Start with Island Lord

Chapter 329 Ten Thousand Meters Underground (22)

"I am the pioneer Dilex, requesting to execute the next command."


Rosen slowed down his response as much as possible.

"Please send the execution key."

Rosen began to make up the key randomly, and he made it very long.

Taking advantage of this time, he followed the direction of the soul breath and used the legendary transformation to dig deep underground.

He thought very clearly that if he wanted to study this intelligent puppet in depth, it would definitely not work if he simply communicated with a few words.

The best way is to find the body of the intelligent puppet.

Of course, although the method of following the soul breath is feasible, it is not easy to execute.

Because the retreat path of this soul breath is not a straight line, but an irregular curve.

The reason for this should be to penetrate the barrier of the deep soil layer, just like lightning naturally folds in the air.

This made it impossible for Rosen to accurately locate by extending the line method, and he could only dig holes while communicating.

Fortunately, the transformation of Legend 17 is very efficient, and it can advance 10 meters per second.

Rosen estimated that he should get the result soon.

After digging for about 20 seconds in a row, a will came from his mind: 'The secret key input has timed out, please re-enter. '

Rosen re-entered, and it was still a long and amazing combination of numbers.

After digging for another 15 seconds, he heard another response: "The secret key input has timed out, please re-enter."

Repeating this cycle, he can always get the direction of soul power.

Of course, the bug is not so easy to get stuck, and it can be stuck at most three times.

After three times, the total time is less than a minute, and Rosen heard a voice in his mind.

"Multiple secret key input failures, the secret key system is temporarily locked for 24 hours."

Then, the soul breath of the pioneer Diax retracted into the depths of the earth like lightning, and no matter how Rosen summoned it, it didn't make a sound.

What to do next?

Of course, I can only wait to unlock it.

Rosen sighed secretly.

"I didn't expect that after arriving in another world, I would encounter the password lock."

Of course, I didn't just wait.

After returning to the secret room, Rosen began to study the coordinates of the underground phase transmission rune shared by Dora.

After figuring it out, he directly built a large phase transmission rune about 1,500 meters underground, directly connecting the secret room he was in with the underground laboratory of Swan Castle.

Then, he kept going back and forth between the two places, bringing back various magic materials.

When the materials were almost brought back, he began to build a secret large-scale element projection chamber a thousand meters underground in Atlassen.

After the transformation was completed, Rosen could transmit all kinds of fun things to the heart of the Holy Elf Empire.

In the next time, Rosen waited for 24 hours, dug for about 1 minute, and repeated this cycle.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed.

The bad news is that Rosen has dug a full 4,000 meters underground, but still has not encountered the pioneer body.

There are also many good news.

The first good news is that the soul breath from the pioneer has become much stronger, indicating that the general direction of excavation is correct.

The second good news is that the Salvation Cult is developing rapidly, spreading in the underground Hare Society at the speed of a flash flood.

In just ten days, the number of believers exceeded 10,000, and is still increasing violently, and the speed of increase is getting faster and faster, just like a chain reaction of a nuclear bomb.

The third good news is that the large-scale element projection chamber has been built, and a large number of war instruments adapted to the national conditions of the Elf Empire have been accumulated.

It's time to start arming the Hare Society.

Stretching, Rosen used the faith channel to summon the banshee Lisha and her husband Rex.

Because the couple are naturally devout believers of the Salvation Cult.

After a while, the couple arrived together.

Lisha was originally a 9-ring strongman, an elite among the elves, and with the previous friendship, Rosen naturally would not waste it, so he used the tree branch of life to carefully repair her damaged soul.

While repairing, he responded to her wild call and listened to Rex's report on the situation on the ground.

Rex was absolutely obedient to Rosen.

He originally hoped that Rosen could be gentler, but what shocked him was that it was not that Rosen did not want to be gentle, but that his wife liked to be treated roughly.

This made him feel very complicated.

Of course, these are all minor details and do not affect the main business.

"Saint, the Lord of the Void has noticed the changes in the underground, and spies have been entering the Glimmer City under various names."

"I think the conflict will break out soon, and we need to form an armed team belonging to the Hare Club."

Lisha's soul has been repaired to the peak of the 8th ring by Rosen, and it will return to the 9th ring in another day of repair. She is in very good condition now and has a strong desire to fight:

"Saint, the Hare Club is not short of outstanding warriors. As long as you give an order, you can immediately form a powerful Glimmer Guard."

Rosen agreed with the couple's statement, and naturally knew the importance of armed forces.

"You are right. I also believe that you have sufficient combat experience, but forming a guard requires a large amount of weapons and equipment. Are you prepared?"

Rex thought: "We have insiders in various elf legions, and many of them are senior officials in the army. We can use this relationship to obtain a large amount of equipment from the army."

Lisha also nodded repeatedly, but because of the call of the wild, her movements were a bit frantic.

Rosen had different ideas.

"I have investigated the weapons and equipment of the ground army, and I have also seen the combat performance of the elves in the battle of the Dragon Islands."

"To be honest, the elves are brave, but their combat equipment is not easy to use. Of course, it is better than nothing."

"So, my idea is to build a traditional glimmer guard while matching it with a brand-new combat force."

"For this reason, I used my divine power to specially create a batch of war fruits to cooperate with the glimmer guards in underground combat."

As he spoke, he angrily pouted at Rex: "The fruits are piled in the secret room over there. I call them black gold combat tree demons. You go and get them out."

Rex did as he was told.

Soon, he moved out a wooden box. After opening the lid, there were fruits inside, about the size of an adult's fist. The outer shell was black gold, and a large number of intaglio silver runes could be seen.

A box contained 100 fruits, neatly arranged in a wooden grid.

"This is the fruit of the black gold battle tree demon. There are currently 10,000 of them, and there will be more in the future."

"Plant them at various traffic arteries in the Glimmer City, and they will grow into powerful black gold battle tree demons in a short time."

"The tree demons have legendary power. Their main bodies are hidden deep in the soil. Their weapons are fireproof, extremely hard, and have thorny vines with various attack methods."

Rex is also a soldier. He knew as soon as he heard it that this kind of thing is particularly suitable for underground combat, and hurriedly asked: "Saint, what are the specific attack methods?"

"It can spit out hard stones with legendary power at high speed, or condense ultra-high energy light, or turn itself into a piercing spear, a long whip, or a defensive vine shield."

"Each Glimmer Guard, relying on the tree demons to fight, is enough to easily resist the invasion from the ground."

So, where do these black gold battle tree demons get their power?

Of course, it is obtained from the Heart of Eternity newly installed in the underground secret room by the ghost resonance of Rosen.

The couple didn't know the inside story, but they felt it was very powerful just by listening, so they praised loudly and called him a great savior.

At this time, Rosen finished the soul treatment of Lisha, and her strength returned to the 9th ring.

Then, she took out a level 3 gold erudite and put it on her.

"Lisha, from now on, you are the golden battle bishop of the Salvation God Cult, responsible for forming the Glimmer Guard."

Lisha knelt down excitedly: "As you wish, Saint."

Rosen took out another level 2 orange-red erudite.

"Rex, you are now the red bishop. Your duty is to cooperate with Lisha and plant tree demon fruits where needed. If a battle occurs and the tree demon is damaged, it must be replanted in time."

"I have engraved the specific method of planting the tree demon inside the bishop's forehead ornament. You must follow it meticulously."

"Yes, Saint."

Rex was also very excited.

After the two left, the digging time for the day was up again.

Rosen continued to dig down.

At a depth of four thousand meters underground, the situation was already quite complicated.

So Rosen slowed down the excavation speed and took protective measures.

This excavation took another half a month.

On average, he dug 300 meters down every day, and with the depth of the previous excavation, it was close to 10,000 meters.

On this day, after Rosen dug down for about twenty seconds, he suddenly felt that the temperature of the channel began to rise significantly.

After digging another ten meters, the bottom of the channel suddenly broke open, and extremely high-pressure groundwater continued to gush out from the bottom.


The temperature was also very high!

In a blink of an eye, the underground passage was filled with a large amount of bubbling high-temperature groundwater.

If it were an ordinary person, he would be instantly steamed to pieces by the high-temperature steam, and even a legendary strongman would not be able to withstand it for too long.

But Rosen was well prepared. Relying on the Heart of Eternity to power his spells, he could naturally resist the high-temperature water flow easily.

Not only did he resist the high-temperature water flow, he also sealed the back of the channel tightly to prevent the groundwater from gushing out along the channel behind him.

Afterwards, he greatly strengthened the defensive magic barrier on his body, and added underwater breathing skills. After confirming that everything was safe, he continued to dig in the direction of the water flow.

As he dug, he heard a loud "splash" and the wall of the passage was completely broken.

Then, Rosen found a huge underground cave in front of him.

The size of the cave is estimated to be several kilometers, filled with high-temperature and high-pressure water, and there is a flickering golden light.

At the same time, the soul breath of the pioneer Dilex suddenly became very, very strong, and never disappeared again.

Rosen immediately realized: "The pioneer's body is in this underground water cavity nearly 10,000 meters deep from the ground! '

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