Start with Island Lord

Chapter 97 The Afterglow of the Glory of the Ancestors (23)

Fate divination was invented by Rosen himself, using a very mysterious power of destiny.

This mysterious power is very mysterious. It requires a mage to reach the fifth level of mana cultivation in order to have the sensitivity to control the power of fate.

But destiny is changing all the time, and there is a huge butterfly effect.

Therefore, fortune divination is only approximately correct at the moment the divination is completed.

After a moment, the divination result itself becomes a butterfly that affects subsequent destiny, so the divination result at the previous moment will quickly deviate from the true trajectory of destiny.

In short, the spell results are for reference only.


After the carriage came to the tree, Rosen pulled down the window and looked at the woman sitting under the tree: "Miss, do you need help?"

At first glance, she looked like a young farm girl in her twenties or thirties, about the same age as her wife Selena, which was the junction point between a girl and a woman.

But coming from a peasant family, her pretty face has begun to be stained by the wind and frost. Her messy hair is randomly fixed on the back of her head with a wooden hairpin. She is also wearing a patched coarse cloth skirt and a pair of muddy cloth shoes on her feet. .

In short, it is a very ordinary image of a peasant woman.

But Rosen knew that this was a very clever disguise, and even he could only feel the existence of the disguise, but could not see the truth.

After the other party saw Rosen, his eyes turned around the guards in front and behind the carriage, with a hint of fear on his face: "Lord, there is no trouble, it's just a sprained foot."

Rosen often appeared in public, and it was normal for the islanders to know the lord.

He asked, "Where do you live? I'll give you a ride, or I'll ask a guard to take you back."

There is a special seat for attendants behind the carriage. If it were not for the previous divination results, he would have named a guard to help at most, without the first half of the sentence.

The other party said: "Then please trouble the lord. I live nearby, less than 2 kilometers away from here. Just let me down at the fork in front of you."

She limped over, pulled down the small bench next to the back seat of the carriage and sat down.

"keep going."

The carriage started again.

To all, it was a commonplace thing, a small demonstration of the lord's kindness.

But in the car, as the other party got closer and closer, Rosen was completely sure that the other party was coming for him, but there was a high probability that he had no ill intentions.

He guessed: ‘You must have something to say to me, right? ’


The carriage drove smoothly on the gravel road.

After walking about a hundred meters, Rosen's patience paid off.

A voice sounded in his mind: "Baron, do you remember me?"

Rosen recognized the owner of the voice as soon as he heard it: "Oh~~ Xuefeng Goddess Mel Qilina, you are so good at pretending."

The voice chuckled lightly, but then sighed: "I have to pretend, because I have been in trouble recently and am being hunted."

"Huh?" Rosen was surprised: "Who dares to hunt down the Sixth Ring Mage?"

"Mother Nature's Emerald Battle Angel. But you don't have to worry at all. It has nothing to do with you, because you still have the divine blood of the natural gods in your body."

These words made Rosen's heart move slightly, and he immediately remembered the "Genealogy of the World's Nobles" that he had read well.

Among them, if the genealogical records of all the lords of the Nature Alliance are traced back all the way, they will return to a certain nature god.

Or the mighty Father, or Mother Nature, or some other nature deity.

In other words, the reason why the Natural Alliance is called the Natural Alliance is because the lords are all descendants of natural gods.

He smiled and said: "It seems that the whereabouts of the Emerald War Angels are so secretive that I have never felt their existence."

"The war angel is not a life, but a magic puppet. It is the same thing as the mountain tyrant built by my ancestors, so it is difficult to feel it."

After a pause, the goddess outside the carriage continued: "However, compared to 200 years ago, the number of Emerald Battle Angels has been greatly reduced. It is estimated that there are less than three on the entire Weiland Island."

"This shows that whether it is me or the natural gods, the glory of our ancestors is constantly dimming."

"But I was very unlucky. I met one not long after leaving the island, so I still can't get rid of him completely."

Rosen listened silently, and felt in his heart: 'Fortunately, my body is a descendant of a natural god, otherwise I would have ended up worse than a goddess. ’

After all, the Goddess is a direct descendant of the Iron Dragon, and he is only a collateral descendant. He has not gained any of the high-level knowledge left by his ancestors.

"So, what do you want to say to me?"

"I want to remind you that the waters east of Paddlefish Island are not as simple as you think. Those fishmen are just a group of slaves, and there are powerful masters behind them."

Rosen was slightly startled: "Has the goddess been paying attention to my actions?"

The fish-man nemesis plan had just started not long ago, and he asked himself that he had been doing it secretly, and no one would know about it unless someone paid special attention to him.

"Of course I'm paying attention. I've been watching all the big things you've done on the island recently."

"Of course, I'm mainly bored, not that I have any intentions towards you. Well, I do have a reason, which is to use your shelter to avoid the pursuit of the Emerald Battle Angel."

Rosen felt strange again: "Why, the Emerald Battle Angel is still avoiding me?"

"It will try its best to avoid the attention of all lords. After all, they cannot harm the lords of natural gods, and most of the lords have forgotten the glory of their ancestors. After they mobilize their troops, they can easily destroy these battle angels."

Rosen listened to these words, savored them carefully, and thought about his experiences in the past ten years, and suddenly said: "Have you been to Dawn City?"

"Ah? How do you know?!"

The goddess's voice was full of surprise, and she obviously didn't expect Rosen to ask this question.

Rosen chuckled: "Because of an unexpected opportunity, I once discovered a very special nun in St. Willan's Cathedral in Dawn City."

"I thought she was unusually powerful at the time, so I always respected the Temple of Nature. Now that I think about it, that nun should be the Emerald War Angel you call her."

Even though there were only three priests in this natural temple on Paddlefish Island, Rosen still respected him and spent a little money to repair the dilapidated temple for them.

"So I guess you must have messed with that scary nun."

The goddess sighed: "Okay, you guessed it right."

After a pause, she said: "I went to Dawn City to investigate your past. Because I want to see how you got such a high level of magic power."

Rosen smiled and said: "This is the blessing of Mother Nature."

"Come on, Zigrillana has been sleeping, and she can sleep better than me. It's too late to care for the direct descendants of the Wit continent, so how can I have time to care for you, a small lord of the collateral island?"

Rosen was startled when he heard this: "I thought the princess was given to me by Mother Nature."

This was actually one of his deepest and most secret considerations in taking the risk of accepting the princess.

The goddess laughed: "I felt the same way at first, so I went to Chenxi City to investigate."

"But the result of the investigation is that this was an accident, because Chigurilana is in a deep sleep period, and it will be at least ten years before she wakes up next."

Rosen was a little surprised: "Why does she keep sleeping? Is she too old?"

According to the natural calendar, Mother Nature has lived for at least 1,500 years, which is far beyond the natural life span of mortals.

Even if this mortal is a high-level mage.

"She's not too old, about thirty years old. Because she sleeps a lot. She comes around every fifty years, and she only wakes up less than a year each time."

"The reason why I sleep is because I have lived too long and there is nothing new in the world. I also want to live longer so that my descendants can wake up and help when they encounter difficulties."

After a pause, the goddess continued: "But this time, she is really going to miss a lot of exciting events, haha~"

Laughing, she returned to the topic of fishmen: "The fishmen in the east are the servants of the deep sea banshee, and the deep sea banshee is the master of the northern golden ocean."

This is knowledge that Rosen does not know.

"The deep-sea banshees are a race in myths and legends that can sing to confuse sailors, swim at high speeds on the bottom of the sea, and soar into the sky?"

"Absolutely. Although it is far from as strong as described in the myth, it is indeed a bit difficult to deal with, especially in the ocean. It is simply a nightmare for ocean-going ships."

"And the banshee who is loyal to the fishmen in the east of Paddlefish Island should be a strong person with 7 rings of power. By the way, she has lived for a long time, so she is still sleeping."

"But her descendants are active. If you attack the fish-men, they will definitely awaken the Banshee King."

When Rosen heard this, he felt murderous intention in his heart.

The goddess felt it and said bluntly: "In the ocean, you are definitely no match for her. The fleet you built may not be able to pose a threat to the targets hidden in the deep sea."

"In addition, although the fishmen are stupid, the banshees are very smart. They can easily form a terrifying navy with the fishmen."

"So, unless you are well prepared, it is best not to act without permission."

The murderous intention in Rosen's heart simply disappeared, because in a short period of time, he really couldn't get a combat submarine to dive into the depths of the ocean to hunt down the banshee.

This difficulty is much more difficult than that of a speedboat.

Moreover, an old monster with seven rings is indeed not easy to mess with.

"Since the goddess informed me and said so much, she must have something to teach me, right?"


The goddess laughed and said: "Today's conversation was very pleasant. I'm at the end of the road. Let's talk again next time we have a chance."

After saying that, she jumped out of the back seat of the carriage and limped away.

Rosen looked at her through the car window and saw her turning around.

After catching his gaze, she smiled, showing two rows of white teeth as clear as pearls.

After she walked away, Aaliya said: "Lord, I think that peasant woman is weird."

Rosen smiled softly: "It's indeed a bit strange."

The carriage continued to move forward, and he thought about the goddess's reminder all the way, and then began to query the information in the Laifu database.

After searching and searching, I suddenly found a record, which was from "Adventures in the Deep" written by Kusk, the famous sailing adventurer of Kaa.

It describes a record of dealing with a deep sea succubus.

‘People are on the water, fish are under the water, and birds are in the sky. Isn’t this the art of transformation? ’

'The singing voice is beautiful and melodious, the appearance is like a flower, and the skin is as fair and tender as a girl's. This is not surprising, soaking in water every day can make the skin tender. Once the skin becomes tender, the appearance will naturally improve. ’

Even in the swimming pool in the previous life, the proportion of beautiful women was still high.

'I love pleasure very much and have excellent endurance. I can pursue pleasure all day long, which is unbearable for human men. Um~~~~This is not a dolphin from another world~'

Rosen felt that perhaps instead of fighting with force, we could fight with words.

But is there any creature in the world that can satisfy a 'dolphin' who seeks pleasure all day long?

There was still too little relevant information, and he really couldn't think of it.

While thinking, the carriage returned to Crescent Castle.

As soon as I got off the carriage and returned to the inner room of the lord's longhouse, I saw Serena coming over with a letter in her hand and a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"Dear, Anna wrote to me."

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