People who tested themselves yesterday will definitely have earth-based magic and ice-based magic, although it is very common, but try it, so that you can better judge who it is. So he planned to let Ian and Michael test it to test their mental conjecture to see if it was what he thought.

"One of you is wind magic, and the other is earth magic, right? "

Tang Yu asked them, remember that it was like this, but they couldn't remember it clearly.

The two of them nodded, and then Tang Yu continued.

"I want you to help me test who in the Dawn Empire can use earth magic and ice magic. "

Michael was a little jumpy, but Ian was hesitant. Tang Yu saw that Ian seemed to have something to say, and hesitated a little, so he said to Ian.

"Ian, if you have anything to say, you can say it. "

Ian said with some embarrassment.

"What reason do we use to test them, besides, although there are many women in the Dawn Empire, there are also quite a lot of powerful ones, what if we are exposed, it will also cause a lot of trouble to the Imperial Academy of the provinces and cities." "

Michael also hesitated at this time, and he didn't think about these things, so he was a little reckless.

Tang Yu nodded, Ian has always been the most thoughtful one, yes, he also has plans, but he hasn't had time to say it yet, so he continued.

"They hid before, hid to test me, what kind of magic have awakened, I can also let you temporarily hide your Tanabata, not to be noticed, don't worry, they won't think it's you, I'm better than them, I will let them feel that your breath is their own family breath, isn't it more fun, after all, they themselves will also hide, not let others notice, they want to play, we will accompany them, have a good time." "

Tang Yu played with the medicinal materials in his hand and sneered, these people, the people who hate one set on the outside and one behind their backs, not only deceive themselves, but even their own master has to deceive, this is no wonder to themselves, although they don't want to admit that they are cheap masters, but they are their own masters, and if they lose people, they go out to see themselves, maybe they will say, Tang Yu's master......... , it's a shame, master, the apprentice will help you solve it, don't worry.

"Master, keep your eyes open, watch carefully, don't be deceived by women. "

Tang Yu thought to himself, of course these can't be seen by Staqian, otherwise he will worship the plan. I can talk to the master in secret, and of course others can, and no one can stop anything.

So Tang Yu began to refine the elixir, and took out some medicinal materials that had just matured from the space ring, and some hidden medicinal materials treasured in the warehouse, he thought he couldn't use them, but he didn't expect to use them so quickly, what kind of people to deal with, what kind of means to use.

"Tang Yu, you are too powerful, what elixir. "

I really admire it, the strength is strong, and the refining medicine is so powerful, many, tsk, tsk, a talent that is rare in a hundred years.

"That's it, Senior Tang Yu is a rare rare Grandmaster Alchemist, those villains, do you still think that our Senior Tang Yu is at their mercy? "

Michael hated the behavior of those villains too much, and he had no real strength, so he played these little tricks, what kind of hero is a hero, it's really hateful.

"Okay, since they use villain's methods against us, of course we can't use a gentleman's behavior against them, right, then we can't blame me for being bored, I didn't provoke myself, and we wouldn't provoke them, after all, a group of women still want them to come, and what I don't like the most is that the femme fatale, scheming, and contrived woman. "

Tang Yu listened to Michael's words, and felt funny, cute and relieved.

"That's it, it's clear that in addition to being docile, well-behaved and cute, women are capable of domineering, independent, thoughtful, and scheming, but no one likes them. "

Michael continued.

After a while, the elixir in Tang Yu's medicine furnace was also refined. He gave the elixir to Ian and Michael.

Suddenly, the lord system had a voice again after a long absence.

Ding! Congratulations to the master!Unlock the task of refining the hidden elixir!Task rewards: two breath change cards, two strength improvement cards, two fast movement speed cards, and 20,000 gold coins.

This lord system, as always, is humane, and he plans to quickly refine the elixir of breath change, which is easy to say, and there are two strength improvement cards, and two fast movement speed cards, which is better, the strength is improved, and the other party can't feel that it's him, and he can't catch Ian and Michael after the speed increases, which is good.

"You take the pill first. "

After Tang Yu finished speaking, Ian and Michael obediently took the pill. After seeing them finish taking the pill, take out the two strength improvement cards and the two fast movement speed cards, and tell them.

"You use the strength improvement card first, after the strength increases, they will not easily suspect you, and then use the fast movement card, once successful, immediately use the fast movement skill to come back, then they will not be able to catch you at all. "

After listening to Tang Yu's words, the two of them were extremely excited, it was too exciting, it was really good. Then Tang Yu took out the breath change card again, handed it to them, and then said.

"This is the most important step, to change your breath so that they think it is their own people who are making trouble, and when the time comes, it will be enough for them to start a period of infighting, and give them a little lesson. "

The two of them quickly caught the breath change card, they have been exposed to too many strange things recently, they are so excited, they are going to do a big business, and they are inexplicably a little excited.

"You have to calm down, although we are going to play, teach them a lesson, and test them, but it's best not to take it lightly, after all, they are not too bad, don't underestimate the enemy, the effect of the medicine will not last long, come back when you are done, come back as soon as possible." "

When the two of them heard Tang Yu's words, they instantly calmed down, and then said very seriously.

"We got it. "

Then he went in the direction of the Dawn Empire's room.

After arriving at the Dawn Empire, sure enough, no one found out about the existence of the two of them, and their breath was obviously fused with the breath of their clan in the Dawn Empire, so the two of them began to try, some people thought that the people of the same race were joking with themselves, and many people easily tried to find out, and finally Catherine and Jared, the two Ian and Michael were not easily tempted, because Tang Yu told them that these two people had better observe carefully, but they were really not tempting, and they also knew that these two people must not be so simple, so they observed silently in secret。 _

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