Start with Island Lord

Chapter 92: The tricks of lords to steal from each other (33)

In the laboratory.

Rosen was alone, holding a few of his own Morning Bank deposit slips.

These were collected from the noble lady of Shire County and had never been used.

At this time, he put the old deposit slips together with the brand new deposit slips provided by Maxim, and used a high-power glass magnifying glass and a bottom projection light source to carefully compare the differences between the deposit slips.

After looking at them one by one, he finally came to a conclusion.

"Three of the deposit slips are fake!"

Although the material is exactly the same as that of the Morning Bank, it definitely does not belong to the Morning Bank.

50 deposit slips, 47 are real, 3 are fake, and one is 2,000 Auger, which means 6,000 Auger is gone.

Rosen did not point it out to Maxim because he thought it was very complicated, so he did not intend to alarm the enemy.

The production process of these three fake bills is almost perfect, and ordinary people can't tell the real from the fake at all, and even most people in the world can't tell the difference.

The reason why Rosen could detect the abnormality at the first time was because of his super high sensitivity to the breath of mana.

After any spell is released, most of the mana will be transformed into spell energy, but there will still be a very small trace of mana left.

This tiny trace of mana is the unique soul breath left by the caster.

The longer the time, the weaker the breath.

As long as it exceeds half a month, it basically exceeds the perception limit of ordinary mages.

But Rosen is a ten-ring mage.

These three fake bills have been made for two months, and the residual mana is very, very weak.

But he still feels that there is an extremely subtle difference between it and the real deposit.

‘There are a total of five magic masters in Dawn City who participated in the production of deposits. I am very familiar with the breath of each magic master, but on these three deposits, there is a completely unfamiliar master breath. ’

‘This breath is lively and agile. The owner should not be more than 30 years old, and the magic master who participated in the imprinting of the deposit in Dawn City is 40 years old. ’

So, the bank deposit must be forged, and the tiny differences in the paper craftsmanship of the bank deposit also well support Rosen's guess.

Forging bank deposits is essentially stealing money from the bank.

Dawn Bank belongs to the Duke of Dawn, so it is stealing the Duke's money.

So who is stealing?

"The bank deposit uses very special alchemical paper, which is extremely difficult to counterfeit. The difficulty of cracking the magic seal is also so high that it is almost impossible. It is also a mother-and-child certificate."

"To imitate to such a level of authenticity, one needs to collude with members of the Dawn Bank and external personnel. Second, it requires extremely high alchemical technology."

In the past, Rosen had the idea of ​​forging Dawn Bank deposits to cash out, but later found that it was very difficult.

He had to invest a lot of time and energy in research, and had to take great risks to launder money, so he finally gave up.

Now, someone has done it, and succeeded, and is not afraid of risks.

"It's probably the Levender royal family!"

The Levender royal family used the most powerful force in a kingdom to forge bank deposits and secretly took money out of the Duke of Dawn's purse!

No, not only took the Duke of Dawn's money, but also took the wealth of all the people of Veran!

Because after this batch of fake deposits flowed into the market, the Levender merchants naturally used them to buy resources from the counties of Veran.

In essence, it was to exchange a bunch of low-value alchemical paper for a large number of real materials.

After figuring it out, Rosen couldn't help cursing in his heart.

'I've always heard that the little king of Levender loves to play. Now it seems that this old six is ​​actually a big player! '

'What are the consequences of this? '

In Veran, even in the entire Natural Alliance, credit currencies such as paper money have not yet emerged.

This type of anonymous bank deposit is only used for large transactions, and ordinary transactions among the people still use metal currencies such as gold, silver and copper.

Aristocratic merchants are the main users of this type of bank deposit.

Once the matter is exposed, the interests of the upper class such as aristocratic merchants will be affected first.

The credit of the bank deposit bills will go bankrupt, and the Dawn Bank will be run to withdraw cash, which will inevitably cause a series of chaotic shocks in the whole of Weilan.

In the end, the consequences will be borne by all Weilan people.

Everyone will become poor collectively.

Real materials were cheated away by some tricks, so they are poor.

"The world is too dangerous, but I can't be robbed for nothing!"

"We have to find a way to get the wealth back from Levender."

This wealth is not the currency used for circulation such as gold and silver, but various physical materials used in all aspects of society.

"But how to get it back?"

This can be done. The 'Lightning Messenger' he just sold is a kind of anti-pocket operation.

But he can't do too much of this, because he is too weak now, and if he shows too much good things, he will be targeted.

While thinking about specific measures, the door of the government study was knocked, and it was Muradi who arrived.

He and Sir Maxim are on the same path, but they are not in the same group.

The Sir left, but he was still here, and the business between him and Rosen was not completed.

"Baron, my goods are ready, when are you free?"

"I am free now, wait for me to prepare."

Soon, Rosen saw Muradi's goods.

The goods were placed in a newly built warehouse in Crescent City.

There were 150 sheep, 120 ewes, and 30 rams.

There were 60 people, 10 women, and 50 men.

The unified characteristics of this batch of goods are 'young, ordinary appearance (referring to people), but very well-proportioned figures and excellent deformation potential'.

Obviously, sheep go to the low-end market and people go to the high-end market. The tastes of both men and women are taken into consideration. Muladi is truly a professional brothel owner.

But there are also some features that are difficult to understand.

Rosen stood at the door of the warehouse, holding the goods list in his hand and looking at it carefully. He couldn't help but ask: "Are male prostitutes so popular in Levend?"

Among the 60 high-end people, there are five times as many men as women, which is really outrageous.

Muladi shrugged, speechless: "My Queen Mother likes beautiful men very much, and she brings a group of ladies to follow suit. And they are often particularly generous."

"Specially generous?"

Rosen savored these five words carefully, then turned to look at Mulady: "Can you give me an example?"

"The Queen Mother has a male favorite who was born as a commoner, but is now one of the cabinet ministers. I admit that this male favorite also has good abilities, but if it weren't for the Queen Mother's favor, he would never be in a high position and obtain a baron. !”

Muladi looked angry with "Why not me".

Rosen clicked his tongue and exclaimed: "You are really generous!"

Suddenly a light came to my mind: 'Since the demand market for ladies is so big, and what they need is not real materials, but empty-headed services, isn't this exactly what I'm good at? ’

The matter of the Queen Mother is essentially the extravagance of the upper class society.

Extravagance is a thing that ruins the lives of ordinary people and the country. The effect is the same.

So, he continued to read the detailed transformation requirements, and while reading, he passed the requirements to Laifu.

While waiting for Laifu to model, he said: "Muradi, I have a new idea about transfiguration. Do you want to listen to it?"

Mulady nodded without hesitation: "Of course."

He now admires Rosen's abilities, especially his ability to transform, because the other person has just cured Sir Maxim's serious illness.

"Look, the foundation of your goods is actually very average, especially the character. They are all ordinary people. I think you should get a group of smart people with good minds to come over."

"Huh?" Mulady didn't understand.

Rosen instead whispered in his heart: "Study those ladies who are truly rich and powerful, have a deep understanding of their preferences in all aspects, and then transform these smart people into what they need to do long-term business."

Muladi understood it as soon as he heard it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he hesitated.

"It is true that you can make a lot of money by doing this, but the risk is not small. After all, it is hated by people, and the ladies who dare to have male favorites usually have powerful backgrounds."

Of course Rosen understands that there are risks. How can there be no risk in using tricks to pay?

But this risk is still controllable. As long as you are careful, you will not get into trouble.

So he whispered: "You can find some pairs of white gloves. I will definitely support you 100% in terms of transformation. Let me tell you, I recently developed an extraordinary transformation technique, and the effect is very secret. It can evade all deformation detection methods currently popular on the market.”

"Of course, this kind of extraordinary transformation is also very expensive, but as long as you are willing to do it, I will be responsible for the transformation to the end."

There was a look of struggle on Muladi's face.

But he is a very executive and adventurous person. Otherwise, he would not have come all the way to invest in Rosen because of some unfounded guesses.

After a moment's hesitation, he nodded in agreement: "I'll do it!"

Rosen grinned slightly: "That's right."

"I only charge money for the transformation technique. Of course it will be more expensive. But as long as you choose the target well, I guarantee you won't lose money."

He planned to just be the man behind the scenes and collect steady money.

Mulady was mentally prepared for this. In fact, he had already thought of many ways to dig into the lady's pocket, but he couldn't find a handsome man.

Now that Baron has joined, the last link has been completed!

His eyes were shining with excitement: "Hey~ Baron, I can't wait to start taking action."

Rosen smiled in his heart, but his face remained calm.

By this time, Laifu had already built the model.

He took out the arcane crystal lattice that he had prepared long ago, and used the arcane transformation energy stored in it in advance to fulfill the previous transaction agreement between the two parties.

This method of using the pre-stored energy of the crystal lattice to carry out large-scale deformation is very expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary people, but it can amplify the effect of a person's mana by about 30 to 200 times.

Rosen is now an intermediate mage on the surface, and all his magic power is used to control rather than transform the transformation energy. He can transform all the people and sheep present.

In the warehouse, there were only handsome and masculine men, and beautiful women, each with a different charm. Mulady was dazzled by it, and he became more and more trusting in Rosen's ability.

He immediately took this group of people back to Levinde and promised to come back as soon as possible.

Rosen was not idle either.

The second batch of supplies has arrived, and he has to start the next step quickly.

This step has a name, it’s called ‘Island Guard Plan’.

As he makes more and more money, Paddlefish Island will surely attract more and more attention no matter how hard he tries to avoid it.

If he doesn't have enough force to protect him, then he is just helping others make money.

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