Ian felt that as long as he focused on his own exercise and cultivation, there must be no problem, and some problems may just be some time problems, so Ian has not stopped this day, and he has practiced very hard, and Ian feels that if he cultivates very hard, then he will definitely succeed.

But the recent performance, Ian himself has seen that he has indeed not made any progress recently, no progress at all, so it is very likely that he really has a problem, so now that Ian listens to Tang Yu's words, he is really a little panicked, and he doesn't know what to do.

Senior Tang Yu is very good to himself, Ian knows that Senior Tang Yu is too good to himself, and he always comes to teach and advise himself, but it is all his own fault, and he has not listened to Senior Tang Yu's words, but Senior Tang Yu has not given up on himself, but has been better for himself, and always comes to supervise and teach himself.

Ian now feels that Senior Tang Yu is really good to himself, so Ian now listens to Senior Tang Yu's words, and is also thinking about what he is wrong and what needs to be corrected, so Ian suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Tang Yu in front of him firmly.

Tang Yu has been silently looking at Ian in front of him, wondering when Ian will wake up and know that he has been working hard for Ian for so long, and after a while, Tang Yu saw that Ian raised his head and looked at himself, his eyes revealed firmness and flashed light, Tang Yu knew that Ian had finally figured it out.

Ian is finally going to make some changes, sure enough, there is still nothing wrong with his approach, it is still correct, and now Ian must make some changes, and he will definitely be able to break through himself, reach the height he once wanted to achieve, and become the person he wants to be.

At this time, Ian also saw that Tang Yu was also looking at himself with anticipation, so Ian plucked up his courage and said to Tang Yu.

"I see, but.... What should I do. "

Ian hadn't said so many words for a long time, especially in himself, he used to think that these things, he had never felt that there was no need to say them, but now he said them, so Tang Yu saw that Ian began to raise his head and say so many words to himself, Tang Yu was also very pleased, at least Ian began to make some progress.

Tang Yu smiled with satisfaction, looking at Ian who was looking at him in front of him, Tang Yu said to Ian.

"You've finally taken your first step, it's a big step forward, it's already good. "

Tang Yu felt that this Ian had finally made a little change and spoke, Ian would never say these words before, even if he forced Ian to say it, Ian would not say it, and now he can make such a change, it is really a great progress, and I don't know why Ian has never spoken, but now that Ian has spoken, it is a particularly big progress, and he can let Ian say some words buried in his heart in the future.

Ian heard Tang Yu's words, and Ian didn't expect it, it turned out that because of this matter, he never thought about it, he wanted to focus on it, and he was very focused on cultivating himself, but he didn't expect it to become a stumbling block on his cultivation road, so Ian looked at Tang Yu in front of him in a daze.

Tang Yu saw Ian, looking stunned and dumbfounded, Tang Yu smiled, Tang Yu knew that this Ian, before, he didn't listen to his words at all, so he was immersed in his own world, and he couldn't hear or want to listen to other people's words, so he didn't know what he was doing wrong, and where he should make some changes.

However, Tang Yu felt that fortunately, this Ian was starting to open his mind now, this was a good start, and he would start to cultivate well here in the future, and Ian was about to start his own cultivation path, as long as Ian made changes, his cultivation path would be much smoother.

Tang Yu looked at Ian looking at his eyes, looking forward to it, so Tang Yu looked at Ian, and then said to Ian with a smile.

"You're just too closed-minded, you don't pay attention to a lot of things, you just know that you are immersed in your own world, completely isolated from the outside world, which is very wrong, although I know that you yourself may feel that this is nothing. "

Hearing this, Ian nodded, that's right, I never realized that what I did was wrong, because I didn't have to be distracted, I could focus on doing my own thing, I didn't have to pay attention to other people, people outside, what happened, so my efficiency, isn't it a little faster, I've always thought like this, and I never felt that I did something wrong.

Then Tang Yu saw that Ian heard his words and nodded, Tang Yu knew that he had not guessed wrong, this Ian, it really is, I don't know at all, what is right and what is wrong, if it goes on like this, it will be ruined sooner or later, stay in your own world with no one to enlighten you, if there has been no progress, maybe, when Ian will go crazy, it is not certain.

So Tang Yu sighed, shook his head, and continued to say to Ian in front of him.

"I know that what you thought before might be like this, you must have wanted to immerse yourself in your own world, and that's fine, but are you, because you're afraid, afraid of coming into contact with others, afraid of the complicated world, and use these things as an excuse? "

Tang Yu is just guessing, guessing what Ian may have experienced before, so listening to the fear of contact with others, especially, the more complicated things, Ian may selectively shield them, which is also very possible, otherwise there is very little heat, it has always been like this, such a character, it is very likely, because of the environment of life, or the sudden blow of something, so there will be a situation like Ian.

When Ian heard Tang Yu's words, his heart suddenly throbbed, and then he frowned, his eyes were empty, Tang Yu looked at Ian with such an expression of action, Tang Yu knew that yes, it seems that he has experienced something, and he can only let Ian speak it himself, and there are some knots in his heart, which can only be solved by himself, otherwise there is no way to solve it, just in the bottom of his heart, slowly let it go.

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