"You say, Senior Tang Yu, why is it so sure that the people of the Dawn Empire are playing tricks. "

Michael watched Catherine and Jared sit and talk all the time, it was too boring, so he asked Ian because he couldn't figure it out.

"Whether you are stupid or not, you will know if you analyze it. "

Ian was looking at Catherine and Jared carefully when Michael suddenly spoke to him.

"I don't understand how to analyze it. "

Michael still didn't understand, and kept asking Ian, but Ian was annoyed, so he explained it to Michael.

"The Arthurian Empire has been completely wiped out, and this directly excludes the possibility, right?"

Ian looked at Michael and asked him, Michael nodded, he knew this.

"Then you then think, what kind of people are the Divine Dragon Family?"

Ian then asks Michael, who thinks for a few seconds before continuing.

"Arrogant, every day there is no one in his eyes, he thinks that we are all weak, and he has always strung his noble bloodline. "

Ian asked.

"Then do you think their Divine Dragon Clan will do something petty?"

Ian looked at Michael, and Michael said directly.

"That's definitely not going to happen, they're afraid that their blood will be tarnished, no one will bother to do something tricky, they're generally straightforward, and if there's anything to say, it's still impossible for them. "

Michael denied it directly, and the Divine Dragon and their family were very polite, and he still had a good impression of that Cynthia's arrogant and cold beauty.

"That's it, who's left now. "

Now that the analysis is out, Ian asked Michael.

"Dawn Empire. "

Michael replied subconsciously. Then Ian nodded, and then looked at Catherine and Jared, who still didn't move.

But Michael still couldn't figure it out.

"Stacy and Old Dean Horace have a good relationship, this can't be the case. "

Anyway, the old dean's friends for decades, I heard that they are still good friends, how can it be the Dawn Empire.

"You, you, you're stupid, a woman's heart is a needle, there are many things you don't understand, learn slowly. "

Ian really couldn't explain it to Michael, so he simply gave up and didn't explain, so be it.

Michael scratched his head, he didn't want to think about it, it was too brain-consuming, and it was really not suitable for him, it would be better to make some effort by himself, and leave the brain-wasting work to Ian.

"Hurry up and watch. "

Ian looked back, Michael, who was still thinking, glanced at Michael with hateful eyes, and then asked him to quickly stare at Catherine and Jared.

Michael saw that the two of them had not made any other moves, so he had been resting, and the conversation was nothing, and he didn't have a good impression of Jia Lide, who was neither male nor female, and he didn't want to see him at all, maybe it was a normal phenomenon in their Dawn Empire, but he still couldn't accept Jia Lide's phenomenon for the time being, it was really weird, I couldn't accept it, I really didn't want to stare at it, but for the task issued by Tang Yu, I still had to endure it, look!

"Why don't you see they are doing it, can't we be tempted? After all, it's been so long. "

Hearing Michael say this, Ian was a little hesitant, is the time now, and then just wanted to say, then let's try and try, Catherine and Jared on the opposite side began to regulate the magic energy, which is called hard work pays off, finally, finally let them catch it, so the two people who successfully completed the task moved quickly and returned to the room, Tang Yu sat calmly on the stool, drinking tea, only Amiya, walking around, very uneasy.

"Amiya, are you worried about the two of us, why are you so nervous. "

Michael watched Amiya walk back and forth, and then spoke.

"yes, what if you get caught, whatever, you don't find out. "

Amiya hurriedly stepped forward to ask, she was about to die in a hurry.

"Of course, perfect for the job. "

Michael has a little bit of pride.

"Ian, give me a brief. "

Michael glared at Ian and looked at Tang Yu sadly, why don't you call yourself, it's not because you're too unstable.

Ian gagged in front of Tang Yu, intending to report. Ian gave Tang Yu a rough overview of the magic system of the people in the clan, and finally Catherine and the magic system of the family.

"When we first started observing Catherine and Jared, they were sitting and talking, and you told us that we couldn't easily test the two of them, so we didn't tempt, and then after a while, they themselves started to escape from the magical energy, so we grabbed a void and saw their magical energy system, one is earth-based magic, the other is ice-based magic, and we saw it very clearly, not mistakenly. "

After listening to Ian's report, Tang Yu was even more convinced in his heart, his previous thoughts, it seemed that he couldn't easily underestimate them.

Catherine and their side, after Catherine and Jared finished recuperating, they went out for a walk, and found that the clansmen were discussing who was hiding their whereabouts just now, and they tested all the people here, and now Catherine was angry, and she looked completely different from her usual appearance in front of Tang Yu.

"When has it been, still playing? If I find out who it is, I don't think you have to go back alive, admit to me sooner that it's okay, and if you let me be caught, don't beg me for mercy, you all know my temper." "

Catherine said a bunch of things angrily, Tang Yu's matter has not been solved yet, they are so lazy.

At this time, Jared also spoke.

"Everyone, regulate their magical energy, don't be so lazy. "

Jia Lide's previous personality was also pretended, it seems that these two people are really acting skills like actors, respectable.

Catherine and Jared then returned to the room and continued their conversation.

"The game is about to start, is there a way to deal with Tang Yu?"

Catherine asked Jared, worried.

Jared shook his head and said not yet, with an anxious look on his face.

"How to complete Master's task now, this soup fish is also really powerful, suddenly popping up such a powerful person, I don't know this year's Chosen Battle, the first place, we have no chance. "

"Do your best, you can do it. "

Jared comforted Catherine that the woman in front of her had done enough to feed Stacy and had done her best. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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