Start with Island Lord

Chapter 298 Elemental Projection from the Abyss (12)


In a dimly lit room, Rosen sat beside a grindstone, concentrating on sharpening a hardened krypton gold dagger.

Five meters to the right of his body, there stood a large rune rack, on which a young woman was tied.

The woman had no clothes on her body, and her forehead, neck, wrists, waist, thighs, and ankles were all covered with a layer of imprisonment chains connected by mana runes, in the shape of a "big" character, firmly fixed on the rack.

Although she had a beautiful face and a graceful figure, Rosen did not look at her at all, but only focused on sharpening the krypton gold dagger.

“My dagger is not only sharp, but also very delicate, and its ability to break the law is almost perfect. It can ignore the shielding of mana and accurately let you experience the greatest degree of pain.”

“But I don’t like to torture, so I hope you will take the initiative to tell me your origins.”

The woman on the rack did not feel the slightest fear, but a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Just torture me, it's nothing more than a life."

"But remember, no matter how you torture me today, someone will tie you to the rack in the future and torture you in the same way!"

Her expression was indifferent and her tone was calm, as if she had seen through life and death and was a saint who had completely awakened.

This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with, and there is almost no way to pry open her mouth.

Usually, the only way to deal with such a person is to kill him quietly.

But Rosen was very interested in the magic used by this woman and was very curious about her origins.

Even if he wanted to kill her in the end, he would kill her after trying every possible way to no avail.

He still focused on sharpening the knife.

"So, your goal is to kill me. And Deruitan's mercenary mission just happened to coincide with your goal."

"Even if there was no mission, you would find a way to kill me, right?"

The woman closed her eyes and did not speak, looking like she was letting herself be dealt with.

Rosen was not disappointed and continued:

"You come from the abyss, right?"

The woman still didn't speak, but her body tensed slightly, the amplitude was very small, Rosen didn't see it, but of course it didn't escape Lai Fu's observation.

This is enough to prove that he guessed right.

He continued: "I heard that there are three abysses in this world. Their former names were Endless Power, Eternal Life, and Glorious Glory."

"Which one are you from?"

There was no reaction, but Rosen didn't need her to take the initiative to respond, her body's instinctive stress response was enough.

Lai Fu's observation showed that after the names of the three abysses appeared one after another, their reaction to the word Glorious Glory was slightly unique.

So he tried again.

"Endless power?"

"Eternal life?"

"Glorious glory?"

The result was still the same, so Rosen confirmed: "I see, you come from glorious glory."

The woman finally couldn't hold it anymore: "Wrong, I come from endless power!"

"You are lying."

Rosen's voice was calmer than boiled water. He continued to sharpen the knife and continued: "Glorious glory is a beautiful name that has disappeared, and now more people like to call it a nightmare place."

The above information was obtained bit by bit by Rosen mobilizing the power of the country and according to the clues provided by Adela.

In addition, the Star Observation Bureau has also calculated the approximate orbits of the three abysses based on the observation results.

Why is it calculated?

Because the three abysses are almost completely invisible in light, mana, and even magic rings, ordinary sky survey mirrors can't see them at all.

In other words, the abyss almost does not exchange information with the outside world, and it is almost a completely independent existence, except for the effect of 'gravity'.

By using the tiny disturbances caused by its gravity on the operation of other planes, the observation wizard was able to calculate the approximate orbits of the three abysses.

However, that's all I know for now. If I say more, I'll be exposed.

But this information successfully pried open the woman's mouth.

She opened her eyes and stared at Rosen with a pair of strange dark golden eyes: "How do you know these things?"

Rosen smiled: "I won't tell you."

Although the news about the abyss has been said, it doesn't mean that he can't continue to get the woman's secrets.

"I have carefully examined your body. There is indeed no soul, but your magic power is organized in a very strange way that does not even conform to the basic rules of magic."

"There is a mysterious power that constrains the magic power in your body."

"I guess you should be an elemental projection of someone in the abyss. This restraining power should come from your projection body, right?"

Without the other party's answer, Rosen has confirmed this from the stress response.

He continued: "According to my research, projection is a very wonderful technique."

"No matter how you project, you can only get a part of the structure of the main body. And after the projection is successful, the projector is a relatively independent existence, and there is almost no connection between it and the main body."

"But every life is an extremely complex polyhedron."

"So, a big demon may be projected into a saint. A great monarch, after the timidity in his heart is projected, will become a coward."

"I can roughly guess that, in addition to the belief of killing me, and some necessary magic power and world common sense. You may not know more about the abyss than me."

The subconscious stress reaction told Rosen that he guessed right again.

The same reaction also told Rosen that there was a crack in the opponent's defense.

He jumped at the chance.

"Then tell me your name, assassin."


Rosen raised his hand to pour some water to clean the sharpening powder on the dagger: "Well, Miss Lily, I have to tell you some unfortunate news."

"I discovered that the mysterious power used to restrain mana in your body also functions as a countdown. As time goes by, the power will gradually dissipate."

"About half a year later, the power will completely dissipate. After your mana loses its restraint, it will also be lost instantly. And your life will be over."

"So, your essence is just a killing tool created by a being in the abyss."

"I know."

Lily said: "As a tool, assassinating you is the meaning of my life."

Rosen chuckled: "Hate without reason is like a house without a foundation, it cannot last."

"You and I are complete strangers and your assassination is meaningless."

Lily sneered: "Not everything in the world needs meaning, as long as I know what I want to do, it is enough."

"You're right." Rosen nodded in recognition.

"This mysterious power is the shackles that control you. If someone can help you unlock this shackles, don't you want to continue living?"

Lily's always cold face showed a trace of sadness.

"The projection of my body is an irresistible great existence."

"Her will is the meaning of my existence, and my personal thoughts are not important at all."

Rosen immediately said: "I have a way to free you from the shackles so that your life can continue to exist."

Lily frowned: "I don't believe that my body is irresistible."

Rosen interrupted her: "Your thoughts are another shackles deeply embedded in your soul. The purpose is to prevent you from betraying, not the existence of facts."

"Because logically speaking, if your body is really irresistible, then she should assassinate me personally, and I have absolutely no power to fight back."

"But that's not the case, so your true form may be a strong one, but it's still a long way from being irresistible."

"I think there's a high probability that she won't even be able to leave the abyss."

Lily's face showed an expression of collapse of faith, and her fluctuating magic power also showed that her emotions were in a state of agitation.

Rosen didn't push him, he just waited patiently.

After about ten minutes, Lily calmed down slightly: "What is your purpose of saving me?"

"I wanted to delve deeper into this form of projection, and you're obviously a perfect example."

"During this process, I will try my best to save your life and find a way to give you a complete soul, so that you can completely get rid of the control of the projection body and become a truly independent individual."

"Studying projection? Do you also want to create loyal and tragic puppets?"

As she spoke, the female assassin had a hint of sarcasm on her face.

Rosen shook his head: "No, I have no interest in making true puppets."

"As the Emperor of the Empire, I have countless loyal warriors. There is no need for me to use such inefficient and unreliable spells to obtain assistants."

Without waiting for Lily to ask, he continued: "I am very interested in all unknown spells, and I also have a better way to use elemental projection."

"But I can't tell you what it is specifically."

In his opinion, since elemental projection can project complex beings, it must be able to project simple magic creations.

Then this is a brand new and very powerful manufacturing spell.

Therefore, he is very interested in elemental projection and values ​​it extremely.

Naturally, Lily didn't know what Rosen was thinking. She was silent for a long time: "You said you want me to continue to live, aren't you afraid that I will continue to carry out the assassination order of the main body?"

Rosen shook his head: "Obviously, your body has greatly underestimated my power, resulting in the power she gave you being greatly insufficient. Even if you insist on assassinating me, it is far from threatening my life."

"Just like a rabbit can't threaten the life of a lion no matter how hard it tries."

Lily sneered disdainfully: "You are so confident!"

"If you can really recast your soul for me, then you are no longer a mortal, but a true god."

Rosen was too lazy to talk, so he stood up and walked to Lily, placing the hardened krypton gold dagger against the chest and heart of the elemental projection.

"I'm not a very patient person and I don't like to listen to nonsense."

“Either you nod your head and agree to the deal, or you shake your head and say no.”

Lily looked down at the sharp blade, knowing that as long as she shook her head, the other party would end her life.

Of course she didn't want to die, nor did she want to continue executing this assassination order that had no logical support, so after a few minutes of silence, she nodded in agreement: "I choose to trade."

“A very smart choice.”

Rosen's dagger gently moved Lily's body a few times, breaking most of the confining runes that bound her body, leaving only a circle of runes around her neck.


He threw over a set of exquisite clothes: "Put it on, and then you will be my experimental assistant."

Lily complied and said while dressing:

"There is still a very strong belief in my mind that I want to assassinate you, and reason tells me that there is a high probability that the assassination will not succeed."

"But if you show enough loopholes in front of me, then my reason may not be able to resist the push of this belief."

"I understand, but trust me, I'll get rid of that belief in no time."

"I don't think you can do it."

"We'll see."

Using the Life Branch, he can change the microstructure of anyone's body if he wants. For an elemental life, any firm belief must correspond to a stable elemental structure.

As long as you find the element structure and eliminate it, the belief will also dissipate.

Of course, for mortals, this is extremely difficult and almost an impossible task.

Because the structure of the brain is extremely complex, trying to find a set of connections that represent a specific meaning in a pile of neuron connections as vast as an endless sea of ​​stars is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, which is enough to consume a mortal's life.

But this kind of tedious and repetitive tasks is Laifu's strength, so as long as Rosen wants to and is willing to invest computing power and time, he can really find the elemental entity corresponding to the belief.

Of course, the cost of doing so is very high and requires active cooperation from the other party, so he will patiently persuade him to surrender.

Soon, Lily put on her clothes.

The skirt is made of blue silk, simple but exquisite. After putting it on, the female assassin turns into a young and beautiful female college student.

It can be seen that she is very satisfied with the new clothes: "My body tries its best to let me know less information that I shouldn't know, but it is difficult to control the projection perfectly, and there will always be leaks of this or that that should not be projected. information.”

Rosen nodded in understanding: "It's just as I expected. So, what information did she leak?"

"There are three."

"First, the three abyssal planes have the same ancestor, which is the result of the continuous expansion of the same civilization, and eternal life is the birthplace."

"The irony is that what was once eternal life is now called the abyss of death, the most terrifying abyss."

"Second, the glory of the past is also the current nightmare abyss. There is a supreme and terrifying master named 'Antoine', also known as the ancestor of nightmares."

"Third, the reason why the abyss is closed is the crisis non-proliferation strategy deployed by the ancestors of the greatest generation at their greatest moment."

The first two were okay, the third was a bit strange, but Rosen understood it immediately.

"So, the beings in the abyss are trying their best to regain their freedom."

Lily nodded: "Logically speaking, that should be the case."

Rosen sighed: "Interesting."

After the two people walked out of the execution room, Zhuo Ya, who was waiting for news, came up to them and asked with concern: "Did you find out anything?"

Rosen nodded: "I asked for some strange information, but not much. I will tell you in detail later."

Then he said: "By the way, Dritan was seriously injured this time. I'm afraid he won't have time to pay attention to the elven empire in the mortal world. He can take the opportunity to increase the intensity of his attack on the Dragon Islands."

Zhuo Ya smiled and said: "I am also preparing to do this."

She saw Lily who was following him again, and was immediately puzzled: "What is going on?"

This time, Rosen didn't hide anything. He simply explained it using the secret language of his mind, and finally said: "For unknown reasons, I was targeted by a certain guy."

If what Adela said was true, then he could roughly understand the reason for being assassinated, which was to curb the promotion of new civilization.

Of course, it is also possible that the information given by Adela was wrong, and then the reason for the assassination would not be understood at all.

After all, he is the emperor of a country, and his behavior is quite unconventional. There must be countless people who want to assassinate him.

All he can do is try his best to improve his strength.

He asked: "Have you heard any news from other legendary mercenaries?"

Zhuo Ya nodded: "Most of it is not important. But there is some news that is not very relevant to us, but is very shocking."

She handed a transcript to Rosen: "It's about Nahuatl."

"Nahuatl split into three countries, and the Glorious Republic established by the original Sasmar faction began to make preparations to reunify Nahuatl."

"They did whatever they could and did many bottom-line things. They pushed the Sky Republic and the Sant Empire together, creating an extremely fierce confrontation."

"Under such circumstances, the Republic of Glory completely abandoned the Nahuat tradition and began to openly cooperate with void beings."

Rosen sighed softly: "Unexpectedly, the Republic of Glory finally abandoned Glory."

"I'm afraid we will receive a letter from the Sky Republic asking for help soon."

The Republic of Glory is very much like a military empire from another world. It is very aggressive and will do whatever it takes to achieve its goals.

Based on his understanding of the Sky Republic and the Sante Empire, even if the two abandon their prejudices and cooperate closely, there is a high probability that they will not be a match for the former.

Zhuo Ya said softly: "If I ask for help, will you help?"

"Of course we will help."

Rosen nodded without hesitation and said, "Of course."

The battle between mortals and gods and demons is essentially the confrontation between mortals and the abyss.

If Nahuat is completely reduced to a hunting ground for gods and demons, their plane will definitely be next.

Since there must be a battle with the abyss, it is best to set the battlefield outside the home.

"However, this does not affect our wedding."

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