Start with Island Lord

Chapter 333 Catching ‘fish’ (22)

‘Sissi knows where Beludandi’s body is hiding’.

This is a piece of news that is difficult to tell whether it is true or false.

It's not that Sissi lied, but that this might be a smoke bomb thrown by the crimson girl.

That day she noticed someone snooping, so she used this trick to find out the identity of the snooper.

But if it is not a smoke bomb but real news, then Rosen can rely on this to kill the crimson girl in one fell swoop.

Once the Crimson Lady is finished, it may not mean final victory, but it will definitely be a heavy blow to Dritan and the War Gods behind him.

After careful consideration, Rosen made the final decision.

"The current situation is completely different from when I first came. I have established a stronghold in the Elf Empire that is difficult to remove."

"Whether this is a bait set by Berudandi or not, it's worth a try."

If it's a bait, he's not in any personal danger, it's just a waste of time.

The worst case scenario is hiding underground and continuing to fight steadily.

If it's true, that's a lot of money.

Since you are going to take action, you must ensure success.

In the past few months since he came to the Elf Empire, Rosen has not slowed down in optimizing his power.

Now it has a legendary power of 17.2, and the number of souls has reached 330,000, which is nearly an order of magnitude higher than Beludandi.

But this is not yet safe.

Because the other party is the God of the Void, his body is composed of spiritual matter, he can move very fast in the void, and he can also freely enter the star realm.

Although he can also enter the void, as an elemental life, his body is heavy and he needs breathing to maintain his life, so he is temporarily unable to leave the atmosphere.

Therefore, if he really wanted to chase freely in the void, he would definitely not be able to catch up with the opponent.

What to do?

Of course, we need to find ways to limit the scope of the chase.

After thinking about it, Rosen planned to use the newly acquired sun essence to create a new, portable power source.

It doesn’t take much, as long as 100 grams of sun essence is used as a base, it can generate the power of 10 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, or in other words, it is equivalent to the total power released by burning more than 1 million tons of black stone.

With such a huge portable power source at the base, even if the Lord of War Hergrit came with the entire war god system, he would still be crushed to the ground and beaten violently.

Don’t worry about not being able to use it, because the high-energy magic laboratory of the Natural Empire can already synthesize solar essence.

The current efficiency is very low. The level of synthesis is 20 grams per day, which is far from enough for free use, but it is enough for Rosen.

With the magic data provided by the pioneer Dilex as a foundation, it is not difficult to create a power source, but it is just a bit expensive.

Five days later, Rosen came up with a brand new "Heart of the Sun."

It is much lighter than the previous fission core, only 5 kilograms, about the same size as an ordinary crossbody bag, and it is inconspicuous at all when carried on the body.

But the peak output power can reach an astonishing 1 million Rosen, which is twice as powerful as Rosen's 100-ton Eternal Heart in Navat, and can last for 10 years.

If it is used to perfect the Dharma Ring, the eleven Dharma Rings in the 600-meter-diameter sphere can be completely converged, forming an indestructible Dharma Ring cage.

Prepared the cage and found Dora again.

"Sneaking into the Great Tree of Life? Master, you have found the right person. I dare say that no one knows the Great Tree of Life better than me."

Dora said.

Rosen was convinced. After all, Dora had lived in the tree for more than seven thousand years.

After studying seriously with Dora for a period of time, Rosen gained an extremely in-depth understanding of the Big Tree of Life.

"It's time to go."

Rosen left the Glimmer City through the secret passage and returned to Atlason on the ground again.

After reaching the ground, it was dusk.

He was not in a hurry, so he waited patiently.

He waited until the sun set and darkness enveloped Atlason before he continued to set off, heading all the way to the main trunk of the Great Tree of Life.

The trunk of the Great Tree of Life is surrounded by huge warning trees.

In terms of security, it is an order of magnitude higher than the original Glorious Empire Palace.

There is really no way to sneak in silently using normal methods.

But at this moment, he was carrying a life amulet that was enough to deceive the warning tree, and this amulet was made by Dora based on the loopholes in the defense rules.

So, Rosen quietly passed through the giant warning tree and arrived at the trunk.

The trunk is very thick and the structure is very complex.

This is not so much a big tree as a three-dimensional small city.

The tree is home to the most noble high-class elves in the Elf Empire. There are many intricate cavities inside the trunk, and you can follow the cavities from the bottom to the top of the tree crown.

Naturally, there are a large number of big tree sentries in the cavity, as well as a large number of warning branches made of elven souls.

It can be said that there are no defensive blind spots.

But there are no blind spots in the hardware, but there are still loopholes in the rules.

After slightly adjusting the life amulet on his body, Rosen entered the big tree of life.

Facing the patrolling sentry guard with a big tree, he hid and walked away.

Facing the warning branches controlled by the Elf Soul, use the Amulet of Life to cheat.

Climbing up without any danger, we soon reached the canopy.

The situation in the canopy layer is becoming more and more complicated. The diameter of the canopy spread exceeds 3 kilometers, and the height difference between the upper and lower reaches exceeds 1,100 meters.

The structure is extremely complex, divided into upper court, middle court and lower court, and there are countless tree houses in each court.

At the same time, the soul fog in the canopy was also incredibly thick, and Rosen's vision of the void was suppressed to less than 200 meters.

This is simply a three-dimensional maze.

If it hadn't been for Dora's guidance and Rosen's own exploration, he would have been completely blind.

After groping for about half an hour in such a ghostly place, Rosen successfully reached the stargazing treehouse where Sissi lived.

Instead of going into the house to see Sissi, she made a little noise outside the house.

‘Da da da~~ da da da~~’

Very light, but absolutely unable to escape the perception of Sissi, the legendary 16 soul.

Sure enough, after a while, a familiar figure appeared at the back door of the stargazing tree house. It was Miss Sissi, the newly promoted Star God.



Rosen emerged from the darkness. Although he was disguised as a transfiguration spell, I believed Sissi could see through it.

He also knew that Sissi must have guessed the transformation he had made on her.

With her current mind, she will definitely cooperate with herself.

Sure enough, she asked in shock: "Why are you here?"

As expected of a legendary 16-strength soul, she recognized Rosen immediately.

Sure enough, she didn't show any hostility, let alone sound an alarm.

Rosen asked, "Are you being monitored?"

Sissi nodded: "I am being monitored, but I found some surveillance loopholes. Our ordinary conversations will not leak the news, but it should be lighter."

Rosen understood and went straight to the point: "Do you know where Beludandi is?"

Sissi was surprised: "What do you want to do?"

"Fuck her."

Sissi could feel that Rosen's great power was indeed much stronger than Beludandi's.

But this is the Big Tree of Life after all. Rosen is only one person, while Beludandi has countless reinforcements.

"This is too risky!"

Rosen didn't bother to explain: "I was very well prepared and told me where she was hiding."

He needed to know the precise position, because the convergence range of the magic circle was limited, so he had to get the position of the cage more accurate to avoid being run away by Beludandi.

Sissi's face changed several times, and then she whispered: "Your Majesty, if I fail, you will kill me."

"As soon as I take action, you can take the opportunity to run into the Glimmer City. No one can kill you."

Sissi immediately lost her worries and immediately reported the name of the place.

"There are three possible hiding places, all in the middle of the big tree."

"One is in the center of the Mist Garden. The second is in the Thinker's Treehouse. The third is in the Sleeper's Terrace."

"She hid it so deeply and disguised it so well that I couldn't tell the truth from the lies."

Rosen smiled and said, "Oh~ this guy is really cunning."

Choose one of the three, it is even possible that all three are fake.

The good news is that they are all in the atrium, the straight-line distance from each other is no more than 200 meters, and they can be completely covered by the 600-meter-wide magic ring cage.

Sissi didn't know what he was planning, so she frowned and said, "This doesn't seem to be a good thing, Your Majesty."

Rosen didn't explain anything and started making arrangements directly.

"I will go to the atrium now. As soon as there is chaos, take off the legendary hat on your head as soon as possible to avoid being controlled by Dritan. Then put on this gem crown and run away."

He handed over a level 6 erudite crown. After wearing it, Sissi would have +17 soul strength and a 2300-fold increase.

Sissi saw the extraordinaryness of the Erudite Tiara at a glance and immediately nodded: "I understand."

Rosen then set off for the atrium.

Soon we reached the atrium.

There are two paths next.

Or explore Beludandi's hiding places one by one to determine his true identity.

But Belledandy is very perceptive, and probing would probably scare her away.

Or, just find the middle of the three hiding spots and directly open the magic ring cage.

After some weighing, Rosen chose the second path.

After quietly touching the middle point of the three possible hiding places, I suddenly had a strong thought, and the heart of the sun burst out with extremely violent power, up to 800,000 Rosens per second.

This fierce power was blessed by the artifact Tsunami Bracers and poured into the local world magic ring at an incredible speed.

The Dharma Ring shook violently, and the eleven Dharma Rings quickly froze and converged, constructing an extremely strong spherical Dharma Ring cage with a diameter of 600 meters.

Thanks to the effect of the Tsunami Bracer and the high performance of the Heart of the Sun, the magic ring converges extremely quickly, completing it in less than 1 second.

Less than 0.5 seconds after the convergence was completed, Rosen felt the eleventh ring wall shake violently, as if he had been hit hard by something.

Rosen was not surprised but overjoyed: "Okay, okay, I caught a big fish!"

Such a huge movement can only be caused by a powerful god.

In other words, Beludandi was trapped in the Dharma Circle's cage.

He blessed himself with a magnificent voice from the sky: "Beludandi, your death has come!"

The commotion caused by the magic circle cage and the voice of the sky was extremely huge, and the elves on the big tree of life suddenly fell into chaos.

A large number of elven guards rushed towards Rosen, including many legendary dragons.

If this place is besieged, Rosen will have to use the Heart of the Sun to save his life, which may affect the strength of the magic ring cage.

Fortunately, he had his own way to deal with the siege.


Rosen's body flashed and disappeared without a trace.

No matter how hard the elf searched, he couldn't find anyone.

But he hid in the void outside the eleven magic rings.

In the void, Rosen looked down from a height at the cage formed by the eleven rings, looking for Beludandi's figure.

Seeing this, Rosen secretly gasped: 'Tsk, tsk, this is really messy. ’

The soul mist in the canopy of the Big Tree of Life is extremely dense, and the field of vision range is less than 100 meters.

At this time, countless elf guards were running around like headless flies, and a large number of spells were constantly being activated, including many soul spells that were specifically used to create fog.

At the same time, the elf souls in the tree of life were all agitated.

Many elf souls even rushed out of the tree directly through the changes of the eleven magic rings, and then ran and flew around everywhere.

For a time, the soul fog covering the tree canopy was directly an order of magnitude stronger.

This caused Rosen's perception range of the void vision to drop sharply, leaving less than 20 meters.

Belldandi, the void god, was also very cunning.

He didn't escape at the first time, and immediately restrained his power aura greatly, hiding in the "muddy water" without moving.

For a while, Rosen couldn't find her hiding place.

"Hey, you're playing hide-and-seek with me, then I'll see how long you can hide."

He was not in a hurry at all, because the Heart of the Sun could maintain the magic ring cage for at least ten years.

He bet that these elves on the tree would never make trouble for ten years.

After a few days, the muddy water will become clear.

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