Start with Island Lord

Chapter 53 A beautiful place like a paradise


On a mountain road leading to the Crescent River Valley, a series of strange noises suddenly sounded.

It was like many people wearing boots running in unison, but strangely, only the sound could be heard, and no human figures could be seen.

But if you look closely at the road surface, you can still see some unusual details.

For example, the unusually rising dust, many broken grass stems, and vaguely visible footprints.

But these details are too subtle to be discovered until you get close. Once you are a little further away, you can't find anything.

Suddenly, the neat footsteps stopped, and a young man's voice sounded on the road.

"Turning around the bend ahead is a narrow valley. There is a checkpoint at the entrance of the valley. It is the only checkpoint leading to the Crescent City, called the Sea Breeze Outpost."

"There are currently three senior knights and more than fifty ordinary soldiers stationed there. They are all confidants of Sir Alais. Just kill them all."

It was Rosen who spoke.

These information were nominally obtained by Stonard, and they were very accurate, and almost exactly the same as what the sage Levin saw in the dark.

At this moment, he and the Flame Corps were hiding in an invisible curtain held up by a team of battle mages, and this invisible curtain was a must-have spell for a daytime raid.

At least that was the case for Veran at the moment.

Inside the curtain, Yop immediately asked for specific details: "How high is the valley? Is the sentry wall made of wood or stone? What shape?"

Rosen drew out the Knight Guardian Sword, pointed at the ground in front of him, and released a Transfiguration.

The soil on the ground suddenly rose rapidly, revealing the delicate shape of the Sea Breeze Sentry.

"It looks like this, and the material of the wall is compacted clay."

Yop looked at the three-dimensional sentry map formed by the soil, and was secretly surprised at the Baron's delicate Transfiguration.

With this thing, he can easily formulate the most reliable battle plan.

"Is it authentic?"

"Of course it is authentic. My father showed me the blueprints of every fortification in Crescent Valley, and I have lived on the island for ten years after all."

In this case, Yopp was relieved.

He and the three deputy captains gathered around the dirt map on the ground and began to discuss the tactics of the raid on the Sea Breeze Outpost.

Rosen added another detail: "There should be a few informal mages at the outpost. Although they have not received formal training, they may have outstanding performance in some aspects."

Ned, the deputy captain of the Crossbow, smiled and turned to the next captain and said: "Team 3, install spell-breaking arrows to shoot mages."


A few minutes later, the Battle Mage Corps took action first.

A team of battle mages took out the resonance crystal and began to resonate and cast spells together. The spell they cast was the intermediate spell "Giant Roar".

A few seconds later, a twisted air ball with a diameter of more than 1 meter and emitting a faint white light appeared in the team.

Under the control of the battle mage captain, the air ball floated up quickly, and according to the instructions of the map provided by Rosen, it bypassed the mountain wall, flew over the sentry post, and then exploded!


A strange muffled sound came from behind the mountain wall. The sound was muffled and did not sound loud, even less harsh than the barking of a dog.

But Rosen knew that this was because the spell limited the killing range.

It was to prevent accidental injuries and avoid alerting the enemy.

They felt nothing. Inside the sentry within the killing range, the sound was estimated to be more than ten times the sound of thunder falling on the ground, which could directly make ordinary people's ears bleed.

As soon as the spell was cast, three teams of shield guards rushed out from their hiding positions and strode towards the gate of the sentry post made of thick logs.

The shield guards held arc-shaped rune steel shields with a diameter of nearly one meter in their hands.

At first, they were jogging. After approaching the gate, the three high-level shield guard captains burst out their fighting spirit violently, and the charging speed increased sharply, and nearly half of the fighting spirit was gathered on the surface of the steel shield.

The three captains lined up in a row, and with the momentum of a wild bull charging, they hit the same position of the log gate one after another.

‘Bang~Crack! ’


‘Bang~~Hua La La~’

The log gate was hit by the rune steel shield and a big hole was made.

The three shield guard captains immediately stepped aside, and the team members behind them rushed into the sentry post through the gap with their shields.

Within a few seconds, the sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh came from the sentry post, mixed with the muffled groans of the soldiers being killed.


The log gate was completely opened.

The remaining two teams of shield guards followed closely and charged, followed by the crossbow army and the battle mage.

And the hammer Yop, the two shield guards, and Rosen were still waiting for news in the back.

About a quarter of an hour later, the Sea Breeze Post was completely cleared.

Alex strode back and said, "Captain, they are all dead, not a single one is left alive."

Yop was not surprised at all, and asked, "Are the brothers injured?"

Alex shook his head, "No, I just spent some effort. Fortunately, I brought enough strength potions, and I have almost recovered now."

Yop was very satisfied: "Repair here for a quarter of an hour, and continue to move forward!"

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and the battle mage opened the invisible curtain again, and the team moved forward in an orderly manner again.

After passing through the narrow valley, the terrain gradually opened up. After walking a few more steps, the view suddenly opened up, revealing a wide and flat plain.

It felt like entering a paradise.

It was this good place that made Rosen think of escaping from the world, but he changed his mind after accidentally marrying the princess.

As he marched with the army, he observed the plain ahead.

The plain was covered with farmland, and a fairly spacious river extended all the way from the distant Longmian Snow Peak. After crossing the plain, it flowed into the mountains and flowed into the sea along a steep valley.

In the middle of the plain, there was a slightly raised, round, steamed bun-like low mountain, which the locals on the island called Naizi Mountain.

This name was obviously too vulgar, and the official name was Yuanyue Hill. A small city was built on the hill, which was Xinyue City.

It can be seen that the lower edge of the hill was surrounded by a circle of earth walls, about four meters high, and the hillside behind the wall was the urban area of ​​Xinyue City.

The urban area extended all the way along the hillside to the top of the mountain, and then reached the lord's castle area.

That was the Xinyue Castle of the White Sturgeon Baron.

It can be seen that it was a large complex of earth and stone buildings, and the outer retaining wall was about 10 meters high, which was much taller and stronger than the urban retaining wall.

Under the protection of the invisible curtain, the Flame Corps approached Crescent City slowly while discussing tactics.

Yopp looked at the castle area on the top of the mountain from a distance, frowning slightly.

"This castle looks very solid. It would be troublesome if the rebels could not get out."

With such a complex structure, the effect of the giant's roar spell would be greatly reduced. Once the opponent is prepared and makes targeted defense, they can only attack head-on.

"Lord, how many official knights are there in the castle?"

"Nearly a hundred, and there are probably 15 senior knights."

Yopp frowned even more tightly.

With such a defensive force, they should be able to force their way in, but there will definitely be casualties.

And he really doesn't want the Flame Corps to be damaged.

Harry, the deputy leader of the mages, then asked: "Lord, are there any powerful mages in the castle?"

Rosen nodded: "There is a black mage with intermediate peak magic power, named Makanha, who is a confidant of Sir Alais. He has five apprentices, all of whom have low-level magic power."

"My confidant told me that this guy is not good at fighting, but he has mastered some predictive mind magic."

Harry was shocked: "In other words, our sneak attack may be discovered by his magic?"

Rosen smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I asked my men to set up some interference arrays in Crescent City, and he won't find any abnormalities these days."

After that, he turned to Yop and said: "Captain, I know I personally don't want too much damage in this raid."

Yop was puzzled: "Does the lord have any good ideas?"

Rosen nodded: "I know the internal structure of Crescent Castle very well, and I also know some secret passages."

"Later, I will sneak into the castle quietly, instigate some castle knights from the inside, and open the castle gate."

"You can see that the outer wall at the bottom of the mountain is easy to break through, so you find a place to hide outside the city. Once the castle gate is opened, you rush into the city to help me."

Crescent City is very small. With the speed of the Flame Corps, it only takes five minutes to rush from the bottom of the hill to the top.

Yop was shocked: "Lord, this job is too dangerous!"

It's just playing with your life.

And this baron can't die. Once he dies, there will be countless troubles in the future.

He immediately said: "Tell us the location of the secret passage, and I will let the soldiers do it for you."

Rosen refused very straightforwardly: "I have to do this, not only because this is my castle, but also because my mother and sister are trapped in the castle."

"Don't worry, Captain. If it doesn't work, I will surrender to Sir Ales. Then you can ask my wife to pay the ransom."

Yop was still worried: "It's still too dangerous. Because the knights on the island don't follow the rules at all."

If it were the Vilan continent, the baron would have no problem doing this, because the Vilan nobles were relatives hundreds of years ago, and everyone would not tear their faces easily, and they all tacitly agreed to use money to redeem their lives.

But it's different on the island. These knights are more like bandit leaders than lords.

Rosen grinned: "How can the battlefield not be dangerous? What's more, I want to seize my Saxon family castle. If I don't fight hard, who will?"

Captain Yop was shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously looked at Rosen seriously.

Originally, he looked down on this island baron, thinking that he was just a lucky little lord, but now after hearing this, he felt that this guy was very responsible, much better than those pretentious and hypocritical nobles in Shire County.

He got excited and said, "Well, I'll sneak in with you. At least the two of us can take care of each other."

Rosen refused again: "Don't~ I'm Sir Alais's nephew. If I fail, there will always be some face. But you can't do that."

Bringing someone means an extra pair of eyes, and a pair of knowledgeable eyes. How can he let Puppet No. 1 help in secret?

Yopp was just excited, and soon came to his senses. The other party fought for his family, so what was he doing for?

Join in the fun?

Seeing that Rosen was very determined, he no longer blocked it.

"Okay, then we'll wait for the good news from the lord."

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