Arvid looked around the four seats, sat on the viewing platform where he was still left, and thought, what is going on, why is it the end, only himself is left, this year's battle in the ring is really an extra thing, hurry up and end it, and you can leave when you are over.

"The battle in the ring is about to begin, please take your place in your designated position. "

After a while, the few remaining families in the audience came. The people from the Dawn Empire didn't come, the leaders were always gone, and there was no need to participate, Michael saw that the people from the Dawn Empire didn't come, so he pointed to the audience of the Dawn Empire and said.

"Well, you see, the people of the Dawn Empire are not here. "

At this point, Michael quickly shut his mouth, and then sat down carefully, and shrunk back in his seat, for he found that everyone was looking at him, and that he was too loud.

Tang Yu looked at Michael helplessly, Michael's character is going to suffer early and late, and he is not stable at all, sometimes it is necessary to let Michael experience something, otherwise he doesn't know the suffering of the world at all.

The first game is about to start, because now only the people of the Holy Dragon Family and the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire are left, so the two teams draw lots, and the people with equal strength are drawn against each other, so everyone draws the corresponding person.

Tang Yu looked at the sign in his hand, Deborah, the strength is quite equal, forget it, only she and herself can fight at present, Tang Yu and Deborah's battle is the last one.

Michael looked at his order, and in the first scene, his face instantly drooped.

"I... It was actually the first one. "

Amiya leaned over to look at it, hahaha, unlucky boy, actually drew the first game, and then suddenly held back a laugh, and patted Michael's shoulder with a serious expression.

"Child, you can, believe in yourself. "

Michael shook off Amia's hand on his shoulder, when was it, and he was still joking like this, and it was actually the tone of the dean.

Michael walked to the ring with heavy steps, and the opponent saw Michael's helpless face, and suddenly his momentum rose, it turned out that the doll on the other side was scared, afraid to come here, so let yourself solve this game as soon as possible.

Arvid gave the order, and the first game began.

The opponent gave Michael a powerful ice magic ice blade, and Michael dodged it with difficulty, and his sleeve was cut.

At this time, Amiya and Ian began to stand up anxiously, and Tang Yu was the only one who sat quietly.

"Sit down and don't worry. "

Tang Yu said to the two of them.

The opponent saw that Michael even had to dodge the ice blade with his own strength, and relaxed his vigilance a little, this game, it seemed that he had to win, so he shook them lightly, and tried to freeze Michael, but at first Michael did not attack, just defended.

Later, Michael waited for the opportunity to send out, when the opponent sent out a large rain of ice blades, Michael began to attack, because the opponent was light on the enemy, so the ice blade rain released by the opponent did not have much power, Michael's wind magic was released, and all the ice magic ice blade rain turned around and turned in the direction of the opponent.

The general wind magic is unable to completely block the opponent's attack, but because of the blessing of Tang Yudan, magic potion, and magic upgrade card, everything is different, and in addition, the opponent is light on the enemy, and the magic energy is not used much, so this game is the opponent's injury and defeat, and Michael's victory is over.

Michael returned to his seat, rushed over directly, jumped on Ian, and then clapped his hands happily with Amiya, Tang Yu looked at Michael and smiled with satisfaction.

Finally, Michael turned around and bowed to Tang Yu.

"Senior Tang Yu, thanks to you, without you, I don't necessarily panic. "

Ian and Amiya both looked at Michael and Tang Yu suspiciously. So Michael explained.

"When I first drew the first game, I really panicked when I knew who the opponent was, and then Senior Tang Yu told me to show panic, don't attack first at the beginning, and keep defending, so that the enemy is easy to underestimate the enemy, weaken vigilance, and launch an attack when the enemy's defense ability is the weakest, and win with one blow. "

Michael said this very proudly, he was still the senior Tang Yu he admired the most, Ian and Amiya looked like this, no wonder Tang Yu was so calm.

Immediately afterwards, Ian and Amiya are going to play, for the two of them, Tang Yu is not worried at all, Ian is steady and can think, Amiya is more powerful, but a little unconfident.

Ian and Amiya both won the game effortlessly, Amiya happily stepped off the stage, Ian still didn't have too many expressions, a cold face except for the previous Aggreko matter, a little worried look, other times there were not too many words and expressions, everyone was used to it, as for Amiya and Michael, the two of them happily high-fived and celebrated.

"How are we going to celebrate? "

Michael thought about celebrating, and Amiya touched Michael and said.

"And Tang Yu didn't have a game. "

Michael quickly shut up, but thought about it and said.

"Senior Tang Yu is definitely no problem. "

Amiya thought about it, Tang Yu dealt with that Deborah very easily.

Immediately after that, the game ended in a group of groups, so in the end, it was finally the tiebreaker, which was about the ranking of the first and second places, the last match between Tang Yu and Deborah, the tiebreaker finally came, and everyone was waiting for this moment.

However, looking at Deborah opposite him, Tang Yu thought to himself, he couldn't beat a woman, besides, Deborah and their Divine Dragon Family had never played tricks on themselves, so it was not easy for him to attack directly.

And Deborah on the other side knows that Tang Yu has strength, but he doesn't know how strong the specific strength is, before letting Cynthia and them number them because they didn't have any chance of winning the game, now, let's try it yourself, what kind of ability does he Tang Yu have.

At the beginning of the game, Deborah began to attack violently, Tang Yu just dodged and did not attack, but Deborah launched all the energy attacks, which were like small attacks for Tang Yu, they were easy to dodge and effortless, and in the end, Deborah was already out of breath and exhausted, and Tang Yu was still in good spirits.

So Deborah took the initiative to throw in the towel.

"I throw in the towel. "

At the end of the game, Tang Yusheng, the first place worthy of the name of the battle of the chosen ones, looking at the back of Tang Yu who stepped down, Deborah made up her mind in her heart, this powerful man is the body of the law god. _

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