Start with Island Lord

Chapter 39 Yes, Your Majesty


Maple Leaf Castle.

Count Robert stayed alone in the study, feeling unhappy.

He didn't read books, official documents, or have fun with the beautiful maids. He just lay on the thick chair and stared blankly at the spiral crystal lamp hanging on the ceiling.

The Winter Veil Festival was coming soon, but the trading company he invested in the Kingdom of Kao went bankrupt.

The 17 giant ocean liners under the company were all auctioned at low prices, and the proceeds from the auction were snapped up by other investors.

He was far away and got the news late, so he didn't get anything, and lost 430,000 Oggs!

All the initial investment was wasted, and the dividends that should have been received were also gone. This year's Winter Veil Festival was trying to cut spending.

Of course, there was still money on the books, and if he saved some money, he could still get by.

After a while of worrying, the count thought of Princess Selena again.

Her beauty faded a lot, and now she has become the wife of a small baron.

Although the sages have sworn to protect him, if he uses a little trick, the young baron will definitely be willing to offer his wife to him.

But then again, he has no interest in the current Princess Serena.

Because she is no longer the high, elegant and beautiful princess.

He thought of his wife again.


He has deep feelings for his wife. The two are young couples who have been with each other for nearly 20 years and raised five smart and beautiful children.

But his emotional needs for his wife are companionship and understanding, while his wife still wants to monopolize him.

If his wife had always been young and beautiful, he would not mind, but the reality is not. His wife, this flower, has withered greatly and there is no fun at all.

Now, they quarrel with each other at every turn, and the warmth of the family has disappeared, which makes him more and more annoyed and even a little hateful.

"If it weren't for the Earl of Gaoshan County, I would~ forget it!"

The Earl of Gaoshan County is his father-in-law, and he must give him face.

The children also need a complete family, and his wife Kalina has not made any big mistakes, so there is really no need to tear each other apart.

But this kind of cold and depressing family life is really hard to live with.

Just then, the door was knocked, and the voice of the housekeeper Abru came from outside the door.

"Master, the lady is here."

"Come in."

Although he said so, the earl felt annoyed.

The children were already asleep, and he had a premonition that the two would have another big fight.


The door opened and locked again with a 'click'.

The earl lay motionless in the chair, covering his face with a book: "Lina, why did you lock the door?"

"Because I have something to talk to you about."

"Go ahead."

The earl was ready for a quarrel.

But he never waited for his wife's thorny words, but heard the sound of footsteps approaching, extending from the door to his side.

The earl was a little strange, and reached out to take off the book covering his face, but his arm was held down by his wife, and a guilty voice came to his ears.

"Grant, I want to apologize to you."

"Apologize? Apologize for what?"

The Earl did not insist on moving the book away, so the couple talked through the book in this strange way.

Catherine's voice was much gentler than before, just like when she was young.

No, it was more maternal, with a strange, superior tone.

"I have always only cared about myself, but often ignored your true feelings. I am sorry."

The Earl's tense heartstrings suddenly relaxed a lot. It was great that he didn't have to repeat those meaningless quarrels tonight.

He felt better and felt a little strange: "Lina, why do you say these words suddenly?"

"Because I suddenly found that my guardian knight is no longer young. There are many fine lines on my forehead and corners of my eyes."

The count sighed: "Well~ I am indeed a little older, but not old. Well~ Why do you sit on me?"

"Why, you only need those girls outside to sit on you, but I, your wife, can't?"

The count smiled bitterly: "Of course you can."

He was a little disappointed. He thought his wife had changed her mind, but it turned out to be the same as before, trying to relive the old dreams with him in different ways.

But for him, these old dreams have long been no fun.

But he didn't want to refuse, because once he refused, the storm that had just subsided would erupt instantly.

'Hey~ Just treat it as a job. '

The count sighed in his heart and waited without passion.

Amidst the rustling sound, he suddenly took a breath of cold air and said in surprise: "Lina, is that you? You are very different today."

He reached out and took away the book covering his face, and saw his wife sitting on his lap facing him, wearing only a fiery red silk cloak.

Under the soft crystal light, the fiery red silk and snow-white skin complement each other, and the thick hair and shining eyes complement each other, outlining a breathtaking picture.

The Earl was stunned: "Lina, is that you?"

She looked a bit like his wife when she was young, but she had a mature and charming charm that she didn't have when she was young. She was just like a queen who was high above.

The Earl's heart was pounding.

The last time someone made him so moved was in the Dawn Castle. Ahem~~ Anyway, it was a noble lady of extremely noble status.

Kaylena saw her husband's eyes and felt the changes in his body.

She immediately knew that Rosen's Transfiguration had worked, and she was very happy in her heart, thinking: 'Anna, this apprentice, is really very capable. '

Not only did she use Transfiguration very skillfully, but she also grasped her husband's mind very accurately.

So, she is now a noble queen!

She looked down at her husband, stretched out a hand, pinched the earl's chin with a little force, gently lifted it up, and said a little savagely: "My knight, tell me, you will be mine from now on!"

The earl felt humiliated, but somehow, this humiliation made him feel an indescribable pleasure, so he obeyed.

"Yes, Queen, I only serve you."

"No, not to serve, but to conquer!"

"What I need is the conquest of the strong, not the obedience of the weak!"

"If you don't have the ability to conquer, I will have to find another knight."

The earl's blood boiled when he heard it: "Your Majesty, I will let you taste my power now!"

After a storm of conquests, everything calmed down, and the earl came back to his senses from the frenzy: "Madam, what's wrong with your body?"

It looks like transfiguration, but there is no trace of transfiguration. It's very strange, but he can't let it go.

"It's a secret medicine, the secret youth medicine of the Adrian family, which can restore the appearance to the appearance of youth. Selena gave me it, the effect is extraordinary, isn't it?"

"Yes, the effect is excellent!"

The earl nodded repeatedly, recalling the experience just now, and suddenly felt that the maids he found were completely tasteless.

The better maids were born in small noble families, and the worse ones were directly civilians. No matter how much they imitated, they could not compare with the wife of the princess of Gaoshan County.

"How long does the effect of this medicine last?"

"Her Highness said that it lasts for a year at a time, and she will give me a new bottle after a year."

"Oh~ In other words, it can last forever?"

"That's right."

"Oh~~ That's great, I have to thank Her Highness."

The Earl's reaction made Kalina happy, but she couldn't help but think of Rosen's words again.

'Madam, this is a man's nonsense. The real meaning behind it is that the Transfiguration Technique is not used well enough, so he noticed the flaw. '

She felt and admired in her heart: 'Hey~ This little wizard has completely seen through my husband. '

She thought of the food-making technique again, and a sense of urgency rose in her heart: 'This little wizard is obviously a powerful person, otherwise he would not have won the heart of the princess. '

'Since he thinks that Lukawado is a liar, then this Master Kao is probably problematic. '

'This is a business worth hundreds of thousands of Oggs, and we can't really be deceived by him. '

Thinking of this, Kalina said immediately.

"Of course I have to thank you very much, and Selena also told me that her baron husband may not have high magical power, but he is extremely knowledgeable."

"In the past ten years, the baron has spent almost all his time studying alchemy and has made amazing achievements in alchemy."

"And food making is a branch of alchemy. He also has very deep research in this field and may not be worse than the master."

The count was half-believing and half-doubting: "Is that so?"

The countess said seriously: "My husband, think about it carefully. If the baron is really a mediocre person with nothing to do, why would the princess like him?"

"Why is the sage Levin willing to bless their marriage?"

"Moreover, he is a veritable victory chess master, which is enough to show that he has an extremely outstanding mind."

"He is Anna's apprentice. Isn't he more credible than a group of strange wizards from Kao?"

This is of course reasonable.

But the count is a very stubborn character.

Once a decision is made, he hopes to go on step by step and smoothly without any changes in the middle.

This is the case now.

Even though he knew his wife was right, he was very reluctant to change.

"Madam, things are more complicated than you think. Anyway, don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

The Earl waved his hand vigorously, not wanting to hear any unpleasant noise.

Kaylena frowned.

She now admired Rosen's methods very much. Seeing that her husband didn't listen to her advice at all, she became angry.

She grabbed her husband's weak spot with her hand and glared at him fiercely.

"Knight Grant, I order you to give Rosen a seat in the meeting, do you hear me?!"

The Earl's vitals were controlled, and he was tense all over, begging for mercy: "Madam~gently~gently~don't pinch it."

Kaylena not only didn't lighten it, but also slightly increased the strength.

"Knight, if you don't listen to me this time, then we will play separately in the future. You find your beautiful maid, and I will go outside to find my handsome young man."

If it were in the past, this would not be a threat at all. The earl would like his wife to do this, so that he can find a beautiful girl with peace of mind.

But now is different from the past. When he thought that his beautiful and noble wife like a queen would be violently conquered by a strange knight, his heart was in great pain.

No, this must not happen.


So he gave in.

"No, no, no~~Madam, no, Queen~Your Majesty, I will arrange~Isn't it okay for me to arrange it?"

"That's more like it."

Kaylena nodded with satisfaction, but she was secretly happy in her heart: 'Haha~This new body is really useful. '

But if it was just this one, she would still feel guilty, because after a long time, her husband would definitely get bored, but Rosen had shown her ten beautiful bodies before.

She could keep changing.

So, she secretly decided in her heart: "It seems that I have to maintain a good relationship with this little wizard."

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