The final result came out, and the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire and the Divine Dragon Family, both in their own family seats, waited quietly for Avid to announce the final result.

Michael's nervous palms were sweaty, and he kept rubbing them on his clothes.

"Okay, don't move too much, I'm nervous. "

Amiya looked at the nervous Michael, she was emotional, and she unconsciously began to panic, but Ian was still so calm, I really couldn't imagine that such a calm temperament should be a character at this age.

Amiya and Michael, shaking their heads at the same time, waited for Avid to announce the final results.

Tang Yu is also the same calm, Tang Yu is calm, in the eyes of Michael and Amiya, it is not strange at all, he has strength, what he is nervous about, what he is afraid of, he doesn't have to care about anything.

Deborah looked at Tang Yu, who was sitting on the seat of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire.

Arvid, coughed, the audience fell silent, Arvid looked at the people on the field, and looked at Tang Yu. I thought, Horace, you old man, your apprentice is so powerful, you don't come to see it, you know that you can't see this scene, why don't you let me take your apprentice away.

"Let me make an announcement. "

The entire ring fell silent, listening to Horace speak.

"Fifth place in the battle of the ring, Michael. "

Only the top five will be announced, and the later rankings will be promulgated in the follow-up.

Michael's palms were sweating a lot, his whole hands were cold, and when he heard his name, he was about to jump, but he was dragged by Ian, and at this time, cheering himself, wasn't he looking for excitement.

Tang Yu glanced at Michael, it was really not easy to hold back, and then he saw that Ian was tugging Michael's arm, so it was, or Ian knew the general, this Michael, it was too much.

Amiya also looked at Michael with a disgusted face, announcing the fifth place, the fifth place is too bad, after all, the battle of the chosen one, for the whole family, the most anticipated is the first place, which family the first place is, then the final honor is, which family.

The first place must be Tang Yu of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priests, so when the first place comes, the whole family cheers together, that is the happiest time, when it is so quiet, suddenly shouting, or many people think that our Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire is not polite, one person represents the face of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire.

Immediately afterward, Arvid, then announced.

"The Chosen One, fourth, Ian. "

Looking back at Ian, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the rest was gone, sure enough, he was good at controlling his emotions, Ian did a great job, and Tang Yu was very satisfied.

The people of the Divine Dragon Family, hearing that there were two people in a row, both of them were from their Saint Imperial Academy, began to panic, it had always been that the honor was their own Divine Dragon Family's Saint Empire Imperial Academy This time, what was going on, did they suddenly counterattack, why was it so powerful.

In this way, I am afraid that this year's honor of God will not be the turn of their own family, but their family will not sneer at their opponents because they lose the game, they can afford to win and lose.

They won't look down on anyone, they won't do some small tricks in secret, their Divine Dragon Family is the kind of person they despise the most.

Avid then announced.

"The Chosen One, third place, Amiya. "

Amiya smiled happily when she heard that it was herself, and then looked at Tang Yu, her eyes were full of excitement and happiness, Tang Yu also looked at Amiya and nodded, Amiya did a great job.

What she taught Amiya, Amiya has learned, she is worthy of being a little genius of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire, and she is also doing a great job, Amiya did not show her happiness too much, and tried to restrain her emotions, it was not yet the end, and it was not yet time to announce the first place.

On the side of the Divine Dragon Family, there is extra tension, because when it comes to the battle of the last two, it will be closed, and the people around will not be able to see it.

They don't know, what the final result is, they play, only Avid can see it, and of course they can't see it either, so the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, and the Holy Dragon Family, are all looking forward to the announcement of the final result, which is a decisive result.

The later development of his own family and the world ranking of his own family are very meaningful, if a certain family wins the first place in the battle of the Chosen One, in the next ten years, you will be the strongest, the battle of the Chosen once every ten years, too many people have pinned their hopes, and even some people have paid their lives for the first place, and will do whatever it takes.

In the eyes of some people, the honor of their family is more important than their own lives, so they are willing to give their lives, in Tang Yu's eyes, it is like this, to recognize clearly, their own strength and status, if they do not have real strength, coming here is a waste of life.

You have ambitions and ideals, that's okay, no problem, but for the sake of your mouth, the so-called ideals, the so-called honor, resulting in the loss of life, the sacrifice you think, what you think will be remembered by someone, but some people will say that you are stupid.

For the honor of a family, life has been paid, and you haven't enjoyed anything else, people's lives are inherently short, if you give up your life easily because of this, I really don't know what to say.

Michael clenched his fists, and it was the most critical moment, he was very nervous, and so was Amiya, his palms were sweaty, and he was even more nervous than he was at that time, and Ian was also a little nervous, after all, this is related to the whole family, can you not be nervous, it is strange not to be nervous. Tang Yu looked at a few of them and smiled.

Arvid spoke, announcing second place.

"The Chosen One, second place, Deborah. "

On the side of the Divine Dragon Family, there was no momentum all of a sudden, the whole family was depressed, Michael and Amiya, suppressed the excitement in their hearts, they couldn't be happy on their side when they were low and low, how could they be, after Avid announced it, no matter how happy they were, it would be very unkind to them, Amiya motioned to the family members behind her, restraining her mood.

You can't suddenly explode at this time, and you will be looked down upon.

Arvid spoke, announcing the first place.

"The Battle of the Chosen One, first place, Tang Yu. "

"Wow!!! Senior Tang Yu is the best. "

Michael couldn't help it and shouted first, followed by the whole family began to applaud.

The entire Imperial Academy of the Holy Priests fell into a state of extreme excitement, happy, excited, and rejoicing. _

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