Tang Yu looked at Ian in front of him, the most important thing is that he has no self-confidence, for Ian, many times, there are some things, he doesn't think so much, and he doesn't want to exchange his opinions with others, so a lot of things are piled up in his heart.

Ian just can't be open to the outside world, so many times when he can improve, Ian misses it, Tang Yu is also a special body Ian feels a pity, because Ian's talent is very good, as long as he changes his personality, there will be no problem.

Tang Yu's own strength, he knows best, he has gone from step by step to the current four-star great demon master, so he is also very experienced, and now since the old dean Horace, for his little lover, let his apprentice help him and manage these people, then Tang Yu will want to help the old dean Horace and manage it.

Tang Yu wanted to let him, when the old dean Horace came back, let him take a look, himself Tang Yu, how great his apprentice's ability is, whether it is strength or others, such as the current management education ability, it is excellent, Tang Yu is not comparable to ordinary people.

But it's this Ian, it's too unenlightened, there are some things, you tell Ian directly, Ian doesn't know, you don't tell Ian, tact, Ian doesn't know, this is a small trouble, but for Tang Yu, it's a waste of time, and in other aspects, Tang Yu can still handle it.

Tang Yu looked at Ian, who was still very dull in front of him, and then said very seriously to Ian.

"Ian, if you keep going like this, your strength will be wasted, and you won't be able to play it at all, your real strength, you came to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire, your real thoughts when you came here, is this the case. "

Tang Yu saw Ian move slightly, his hands clenched tightly into fists, Tang Yu knew that if he was a little more serious and analyzed Ian's current situation, Ian's heart would definitely be shaken, Tang Yu saw Ian very thoroughly, and he didn't know when Ian would be able to really open up.

Tang Yu knew that he must have spoken to Ian's heart, for Ian, many things, as long as you analyze with Ian very seriously, and talk about some points, Ian will definitely consider it, think about it very seriously, and Tang Yu After observing for such a long time, Tang Yu feels that it should be said to be sure now.

Tang Yu believes that the most important thing for Ian is that when he comes to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire and cultivates well, Ian must also have a lot of ideals and ambitions, all of which he wants to come to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire to complete, so Ian must not want to hear others say that he doesn't have that kind of strength, he doesn't have that kind of ability, and he may come to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire, and he will never be able to complete what he wanted to accomplish before.

So when Tang Yu saw Ian's reaction, he knew that he must not have guessed something wrong, so Tang Yu struck while the iron was hot, looked at Ian who was bowing his head and clenching his fists.

"You know, I've given you a lot of advice before, why don't you think about it for yourself, if you think a lot for yourself, maybe it won't be the current situation. "

Tang Yu felt that this Ian should have a bottom and a plan in his heart, but it was just possible, the current Ian didn't think about it so much, but your current situation is just immersed in your own world, and there will be no progress at all, so you can't let Ian continue like this, so Tang Yu kept looking at Ian and waiting for Ian to react a little.

But Ian, just lowered his head and reacted very little, Tang Yu was a little anxious, but Tang Yu knew that it was useless for him to be anxious, it had to be that Ian himself understood something, so that there would not be so many things.

So Tang Yu looked at Ian and said to Ian.

"Ian, think about it yourself, is this wrong, you should make some changes, shouldn't it be like this all the time, do you think your current self has made a little progress, will it be that you have done something wrong, if you keep doing this, will you get something, will you not be able to reach the height you want. "

Tang Yu wanted to tell Ian clearly, wanting Ian to know whether this matter was right, whether the goal he had set before was right, whether there would be some things that he did wrong, if he wanted to reach his height, he might have to make a little change, and if he continued like this, he would definitely not be able to reach the height he wanted.

Ian listened to Tang Yu's words, and was also thinking about something, Ian knew that he had not made progress in one aspect, and he didn't pay attention to Tang Yu and some of the previous advices, and now Ian, what Tang Yu said now, Ian had no way to ignore it anymore, so Ian also began to think seriously.

Ian didn't think that he would have any shortcomings before, but at the beginning, Ian felt that as long as he cultivated well, there would be no problems elsewhere, as long as he focused on his cultivation, he didn't care about other things, and if he was nosy, he would definitely be distracted, and he would definitely make a very slow progress.

Therefore, Ian felt that he must cultivate his own well, and he didn't have to worry about other people's affairs, so that he would make rapid progress, and when he first entered the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, it was also because of here that there were many excellent resources, so he would come here, and cultivate well against the resources here, but his current performance has been recently.

Ian is not at all satisfied with his recent performance, because he has not been in good shape at all recently, and he doesn't know what has happened recently.

Ian felt that his recent self was too out of shape, there was no improvement at all, and he didn't know what he had done wrong.

From the very beginning, Ian only focused on his own cultivation, Ian felt that the efficiency would be faster, but it didn't seem to be as fast as Amiya's progress, the efficiency was fast, he really didn't know, what he did wrong, where he needed to be corrected, so Ian recently accelerated his cultivation and planned to practice well, but it seemed that there was no progress.

Senior Tang Yu has come to talk to him more than once, but Ian can't listen to it at all, he really doesn't know what is wrong with him, and Ian has never heard any other people's opinions.

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