Start with Island Lord

Chapter 98: The mentor asks for punishment (33)

As a princess, Selena has always been generous and graceful. There are not many things in the world that can embarrass her.

Now it is related to Anna, so Rosen knows that the mentor should have returned to Shire County.

Then he must not delay the matter of keeping the Flame Regiment without permission.

Because the earl wrote him several letters before, he was vague and perfunctory, and now the earl must have told the mentor about this.

He took the letter handed over by Selena and sat on the bench in the inner warm room. Selena leaned on his shoulder and the two read the letter together.

The spell mark on the letter was still sealed, which meant that Selena had not read it yet.

He took out the letter paper and opened the envelope. Suddenly, a faint and soft fragrance spread out. It was the alchemical perfume called "Ocean Dream" that the mentor liked the most.

Selena sniffed and commented: "The smell is slightly different from the past. It seems that the Ocean Dream of Lockwood Perfume Shop has a new model."

"Is there a change?"

Rosen carefully distinguished it and nodded in agreement: "It seems to be a little different. I will send someone to buy a few models."

Selena immediately shook her head: "There is no need to spend this money. Business is more important."

She always remembered the future picture that Rosen had described in the Blue Whale Mansion.

Rosen gently rubbed his wife's cheek, opened the letter and read:

'My dearest friend Selena, and the apprentice who likes to take advantage of the mentor the most, say hello to you. '

Hearing this, Selena breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest gently.

"Anna really understands me and knows that those bad ideas are not my idea."

Rosen smiled and continued to read.

'Winter is about to end. I return to my hometown with a happy mood and plan to spend a wonderful Winter Veil Festival with my brother and sister-in-law. ’

‘I also miss my dearest friend Selena, and I want to know if my apprentice has taken good care of her, but now it seems that I should have worried too much. ’

“Oh~ I can’t wait to see Anna.”

Selena clasped her hands in front of her chest, looking forward to it.

‘After arriving home, I met my eldest sister-in-law, who praised me for teaching a good apprentice. Just when I was secretly proud of myself, my eldest brother said that the little bastard you taught played with me! ’

‘I was surprised, and then I asked my eldest brother about the whole thing. As a result, I found that the whole thing was really beyond my expectations. ’

‘Now, Baron White Island, my naughty apprentice, shouldn’t you come to Shire County as soon as possible to explain the whole thing to your mentor and his family? ’

There is not much content, and it stops here.

After reading it, Rosen and Selena looked at each other.

Selena avoided her eyes and looked embarrassed.

They did this together, with Rosen leading her to cooperate.

If she was facing anyone other than Anna, she would have done it with a clear conscience.

But Anna couldn't do that. She couldn't face it.

Rosen knew what she was thinking without her saying it. He spread his hands and said, "My dear, all the bad ideas were my own. You just cooperated with me. Now that the tutor is questioning you, it's natural for me to solve it."

He raised his hand and took Selena into his arms, comforting her in a gentle voice.

"Don't worry, my dear, I won't let you face this embarrassing situation."

"I'll go to Shire County first. When you meet my tutor, I will definitely solve the problem perfectly."

Selena's embarrassment was relieved a lot, and she began to worry about her husband again: "Are you sure it's okay for you to go alone?"

Rosen smiled: "If the tutor is not here, then there will be some problems. But if the tutor is here, then at most the earl will blame you a few words."

He deliberately delayed the matter until now, just to wait for the tutor to come back.

Selena asked, "Are you going there now?"

"Tomorrow, there are still some matters to be arranged in the territory, and I have to prepare well."

He carefully put away the letter and handed it to Selena for safekeeping, and activated the puppet to go to the government study and send an order to Yop, who was training on the beach, to "act cautiously and stop provoking the fishmen."

Finally, he made some arrangements for various affairs in the territory.

His real body went to the magic laboratory and packed the latest batch of low-end magic tools one by one.

This batch of magic tools is very, very low-end, almost low to the dust, so that the most ordinary people can afford it and use it.

But the magic knowledge contained in the magic tools is not low-end at all. Some secret techniques are even the most advanced of all the magic tools he has sold in the past.

The strategy he adopted is naturally the consistent "take the lowest mass line and surround the city from the countryside."

He packed about five large boxes, and handed four of them to his wife Selena along with a letter and a list, and asked her to hand them over when the merchant Aji came over.

He brought a box of his own, but it was for the Shire.

He went to the Shire this time to persuade the Earl to support him.

At the same time, there was another important purpose, which was to go to the Earl's family library and look up historical materials to see if there was any knowledge related to banshees and fishmen.

In addition to low-end magic tools, he also took some high-level induced arcane defense magic tools, but these things were used as gifts to give favors.

After preparation, everything went on as usual.

When he rested at night, he hugged his wife's warm and soft body, and was about to relax, but was stopped by her.



"The little bad guys are here."

Rosen understood immediately and reached out to press his wife's belly to feel it.

He felt two very secret auras, one lively and jumping, the other quiet as water, but both faintly echoed with his power.

This kind of echoing feeling is very subtle, which is the sensitivity of mages above the fifth ring, and can easily confirm whether it is his blood.

Of course, Selena is pregnant with his blood, because the two of them have been working whenever they have free time during this period, and they are very diligent.

Rosen leaned behind Selena's ear, with a happy face: "A boy and a girl, so good."

With the twins coming, he will really have the qualifications to compete for the duke.

Selena shrank her neck and was a little uneasy: "It came too fast, I thought it would take at least one or two years."

In this world, it is not difficult for mages to get pregnant, but because of the magic power, both sides need to run in.

So usually, there is no child for one to three years at the beginning, and then one after another.

As a result, Selena came before three months.

"Anna and her husband have been married for three years and still have no children."

Rosen needs it fast, and the reason why he needs it fast is closely related to his secret efforts.

Because these days, the infant mortality rate is relatively high, and it is high for ordinary families, and it is not low for lords.

If a child is under three years old, he will die at any time, so in the general public's concept, an heir under three years old can only be considered half an heir at most.

If he lives to be over three years old and is still fat and healthy, then as long as he is well taken care of and does not commit suicide, he can basically live to adulthood.

So, the child must come early, which can greatly stabilize the people's hearts at a critical moment.

He comforted her softly: "My dear lady, this just shows the harmony of our magic power. The child will be very healthy after it is born."

"Hmm~~You are right."

Selena was greatly comforted, turned around and hugged Rosen and said: "I knew I did not choose the wrong person at the beginning."

Rosen thought for a while, and then said: "Don't announce this for the time being, I will also raise the alert level of the Black Iron Guard to the highest level. In addition, Alia will stay with you."

Seeing that Selena was about to object, he whispered: "Alia's fighting spirit has been promoted to the fourth-level combat master, and she is also alert. I feel at ease with her by your side."

Of course, it was not a natural promotion, but he quietly assisted.

"Intelligence officer Stonard should also be used well. He is good at gathering intelligence and is absolutely loyal. I will also ask him to raise the castle's alert level to the highest level."

"Now, I am not in danger, but you are, because there must be many people who do not want our child to be born."

"But don't worry, as long as the news is not leaked, it is not dangerous. Because the child came early and avoided the dangerous period."

It is almost an iron rule that wizard couples will have children after a year, and there are few exceptions, so it has become a blind spot in thinking.

Now, he has not yet gained momentum and has received little attention. It is the perfect time to have children.

Selena understood: "Dear, I understand."

But this is not enough.

Rosen also plans to secretly cast some destiny blessing spells on Selena and the surrounding areas of Crescent Castle to completely hide the matter of the child and avoid being spied on by interested people to the greatest extent.

No words were spoken all night.

Early the next morning, Rosen, who was fully prepared, put on a cold leather windbreaker, picked up a box, got on a carriage, and left Crescent Castle with his wife watching.

When the lord travels, he is naturally escorted by guards, but at the same time, Rosen also brought a newly built puppet No. 3.

As for puppet No. 2, it will stay in the Crescent Castle. In case of any special events, Selena can control the rescue scene on his behalf.

Along the way, Rosen hid in the dark, and puppet No. 3 came out.

The road from Crescent City to Sturgeon Wharf has been tempered, wide and flat, and the carriage runs very fast.

It didn't take long to arrive at the wharf. A total of 10 senior knights and 20 intermediate knights formed the Baron Guard. They boarded a small and medium-sized wooden cargo ship over 40 meters long and set off from the port.

It happened to be a favorable wind, and the ship was not big, so the speed was very fast.

They set off at 7 o'clock in the morning, crossed the Wind Rest Strait at 9:30, and arrived at the Broken Gold Wharf in Xialin City.

Because it was a public envoy who had to show his identity, he found the wharf management office as soon as he landed and asked one of the guard knights to report his identity.

The dock supervisor was a middle-aged man with a big belly and a half-bald head. Rosen's database had information about this guy, called 'Goldlin', who was a bully.

He chatted with the guard knight for a few words, and then walked towards Rosen with a smile on his face.

When he arrived in front of him, he smiled before speaking: "Baron, the Earl ordered me to wait for your arrival here. He said that as soon as you come, go directly to Maple Leaf Castle."

"By the way, the Earl also prepared a carriage for you and a horse for your guard knight."

He nodded and pointed to the warehouse next to the dock management office, his attitude was extremely good.

Today is different from the past.

All of Xialin City knows that the white sturgeon baron across the sea has received a generous dowry from the princess. He is very rich and has recruited many people from Xialin City at a high price.

Goldlin has a relative who makes a living on the white sturgeon island. The salary is very generous, even he is a little envious.

Rosen nodded calmly: "Then I'll trouble the supervisor."

Ordinary people are like this, their minds are as ethereal as duckweed, they will feel inexplicable contempt for strangers because of some rumors, and they will also feel inexplicable respect for the same reason.

As for Rosen, the ten-ring soul gave him an extremely tough heart. He would not get angry because of others' arrogance, nor would he be complacent because of others' respect.

But he still had to be polite.

Because there were few gentlemen in the world and many villains, and he also needed to create a wealthy image of the White Sturgeon Island to reverse the general contempt of the world for the White Sturgeon Island.

Because only when people were yearning for it would more people be willing to join him.

Considering that the dock manager seemed glamorous, but in fact his annual salary was only more than 80 Oggs, he handed over a bounty of 5 Oggs.

Sure enough, Goldrin was so happy that he couldn't find the north, and his waist was bent and his chin was about to touch the ground.

He got on the carriage, and the guard knights rode on horses and rushed all the way to Maple Leaf Castle.

Along the way, he could see his guard knights looking around, their eyes full of surprise, and they were obviously dazzled by the scenery of the big city.

Although this countryman's performance was a bit embarrassing, it didn't matter. He would just take him out for a few more trips.

Soon they arrived at Maple Leaf Castle.

Maple Leaf Castle also received the news early, and the butler Abru was waiting at the drawbridge door outside the castle.

As soon as he saw the carriage, he immediately walked up to greet him and said respectfully: "Baron, the Earl has ordered that you go directly to see him when you arrive."

Compared with the last time, this treatment is really much higher.

Rosen smiled: "Then please lead the way, Mr. Abru."

He looked calm on the surface, but he was still a little nervous in his heart.

Because he was about to meet the mentor, he was a little worried about being scolded by the mentor.

Don't panic, book friends, the main line of the lord development in this book will not be collected as soon as you meet one. Like the deep-sea banshee who seeks pleasure all day long, how can mortals afford it?

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