon Circle.

Although there are no living souls in the Moon Dharma Ring, there are many kinds of wandering souls, floating around, and it is unclear whether they are familiar or not.

Since the devil is a living being, he naturally has the most basic danger intuition of life.

Sagakar felt that something was wrong in this alley, and there might be some danger hidden there. It was best to leave immediately.

He thought so and did so.

So he speeded up and floated forward.

It just kept floating for more than an hour, and it was still in the alley.

Not only was there no living person in this alley, it seemed to have no end.

"What's going on?"

Sagakar couldn't figure it out: "Maybe I'm going in the wrong direction. I'll change the direction."

There were many forks in the alley, so he found one and continued drifting.

After drifting for more than an hour, he was still in the alley, and at the same time he discovered something extremely strange.

"Why does this place look familiar? No, I remember this wall. The windows on the wall are very big and very strange!"

"I think I've passed by here several times."

"Am I lost?"

Sagakal was still very courageous. At this moment, he still didn't want to run away, but wanted to rely on his own ability to get out of this weird alley.

He continued to drift.

Half an hour later, I returned to the familiar brick wall and saw the familiar large windows.

"I'm back again?"

"Am I in a maze?"

Sagakar has no heart, so his heartbeat will certainly not speed up, but he can't help but feel fear in his heart.

"I'd better leave this hellish place first."

He still has another way, which is to leave the Eleven Dharma Ring and escape into the void outside the ring at a higher level.

So, he began to float upward.

There is naturally a thick layer of fog above, and apart from the fog, no mortal reference can be seen.

Sagakar kept drifting, and he didn't know how long it had passed before he saw the familiar brick walls and large windows again.

He was actually still in the Eleven Dharma Ring and didn't even leave the alley.


Sagakar began to panic, and the fear in his heart gradually increased, almost overflowing: "Why is this happening?"

"Where am I now?"

"Did I accidentally enter hell?!"

There is no answer, only endless fog, silent alleys, and familiar walls and windows.

Sagakar's sanity almost disappeared, and he began to rush left and right, jumping up and down randomly like a trapped beast.

But no matter which direction he ran, after some hard work, he would eventually return to the familiar alley.

He had never experienced such a weird thing in his life, and he subconsciously sent out soul fluctuations similar to screaming, and ran away more and more desperately.

Little did he know that behind the big window, Rosen and Zoya were standing side by side, watching the great devil's show.

Zhuo Ya looked at the big demon who was spinning around in circles, almost collapsing, and clearly felt the other person's fear.

"My dear, your maze of twists and turns is indeed scary. If you continue like this, you will probably scare this big devil into a lunatic."

Rosen multitasks.

While controlling the maze spell to scare the devil to death, he observed the surrounding situation and responded to Zoya with a smile:

"Don't worry, the devil's soul is very tough. He won't go crazy, but he will definitely never forget this in his life."

Zhuo Ya was startled: "In this life? Aren't you going to kill him?"

Rosen shook his head: "Demons have nothing to do with race. Void beings will become demons, and mortals will also become demons. The common reason is that there are no rules."

"Now that we have a way to restrain the void life, this void life can become our servant arranged in the void to protect the mortal world, instead of a demon that harms the mortal world."

Zhuoya listened carefully, with many thoughts in her mind, and then looked at Rosen with a strange look.

"My dear, I suddenly feel that you are not a mortal anymore."

"Oh~ In what way is it different?"

"Mortal souls are far less powerful than void life. When facing void life, it is impossible to be calm and calm. For example, I still think this big demon is scary."

"But you are different. I feel that in your eyes, this unlucky guy in the alley has become a kind of toy."

Rosen thought about it carefully and nodded: "You are right. My mentality when facing the devil has indeed changed a lot."

"But I feel that my change is not a special case, but has always existed."

Zhuo Ya thought for a moment and nodded: "It has always existed, but you have changed a lot this time."

When a mortal meets a demon, it is probably similar to how our ancestors met a beast.

In the beginning, the weak ancestors were hunted and killed by powerful beasts, but once the ancestors mastered the power of fire, bows and arrows, steel, etc., the situation was completely reversed.

Now, Rosen has mastered a powerful soul weapon, which is essentially the same as the ancestors mastered the flame, so the demon has gradually entered the state of the beast in the past.

She is looking forward to the magic weapon with a powerful soul: "I really don't know what it feels like to have a powerful soul."

Rosen smiled and said, "I can let you have a little experience now."

As he spoke, he built a soul bridge with Zhuo Ya, and then asked: "Do you feel it?"

Zhuo Ya nodded slightly: "Suddenly, I felt like I became a giant looking down on the earth, and ordinary mortals became ants under my feet. No, even the big demon was an ant."

She completely understood Rosen's change in mentality, so she became worried:

"Such a great power will probably give rise to an arrogant attitude in the hearts of mortals, and turn them into demons, right?"

Rosen nodded: "Of course he will. Just like the captain of the Blackstone Battleship, when he boarded the battleship and mastered its power, he became the contemporary God of War."

"If there were no restrictions from the empire, then the 'God of War' and the 'Demon of War' would be synonymous."

"And what about you, my dear, are you going to be a demon?"

Rosen shook his head: "At least not now."

He pointed at himself: "My body is still a mortal. If I leave this mortal body, my soul will dissipate instantly."

"This means that my mortal body needs support from the empire, and I cannot leave the ring of magic and escape into the void outside the ring."

"Finally, I also know deeply that I may have achieved some magical achievements, but I am far from invincible. There are countless mysteries in the world that I don't know, and there are countless powers that can easily destroy me."

Zoya listened carefully and secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "My dear, I'm glad you have such wisdom, but to be honest, I think you should be the greatest mortal now."

"The greatest? No, it's still far, far away."

Rosen smiled and shook his head, remembering the story of the three abyss told by the goddess of life Adela.

He was sure that there must be countless strong men in the three abyss who were much stronger than him.

At this time, Sagakar, who was trapped in the soul maze, finally ran out of energy.

He huddled in the corner of the alley, like a helpless kitten cornered.

"That's almost it. You wait for me here and I'll go conquer him."

After saying that, he floated out of the window.

As soon as it appeared, the devil let out a furious roar: "I knew someone was causing trouble!"


His body, shrouded in dim red flames, turned into a dim red blade and stabbed at Rosen violently.

Rosen was prepared.

He developed the Supreme Crown, and of course also developed many soul fighting techniques.

These soul fighting skills were not imagined by him out of thin air.

Part of it came from the demons that I had faced head-on in the void in the past, part of it came from the knowledge of the high-energy magic laboratory, and part of it came from Nahuat.

Facing the dim red blade stabbing him, he stood motionless, while Laifu condensed a huge soul shield as quickly as possible.

The giant shield appeared, blocking the stabbing of the dim red blade from the front, and at the same time, it began to rapidly transform, transforming from the giant shield into a spherical soul cage, directly locking Sagakar inside.

Sagakal immediately struggled wildly, and the crimson sharp blade shot back and forth in the soul ball at high speed.


The momentum looked quite appalling, but it was meaningless.

The attack strength of the Crimson Blade reached Legend 7, but the soul spell focused by Rosen directly reached Legend 19 in strength.

At the same time, the size of the demon's soul is about 500 times that of the mortal legend, but Rosen's soul spell directly consumed five thousand Rosen's power.

It is equivalent to pressing a thousand kilograms of iron on a mortal body with only a hundred kilograms of strength.

No matter how much this big devil rushes and bumps into the ball of soul, the ball of soul remains motionless.

After struggling for a full ten minutes, Sagakar was completely desperate, his body huddled up and remained motionless.

Rosen asked: "Surrender or destruction?"

"I surrender." Sagakar chose the latter without hesitation.

In this case, Rosen raised his hand and pointed towards the soul ball, and with a thought, a burst of emerald green power poured into Sagakar's soul.

But it is the power of the branch of life, and it is more subtle and deeper than the power of Dritan.

To avoid exposing the fact that he possesses the branch of life, Rosen did not dispel Dritan's controlling power, but he put a deeper, more controlling, and more secret soul imprint on Sagakal's soul.

Just like he did to Dora and Sissy.

The moment he was branded, Sagakal immediately calmed down, lay down in the ball of soul, and called himself the master.

Rosen nodded, then raised his hand and pointed at the devil, using the secret soul mark to give it vision that penetrated the soul fog.

"From now on, you are my Void General."

"The first thing you have to do is help me find other minions of Dritan."

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