Start with Island Lord

Chapter 328 The Great Savior Makuen (12)

Glimmering City.

Master Irina's residence is very remote, and the depth is more than 500 meters.

The biggest feeling in such an underground passage is silence.

Even the ghost resonance has been greatly disturbed, and can only be used to transmit information, but not power.

Waiting is boring, so Rosen turned his attention to the underground laboratory in the mountains north of Swan Castle.

He controlled the puppet substitute and found the moon goddess Dora who was reading in the library.

"Dora, do you still remember Irina, the harvest wizard?"

Dora reluctantly moved her eyes away from the book in front of her, and blinked her silver rune eyes: "Irina, it sounds familiar, let me think about it."

She tilted her head and thought carefully for a long time, then said: "I remember, about 1,000 years ago, she was my maid. She had a good talent for magic, but her abilities in other aspects were very ordinary."

"Tell me about it."

"Sensitive, timid, and particularly stubborn, she is full of shortcomings."

Rosen liked it very much: 'This is simply a natural fanatic. '

Dora was a little surprised: "Why do you mention her suddenly?"

Rosen controlled the stand-in to sit down opposite the desk, and asked instead of answering: "Do you know the Hare Society?"

As soon as the question came out, Dora's expression changed slightly.

Rosen immediately knew that she not only knew, but also had a high probability of secretly protecting the Hare Society.

Sure enough, Dora nodded: "Of course I know, not only I know, but almost all elves over 300 years old know."

Speaking of this, she sighed: "But to be honest, no one expects the Hare Society to overthrow the rule of Druitan, but only hopes to preserve some fire for the elves."

This is similar to what Rosen investigated.

"Tell me about the Hare Society in detail."

Dora knew everything.

Rosen listened carefully and found that her statement was similar to Rex's, but the observation perspective was slightly different, so she added some situations that Rex could not see.

Among them, there is a very useful information about the 'underground phase transmission rune'.

Using these runes, you can quickly transmit quietly deep in the earth.

This greatly makes up for Rosen's slow movement.

After listening, Rosen asked: "How many members of the Hare Society do you think there are in the entire Holy Elf Empire?"

Dora thought carefully and gave a number: "At least 5 million, no more than 10 million. Although the number is not large, its members are the most active and rebellious elves."

"Unfortunately, the Hare Society is too loose and has no unified leader, so no one can."

She is very smart and has vaguely guessed Rosen's intention: "Master, you are not in the Endless Forest now, right?"

Rosen felt her thoughts, thought about it for a while, and nodded: "Yes."

Dora has lived for more than 7,000 years, has extremely extensive experience, outstanding talents, and a very high reputation among the elves. She is an obvious and excellent helper.

It's a pity to just keep her as a vase without using her.

Sure enough, Dora said in the next sentence: "Master, let me help you?"

Rosen nodded: "Okay."

Considering that Dora has a basic soul strength of Legend 8 and has rich experience in using the branches of life

Rosen carefully prepared a magic weapon for her.

First, he took out a carefully crafted erudite magic weapon from the laboratory.

The soul gem on this erudite magic weapon was dark purple, and it was a seventh-level purple gold erudite magic weapon.

Each one took Rosen a lot of energy to make, so there were only three of them at present.

Rosen's original intention was to give it to those powerful and loyal helpers, and Dora's situation was just right.

Its performance was naturally excellent, legendary +7, and provided 3000 times of soul amplification, and it could be transmitted 30 times a day, almost reaching the limit that mortal souls could control.

He took off Dora's original legendary wizard's hat and put on the purple gold erudite forehead ornament for her.

Dora clearly felt the powerful performance of the new magic weapon, and was shocked and excited at the same time, so that her cheeks flushed.

Immediately afterwards, the high-energy magic laboratory sent another branch of life.

This branch was separated from the 'trunk of life'.

Artifacts like the tree of life are difficult to destroy by mortal means, but the High Energy Magic Laboratory has developed a super high energy laser knife specifically for cutting artifacts.

In fact, the huge tree of life has been divided into many small branches, so that each group in the laboratory has one.

The tree of life cut by the super high energy laser has a lot of decorations on the outside, and the shape is much more exquisite than the original, and the quality is also much higher than the original.

"The life control scepter has the same function as the life branch of Dritan, but the performance is much better."

"From now on, it is your exclusive staff."

As soon as the staff was in hand, Dora knew that this was a real artifact!

Now hearing Rosen's words again, she was so excited that she couldn't control her body and trembled slightly. An idea popped up in her mind.

'Oh, the master is so great! '

Rosen looked at the moon god like this, and he had a sense of déjà vu of 'the dog is so excited that he can't find the north when he is pampered'.

The key is that this dog is also very good-looking, and it is the best among the two billion elves.

I was secretly happy in my heart, but I was also secretly alert: "Rosen, ah, Rosen~ Dora is a human being, not a dog. Don't get carried away and forget to be on guard."

Trying to regain his sanity, he straightened his face and said solemnly: "Dora, my loyal servant, from now on, you are the real Moon Goddess."

"I want you to enter the Glimmer City of the Holy Elf Empire and do two things for me."

"First, use the Life Control Scepter to remove the mark left by Dritan in the elven bloodline. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, Master!" Dora deserved it very simply.

Her soul strength has reached Legend 15, which is significantly higher than that of Dritan. She also possesses a better artifact than Dritan. She also knows Dritan's branding techniques extremely well, so it is easy to remove his brand.

Then he asked: "Does it need to be branded as the master?"

Rosen could feel Dora's deep reluctance and knew that she very much wanted the elf to be free.

Rosen also thought about this matter carefully, and then said: "Forget it, let the elves regain their freedom."

There are many ways to control people's hearts. Although the branding method is simple and straightforward, it also has fatal flaws.

Because the branding method is hated by others, if you want to avoid backlash, you can only raise a group of incompetent dogs. Whenever a genius appears, you must eliminate it in advance.

This results in an extremely low growth ceiling.

So, it’s better not to use it.

Dora was overjoyed: "As you wish, Master."

Rosen continued: "The second thing is to spread the faith of the great savior Macun to the members of the Hare Society."

Dora was a little confused: "Is Macun the master's divine name?"

Rosen nodded: "It is one of my divine names. As long as you sincerely pray to me, I will respond and grant strength to the devout."

In fact, it was just a name that I came up with at random. After all, elves and humans have been at odds with each other for a long time, and using the real name will easily arouse resistance.

In Dora's eyes, Rosen is an omnipotent existence.

She had no doubt that she had it, and immediately said: "Yes, Master, I will take action now."

After saying this, Moon God Dora started infinite phase transfer.

A few seconds later, she teleported directly from Swan Castle into the underground shimmering city, and began to carry out Rosen's mission seriously.

Rosen's attention also returned to Harvest Mage Irina.

Irina was really stubborn. She kept kneeling on the ground and prayed, and would not give up until she got a response.

Anyway, with nothing to do, Rosen carefully sensed Irina's prayer.

Not only include the words of prayer, but also observe the soul fluctuations of its prayers.

Time passed by minute by minute, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Rosen saw Irina's actions very well, and when he began to wait a little impatiently, he suddenly felt an incomparably condensed soul breath coming from deep underground.

This breath slowly extended to Irina, gently touching her soul.

Once, twice, three times, each touch lasted for different lengths of time, and there seemed to be no pattern.

But Rosen immediately discovered that the time interval between the two touches was the same, both 1.5 seconds.

It is exactly 1.5 seconds, not one millisecond more, not one millisecond less.

After a total of three touches, the soul breath slowly retreated, and no matter how much Irina prayed, there was no more response.

Seeing that the soul breath was about to disappear completely, Rosen immediately started to imitate Irina's actions according to his previous observations of Irina.

He imitated it once, twice, and three times. Just when Rosen thought the imitation failed, the soul aura that had retreated underground changed directions and spread towards him again.

After a while, Rosen really felt a great will.

His knowledge far exceeded that of the Nine-ring Mage Irina, and he was greatly surprised.

He clearly felt that the soul strength of this will was more than 50% higher than his, and it was a real twelve-ring power!

He also discovered that the other party's soul was extremely large, at least 10,000 times larger than his current one!

‘It’s really magnificent! ’

Immediately afterwards, he heard a soft voice that sounded like a void demon.

"I am Dilex, the pioneer, requesting the next step of instructions."

Rosen was shocked when he heard it, and tried to answer: "Execute."

"Please send execution key."

Who knows?

There was no other way, so Rosen made up a bunch of numbers at random.

"Incorrect secret key, execution refused."

Then, the voice no longer came to mind, and the powerful soul breath left Rosen, slowly shrinking back into the depths of the earth.

Rosen was not surprised but delighted: 'This must be a super-intelligent puppet left behind by a higher civilization! ’

Suddenly, a lot of thoughts came to my mind.

"Which civilization left it behind?"

"What kind of pioneering method is this?"

"Where is the body of this thing?"

There is no answer, you have to find out for yourself.

But one thing is certain, if he can control this powerful intelligent puppet and absorb the magical knowledge, it will be enough to make his and the natural empire's magical skills skyrocket in a short period of time!

Thinking like this, Rosen became extremely interested in this so-called pioneer.

Just when he was thinking a lot, the underground secret room passage opened, and a slightly hoarse female voice came out.

"Who's out there?"

Rosen immediately stood up and strode into the secret room. At the same time, he raised his hand and condensed mana close to Legend 17 poured out, turning into a solid barrier to seal the secret room again.

In the secret room, Irina backed away in shock and took out a thorn fruit to activate.

"Who are you?!"

She was like a frightened cat at the moment.

Rosen smiled and did not press forward: "Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions."

"My name is Rhodes, and I am the mortal incarnation of the savior Makuen."

"I have never heard of the savior Makuen." Irina became more and more nervous.

Rosen immediately changed his words: "My master is a kind true god, who can't bear the suffering of mortals the most, and hates the void demons who use mortals as tools the most."

"So, I came to save you and to drive out the void master."

Irina's expression eased a little, but her brows were still furrowed: "I don't believe you."

"Then do you believe in the moon goddess Dora?"

Irina's face was shocked again: "Your Majesty the Moon God?"

Rosen had an idea and summoned Dora.

About ten minutes later, Dora was teleported all the way through the phase teleportation rune she said and arrived outside the secret room.

Rosen opened a hole in the sealing barrier, and Dora walked into the secret room slowly. With the reserved look of the upper elves, she looked down at Irina: "Do you still recognize me, apprentice?"

Irina knew the Moon God, of course, and knelt down on the ground.

"Your Majesty, the Moon God~ Is what this Mage Rhodes said true? Does the savior Makuen really exist?"

"Yes, it is true, and Makuen is not the master disguised by those void demons, he is a merciful true god."

"If you don't believe it, you can pray to him in your heart, and he will definitely respond to you."

Irina did it immediately.

After a while, Lai Fu received the power of faith from Irina. It was very subtle, but because of the close distance, Lai Fu could clearly sense it.

Lai Fu's ability to manage faith had been trained to the extreme, and he began to respond familiarly at this moment.

Irina immediately felt it and exclaimed.

"God really responded to me, so warm, so magnificent, like the warm sun in winter."

She lived in seclusion in the dark underground for many years, and her soul and body were damaged. She needed the nourishment of this warm power very much, so she couldn't help but pray to the great savior.

Rosen also guided Lai Fu to repair his soul as much as possible.

About half an hour later, Irina exhaled a long breath, and her face was full of piety.

"Great savior Makuen~ Thank you for bringing me warmth and light. I will serve you loyally, follow you, and carry out your will."

In a short time, she became a devout believer of Makuen.

Then things were simple.

Rosen looked kind: "Believer Irina, you are my second follower in the mortal world."

"I want you to assist the Moon Goddess and spread my teachings with her in the Microscopic Giant City."

Irina responded without hesitation: "Yes, great savior!"

Rosen reached out and took out a third-level golden erudite from the package.

This thing is of average quality and easy to make, so Rosen made a lot of it, and there were more than a dozen spares in the package.

He put it on Irina's forehead with his own hands: "So, from now on, you are my golden bishop."

For Rosen, the golden erudite is almost a mass-produced artifact, but for Irina, it is an extremely powerful artifact.

She was so excited that she trembled violently, like she was having the hiccups.

"I will follow the master's will."

She even stuttered when she spoke.

"Then, let's act, my followers."

"As for this hidden secret room, leave it to me as a resting place."

He had to study this pioneer Delex carefully.

The next update will be a little late

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