Start with Island Lord

Chapter 93 The best defense is offense! (13)

The island's underground magic center and potion laboratory.

“I’m going to build battleships, but I’m not going to build battleships out of wood.”

Faced with this potion master who has a pleasant baby face, but a mature figure and a cold temperament, and the current head of the Island Magic Department, Rosen said this.

Wei Ge crossed her chest with one hand and supported her chin with the other. After thinking for a while, she asked, "Are you planning to use steel, Lord?"

Rosen was not surprised by this answer, because ironclad ships have already appeared in the world, and the feasibility of pure steel battleships has begun to be demonstrated.

Wei Ge has extraordinary knowledge and is the most knowledgeable mage under him. Naturally, he should know this.

Rosen nodded: "Yes."

Wei Ge immediately began to list the difficulties in building steel ships.

"First, steel is naturally much stronger than wood, but once measured, iron is no cheaper than wood."

"Not only are the materials expensive, but the subsequent casting and processing costs are also ridiculously expensive. Currently, there is no corresponding casting technology, not even using transformation spells. Because the scale is too large."

"Second, there is not enough power to push the steel warship forward quickly. Because it is completely foreseeable that a steel ship of the same size will be very heavy."

"Finally, seawater corrosion is also a headache."

These are very real issues.

Rosen nodded in approval.

"That's why I asked you to research the steel potion from the beginning, with the idea of ​​using magic steel to replace real steel."

These words made Minister Wei Ge's face become more stern.

She blinked her dark blue eyes with long eyelashes and looked at Rosen coldly, which was her normal behavior when discussing magic issues.

"Lord, your idea is not new. Many mages have similar ideas, and some have even received strong support from kings and nobles. But none of them have been successful so far, because it goes against the current common sense of magic!"

"I think you should know that the effect of the steel potion will never last more than 3 hours. Even if you use the expensive constant spell on it, the power of the constant spell will be quickly exhausted in the face of the constant erosion of the sea water and the crash of the waves."

"Currently, using extraordinary improved high-level constancy techniques, and simply soaking in sea water, the effect will only last for two months, not to mention the harsh operating environment of a battleship."

"Also, what should I do if my opponent dispels the effect of the potion?"

This is a very scary question.

Mbahat's steel giant lizard has just been dispersed.

Rosen gently clapped his palms with a look of admiration: "Ms. Wei Ge, your extraordinary knowledge fills me with respect. You are truly the most trusted magic manager I rely on."

But he changed the subject.

"Regarding the constancy technique, Kaa's constancy master Wauklan proposed the concept of a 'spell fence'."

"He said that the essence of the spell's effect is to push a ball up a hillside, and the function of all constancy spells is to set up a fence around the ball to prevent the ball from rolling down the slope."

"He went on to say that the stronger and higher the fence, the safer the ball would be."

This is common sense. Most formally graduated mages have heard of it, and naturally Wei Ge has heard of it.

She fluttered her eyelashes and reminded calmly: "The strength and height of a single fence are limited, my lord."

Rosen nodded: "Indeed."

"But I was wondering, could we add fences to fences, and then add fences to fences, or even keep adding fences to form a multi-level constancy?"

Wei Ge immediately said: "This idea is a bit new, but many mages who have studied the art of constancy have had similar ideas."

"I admit that the effect of multi-level constants is extraordinary, but as the number of levels increases, the improvement of the constant effects becomes smaller. At most, there is no mana economy at level six. After all, constant spells are expensive."

Then, Rosen took out his real thing.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, showing a proud smile.

"My Spell Manager, that's because they haven't developed the 'Lightning Constancy' technique, nor have they developed the 'Conjugate Constancy' technique."

Wei Ge was startled, and most of the coldness on her face instantly disappeared.

"I understand the former a little bit, but what does the latter mean?"

Rosen liked to see Wei Ge's surprised look, because there were not many opportunities like this.

"I came up with a way to have one fence maintain another fence, and at the same time, the fence being maintained is also maintaining its own fence," he explains.

"The two fences lock each other and maintain each other, forming a sense of infinite constancy."

Wei Ge was completely devastated. As soon as she heard the explanation, she knew that the baron lord in front of her had most likely come up with something new.

She swallowed and asked, "Lord, what is the specific effect?"

Rosen is also very proud of this result.

The reason why I brought it up to Wei Ge now is because the conditions are ripe and the follow-up plan requires Wei Ge’s strong cooperation.

Therefore, he began to explain in detail the effects of the original constant technique.

"My constant spell can increase the constant intensity of certain element-strengthening spells by nearly two orders of magnitude. Moreover, it can be charged at any time to replenish the lost intensity of the 'fence'."

A series of very professional and shocking words were thrown out by Rosen, which made the young female magician dizzy.

She repeated with difficulty: "A steel potion that improves the elemental strengthening type by at least two orders of magnitude is an elemental strengthening type. How much can it be improved?"

Rosen pointed a finger: "In a complex seawater environment, the best constant spell can maintain the steel effect for 60 days. If I use the quadruple conjugation, er, the concept of the so-called 'quadruple' is very complicated, I can't explain it clearly, anyway, it is to cooperate with the advanced magic skills based on conjugation."

"Finally, it can be increased to 20 years."

"If you add a lightning house and a specially trained lightning charging wizard, you can replenish the power consumed by the constant spell at any time, and it won't be a problem to maintain it for 100 years!"

Wei Ge took a breath of cold air and felt it was particularly outrageous.

After a moment of silence, she used the Transfiguration to pick up a piece of solid clay from the ground, and then used the most common Solidification spell on it to make it very hard.

"Lord, show the anti-dispersal effect."

Rosen did it happily.

He pinched the fist-sized spherical clay block with both hands, and then cast a spell.

I saw a faint blue electric light around his hands. After a few minutes, he put the clay block on the table.

"I just used the sixteen-fold conjugation of intermediate strength. You can dispel it at will. If you can dispel it, I will give up the idea of ​​building a ship with the iron potion."

"Humph~ I know twelve kinds of dispelling spells!"

Wei Ge was aroused by the desire to win.

She picked up the staff and cast various types of dispelling on the clay on the table.

Not only the type, but also the quantity. She tested twenty-six dispelling spells in a row, almost exhausting her high-level mana.

The solid clay block on the table was still as solid as before, but the surface luster was slightly dim, but after grinding off the surface layer, the inside was bright as new again.

Wei Ge was completely convinced.

She let out a long breath: "I finally understand the original intention of the lord to let me improve the iron potion."

She looked at Rosen, and her dark blue eyes showed sincere admiration.

"As long as the improved steel potion can enhance enough types, we can choose the cheapest material from various materials to build ships, right?"


Rosen snapped his fingers: "That's right. But not only building ships, but also building houses, roads, and bridges."

Wei Ge's heartbeat slightly accelerated when she heard it, because she saw a very grand picture from Rosen's words.

"But is this kind of constant spell expensive?"

"Lightning constant, the lightning power comes from the lightning house, and the control power comes from the magician. Taking the most common double conjugate constant as an example, the consumption ratio of mana and lightning power is 1:260."

Wei Ge was a little distracted when she heard it.

"The cost is less than one percent of the general constant spell!"

This already has the foundation for vigorous promotion, and it can be used to build ships, houses, bridges, and roads!

Therefore, the steel potion combined with lightning constant contains the power to change the world.

For a while, she felt dizzy.

It took a while to recover.

She also took out her recent research results.

"I have recently developed 10 improved steel potions, and the effects are all good."

"But the potential for improvement of the power of steel is very large. It is a brand-new branch of magic. I feel that there is still a long way to go."

Wei Ge obviously had a great interest in the power of steel.

Rosen immediately assured: "My general manager, you are open to research, and I will do my best to support you."

"But right now, you need a building potion and a shipbuilding potion. Which two do you think are suitable?"

Wei Ge picked out two.

"This one can temper yellow clay, the potion cost is low, and it is suitable for large-scale construction."

"This one can temper black clay, the potion cost is slightly higher, but the tempering effect is good and the strength is high. If used for shipbuilding, it should be no problem for ships under 500 tons."

Rosen was very happy: "500 tons~~ is enough."

"I need these two potions to be mass-produced. Of course, I will also give the greatest support."

Wei Ge has been completely convinced, and she cooperated very well.

"I'll send two apprentices to help you build a potion factory. These two potions are very simple, they have mastered them completely, as long as there are enough raw materials and enough manpower, the output will increase very quickly."

"Very good, let's do it!"

He was about to leave the potion room, but when he turned around, he suddenly found that Wei Ge was hesitant to speak, as if she had something to say to him.

In the end, she didn't speak.

Rosen didn't urge her, because he already knew Wei Ge very well.

When she thinks the time is right, she will naturally say it.

After leaving the potion room, he went to Alonso's refining room.

Alonso and dozens of apprentices were fiddling with some electrical equipment.

Their expressions were very focused, like children who found the most fun toys in the world.

"Master Alonso, do you think lightning is interesting?"

Alonso nodded without hesitation: "Interesting~ Especially interesting~ More interesting than all other spells!"

After a pause, he added an exaggerated comment: "I don't think this is a lowly power at all, it's the power of creation!"

Rosen smiled and took out a small electric motor: "Look at this."

He connected the motor to the positive and negative poles of the lightning house.

The motor started to rotate with a 'buzzing' sound, and the wooden propeller on the head of the motor also rotated rapidly, blowing out a stream of cool wind.

Alonso's eyes widened, and he looked at it for a long time before saying: "Oh~ This little thing is really cleverly designed!"

He is a very studious person with a very strong learning ability. Under Rosen's guidance, he has a deep understanding of lightning.

So, he quickly understood the principle of the small motor.

Rosen smiled and said, "I plan to use it to propel the warship forward so that the warship can get rid of the restrictions of the sails."

Alonso's eyes, which had just returned to normal, immediately widened upon hearing this.

"Oh~ This is a genius idea! No, this is an idea that can change the world!"

Rosen sighed, "I need someone to enlarge its scale and power. The bigger the better, because the power of this little thing is far from enough to propel large ships."

"Leave it to me to study!"

Alonso took over the job without hesitation.

Rosen was waiting for this sentence: "I call it 'Hercules'. This is Hercules's refining book. You study it carefully. If you have any needs, just come to me."

"Okay, okay~"

Alonso responded perfunctorily, staring at the refining book, unable to move away.

Rosen didn't need him to produce results immediately.

Because he has already made a batch of finished motors on the assembly line, which is enough for a short time.

Alonso and his lightning apprentices are talents trained for the future.

His refining house may be renamed the 'Motor Department' in the future.

Rosen stopped bothering him and went to the weapons research room.

"Three, the lightning torrent crossbow is already very powerful. Our warriors carrying these things are enough to crush any enemy that enters the island."

Rosen is no longer afraid of the enemies who landed.

What can cause him great harm now is that the opponent blocks his sea trade line.

He said seriously: "The best defense is offense."

"So, I need a lightning torrent crossbow that can be carried on a warship."

"In addition, in the future, we should not only research stronger lightning crossbows, but also flame crossbows, or faster and stronger throwing torrent crossbows, or slightly slower but emphasizing the power of a single strike."

"In short, use your imagination, and I will do everything I can to support your research."

The three mages' eyes almost glowed when they heard it.

Gatland thought for a moment and immediately said: "I have always had an idea, which is to build a spherical lightning house. When fighting, throw the lightning house towards the enemy."

Speaking of this, he looked at everyone: "The lightning house contains huge power. Once it is broken, it will burn violently, and even water cannot put it out. It is absolutely suitable for dealing with wooden warships!"

Rosen gave a thumbs up as soon as he heard it: "Good idea~~Really a good idea~~It's a bit expensive, haha~"

So, talents are still needed, and unity can make a city.

After a pause, he put forward specific requirements: "The lightning torrent crossbow used on the ship requires the range to be as far as possible, the power of a single strike is large, and the capacity of the crossbow disc must be increased. Is there any problem?"

Gatland said without hesitation: "Just enlarge it a little. There is no problem. The finished product will be produced in ten days at most."

"Very good, just tell me if you have any needs."

Then, the materials for making warships, the power to drive warships, and the weapons for ships have all begun to be put into preparation.

The subsequent research will definitely consume a huge amount of resources and require a large number of talents as support.

It is impossible to build a giant ship and a cannon in one go. It must be a process from scratch, from small to large, and from large to strong.

A large part of this is an investment in the future, and he needs a batch of combat ships right now.

He does not require ocean hegemony, but only requires near-sea denial and the ability to deal with fishmen.

What to do?

Of course there is a way.

In fact, Rosen already has a very mature idea.

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