Arvid looked at the bodies of Catherine and Jared, he carefully checked the body, there were no external injuries, and the possibility of fighting with people was ruled out, that is, no one came to this room, and judging from the breath of the whole room, there was no breath of any other family, it was the breath of the Dawn Empire, and the possibility of outsiders coming to fight was ruled out, so it was possible to be poisoned, but of course Arvid also checked, there was no trace of poisoning at all, so the poisoning article was also ruled out, oops, what a headache, what is going on, could it be that he cultivated by himself and went mad, so he died violently。 That's troublesome, how to explain this to Stacy, who started a fire, a little scary, and then looked around.

"This Horace, where did he go, he can usually be seen everywhere, how can he get to the moment of optimism, this Horace, it is difficult to comfort his little lover, but seeing that Stacy is so angry, Horace does not dare to step forward, this dead old man, at the critical moment, where is he going, you can't leave these things to yourself, it would be too unrighteous, always have to help yourself. "

Arvid was alone, in front of the two corpses, chattering, in fact, what was the use of Horace coming, Horace knew that Catherine and Jared were fine, and the two 'corpses' here were just two made by his own apprentices. The corpse', I can't check anything at all, and I'm asking for trouble when I stay, it's better to go out and talk to the apprentice for a while, let Avid worry about it alone, this Avid is really, he has lived for such a long time, although his strength is much worse than his own, but he can't see it, these two bodies' The corpse', it's fake, it's too stupid, in fact, I don't blame Avid, for so many years, where would anyone make a corpse, no matter who didn't think of it, not to mention, I can't tell the truth from the fake at all, Tang Yu's craftsmanship is also amazing, I always feel so strange when I say that the craftsmanship is so strange, but in short, it's very powerful, it's very powerful, no one has found it at all, these two 'corpses' are fake, even Stasi, I can't distinguish them. A moment later, Stacy came over and asked Arvid.

"Arvid, what's going on with your thorough investigation. "

Avid grimaced, cautiously speaking to Stassy.

"I checked all the places in the room of the Dawn Empire, and there are no traces of people from other families, and you know, with my ability, as long as someone comes in, I will definitely find it, but obviously, no one from an outside family has come here. "

Of course, who is Tang Yu, how can he leave traces for you, and at the same time, Horace also asked Tang Yu.

"How have the traces of Michael and Ian been to the Dawn Empire's room have been handled. "

Horace took a sip of water, looked very powerful, and said to Horace.

"That must be dealt with, and it doesn't depend on who I am Tang Yu. "

Horace glanced at Tang Yu.

"It's a man. "

Tang Yu pursed his lips, he really didn't know how to laugh, he was so cold Horace, he didn't like the current Horace.

When Stacy heard Arvid's answer, she began to get anxious and hurriedly said to Arvid.

"You can't see if anyone has been to the Imperial room, you should also take a look, and investigate where Jared and Catherine have been, in case someone harms them outside the room and ends up being sent back to the room. "

In fact, Avid thought about this problem, it's just that as long as someone has come in, he will definitely be able to find traces of that person, but he has never found any traces of any other clansmen coming in, this is very strange, and he can't explain to Stacy himself, and he can't slander people casually.

"But as long as someone comes in, as you said, someone may harm Catherine and Jared and then send them back, but there is no trace of anyone from another family coming in here, if you don't believe in my ability, you can check it yourself. "

Stasi lowered her head, how can she not believe it, Avid's ability Stacy knows, if Avid can't detect it, then how can he detect it, let alone say that Avid will shield anyone, Avid is the most just, so he is willing to hand over this matter directly to Avid, but now he can't find out anything, is it possible, Catherine and Jared were really not killed by Tang Yu, he didn't dare to imagine that everything he was planning for not only did not succeed, but also killed Catherine and Jared, Avid watched Stasi collapse and hurriedly comforted。

"Don't be too sad, there is only one possibility now, there are no external injuries, no traces of poisoning, no bloodstains, it is very likely that they, in order to improve themselves, cultivated and went crazy, and no one rescued them in time, so they died violently. "

Listening to Arvid's words, Stacy collapsed even more, in order to improve herself, she still forced herself, forced them to defeat Tang Yu, so they went crazy, it's all their own fault, it's all their own fault, why are they so confused, they just killed the lives of the two children, Stacy lay on Catherine and Jared and cried bitterly. Looking at the crying Stasi, Avid couldn't bear to look at it, and lost two apprentices like her own children at the same time, Stacy must be very sad, this Horace, why hasn't he appeared now, he shouldn't have appeared, he is swaying around when he shouldn't have appeared, why is he so distracted.

Suddenly, Stacy lost her voice, and Avid looked back, Stacy fainted from crying, so she hurriedly put Stacy in the room, and she couldn't take care of it, so she hurriedly whispered to Horace.

"Horace, you bad old man, where are you dead, come quickly, your old lover Stacy has fainted. "

Horace was in Tang Yu's room at this time, and when he heard Arvid's secret words, he stood up immediately, and Tang Yu looked at his master's performance and was very puzzled.

"Master, what's wrong. "

Horace looked at Tang Yu and said to Tang Yu.

Stacy fainted from tears. "

Tang Yu looked at the master who was still standing in a daze, and quickly grabbed the master and said as he spoke.

"Then why don't you hurry over, why are you stunned here, hurry up, go to Stacy, Stacy needs your care now." "

Horace glanced at Tang Yu, and then rushed out, Tang Yu also followed slowly, the show was about to start, and he was going to watch the play. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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