Start with Island Lord

Chapter 54 A Scoundrel

At noon, the prayer room in the corner of the back courtyard of Crescent Castle.

In a dimly lit narrow house, there is a square sacramental table stained with black oil and mottled paint.

A corner of the square table that used to be used to worship the gods was temporarily used as a dining table.

A candlestick was lit on the table for illumination.

On the candlestick, a low-quality candle made by local methods burned restlessly, the blue-green candlelight kept dancing, and emitted a pungent smell.

The blue-green light dimly illuminated the faces of the two women.

A woman was probably in her early forties. Her face was pale, and her eye sockets and cheeks were sunken due to her thinness. When illuminated by the weird-colored candlelight, she looked like a witch in a fairy tale.

The other woman is very young, more accurately she should be called a girl.

She is only eleven or twelve years old, pale and thin, but the strong vitality of young people gives the girl smooth, elastic skin and bright eyes.

This makes them look less intimidating.

The two are the old baron's widow Mrs. Saxony and her daughter Evelyn.

They ate their lunch in silence.

The lunch consisted of meat and bread. It didn't taste very good, but it was enough to fill my stomach.

Suddenly, Mrs. Saxon scolded in a low voice: "Evelin, how many times have I told you."

"Fish eyeballs are also edible and can make your eyes brighter. Don't always feed them to your greedy cat!"

"But mom, I don't like eating fish eyes."

"Then give it to me."

"Mom, but you obviously don't like it either." Evelin retorted cautiously.

Mrs. Saxon paused, her eyes moving back and forth on her daughter's face, and she suddenly felt discouraged.

"Ignorant girl, the big tree that shielded you from the storm has fallen. The good days are gone forever, and it will be all hard days in the future!"

"When your uncle becomes the new baron, we will be kicked out of the castle and thrown into the streets, becoming washerwomen who starch clothes!"

"But we can't wash as fast or as well as others. We will definitely starve, or even starve to death on the streets."

"No one will sympathize with us. The people on Paddlefish Island are all ruthless and cold-blooded criminals. The weak will only be bullied."

"At night, those men would lie on us like male dogs and let us have babies one after another until we died!"

The girl retorted in a low voice: "Uncle will not be so ruthless, he is very good to me."

Mrs. Saxon held her forehead and smiled bitterly: "Your uncle is a complete scoundrel. He treats you well because he is greedy for your body!"

"Then there is also my uncle."

"Your uncle is even more of a villain. He tortured your aunt to death. If he becomes the new baron, we will not only suffer from his torture, but also his knight's torture!"

"In less than half a year, we will all be tortured to death!"

The innocent girl was frightened by her mother's words.

After a long silence, Evelin timidly spoke: "But my brother wrote a reply. He said he would be back soon."

"It's also said in the city. People also say that my brother has become a big shot outside."

Hearing this, Mrs. Saxon's face showed a hint of hope, but more of it was pain.

She smiled sadly, with self-deprecation on her face: "Yeah, I almost forgot, I also have a son."

Her husband, Baron Ted, had served as a guard for the Lord of Shire County for ten years and was more knowledgeable than the average Paddlefish Islander.

Having been nurtured by her husband for many years, she knows more and sees things further than the average woman.

She knew very well that her eldest son was a mediocre person.

At least until he was ten years old, her mother could not see anything extraordinary about her son.

The husband found a magic tutor for him through his relationship with the earl, but he actually studied for ten years and failed to graduate. This matter has become a laughing stock of the whole island.

The islanders said that he was useless, and their words were 'Look, this is the eldest son of a baron again. ’

But after all, it was a son, and Mrs. Saxon still had some expectations in her heart.

She did not want her eldest son to succeed as the new baron, she only hoped that he could return to Paddlefish Island as soon as possible and take them away from this devil's cave.

From now on, he will settle down as an ordinary person in Shire County or somewhere else, and live an ordinary, stable life without any worries.

But 14 days have passed since I received the reply, and there are less than 6 days left before the 20-day deadline promised by my son.

As the days passed, Mrs. Saxon's hopes grew weaker.

But this is her last hope after all, just like the only light in the dark night, it is her only reason to persist in living.

So, after saying that, she stopped making sarcastic remarks.

"Okay, let's just wait, but don't have high expectations. After all, your brother's life in Chenxi City is not easy."

She lowered her head, took a mouthful of the rancid wild vegetable soup with a wooden spoon, and drank it in small sips to calm the sadness in her heart.

But before the spoonful of soup was finished, the old butler Ah Fu trotted in and reported: "Madam, Sir Alais is here."

Mrs. Saxon was startled and almost dropped the spoon in her hand: "Why is he here again?!"

Alais is her younger brother. Things were fine at first, but in recent days he has become more and more diligent. He comes to see him almost once every two days.

Although she was forced to retreat every time in a strange way, the more times she did, the more guilty she became. She didn't know how long her good luck would last.

‘Mother Nature can’t always protect me, can she? ’ she thought.

At this moment, a hoarse laugh came from the door: "Sister, I'm here to visit you."

With these words, a stocky man with a goatee appeared at the door.

His body was so strong that it looked as wide as a door panel from the front. Being blocked by him made the light in the room even dimmer.

The man didn't come in, he just stood at the door, the spur of his right foot gently tapping the moldy threshold, his hands futilely playing with the riding crop in his hand, his "kind" eyes lingering on his niece.

"My patience is running out and it's time to give me a clear answer, sis."

Mrs. Saxon felt her heart pounding, as if it was about to jump out of her throat, but she tried to stay calm, at least on the surface.

It's true that the other person is her brother, but he is not his biological brother, but his stepmother's child. He has bullied her since she was a child. When she grew up, she had the support of her husband, and he did not dare to bully her anymore, but the relationship between the two parties also became very bad.

Therefore, the superficial family relationship did not give her any psychological comfort.

He took another sip of the already cold vegetable soup to relieve some of his nervousness: "Alais, you are too impatient. It has only been ten days."

Alais grinned: "Sister, I know what you are expecting, but I want to tell you, it is meaningless."

"Even if he comes back, he can't make any changes."

"If he dares to object, my uncle will tie him up with a rope and drag him several miles across the fields with a horse. I promise he will not dare to speak."

"If he still dares to object, I will strip him of all his clothes and drag him for a few miles. Then even if he objects, he will be speechless, haha."

Mrs. Saxon found that her hands were shaking and she could not control them.

All the Crescent Knights loyal to the Saxon family have left. Only the loyal old butler Afu is still guarding them, but he is just an ordinary person.

His protection is meaningless.

In the past, the only support in the heart of the baroness was her son who had not returned from a long journey.

So, she heard herself say in a pleading tone: "Ales, my brother, for the sake of our common father, don't force me like this, okay?"

She had not used this tone for more than twenty years. The last time she used it was before she married Ted.

Alais seemed to be somewhat satisfied, and he laughed.

"Sister~ I want to remind you that our common father has been dead for five years. That old guy was not a good thing either. He died on a woman's belly, hahaha."

"When he died, the toy was still hard and couldn't be taken off, but it scared the poor woman so much."

"What do you think I did?"

"I don't know. I don't want to know either!"

Mrs. Saxon felt like she was about to collapse, because she knew that the other party was going to show off the shameful past again.


Alais laughed triumphantly.

"But I have to tell you!"

"I killed the woman with one sword, then chopped her into two pieces, and buried her lower body together with my father. In this way, our good father can always enjoy himself even if he goes to hell."

"The upper part of the body was fed to the dogs to appease the jealousy of our father's real wives."

"Sister, do you think I did a great job?"

Mrs. Saxon listened to these bastard words and looked at her brother's triumphant face, as if she saw a demon escaping into the world.

She couldn't help but pray silently in her heart.

"Merciful Mother Nature, please help me, at least help my daughter escape from this hell on earth."

"I was born in a sinful family. I bear the original sin and deserve to suffer. But my daughter is innocent. She is still so young and kind. She should not suffer such suffering."

But Mother Nature seemed not to hear her prayer at all, or perhaps, she heard it, but wanted to ignore it for the time being.

The demon blocking the door used his spurs to kick the wall of the sacrificial house hard, knocking off a large piece of wall dust and making a 'dong' sound.

"Sister, tonight, I want to have a good intimacy with my niece."

He seemed to be issuing an ultimatum.

This touched the lowest point in Mrs. Saxon's heart.

So she growled back without hesitation.

“If you dare to do this, Evelin’s brother will definitely tear you into pieces when he comes back!”

She knew that these words were not much of a deterrent, because even she had no confidence in herself.

But she had to do this. At this moment, she was like a she-wolf desperately protecting her cubs.

And strangely enough, whenever she did this, her shameless brother always gave in.

There was no surprise this time.

As expected, Alais' attitude softened and he shrugged: "Sister, don't get excited, I'm just joking with you, haha. What about the day after tomorrow?"

"Am I going to be intimate with my niece the day after tomorrow?"

"Get out of here!"

"Sister, I keep my word. When my good nephew comes back, my uncle will definitely teach him a lesson."

"Get out of here!"

Alais finally left.

‘Although my brother is shameless, he is not stupid. He must be very jealous of my son. ’

‘Rosen, my child, you won’t really become a big shot, will you? ’

With no answers and little confidence, she could only try her best to calm down and prepare to continue lunch.

But at this moment, a young man's voice suddenly emerged from Mrs. Saxon's heart.

"Mother, it seems I'm back just in time."

The voice was unfamiliar, but the tone was gentle, and the address was strange, calling her mother.

Mrs. Saxon paused slightly, turned her head and looked around, but found that there was no figure in the room.

She sighed in her heart: "Did I hear it wrong?"

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