Start with Island Lord

Chapter 40 Offshore Balancer

late at night.

Luxurious large room in Maple Leaf Castle Atrium.

Selena is practicing magic.

Rosen practiced spiritual practice on the surface, but in fact he paid close attention to his wife's condition.

She has been stuck at the advanced peak for a long time, and her magic power fully meets the basic conditions for transitioning to the magic ring.

The reason why it keeps getting stuck is because the jump of the magic ring is similar to jumping up the steps. You either jump up at once, or you stay on the same spot.

In other words, as long as the newly added mana from a single practice does not meet the minimum requirements for leaping, you will never be able to touch a higher magic ring.

The height difference between the fourth magic ring and the third magic ring is particularly large, so countless mages have been stuck for a lifetime.

In Rosen's perception, Selena has completely adapted to the improved practice method, and her "high jump height" has reached 96% of the "step height".

It has increased by half a percent compared to the original.

But in the end, the gap of less than half percent was stuck at the limit of her ability, and it would be difficult to break through even a little bit further.

‘It’s still not enough, it seems I have to help. ’

If his wife can achieve the status of a master, it will be of great help to him in his next plan.

With a slight movement of thought, Rosen quietly activated an extremely secretive spell, which lowered the 'height' of the fourth magic ring in Selena's area by half.

Although it was only half a percent, it was only a very small area, but it consumed 20 percent of his mana every second.


The next second, Selena 'jumped' up, and then she fell asleep due to extreme exhaustion.

The height of the magic ring around her returned to normal immediately.

Rosen sighed secretly.

‘Currently I can only press the height of the fourth ring. Maybe when I break through the last ring, I can press the height of the fifth ring. ’

In terms of the number of layers of the magic ring, he has jumped extremely high now, but the actual effect is far less mysterious than what everyone said.

From sixth to seventh, the mana intensity increases by 30%, which is the largest jump. Before that, each level only increases by 10%.

And even if you reach the eleventh ring, if you are pierced by a sword, you will die.

In short, there is no true God in the world, and personal power is always limited.

Returning to his thoughts, Rosen was also ready to rest.

But when people rest, things must continue to be done.

‘Laifu, activate No. 1 and secretly search for information about Master Kao in Xialin City. ’

‘Command received, stealth search mode has been entered. ’

‘Start backstage practice, which lasts 8 hours. ’

‘Command received, start practicing. ’

When I close my eyes and open them, it's already six o'clock in the morning.

When Rosen woke up from his sleep, Laifley used the fragmentary information collected to piece together the general outline of the incident for him.

After taking a look, he couldn't help but grin.

"I'm just telling you, how could no one in this huge Xia Lin City see through Master Kaa's scam? It turns out to be a conspiracy involving internal and external cooperation."

According to intelligence, there are four forces in the upper class of Xialin City.

The biggest force on the surface is the earl.

He controls the army and is the nominal master of Xialin City.

In addition, there are three forces.

They are the servants of God, the 'Natural Temple', the knowledge managers, the 'Mage Guild', and the 'Ministry of Government' that serves the Duke of Dawn.

It seems like four forces, but in fact there is me among you, and you among me. No one has absolute control, and everyone wants to gain greater power.

Currently, the power of the Mage Guild is rising at an extremely fast rate.

The essence of this Kao fraud incident is a secret power grab by the Xia Lin City mage guild after its power increased.

But Levin has not yet found out who is leading the scam, and he dare not investigate in depth.

Not only are they afraid of alerting others, but they are also afraid of exposing themselves.

But that's enough.

Rosen put his hands behind his head and squinted his eyes to think about the ins and outs of the matter.

"If Master Kaa succeeds in his deception, the earl will suffer a huge loss and be in financial crisis, and will have to borrow money to survive the disaster."

"The Mages' Guild will take action to repair the hole, and use the money to exchange some rights from the earl, such as the right to tax the bridge, partial management rights of the port, etc."

With such a single move, the Count could gradually be ousted from power and become a mascot of superior authority.

"Then what should I do?"

Rosen opened his eyes and looked at the morning light coming through the cross-shaped window, and the thoughts in his mind became clear.

"The growth of the mage class is as unstoppable as the rising sun."

"But the current mage guild only represents the interests of the upper-level formal mages, and formal mages are only a small part of the mage class."

"So, if the count is willing to listen to my advice, he can still be saved."

"Then help?"

Rosen thought about the geographical location of Paddlefish Island and Shire County, and came up with an idea.

"As an island lord, we should avoid the emergence of powerful forces on the mainland and allow multiple forces to check and balance each other in order to profit from it."

"Now that the earl is in an obviously weak position, I have to help him, no matter from the perspective of love or interests, to prevent him from falling into despair."

"Finally, since I have caught the Mage Guild in this way, I have to let these extremely rich guys bleed hard, hehe."

While thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.


There was a knock on the door, and the voice of the housekeeper Abreu came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, Baron, Your Majesty the Count invites you to have breakfast."

"We'll be there soon."

"Don't be too anxious. His Majesty the Earl said you can arrive within half an hour."


Rosen stretched out on the big bed, turned to Selena beside him and said: "It seems that the Countess's persuasion went smoothly."

Selena had also woken up, but did not get up. She was looking at Rosen with her crystal clear emerald eyes, her eyes were a little dazed.

"Dear, I successfully touched the fourth ring."

Rosen looked "surprised" and immediately gave his wife a big hug.

"Oh~ Thank Mother Nature, thank Sage Levin, this is really a great thing."

"It's like a dream."

Selena was still in a trance.

She got up in a daze, washed in a daze, and was led by Rosen to the Count's restaurant in a daze.

In the restaurant, the Count, the Countess and several children were all there.

The Count and his wife looked very good, and they talked and laughed, without any resentment from yesterday.

Obviously, the two had a very smooth communication last night, and Rosen knew it very well, because the "Detection Guard" quietly engraved on the Countess had already recorded everything.

Seeing the two, Count Robert immediately put down the county newspaper in his hand and greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning~~ two young people."

Seeing Rosen was about to formally salute again, he laughed: "It's not necessary to be so formal for an ordinary family dinner. You should sit down and talk, otherwise everyone will be tired."

"Rosen, after all, I am still your distant uncle, you can just call me uncle."

In this case, Rosen was much more relaxed and called him uncle.

Selena naturally changed her words.

The atmosphere of breakfast was much better than that of the dinner yesterday, and everyone talked and laughed.

Especially Alice, during the meal, she asked Rosen for the details of the fresh meat cooking technique many times, and Rosen naturally answered patiently and carefully.

It was like a family.

After a short rest after the meal, the Earl said, "Let's go, both of you. I'll take you to see the magic master from Kao."

Rosen was waiting for this, and immediately said, "Uncle, I went back and thought about it carefully yesterday, and I think your concerns are reasonable. It is indeed very rude for a low-level magician like me to ask."

The Earl was stunned: "So?"

"So, I sorted out the relevant questions and asked my wife to ask on my behalf."

"She is the Princess of Dawn. Last night, she touched the fourth magic ring and achieved the realm of magic master. Her identity and magic skills are enough to be equal to the great magician Kao. Those Kao people naturally have nothing to say."

Rosen's tone was calm, but Earl Robert was greatly shocked.

"Your Highness has actually been promoted to the master level?"

The noble family lives a comfortable life, but the road to practice is difficult, so generally the great nobles will not stick to the master level, and practicing to a high level is enough.

But if a great noble really practices to the master level, it will gain great prestige not only among the people, but also among the great nobles.

For a moment, the look in Count Robert's eyes when he looked at Selena changed, revealing a kind of respect from the heart.

Selena finally came back to her senses from her trance, and she smiled reservedly: "I am blessed by Mother Nature, and I also have to thank the sage Levin for his guidance, which made me succeed by chance."

Count Robert originally looked down on this couple, thinking that the man was mediocre and the woman was willful.

But now he has changed his mind a lot, thinking that both of them are not simple, and their future achievements will probably not be low.

Originally, he was reluctant to let the other party listen in, but now he really takes it seriously.

"Then later, Your Highness, you have to help me take a good look."

"Of course."

Selena nodded confidently.

Last night, Rosen and her had already discussed the specific details.

Soon, the group arrived at the door of the meeting room.

Rosen immediately moved to Selena's side, and Selena followed behind the count and acted as his temporary magic consultant.

The three entered the meeting room one after another.

Two groups of people had already come to the meeting room.

One wave is the Earl's magic consultants, there are thirty of them.

The strongest one is a white-haired mage with a Mediterranean hairstyle. The blue arcane emblem on his chest shows that he is a four-ring 24-star magic master.

Rosen knows that this guy is the vice president of the Mage Guild. Sir Nord, born in the ancient Nord family, has countless apprentices and old friends, and is a real big shot in Shire County.

In addition, the weakest is also a high-level mage, and the lowest achievement has reached three rings and 15 stars.

It can be said that this is the most prestigious group of mages in the entire Shire County.

The person who planned the scam must be among them.

The other wave is the magic master Lukavado, whose hair is also completely white, and has an impressive magic achievement of 30 stars in the early stage of the fourth ring.

Behind him are three high-level mages, each of whom has a spellcasting ability of more than 18 stars.

Behind them are all mid-level mages, and their spellcasting abilities are also more than 12 stars.

Comparing the two sides, the Earl's magic consultant is stronger in terms of mana cultivation, but the magicians from Kao are much stronger in terms of spellcasting ability.

It can also be clearly felt that although the number of Shire County magicians is large, their momentum is obviously weaker than that of Kao magicians, and they even seem a little timid.

Kao magicians are bossy and picky, as if they are not here to discuss cooperation, but to give alms.

When the Earl arrived, the magic consultants of Shire County all stood up to greet him, while the Kao magicians sat in their original positions and did not move, just nodded and saluted.

Everything was natural, and the Earl did not notice anything unusual.

Because Kao is a powerful country of magic, the magicians from Kao should be arrogant.

Rosen sighed inwardly: ‘The world is developing fast these days, and the knowledge of magic is changing with each passing day. ”

“It’s not easy to be a great lord. If you are a little dazzled, you will be defrauded by others. ’

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