Start with Island Lord

Chapter 308: Talk about reason to allies and firepower to enemies (12)

Naya Manor.

Master Spencer stood at the door of the underground chamber and reported respectfully: "Your Majesty, the chamber is completely ready."

"According to the drawings you gave, it is divided into two rooms, the inner and outer. The inner room is a cube with a side length of 30 meters, the outer room is 20 meters high, and the length and width are more than 80 meters. It has been strengthened with specific runes."

It can be said that the entire manor has been hollowed out underground.

Rosen stood at the door, looking at the layout of the secret room, and then released a detection spell into the secret room, and then carefully experienced the power resonance effect in the secret room.

A few minutes later, he nodded: "The precision is a little worse, but overall it's still usable."

"I still have to trim it carefully. You stand guard at the door and don't let anyone disturb me from casting spells."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Rosen entered the secret room, he began to cast transformation spells.

Master Spin's level of transformation is still very good, but he only knows the blueprints and does not know the specific principles of the technique, so he fails to do many details, especially the precision.

What Rosen has to do is to carry out a thorough repair, and based on the fine work, carry out the final construction process to completely complete this large element projection room.

The amount of work was not large, but the construction requirements were extremely high. It took Rosen more than an hour to completely complete it.

Upon completion, he immediately entered the inner chamber of the elemental projection chamber.

This is an elemental resonance cavity with a side length of 30 meters.

The volume is quite large, but the fineness of the spatial shape reaches the 10 micron level.

Just one look at it gives people a super sophisticated feeling of being a 'creation of God'.

After everything was completed, Rosen came to the safe casting position reserved by this resonance cavity.

First cast a defensive spell with a scale of 10,000 Rosens to prevent the projection from being interfered with.

After the spell was completed, a strong metallic glow appeared on the inner wall of the chamber.

Immediately afterwards, cast another coordination spell of the same scale to neutralize the slight interference caused by the defensive spell to the upcoming large-scale elemental projection.

Then, Rosen opened his arms widely, and with a strong thought, he contacted the flesh and blood substitute in the empire through the power of faith.

Control the avatar and activate the large elemental projection artifact set up in the mountains north of Swan Castle step by step.

The essence of the so-called elemental projection is the same as the phase transfer technique, which is a kind of 'time and space teleportation technique'.

But the principles are the same, but the implementation methods are different, and the difficulty is also very different.

Depending on the transmission object, there is a difference between elemental projection and spiritual projection.

Depending on the completeness of transmission, there is a difference between global projection and local projection.

According to the fineness of distinction, there are two types of non-life projections and life projections.

The traditional phase transfer technique is a global life projection.

It is extremely difficult, has great restrictions, and consumes a lot of money. Currently, it can only be achieved through 'self-casting' by living bodies.

What Rosen realized was ‘alien casting, large-scale, global projection of non-living elements’.

Commonly known as 'plane teleportation'.

Just talking about the projection itself, the difficulty of casting the spell is actually not very high.

The barrier to entry is particularly high because it requires massive power as support.

Back to topic.


As the projection progressed, huge power fluctuations continued to ripple in the chamber, so that ripples like heat waves appeared in the air.

However, due to the special structure of the giant protective barrier and the secret room itself, this huge movement was almost completely obscured. The movement that eventually reached the outside of the secret room was only equivalent to a low-level spell.

After the ripples lasted for about five minutes, a giant light shadow that reached 20 meters suddenly appeared in the air.

After the light and shadow appeared, it quickly changed from virtual reality to reality, and finally turned into a spherical polyhedron with a large number of strange runes carved on its surface.

This is the super power core specially created by Rosen for this operation, which he calls the 'Eternal Heart'.

At critical moments, it can provide huge power. Not only can it provide Rosen with massive mana, it can even greatly strengthen the magic ring within a 10-kilometer radius, and when needed, build a huge magic ring cage.

So, where does so much power come from?

Of course it comes through 'heavy nuclear fission'.

In other words, this is a small fission reactor.

It weighs nearly 100 tons. In order to complete this cross-dimensional projection, the power consumed is approximately equivalent to the complete annihilation of 10 kilograms of elements.

To put it another way, it is roughly equivalent to the explosion of a super nuclear bomb with an yield of 8 billion tons of TNT, or the explosion of 160 Tsar bombs.

In order to obtain this power, the three giant sun cores built by the Natural Empire in Weilan operated continuously for three days and three nights.

If it were placed in the era of burning black stones, it might be possible to pay for this power, but the cost is unacceptable.

After the 'Eternal Heart' appeared, Rosen quickly checked its performance and after confirming that everything was normal, activated it.


With a low but majestic buzzing sound, the cube slowly started to output pure mana.

In this way, Rosen has his own source of power and does not need to obtain mana from the Nahuat plane magic ring.

Naturally, it will not cause any interference to the plane magic ring.

Therefore, from the void perspective, it is completely impossible to perceive the movement of this secret room.

But this is not enough.

In case the Eternal Heart was destroyed by the enemy, Rosen made some settings to put it into the 'safe operation' mode.

In this mode, the Heart of Eternity will establish a magic shield of unprecedented scale and strength close to the high-energy magic field around it.

To break through the defense of this shield, it is only possible for the great god to rush forward with the artifact.

Until this moment, Rosen was completely relieved.

He turned and came to the outer room of the secret room.

First, the inner secret room was completely sealed, and then he connected to the Heart of Eternity in the inner room by ghost resonance.

Because the distance is short, the loss is very small, and the power transmission efficiency is as high as 99%.

After everything is ready, Rosen began to project elements on a larger scale.


Rounds of air ripples continued to spread to the air in all directions with his body as the center, and small rectangular light and shadows began to emerge in the air one after another.

The light and shadow turned into numbered boxes one after another, and these boxes were neatly stacked in this underground secret room.

About half an hour later, the entire secret room was almost filled with a square box, which was filled with individual weapons for mortal combat.

Only then did he say to Master Spin who was guarding the door of the secret room: "I'm ready here, go and notify Armonk to come and get the weapons."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

While Master Spin was calling people, Rosen checked the weapons for the last time, and after confirming that everything was normal, he waited patiently in the secret room.

About an hour later, a deep male voice came from outside the secret room: "Your Majesty, I'm here."

It was Naya's cousin, Armonk, the centurion of the Sky Guard of Youlai City.

As soon as Rosen thought about it, the protective spell covering the secret room disappeared without a trace: "Come in, centurion."

The door of the secret room was pushed open, and a short but very strong man walked in, with facial features somewhat similar to Naya.

His soul strength is at the peak of the ninth ring. Although he practices magic power, most of it is used to maintain his physical strength and various defensive spells. He is a typical combat mage.

After seeing Rosen, he saluted and called him His Majesty.

He did not come alone. There were five trusted adjutants behind him, and they also saluted Rosen.

Rosen nodded in response, and as soon as he thought about it, an ammunition box slid over from the side.

He opened the lid of the ammunition box, and inside the box, a row of shiny black firearms were neatly placed.

At first glance, it looked a bit like a traditional musket, but the workmanship was obviously much more sophisticated, and the materials used looked more high-end.

Rosen picked up a firearm from it, pulled the bolt, and with a "click" sound of metal vibration, he began to introduce the performance of the weapon.

"High-precision automatic rifle, codenamed 'Sword of Flame', uses a spiral rifling high-pressure barrel made of hardened krypton gold, a high-precision active dead light sight, an effective range of 2 kilometers, and an attack strength within a kilometer of legendary +5."

'Hua La~~'

Rosen pulled over another bullet box, opened it, and it was filled with blue-black rune bullets.

"This is the standard rune bullet of the Sword of Flame, made of special alloy, with very powerful armor-breaking and spell-breaking performance."

As he spoke, he used the magician's hand to quickly press the bullet into the magazine, and then "clicked" to load it.

"The Sword of Flame is the main weapon of my Natural Empire Special Forces. Each rifle is equipped with 10 magazines, and each magazine has 100 bullets."

As he spoke, he held the rifle horizontally and built a special force field spell target in front of the muzzle.

"The way of use is basically the same as the Nahuat musket."

"But there are two modes. One is the automatic rapid-fire mode. Look at this button. After it is in place, just pull the trigger."


The rifle made a dull and powerful vibration sound, which was not harsh and could hardly be heard at a distance of fifty meters. At the same time, a small ball of faint blue flames spurted out of the muzzle.

After the bullet rushed out of the muzzle, it immediately entered the range of the force field spell, and its speed suddenly slowed down significantly, showing a clearly visible spiral trajectory in the force field.

"See, my weapon is a single-shot bullet, which spins in at high speed in the air, which is completely different from the scattering mode of the musket."

"Because of this, its reaction force is much smaller than that of the musket, the range is much longer, and the accuracy is much higher."

"If you hold it still, you can fire at most 800 rounds a minute."

"Of course, it's better not to do this, because it's meaningless."

After firing a round, Rosen adjusted another firing mode.

"Now it is in high-precision single-shot mode. With the dead-light scope turned on, it can achieve a nearly perfect straight trajectory in all weather conditions, with a deviation of no more than 5 mm within 1,000 meters."

The reason why this can be achieved is not only because of the extremely high accuracy of the firearms, but also because of the rune bullet's ability to break the law.

This specially refined bullet can ignore the influence of gravity and air resistance on the trajectory and achieve a perfect straight-line attack within a kilometer.

As a centurion, Amonk is naturally very familiar with firearms, and the more he listened, the more shocked he was.

He took the rifle handed over by Rosen, followed Rosen's instructions, and tested a few rounds on the force field spell, and felt that this weapon was very easy to control.

It is much more docile than a musket, but its power is amazing. It can be said that every gun is a blazing fire and every sword is a legend.

But he had some doubts in his heart: "Your Majesty, such a good rune bullet doesn't look cheap."

He felt that this was not a war, but throwing gold.

I was afraid that the bullets would not be enough.

Rosen could see his worry and pointed to the mountain of bullet boxes piled aside.

"Time is a bit tight, there is no time to prepare more."

"There are a total of two thousand flaming swords and one million rune bullets here, which should be enough for a while."

Armonk trembled when he heard it, and the gun in his hand almost dropped to the ground: "How much more?"

He seemed to hear the number one million.

But each of such fine rune bullets is a good treasure. Can it be measured in terms of "one million"?

The adjutants behind him were also dumbfounded, shocked by the emperor's generosity.

This is the kind of effect Rosen wants. His natural empire's magic industry has been developing for almost 10 years since its inception.

The scale of the industry and its high production capacity were beyond the imagination of the poor Nahuat.


He pulled another arms box over, and when he opened it, there were things over one meter long and as thick as an adult's arm.

"Directed explosive bombs, also called 'whistling spears', aim their tip at the target, and after activating the attack rune, they will fly over by themselves."

"The flight speed is 200 meters per second, it can fly up to four kilometers, and it can erupt a flame shock wave with a power of legendary 10, and it also comes with a metal fragment attack."

"This weapon is used to attack strong positions or deal with legendary strong men. It's not much, so I've prepared 10,000 of them. Let's use them first."

Armonk felt a little numb after hearing this, and felt that the Natural Empire was really rich.


Rosen pulled a third box, but it was an equipment box. After opening it, it contained a set of sophisticated individual equipment.

"Individual warrior suit."

"The Helm of the God of War, after wearing it, the warrior's soul strength will be legendary +1, and it will be immune to soul strikes below legendary 10, and it comes with a night vision goggles."

"The God of War armor can withstand elements and spells with a legendary intensity of less than 10. It weighs 10 kilograms."

"The God of War gloves are fireproof, moisture-proof, and heat-insulating. Wearing them, you can fish things directly from lava."

"God of War leather boots are fireproof, moisture-proof, heat-insulating, and can walk directly in lava."

"Time is tight, so we prepared 2,000 sets, two sets for each fighter's size, one set for use and one set for replacement."

Armonk swallowed his saliva secretly and thought to himself: 'Then I brought 1,000 legendary warriors? ’

It just feels fake, not real.

Rosen can naturally see it, but he doesn’t explain much, because the facts are the best explanation.

He got to the point: "In the Sky Parliament half a month later, Naya will propose to expel the demons of light, but there must be many members in the parliament who have been confused by these void demons, or even had their brains washed."

"They may not listen to reason, and may even want to unite with the demons of light to raid the Sky Parliament."

"What you have to do is to protect the normal convening of the meeting and resolutely repel any invading light demons and their accomplices."

At that time, he will also attend the parliament. He will talk about reason first. If he doesn't listen to the reason, he will talk about firepower.

"Is it okay?"

Armonk originally felt that it was very problematic. After all, there were only a thousand of them.

But now that he has so many powerful war weapons, he feels that he is terrifyingly strong.


He gave Rosen a military salute again: "Your Majesty, glory belongs to you, leave the enemy to us to deal with!"

Rosen shook his head.

He looked around the warriors and said in a solemn voice: "We are all disciples of Saint Feidemont, and Navat will always be a mortal plane."

"Any void life that tries to invade Nahuat, whether he claims to be a god or a demon, is our enemy."

"So, glory should go to all mortal heroes!"

Two sentences made the officers present get excited, clenched their fists and raised their fists in the air, shouting: "Glory to all mortal heroes!"

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