When Horace arrives at Stassy's room, Arvid stands guard at the door, sees Horace who is late, and shouts at Horace.

"Where have you gone, you're gone when I use you, how can I always see you..."

Before Arvid could finish speaking, Horace rushed in.

"Eh, I haven't finished yet, you're in too much of a hurry. "

Then he entered the room with Tang Yu, who followed behind, and stood at the door of the room, looking at Stacy and Horace. Arvid touched Tang Yu with his elbow and said to Tang Yu.

"Hey, you said that your master and the two of them will be together in the end. "

Tang Yu frowned and looked at Avid, he didn't expect Avid to be so old and still so gossipy, so Tang Yu said to Avid.

"Why, you want to bet it. "

Avid pouted, this Tang Yu is really exactly the same as his master, he doesn't dare to bet with them, he can't afford to provoke them, so Avid hurriedly said.

"Don't fight, don't fight, can't afford to fight. "

So the two men looked at each other and smiled, then at Stacy and Horace.

Horace looked at Stacy lying on the bed with no blood on her face, and her face was full of distress.

After a while, Stacy woke up, and saw Horace in front of the bed looking at her with pity on his face, so she turned her head away and held back tears.

Horace saw that Stacy didn't want to look at him, so he spoke.

"I'm sorry. "

Stacy still turned her head and said to Horace.

"What do you have to be sorry for me.

Stacy didn't know yet, Horace at this time, already knew everything, the story about Stacy, of course, in this story, there was also Horace, but Horace just knew.

"I'm sorry to make you suffer so much alone, I'm sorry, I didn't understand you well, and, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were Mingrid's daughter....."

Hearing Horace mention Minried, Akane turned her head and looked at Horace with a shocked expression, but after a while, she calmed down and said to Horace.

"You know everything?"

Horace nodded, and continued.

"I really don't know, that day, the innocent little girl I knew, the little girl who entered my heart when we first met was Ming Lide's daughter, but I remember, Mingming....."

That's when Stacy answered.

"You obviously killed the Ming Reid family, including his only daughter, right? "

Horace lowered his head and nodded, no one in the family survived at that time, he was checked, how could there be an accident, it was rare at this time, and I don't know who the little girl who died at the Minglid family at that time. At this time, Stacy cried.

"It was my parents who were afraid that I would be lonely, and bought a maid of my age from the bazaar, he was an orphan, and he had been suffering before he came to our house, and it was the first day he came to our house, and I didn't have time to say a few more words to him, I just went out to pick fruit for him to eat, but I didn't expect to be murdered, and before I could call his name a few more times, he left, he was still so young, and he could just start a happy life. "

Horace also didn't know, he really didn't know about the little girl, and now it was too late to say anything, so he could only say sorry over and over again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really don't know. "

Stacy began to get emotional.

"What can you do if you say sorry 10,000 times, can my father and mother come back, can the little girl come back, can my childhood change, what have I been here for the past few years, do you know, every time I smile at you, how painful my heart is, but in order to please you, who knows that your favorite is my smiling face, I didn't smile at you, my heart was like a knife, I felt sorry for my dead father and mother. "

Seeing that Horace still looked like he was still bowing his head and had no momentum at all, Tang Yu was in a hurry, what's going on with this Horace, hurry up and tell her, otherwise if it goes on like this, how long will it take to be entangled, what an old stubborn, like a fool in front of love, Arvid also saw it, what's the situation, I watched a big show today, what's the matter, Horace killed Stacy's parents? How can it be possible to kill people for no reason, impossible things, anyway, Arvid will not believe it, what kind of person Horace is, Arvid knows best, after all, the two of them grew up together, Horace can't kill people for no reason, so there must be a reason, so why Horace doesn't tell Stassi the truth, like Tang Yu's thoughts, Arvid also feels that Horace is because of love, their love is too bumpy, and they have been experiencing so much, and they can't see this in the eyes of outsiders.

"Horace and Stacy have so many stories, it's amazing. "

Avid said to Tang Yu, who glanced at Avid and then said to Avid.

"Everybody has their own story, you just don't know it. "

Yes, everyone has a story, how can you know that everyone's story, different people, different stories.

Horace looked at Stacy who was crying with excitement, his heart ached, and said to Stacy.

"If you think that my death can make the hatred in your heart a little less, and can not make you so painful, then, I can choose to be killed by you. "

Stacy looked at Horace, is the man he loves, how to make a choice, let himself end up alone, what kind of life is this, why force yourself to make such a choice, if you can start over, you must not know Horace, it's too difficult, why let yourself know Horace first, and then have the hatred of your parents, why didn't you kill yourself together in the first place.

"How do you make me choose, Horace, it's impossible for me to give up on you, if I give up on you, I really have nothing, I just have hatred, I hate you, I hope you can be punished, so that I can be worthy of my parents, but, how do you let me watch you die, after so many years, I already have feelings. "

Horace looked up at Stacy, he knew, he knew, it was all his fault that Stacy had suffered for so many years, but the things of the year were not up to him, I hope that time can be repeated, if it can be repeated, there will not be so many rights and wrongs. This_

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