Start with Island Lord

Chapter 309: Ways to break the impasse (22)

With the Eternal Heart, 1,000 more "Gods of War" were armed.

Rosen immediately started a war of public opinion in the Republic of Sky.

The printing level of Nawat is very high, and many newspapers have been developed among the people.

Under the promotion of Naya and Spin, the book "The Devil of Light in the World" quickly began to be printed on a large scale and put into the market of the Republic of Sky.

At the same time, major newspapers such as "Youlai Times", "Sky Morning News", "Sky Evening News", etc. began to report in great detail the evil deeds done by the Light Protoss in Nawat.

The details of these evil deeds are very rich, and the time, place, and character dialogues are all explained clearly, just like the confession of the security team, which makes people have to believe it.

Finally, in the major provinces of the Republic of Sky, especially in the streets and alleys of the capital Youlai City, many propagandists appeared, constantly promoting the evil of the Light Protoss among the people.

The Light Protoss will certainly not sit idly by.

They immediately responded tit for tat, publishing books and printing newspapers, and began to fight a war of public opinion with the firm resistance represented by Naya.

But the books they wrote and the newspapers they printed were all lies.

Lies have a characteristic, which is that they cannot withstand the scrutiny of knowledgeable people.

For a time, the public opinion of the Republic of Sky was gradually reversed.

The vigilance of ordinary people against the Void Demon was awakened, and their attitude towards the missionaries of light gradually changed from neutrality to rejection and hatred.

Even the public opinion of the Holy Sant Empire and the Kingdom of Glory was greatly affected.

Of course, this cannot go on.

At present, the strongest saint of light in the Republic of Sky is the full moon warrior Adali.

Some time ago, he was sent by the Lord of the Moon to search for the missing saint of judgment near Youlai City, but he never found any clues.

Now, after carefully reading the book "The Devil of Light in the World", he immediately understood the reason.


In a secret room, he threw the book to the ground and cursed loudly.

"The Lord of Judgment is a fool, and his saints are all fools. They have all been instigated!"

Of course, there is not only him in the secret room, but also five moon saints.

Its lowest power level has reached Legend 6, which is obviously much stronger than the Judgement Saint.

Someone said: "Adali, scolding is useless. The most important issue now is how to deal with the counterattack of the Republic of the Sky."

Adali snorted coldly, and his cold features, which were similar to those of the Lord of the Moon, showed a deep chill.

"Some words, once spoken, will arouse the suspicion of the people no matter how they are debated."

"The vigilance of the Nahuat mortals is also much higher than that of other planes. If this continues, the former Nahuat Republic will return again."

The former Nahuat Republic was not only terribly powerful, but its existence itself also established a spiritual monument in the hearts of mortals in all planes.

As long as the Nahuat Republic stands firm, the mortals in all planes will never really crawl at the feet of the gods.

"So, the best way at the moment is to shut up the speaker completely."

Someone else immediately said: "But the reason why this councillor named Naya dared to do this must be that he got the support of the Natural Emperor."

"The Natural Emperor is not easy to deal with."

If it were before, they would not dare to do it even if they wanted to.

Adali snorted coldly: "No matter how powerful he is, he is not a native of this plane. The support he brings is definitely limited."

"As long as we gather enough forces and launch a sharp knife-like raid, it will be enough to completely turn them into the dust of history!"

Of course, this is the Sky Republic after all, and it is the place that inherits the spirit of the Nahuat Republic the most.

Although the White Sand Plain became very weak after the battle, the power of the Light God Clan here is also very limited.

So, they have to seek help from local forces.

Because of the efforts in the early stage, there is still some such power.

After gathering together, they can condense a strong force, which is enough to launch an amazing raid.

However, before seeking help from outsiders, they must first unify their own ideas.

The Moon Saints all obeyed Adali's command, so there was no need to worry. However, the Lord of Judgment in the void had been wandering around the outskirts of Youlai City.

He seemed to be looking for someone, but he was actually just shopping.

It made people angry just by looking at him.

But Adali was not qualified to order the Lord of Judgment Godfrey, so he could only contact his master.

He took out the moon sculpture from his arms, held it with both hands, and began to pray in a low voice.

A few minutes later, he received a response from the Lord of the Moon, Shar.

"My loyal servant, tell me about your recent discovery."

Adali then reported to the Lord of the Moon all the recent events in the Republic of the Sky, the situations he had recently investigated, and the performance of the Lord of Judgment.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Master, because of the betrayal of the Saint of Judgment, our good situation in the early stage is almost gone."

"In order to make up for this loss, many devout believers have paid their lives."

"Now, the Lord of Judgment said that he was looking for his saint, but in fact he has been wandering aimlessly outside the city of Youlai, which is of little help to the current situation."

"I can't help but wonder whether this honorable Lord of Judgment is a member of our Light God Clan."

"Be careful!"

Sha'er rebuked softly.

Adali immediately took a half step back: "Master, I made a mistake, but what I said is all true."

Sha'er was also somewhat dissatisfied with the Lord of Judgment.

She was not satisfied with his ability to control the saints, nor was she satisfied with his lazy attitude afterwards.

However, she was not the main god of the Light God Clan after all, so she could not forcefully drive the Lord of Judgment.

But this would definitely not work.

So, she replied to her saints: "You plan the raid first, and I will handle the Lord of Judgment."

"Yes, Master."

After Adali left, Shar immediately contacted Turanya in the mortal world.

But this time, she was not talking to Turanya, but directly contacting the Lord of Light Atumen through Turanya's body.

In the soul window leading to the mortal world, Turanya's face was indifferent, and a pair of blue eyes revealed a faint golden light.

This means that Turanya has been controlled by Atumen.

Shar immediately saluted: "Lord Atumen, I salute you."

She called him Lord because he was the main god and because of the appointment of the Supreme God Gomirel.

Atumen nodded lightly: "Sha'er, greetings to you."

Then, Sha'er told Atumen in detail what Adali reported.

After that, she sighed softly.

"In the current situation, if we don't do something, the Natural Emperor will probably gain a foothold in the Sky Republic."

Atumen was silent for a long time, and said: "Although Rosen is not a witch saint, he has some strange skills and is very good at calculations. He is not easy to provoke."

Sha'er was stunned: "Atumen, what do you mean? Are you going to give up Nawat?"

Then haven't they been planning for so many years in vain?

Atumen shook his head: "Of course not."

"Since he dared to support the Republic of Sky, it means that he has made many calculations and believes that his power is enough to fight against us."

"What's amazing is that his calculations are most likely correct."

Sha'er was more and more surprised: "In other words, we will fail in the end?"

Then she felt that Atumen was exaggerating: "My lord, he is just a mortal emperor, not the creator. How can he see through fate?"

Atumen sighed: "I used to think so, and the Lord of Truth, Dritan, must think so too."

"For this reason, I sent someone to contact Dritan. From him, I learned about the battle between him and Rosen that day."

"Deritan told me that the fighting power of this mortal emperor is not inferior to that of a powerful god, and even far exceeds it, to the point of being close to the great one."

"He is also very cautious, good at planning, and likes to set traps."

"Fighting with him, there is almost no hope of victory, and the slightest mistake will lead to death."

Sha'er was more and more surprised: "Mortal? Great one?"

Shouldn't these two be antonyms? How can they be used together?

Atumen sighed again: "I know why you are surprised, I am also surprised, but respecting the facts can go further."

In the soul window, Turanya's sacred and exquisite face like a porcelain doll showed a trace of sadness, but a pair of blue eyes with golden light revealed a strong desire to fight.

"If we rely on ourselves, we are indeed likely to lose."

"The only way to break this situation is to introduce a new force, a force that is not within his calculation, and the stronger the better!"

Shar immediately understood: "Are you going to find reinforcements?"

Atumen nodded: "Yes, in fact, when Turanya reported the situation to me, I was already looking for it."

"Fortunately, I really found a powerful helper."

"Who is it?"

"The master of the Lord of Darkness, the great Lord of the Night, Seramanni, agreed to send a team of Night Knights into Nawat."

Shar was delighted when she heard it: "Oh~ This is really good news."

The Night Knight is the ace warrior among the Night Saints.

Not only is it very powerful, but it is also endowed with very powerful power by the Lord of Night.

A combat team composed of 10 Night Knights has the ability to confront powerful gods head-on, and has a high probability of winning.

So, they are equivalent to a powerful god who is particularly capable of fighting.

What's even better is that the Night Knight is a mortal legendary warrior, which means that this "powerful god" can enter the magic circle and directly attack the natural emperor Rosen.

So, this help is very powerful.

But there is no free lunch in the world, and Shar immediately asked: "What is the price?"

"There are some costs, but for the sake of the master, they are all within an acceptable range."

After saying this, Atumen said again: "The Night Knight is a surprise force, don't show it easily, so everything in the mortal world is the same as before, and never let Rosen see the problem."

"As for the Lord of Judgment, he did make a big mistake this time. I will order him to find an opportunity to attack Rosen."

In this case, Shar had nothing to say: "Then do as you say, Lord Atumen."

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