Start with Island Lord

Chapter 332 As you wish, my majesty (12)


Amidst the slightly echoing footsteps, Brian followed the banshee Grace and walked in a secret passage deep underground.

"I don't understand, why do you believe in a god who appears out of thin air?"

Brian was in a terrible mood.

He had just risked his life to escape from the Void God and wanted to join the Hare Club. Then he discovered that there was a god of unknown origin standing behind the Hare Club.

After observing along the way, he discovered that this mysterious god named Macun had a huge influence on the Hare Society, and was even more terrifying than Dritan.

His method of controlling the Hare Club is so terrifying that not only does it make people unable to resist, but they even make them full of respect!

Brian felt like he had fallen into a trap.

The banshee Grace explained with a serious face: "Brian, don't worry, the God of Salvation, Markuun, is not only a great god, but also a benevolent god. He is completely different from Dritan or the new Void God. Same."

Brian snorted coldly: "The essence of gods is the same, it's just that some are good at pretending, and some are more straightforward."

If he had no choice, he would rather die than see the human incarnation of the God of Salvation.

But there is no way, the influence of the Savior God on the Hare Club is too huge.

He must either accept its call or return to the surface.

He thought sadly: ‘Do mortals have to accept God’s sovereignty? ’

Seeing that Brian had been so stubborn, Grace could only sigh.

"Okay, okay, your soul is already filled with prejudice. No matter what I say, it will be a waste of words. Let the saint convince you personally."

On the next road, she remained silent as expected.

After walking like this for half an hour, and reaching a depth of more than a thousand meters underground, Grace finally spoke again: "Did you see the pale golden rune barrier in front of you?"

"I'm not blind, of course I saw it."

"I will send you here. You walk over, tell your name, and after getting permission, you can pass through the barrier and see the saint."

After a pause, Grace whispered a reminder: "Brian, I know you have extraordinary talents, but no matter what, you are still a mortal after all. When facing the great, staying humble is the way to protect yourself."

Brian nodded slightly: "Thanks for reminding me, I'll remember it."

He also wanted to avenge Osella, the sun god, and would never die easily, so he took a deep breath, suppressed his hatred of God in his heart, and made himself as humble as possible.

Stepping up to the golden rune barrier, Brian said respectfully: "Great savior, I am Brian Traudlins, I am here at your call."

After the words fell, the rune barrier lit up, and a young and gentle male voice came from inside: "Come in, Brian."

Brian's heart moved slightly: 'Why does this voice sound familiar? ’

But he didn't think much about it, because he had met many people and often encountered people with similar voices.

He walked forward into the rune barrier. When he passed through the barrier, he felt that the texture of the barrier was very thick, as much as ten meters thick.

The aura emanating from the barrier was also very powerful, far more powerful than his 8th level magic power, giving him the illusion of facing a towering mountain.

This shocked him slightly: 'This Markun is very strong, far stronger than Dritan, and even stronger than that woman in armor! ’

Of course, the Void God is also very powerful, which makes him unable to think of any confrontation, but the God of salvation in front of him makes him have the urge to kneel down and worship.

"No wonder we can easily control the Hare Club. But if we do this, our elves may have no hope of getting rid of their control."

The sadness in my heart became more and more intense.

Finally, after he crossed the barrier, he felt a light shine before his eyes, and a bright, elegant, and exquisite large study room appeared.

On one side of the study room is a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, and outside the window is the magnificent blue lake.

He was a little confused for a moment: ‘I’m not in a secret room underground, how could I come to the lake? ’

There was a large desk in the room, and a man with black hair and eyes sat behind the desk.

The man was looking at him with a teasing look: "Brian, do you still remember me?"

How could Brian not remember it? Although he only saw her for less than ten minutes that day, the impression it made was deep in his soul and he will never forget it in his life.

He exclaimed: "Your Majesty Rosen?!"

He couldn't figure out why the Emperor of the Natural Empire appeared underground in Atlasen, and why he was related to the so-called God of Salvation.

Rosen pointed to the chair in front of him.

"I know you must be full of confusion. Don't worry, sit down first and let's have a good chat."

Brian felt his whole body was a little numb. He sat numbly on the chair, numbly took the wine handed to him with the hand of the mage, took a dull sip, and then asked: "I am in the Swan Castle now. ?”

"No, you are still in Atlascen, but I don't like the dim underground world. I find it too depressing, so I used soul illusion to slightly transform the secret room."

"How's it going? The transformation is pretty good, right?"

Brian nodded: "Almost flawless."

At least he didn't feel any vulnerability.

But he immediately had another idea.

"No, you are not His Majesty Rosen. There is no way he could appear in Atlason. You must be Markuen in disguise to deceive me."

As the emperor of a great mortal country, how could Rosen appear in the capital of a hostile country?

Furthermore, the emperor is only a mortal, even a legendary powerhouse is still a mortal, but the aura revealed by the man in front of him is as unfathomable as the sea.

Although he currently only has the power of eight rings, he can vaguely feel that the person in front of him is much more powerful than Beludandi, just like the difference between a hound and a tiger.

This is by no means the power of mortals.

Rosen smiled slightly, picked up the wine bottle and poured himself a glass of Weilan North's newly brewed maple dew wine.

"My empire has entered the right track of development, and everything has established laws."

"My cabinet council is also functioning well and can handle most things for me."

“So, my days are getting freer.”

This is the truth, I am indeed becoming more and more free.

But on many key matters, he has always firmly grasped them without any delegation of authority, so there are still a large number of matters that need to be handled by him personally.

The main reason for doing this is to ensure that he has absolute control over the empire.

Therefore, the most important reason why he was able to wander around was because of the assistance of Laifu, but naturally he could not say this to anyone.

As he spoke, Rosen gently turned the wine glass and looked at the clear amber liquid in the glass.

"I know you still don't believe it, so next, I will let you experience the great power for yourself."

Brian didn't understand.

The next moment, Rosen suddenly raised his hand to grab it. Brian suddenly had a giant hand grabbing him, and then, his body floated forward.

No, his body didn't move, it was his soul that left the body.

And because of this action, the legendary magic power given by Beludandi in his body lost its anchor point and began to evaporate rapidly.

After a few minutes, Brian felt the grip disappear and his soul return to his body once more.

Before he could react, he saw the other party take out a gemstone crown with a blue halo and threw it at him. The crown flew to the top of his head and then landed gently on his forehead.

The moment the crown and head connected, Brian felt that his soul had become incredibly huge, giving him a wonderful feeling of flying high into the sky and mastering great power.

Looking at the young man in front of me, I found that although the other man's power was still extremely large, it was not as unfathomable as before.

He could barely make out the outline of the other person.


He heard another soft sound in his ears, and the sapphire crown flew away from him and flew back to the opponent's hand.

Brian's wonderful feeling came to an abrupt end, and he fell from heaven to earth again, which made him feel a huge sense of loss.

"The Crown of Azure Knowledge is one of the highest magical creations of our natural empire.

The Erudite Magic Artifact is a soul magic weapon, and its shape can be changed freely. It can be a forehead ornament or a crown, depending on Rosen's wishes.

Elves like to wear gemstone crowns, so he adapted to local conditions and changed them into exquisite gemstone crowns.

Brian had a disappointed expression on his face, and his suspicion became much lighter, but he became more and more vigilant in his heart.

"If you are really the Emperor of the Natural Empire, why do you pretend to be the God of Salvation, and why do you want to control the Hare Society?"

Rosen smiled: "The answer is obvious, isn't it?"

Brian took a deep breath: "You want to completely subvert the Holy Elf Empire?"

Rosen shook his head: "That's half right."

"To be more precise, I want to conquer the Holy Elf Empire and make it part of my natural empire."

"This is impossible!"

Brian was so shocked that he couldn't help but retort loudly.

"You can't cross over to the Glorious Empire and annex us. The Glorious Empire won't allow it."

Rosen smiled slightly.

"Queen Zoya of the Radiant Empire is my wife. The Lord of Radiance whom the people of the Radiant Empire believe in is actually controlled by my natural empire, just like Markun, the God of Salvation."

"Over the years, the Queen has been cooperating with me to integrate the two countries into one. Economy, politics, magic, people's livelihood, and even battlefield weapons are all relying more and more on my natural empire."

"Today, although the Glorious Empire retains its independent name in name, it is essentially part of my empire."

"So, instead of stopping me, the Empire of Radiance will become my vanguard. In fact, they have already done this in the Dragon Islands."

Brian's face turned pale when he heard this: "How could this happen?!"

He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it, but a voice in his heart told him that this was probably true.

Then a new doubt emerged: "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I need you to help me with this last step."

Before Brian could refuse, Rosen followed closely:

"You are a smart man. You have insight and foresight. You should know what Beludandi wants to do. And on this plane, the only force that can stop her is my natural empire."

"I used to think that elves were a different race from mortals. One was because I was weak at the time, and the other was because I had little knowledge at the time."

"Now, my mind has changed."

"In my eyes, no matter what he looks like or what bloodline he has, he can become a member of my natural empire."

Brian felt excited when he heard it, and the resistance in his heart weakened a lot.

To this day, if he had to choose between the Void God and the Mortal Empire, he would definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

His only worry is: "Your Majesty, if we elves become members of the Natural Empire, what are you going to do to us?"

"Naturally, they are accepted as citizens of the empire and gradually integrated without distinction."

Brian had no objection to this, and even believed that this was the general trend of the world, but he felt that this matter might not be easy to handle.

"I'm afraid many of the Highborne will object to this."

Rosen waved his hand: "Then let the opposing elves follow the Void God and become a consumable in their hands."

"I am happy to destroy them on the battlefield. The soldiers of my natural empire have always wanted to go to the battlefield and establish military exploits."

Brian immediately thought of the terrifying power of the Legion of Light on the Dragon Islands, and the natural empire that had always been hidden behind the Empire of Light must be much more powerful than the Legion of Light.

If the Natural Empire takes full action, the lives of their elves will surely become lower than weeds.

Deep down, Brian completely agreed with Rosen's approach, but there was still one thing he couldn't figure out.

"Why does Your Majesty insist on unifying the entire plane?"

"Because I want to integrate the power of the entire plane, develop spells with all my strength, perfect the magic circle of this world, and completely solve the threat of the Void God to me as a mortal!"

"Now, the so-called Lord of Truth, Dritan, and the crimson girl, Berudandi, are my last obstacles."

"Perfect the world's legal ring?!"

Brian was fascinated by this and couldn't help asking: "Is this really something a mortal can do, Your Majesty?"

Rosen smiled faintly.

"The title "mortal" is a contemptuous name given to my elemental life by those void demons."

"The demons are most afraid of us perfecting the circle of law, so they try their best to belittle us and make us look down upon ourselves."

"But I want to tell you, we are not mortals, we are the true gods who are still in their infancy."

When Brian heard this statement for the first time, he was dubious, but that didn't stop his blood from flowing.

"Your Majesty, why did you choose me?"

Rosen leaned back on the thick leather chair and stared into Brian's blue and gold-lined eyes.

"Most elves are too weak to bear the weight of the truth, so I appear as the God of Salvation."

"You are one of the few elves with the courage to fight and independent thinking. I admire you, so I tell you the truth."

"So, what do you say?"

Brian actually agreed in his heart, but he couldn't bring himself to change his face. After all, the two sides were mortal enemies.

He asked: "Do I want it?"

"Then I have to put you under house arrest until I unify the Witte Continent."

Brian felt angry when he heard this: "Hey, wouldn't it be easier to kill me?"

Rosen smiled and said in a calm tone that stated the facts: "Elf, don't think of yourself too uniquely."

"I control more than 1.5 billion lives and have met countless amazing and brilliant geniuses."

"Among the ranks of geniuses, you are actually not very outstanding."

"I won't kill you, it's just that I don't like unnecessary killing, not because you are really indispensable."

Brian's heart shook violently, he came to his senses completely, and an idea came to his mind.

‘This natural emperor is actually a great person in the mortal world. He can decide the fate of countless mortals with just one word. ’

'Rejecting his favor is my loss, not his. ’

His mind was very good. As soon as he figured this out, he immediately took a step forward and knelt on one knee with a 'pop' sound.

"Your Majesty Rosen, I am willing to serve you."

Rosen laughed and put the blue crown of erudition back on Brian's head.

"You have basic magic power of eight rings at a young age, and your future achievements will definitely be high, so this magic weapon belongs to you."

"Wear it, return to the ground, lead the way for Moon God Dora, find those elf warriors who have the same aspirations as you, and form an army to resist the tyranny of the Void God."

Brian once again experienced the wonderful taste of mastering great power, which completely eliminated the last trace of reluctance in his heart.

The name Moon God Dora also shocked him: "Does Your Majesty the Moon God also serve His Majesty?"

"Dora has served me for a long time."

The pride in Brian's heart also completely disappeared.

He nodded humbly: "As you wish, my Majesty."

After a pause, he said again: "Your Majesty, I have news to tell you."


"Beludandi, the Void God, seems to have her true body hidden within the trunk of the Great Tree of Life."

Rosen's heart moved: "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure. Sissi told me this news."

Rosen looked thoughtful when he heard this: "I understand, just go ahead and take action."

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