Start with Island Lord

Chapter 299 Goodbye Naya (22)

Nightless Palace.

Temple of Glory.

The temple replaced the throne with a brand new one, widened it a lot, and changed it from a single seat to a double seat.

On the throne, Rosen and Zhuo Ya sat side by side.

In the main hall under the throne, the noble ministers of the Glorious Empire stood together.

The royal ceremonial officer said loudly: "The two saints are here, and all mortals will kneel down and worship."

As a result, a group of the upper echelons of the Glorious Empire, dressed in either dark gold or bright red, bent down and knelt down to worship the emperor.

On the throne, Rosen looked down at the nobles and ministers of the Glorious Empire who were kneeling below and could clearly feel their many emotions.

Reluctant, but helpless.

He smiled secretly in his heart: 'Most of the nobles are a group of capricious cowards. ’

He looked down upon the aristocratic class inherited by blood the most.

Perhaps there will be some exceptional cases with outstanding abilities.

But as a class, this is a group of social bugs who cannot do great things, but are capable of doing bad things.

Once he has a thorough grasp of the situation in the Glorious Empire, the first thing he will do is drive the nobles of the Glorious Empire out of the core of the country.

Of course, the time is not yet ripe yet.

Soon, the noble ministers knelt down three times.

From this moment on, Rosen was both the emperor of the Natural Empire and the husband of the Radiant Queen.

If you don't consider the detail that the Queen of Glory is the mortal incarnation of the Lord of Glory, this is actually not too outrageous.

In aristocratic times, marriages like this occasionally happened, so there were plenty of established precedents to follow.

For example, the children of Rosen and the Queen will only have the right to inherit the throne of the Glorious Empire, while the children of Rosen and Zigrillana will only inherit the throne of the Kingdom of Nature.

For another example, although the leaders of the two empires became husband and wife, they still represented the interests of their respective empires.

The two empires are still relatively independent entities, and each other is not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of the other empire.

Of course, the relationship between the two countries has naturally entered a honeymoon period, and there will be closer and in-depth cooperation regardless of politics, economy and military.

After the ministers paid their respects, there was still a lot of red tape to be carried out.

But both Rosen and Zoya were fed up.

So, Rosen got a stand-in puppet for both of them to perform the tedious and boring etiquette on their behalf, and then they stayed in the palace of the Nightless Palace and enjoyed the sweet time of legal wedding.

After a heated exchange, the two of them leaned side by side on the big bed, letting the maids help them clean up the mess after the storm.

"Honey, can you tell me the secret of boiling water now?"

Zoya has been thinking about this.

For the sake of confidentiality, she asked in a more secret soul code.

Rosen also replied in the secret language of the soul: "Of course."

He adjusted his posture and let the young and beautiful maid wipe his magic gun with a soft white cloth: "The academic expression of this matter is called 'basic element aggregation'."

Zhuo Ya was startled when she heard this. After thinking about it carefully, she finally figured it out. Her face suddenly shook: "What will happen after the basic elements are aggregated?"

Rosen smiled slightly: "My dear, I can tell you everything, but this is the highest magic achievement in our country. So you have to pay a huge price."

"Hmm~ What do you want?"

"The two empires must be completely merged into one and unified into a mortal country."

Zhuo Ya was actually not surprised at all by this statement.

She had been getting along with Rosen for a long time, and Rosen did not hide his intentions. With her intelligence, she had naturally guessed his ambitions early on.

She looked at Rosen with a half-smile, noncommittal.

"It doesn't matter if I say this alone. Moreover, even if we are unified, who will be the next emperor of the empire?"

"Our child, or your and Zigrillana's child?"

Rosen had already thought about it.

"In the next term, we will not build an empire. We will open a national parliament and reorganize it into a republic. The talented and powerful mortals will jointly govern this country."

Zoya immediately felt unreliable: "Then this country will definitely divide rapidly like Nahuat."

Rosen naturally knows this: "If there is no external enemy, of course it will be divided. But there is, and the enemy is very terrifying."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhuo Ya to ask, Rosen told Zhuo Ya about the abyss in detail, and finally said: "If you want to continue to develop, you will face the full force of the abyss."

"To be honest, with the Natural Empire alone, or even with the Glorious Empire, I have no confidence in resisting this group of powerful enemies."

"If possible, I even hope to add the Elf Empire to integrate the resources of the entire plane to build a truly great plane civilization."

"Even the power of one plane is not enough. You need to connect several planes and combine all the forces that can be connected. Only then can you defeat a powerful enemy."

Zhuo Ya didn't expect that there was such a terrible secret hidden deep in the plane world.

She originally thought Rosen was ambitious, and she was thinking about how to restrain her husband's ambition.

Now, she realized that she was wrong, so wrong.

What the husband has is not a narrow personal ambition, but a grand ambition to change the world.

She asked in a solemn voice: "Are you sure this is true?"

Rosen also replied in a solemn voice: "I am sure that the abyss is real, and I even know its exact trajectory."

"I'm also sure that the void gods and demons came out of the abyss. But I don't know what the inside of the abyss looks like."

"I also know that there once was a lost great plane. It was once extremely glorious, but it was reduced to ruins in the flames of war in a very short period of time."

"I think that at least half of the reason why this plane was lost is the abyss."

"Now, if we want to build a more advanced civilization, we may face the same challenge."

Zhuo Ya let out a breath and said seriously: "Well, if that's the case, then we really have to find a way to unify the power of the entire plane world."

"But I'm still very curious about how powerful the power of the aggregation of basic elements is, so much so that it can be called 'great'."

Rosen could feel that Zhuo Ya was telling the truth.

In other words, as long as he completely convinces this smart newlywed wife, she will sincerely help him unify the Natural Empire and the Glorious Empire.

So, he smiled slightly, waved the maid to leave the room, and then set up a powerful magical barrier to completely isolate the inside and outside of the palace.

Then he said a brief sentence: "It is the source of power of the sun."

Zhuo Ya was speechless in shock. After a long time, she swallowed hard and made a soft sound: "So, the Empire of Nature has mastered the power of the sun?"

"That's right."

"How much does it cost to acquire Yisen Lightning now?"

"We generally don't calculate the price of one sen lightning separately now. We usually calculate the price of 10,000 sen together. The price is 400 clai, which is 0.04 clai per sen."

"But this is the current price and it will get cheaper in the future."

Zhuo Ya couldn't help but slap her forehead: "So, you sold lightning to us at a price of 0.1 Clay, and you actually made a profit?"

"That's right."

"Then the Holy Elf Empire is actually not a threat at all?"

"If it were just elves, it would not be a threat, but gods and demons come from the abyss. Before we can build a truly powerful solar weapon, we must keep a low profile."

"A truly powerful solar weapon?"

Rosen nodded: "We are currently exploring. No one knows what it will look like in the end, but it is definitely a power far beyond this era."

Zhuo Ya nodded slowly: "Of course the power of the sun can far exceed that of this era."

She curled up and nestled in Rosen's strong arms, like a wife dependent on her husband. The last thought of competing with Rosen disappeared in her heart.

All she could think about was how to help her husband and unify the forces of the plane to fight against the abyss.

After that, Rosen stayed in the Nightless Palace for more than a month.

Not only are they enjoying their honeymoon, they are also laying out many secrets for the subsequent merger of the two empires into one.

With Zhuo Ya's cooperation, things went very smoothly.

More than a month later, Rosen returned to Mundania, the capital of the Natural Empire, and continued to be his natural emperor in a low-key manner, coordinating and planning various large-scale project construction within the Natural Empire.

At the same time, he also studied the secrets of the magic on the projection body Lily.

Such peaceful days lasted for about half a year.

On this day, Rosen was debugging the newly built experimental equipment in the underground laboratory, and when he was about to start a new day of projection experiments, he suddenly received a letter from Navat.

To be more precise, it was a letter from the Sky Republic, and the sender was none other than Master Naya.

The letter said: 'Your Majesty Rosen, I am very grateful for your help to Nahuat in recent years, but this time, I have to be shameless and seek your help again. ’

'The specific information is very sensitive and it is not convenient for me to say it in the message. I hope you can open the phase transfer circle in half an hour and let me come over to interview you. ’

Naya actually wanted to come over, so of course Rosen wouldn't refuse.

He immediately wrote back: 'I will pass on the latest key to the transfer circle to you. "

About half an hour later, the light on the underground phase transfer array shone brightly.

Then, Naya, wearing a simple cotton work skirt, appeared in the magic circle.

Compared with the last time, she looked much haggard, and her face was full of exhaustion, revealing a feeling of being exhausted both physically and mentally.

Rosen rushed to meet her, held her body, and poured pure power of faith into her: "Master Naya, why are you so tired?"

Naya sighed softly: "A lot has happened to Nahuat since I left last time, and countless changes have also taken place."

"We have become greatly stronger in fighting against demons, but we ourselves are so intoxicated with the newly acquired power that we become more and more arrogant and lose more and more respect for gods and demons."

"I even feel that there are many mages in Nahuat who are quickly degenerating into more terrifying human demons."

Rosen had been paying attention to Navat's situation and naturally understood the deeper meaning of her words. He helped Naya walk towards his lounge in the underground laboratory.

"No matter how bad the external environment is, you have to pay attention to your body. If your body collapses, you won't be able to do anything."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that Naya became a little excited, and a trace of mist appeared in his crystal blue eyes.

"Thank you very much for your comfort, but the situation is too bad. Our Sky Republic has been forced to the edge of the cliff."

Rosen had already taken Naya to the underground lounge. After helping her sit down, he poured her a glass of her favorite strawberry wine.

"What happened?"

Naya sighed deeply, looking miserable.

"The Republic of Glory became the Kingdom of Glory. Sassmar became a saint of Atumon, Lord of the Sun. Also becoming a Saint of the Sun was the Emperor of the Sant Empire, Glier Sant."

"Naturally, the Sant Empire was renamed the Holy Sant Empire."

"Our Republic of the Sky became the only mortal kingdom in Nahuat."

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